less then 51 months and he's traveled more then any President..

Obama is just a puppet

all he does is read a script and travel around the country to spill his hateful speeches that are written for him

the man couldn't even pronounce a name in the military he is CIC of for crying out loud...He reads it from his script and call's him, Corpse-man

him and his wifey poo has soaked us good though, fundraisers, television shows, vacations in Marthas vineyard, Hawaii, golf every weekend, parties at the white house seems like nightly, etc

but you see, they are ENTITLED because it's the first time in her life Michelle has been proud of us
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This speaks for itself... in a time of financial crisis with millions out of work and more millions on government tab, guess what our "globetrotter-wanna-a-be" does.. more trips!

President Barack Obama has spent more time traveling abroad than other U.S. president in history at this point in their presidencies, according to a forthcoming study from the National Taxpayer Union Foundation (NTUF) provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of its public release.
The most internationally well-traveled President, through five years, is also flying the most expensive-to-operate Air Force One to date,” NTUF wrote.
After five years in the White House, Obama has taken 31 trips for a total of 119 days abroad. At that point in George W. Bush’s presidency, Bush had taken 28 trips for 116 days, while Bill Clinton had taken 27 trips for 113 days. Ronald Reagan, after five years, had taken 14 trips for 73 days while Richard Nixon had taken 12 trips for 60 days after five years in the White House and Lyndon Johnson took 10 trips for 34 days at the half-decade mark. Dwight Eisenhower took 8 trips for 31 days after five years in the White House.

Exclusive - Study: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History Through Five Years

we have had MANY international incidents due to the wars and economic crashes started by the previous admin
Libtards were singing a different tune when Bush was President.

All these "little drops in the bucket" add up to 17 trillion Dollars.

The debt while Obama has been in office is $17 trillion?

idiots leftists read stuff into the posts of others that isnt there

What stuff.

You folks keep touting this "lie" that Obama is responsible for the entire debt.

It's bullshit.

And the DEFICIT is going down.

The government is SPENDING less money then when Bush was in office.

And taking in MORE money.
No, this really does not ‘speak for itself.’ If you think that the president’s itinerary is a fiscal problem then you really do not understand the numbers involved. This is not a drop in the bucket – it is far smaller than that. I am not going to presume to judge the president on the fact that he travels – a very important part of doing his job.

Now, the CONTENT of those travels are fair game. When he goes overseas and says or does things that you or I disagree with then we have something to debate. The fact that he went overseas though – that is not an issue.

Libtards were singing a different tune when Bush was President.

All these "little drops in the bucket" add up to 17 trillion Dollars.

And? I am used to the traditional libtard defense of ‘but they do it too’ but are you sinking to that level? Are you now justifying faux outrage because the liberals had the same faux outrage against Bush?

Seriously, it wasn’t kosher when they attacked Bush for it and it is not kosher attacking Obama for it. The real travesty here is that there is so damn much to attack Obama on. He is doing a TERRIBLE job and pointing out his itinerary is more of a distraction than anything. It certainly is not indicative of a bad presidency.

And, no, all those little drops do not add up to 17 trillion dollars. What adds up to 17 trillion dollars is the massive increase in the welfare state, government giveaways to political cronies and massive new entitlements like the ACA among a host of other travesties that this administration has bestowed upon us. Traveling comes with the job – the other shit does not.
President Obama took office after 8 years of the neo-con bullshit. The economy was going straight down. Market down to half it prior value. 500,000 people a month losing their jobs. Two failed wars. Two of the three biggest auto makers in the US on the ropes. The man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil still free after over 7 years. That is what the accomplishments of the Bush Administration were.

Today, market at all time highs. Jobs coming back, in spite of the GOP's efforts to prevent that. One war has been wound down, the other is in the process. Justice has been served on Bin Laden. And our auto makers are doing well again. And you "Conservatives" are just sick over the whole thing. You wished for the failure of this nation. You still wish for the failure of this nation. Some of you even talk of armed rebellion or of seccession. And then immediatly tout your patriotism. What a bunch of sick assholes.
this can not be true, the liarberals here have repeatedly said that GW Bush and Laura were the most traveled and most costly in presidential history.

please recheck your facts.., here are mine:

Exclusive - Study: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History Through Five Years

well i'll danged, it seems your facts and mine are identical..., hummmm two rights must mean it's a FACT !! :up:

They got that reputation because of the 77 trips to their Texas ranch for vactation days, weekends, etc. onboard Air Force One. Typical for Brietbart, they make up a story by conveniently omitting a major component and the rw suckers jump onto the propaganda.
according to a forthcoming study from the National Taxpayer Union Foundation (NTUF) provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of its public release.

Yeah right

sorry leftardz; Mother Jones and Huff-Po cant be the source for evrything

Sorry wrong-winger. Show me something that's not provided exclusively to brietbart and I won't call it a load of shit.
this can not be true, the liarberals here have repeatedly said that GW Bush and Laura were the most traveled and most costly in presidential history.

please recheck your facts.., here are mine:

Exclusive - Study: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History Through Five Years

well i'll danged, it seems your facts and mine are identical..., hummmm two rights must mean it's a FACT !! :up:

They got that reputation because of the 77 trips to their Texas ranch for vactation days, weekends, etc. onboard Air Force One. Typical for Brietbart, they make up a story by conveniently omitting a major component and the rw suckers jump onto the propaganda.

So 77 trips to Bush's Texas office vs how many trips to Europe, China, Martha's Vineyard for Obozo and crew for vacation pleasure.
The president has taken very few vacation days compared to other presidents. If you don't know this by now, you are fucking clueless and there is no hope.

Just as every December comes with the annual Fox News War on Christmas, there is a right-wing ritual that engages whenever President Obama and his family take a vacation. The wingnut whine factory ratchets up its outrage at the deplorable notion of a presidential holiday, particularly if the president isn’t a Republican whose vacations are always proper and well deserved.

Fox Nation

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The latest hissy fit being thrown by the right comes from the Fox News community website Fox Nation (whose many documented lies can be found in the acclaimed ebook Fox Nation vs. Reality). The article sports a shocking headline that asserts that President Obama has taken more vacation time than private sector workers – as if that comparison had any relevance to anything. After all, how many private sector workers are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even while they are on vacation?

But even the obvious inaptness of the example doesn’t come close to the dishonesty proffered by the Fox Nationalists. Their source is CNSNews, a division of Brent Bozell’s uber-rightist Media Research Center. CNSNews in turn cites as its source the rabidly right-wing Government Accountability Institute (GAI), which was founded and run by the same pseudo-journalistic charlatans who bring you Breibart News.

GAI’s report takes data from the Bureau of Labor Management and spins it into an unrecognizable slop of fraudulent PR. They state that Obama’s average vacation days per year (21.5) exceeds that of private sector workers who have been at their jobs for five years, which GAI reports as 19 days. However, a quick glance at the actual BLM data (pdf) shows that the 19 day figure is a mean average that is brought down by the 20% of workers who get less than 15 days of vacation, and some as little as two days. In fact, the number of employees who get 15-19 days off is only about 20%. The majority of private sector workers (60%) get greater than 20 days of vacation. So the truth that GAI and Fox is concealing is that most private sector workers get more vacation than President Obama. That, of course, is the complete opposite of what their headline and article assert.

And just to add some context, these conservative dissemblers also fail to note that Obama has taken far fewer days off than his predecessor, George W. Bush. Obama’s average of 21.5 vacation days per year makes him look like a workaholic compared to Bush’s 110 day average per year – more than five times Obama’s. But if you’re a rich white Republican you can’t be accused of being lazy or shiftless when you are enjoying some leisure time at your ranch in Crawford or on your yacht in Kennebunkport.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Obama Vacation Myth | News Corpse

Now, please get a life.
The president has taken very few vacation days compared to other presidents. If you don't know this by now, you are fucking clueless and there is no hope.

Just as every December comes with the annual Fox News War on Christmas, there is a right-wing ritual that engages whenever President Obama and his family take a vacation. The wingnut whine factory ratchets up its outrage at the deplorable notion of a presidential holiday, particularly if the president isn’t a Republican whose vacations are always proper and well deserved.

Fox Nation

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The latest hissy fit being thrown by the right comes from the Fox News community website Fox Nation (whose many documented lies can be found in the acclaimed ebook Fox Nation vs. Reality). The article sports a shocking headline that asserts that President Obama has taken more vacation time than private sector workers – as if that comparison had any relevance to anything. After all, how many private sector workers are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even while they are on vacation?

But even the obvious inaptness of the example doesn’t come close to the dishonesty proffered by the Fox Nationalists. Their source is CNSNews, a division of Brent Bozell’s uber-rightist Media Research Center. CNSNews in turn cites as its source the rabidly right-wing Government Accountability Institute (GAI), which was founded and run by the same pseudo-journalistic charlatans who bring you Breibart News.

GAI’s report takes data from the Bureau of Labor Management and spins it into an unrecognizable slop of fraudulent PR. They state that Obama’s average vacation days per year (21.5) exceeds that of private sector workers who have been at their jobs for five years, which GAI reports as 19 days. However, a quick glance at the actual BLM data (pdf) shows that the 19 day figure is a mean average that is brought down by the 20% of workers who get less than 15 days of vacation, and some as little as two days. In fact, the number of employees who get 15-19 days off is only about 20%. The majority of private sector workers (60%) get greater than 20 days of vacation. So the truth that GAI and Fox is concealing is that most private sector workers get more vacation than President Obama. That, of course, is the complete opposite of what their headline and article assert.

And just to add some context, these conservative dissemblers also fail to note that Obama has taken far fewer days off than his predecessor, George W. Bush. Obama’s average of 21.5 vacation days per year makes him look like a workaholic compared to Bush’s 110 day average per year – more than five times Obama’s. But if you’re a rich white Republican you can’t be accused of being lazy or shiftless when you are enjoying some leisure time at your ranch in Crawford or on your yacht in Kennebunkport.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Obama Vacation Myth | News Corpse

Now, please get a life.
Fuck you.
Any "source" that spews "right wing", "uber rightist" "pseudo journalist" is instantly dismissable. If the facts are wrong, cite credible facts. No need to go name calling. The facts will speak for themselves. And the facts are we have a president marked by a desire to live the life of a celebrity, but without all that work involved.
President Obama took office after 8 years of the neo-con bullshit. The economy was going straight down. Market down to half it prior value. 500,000 people a month losing their jobs. Two failed wars. Two of the three biggest auto makers in the US on the ropes. The man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil still free after over 7 years. That is what the accomplishments of the Bush Administration were.

Today, market at all time highs. Jobs coming back, in spite of the GOP's efforts to prevent that. One war has been wound down, the other is in the process. Justice has been served on Bin Laden. And our auto makers are doing well again. And you "Conservatives" are just sick over the whole thing. You wished for the failure of this nation. You still wish for the failure of this nation. Some of you even talk of armed rebellion or of seccession. And then immediatly tout your patriotism. What a bunch of sick assholes.

OLD rocks...(SMS) Selective Memory Syndrome at play!!!
Do you remember the $5 trillion market loss due to the dot.com bubble bust that started under Clinton? But you blame Bush??
Do you remember there was a RECESSION that like ALL recessions START months before they are officially declared.. started 3/01 and over 11/01 Blame Bush?
And of course you are part of the tin-foil crowd that say Bush put C-4 in WTC, hired 9/11 bombers to fly 3 jets into buildings .. remember 9/11?? Blame Bush I bet right??
And of course since YOU believe Obama is a Messiah like the Newsweek editor "sort of a God".. where was your God Obama when the worst hurricane SEASONS.. not
just one, two etc... BUT SEASONS occurred and again you blame Bush for that???

And of course your SMS allows you to forget that:
1) THE RECESSION that started declining in 2000 and was officially started in 3/2001 Contributed to businesses letting people go...i.e. contributed to UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
2) There was a dot.com bubble bust in that cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
3) A minor event --- 9/11! 800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!

So if in spite of nearly 3 million jobs lost due to Recession/dot.com/9/11 and worst hurricanes IF those events hadn't occurred that would have been a total of
nearly 10 million more people working at the end of 2008 then at the beginning!
lol, news corpse

would that be pronounced like CORPSE-MAN?

[ame=http://youtu.be/dlkK65y_-T4]Obama can't pronounce "corpsman" - YouTube[/ame]
Again.. for those of you like "NO Rocks" that suffer from "SMS"!!!
That "failing war"???
1) 2.7 million NOW alive that would have starved if your beloved Saddam were still alive!!!
2) That Saddam continued to allow children to be starved while he added to the 91 palaces he built with the "Oil for Food" program?
3) "So the Iraq war was, despite all that went wrong, a good thing; the "overwhelming majority" of Iraqis are (and presumably feel) better off because of it"
The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg put the question to Barham Salih, the former prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan's regional government and a former deputy prime minister of Iraq's federal government.
"But," he added, "it's important to understand where we started from. ... Literally hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were sent to mass graves. Ten years on from the demise of Saddam Hussein, we're still discovering mass graves across Iraq. And Iraqis are better off without Saddam Hussein --
the overwhelming majority of Iraqis are better off without Saddam Hussein."
So the Iraq war was, despite all that went wrong, a good thing; the "overwhelming majority" of Iraqis are (and presumably feel) better off because of it; and the fault for all that has gone wrong is ultimately with Iraqis themselves: It's a remarkable point of view to encounter in June 2013.

10 Years After the Fall of Saddam, How Do Iraqis Look Back on the War? - J.J. Gould - The Atlantic

What was the MAIN reason for the Liberation of Iraq?
1) violations by Saddam of the 1991 Cease Fire. You do realize the 1991 Desert Storm was never officially over?
You do realize when Saddam broke the Cease fire he resumed the 1991 Desert Storm conflict?
2) You do realize the 2.7 million are alive today that would have starved to death if Saddam were alive today because he would still ignore the sanctions?
3) You do realize 28 million people are free to choose and I'm sure you don't know it but their per person GDP has increased from under Saddam over 1,760%
4) You do realize Iraq today is one of the 10 countries that are expected to have the most economic growth in 2014, ranked from first to last by percentage of GDP growth:
(1) Mongolia, 15.3 percent
(2) Sierra Leone, 11.2 percent
(3) Turkmenistan, 9.2 percent
(4) Two-way tie: Bhutan, 8.8 percent;

You would like to see this ecological disaster continue right .. because YOU loved Saddam.. Right??
"It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now: after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
"... the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?" Pelley asked.
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction. And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.
Resurrecting Eden - 60 Minutes Videos - CBS News

But of course you no rocks of the board... WILL NOT admit this because it goes against the teachings of Obama !

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