Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.

Not the liberal version......the left wing version.

Liberals are not in for this kind of thing.
Clueless^^. Cripes you know all the bs Definitions, dupe. Just stick to Dems and GOP dupes...
Everyone at those demonstrations voted for Hillary. What is the threat? They will vote against him again? Who cares?

Does any cogent human think that this massive Pussy Riot will induce even a single Trump voter to vote against him next time? If so, you are delusional. Demonstrations like this (idiotic, pointless, not grounded in reality) are WHY WE VOTED FOR TRUMP!

Parenthetically, one might say of the women carrying signs telling Trump to keep his hands off their pussies...looking at them closely, their pussies are in no danger.

Snowflakes are all about optics over results.
Linda Sansour was on Rachel Maddow and she told him that she was pro Sharia law.

How is that fake news, snowflake?

Nobody cares, conspiracee nutjob.

Sharia Law/supremacist my butt, conspiracee nutjob. Sharia law would never go OVER US law, etc etc. Watch some football and relax ferchrissake.

She said it to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. I linked the video. Watch it and STFU.

I did watch it. You're a gd idiot.
You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?

Nitwit....the demonstration were NOT do deny Trump the oval office....YES, he won.
The demonstrations were a WARNING to elected officials in congress that many of Trump's policies, if enacted by them, will deny them reelection.....Simple as that.

Such as?

I have never understood what they were protesting! It is all incoherent babbling.
Linda Sansour was on Rachel Maddow and she told him that she was pro Sharia law.

How is that fake news, snowflake?

Nobody cares, conspiracee nutjob.

Sharia Law/supremacist my butt, conspiracee nutjob. Sharia law would never go OVER US law, etc etc. Watch some football and relax ferchrissake.

She said it to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. I linked the video. Watch it and STFU.

I did watch it. You're a gd idiot.

So, she supports Sharia law and she is an organizer of yesterday's march.

That's what I said initially and you called it fake news.

What specifically do I have wrong and what specifically is the truth?
It seems that the "massive" demonstrations "all over the planet" are an indication of a global anti-American conspiracy. The fact that most of the women involved in the demonstration voiced cliches like solidarity and "women's rights" indicates that they ain't got a clue. The fact that left wing feminist groups who claimed to be pro-life were ostracized indicates the chilling reminder that the demonstration was a celebration of the killing of the unborn.

I want the libs to explain what happened to the marches in Teheran, Riyadh, Kabul, and all of those Islamic countries that fully support women's rights.
Liberals aren't happy with the outcome of the Election?

Gee, who knew.

Biden wins, Warren wins, sanders probably wins, but noooooooo, fucktards ran clinton, cause it was her turn and they were so secure in their own arrogance they simply thought they could not lose.

If they had any brains whatsoever they'd be marching on the DNC.

"Hup 2, 3, 4 we surely have been shown the door"

"5, 6, 7, 8 now we know, but it's too late"

March to the back of the bus libs, you fucked up.
^Why we marched.

So you were there?
Linda Sansour was on Rachel Maddow and she told him that she was pro Sharia law.

How is that fake news, snowflake?

Nobody cares, conspiracee nutjob.

Sharia Law/supremacist my butt, conspiracee nutjob. Sharia law would never go OVER US law, etc etc. Watch some football and relax ferchrissake.

She said it to Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. I linked the video. Watch it and STFU.

I did watch it. You're a gd idiot.

So, she supports Sharia law and she is an organizer of yesterday's march.

That's what I said initially and you called it fake news.

What specifically do I have wrong and what specifically is the truth?

The truth is is you're a brainwashed ignorant hater dupe, and she barely mentioned Sharia and it will never trump US law, dupe. Leave it to hater dupes to take a protest thread and turn it into a paranoid muslim one...It's people like you who make a few Muslim-Americans hate America. And blacks, furriners etc etc...
It seems that the "massive" demonstrations "all over the planet" are an indication of a global anti-American conspiracy. The fact that most of the women involved in the demonstration voiced cliches like solidarity and "women's rights" indicates that they ain't got a clue. The fact that left wing feminist groups who claimed to be pro-life were ostracized indicates the chilling reminder that the demonstration was a celebration of the killing of the unborn.

I want the libs to explain what happened to the marches in Teheran, Riyadh, Kabul, and all of those Islamic countries that fully support women's rights.
Countries supported thru thick and thin by the GOP. Love those RW dictatorships and oligarchies...
Trump went with the GOP because he was astute enough to realize that the Democratic Party had veered to the left and no longer represented the views of most Americans. So who's dumb?

Well obviously YOU are the dumb one.......If you nitwits "think" that Hillary Clinton was too "leftist", you've just proven who is truly dumb.

Hillary was a leftist as she was a liberal. Hillary is truly dumb if she thought she could fool people into believing she was not a corrupt egomaniac.
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Trump supports neither of the first two and the third is an inconvenient truth for libs.
Yes, and you people did such a fine job picking your nominee; one under FBI investigation and ton of baggage.

never liked Hillary.......But I voted for the lesser of the two evils.....he won and we'll all pay the price for your naivete.

Better than paying for your stupidity!

Hey! That even rhymes!
No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.

The idea for the Women's march started by Linda Sansour on November 9th. It had nothing to do with "buyers remorse" or Spicer or the policies of candidates up for election in 2020. It was a protest idea by a Muslim woman who was a fund raiser for Hamas and pro Sharia law in America....which means no abortions and no rights for women.


Just a reminder about Women's rights under Sharia law:

• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
I wonder if any of this was addressed during yesterday's rally.
Here's what you said, liar. Totally overboard.
You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?

Nitwit....the demonstration were NOT do deny Trump the oval office....YES, he won.
The demonstrations were a WARNING to elected officials in congress that many of Trump's policies, if enacted by them, will deny them reelection.....Simple as that.

Such as?

I have never understood what they were protesting! It is all incoherent babbling.

Apparently they are protesting free elections. We have one candidate from each party run for President and sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Liberals are fine when the win, but when they lose...........

Liberals like governments like they have in North Korea or Cuba where there are no real elections. They want a one-party government in this country with no opposition at all. The thing I don't understand is why they don't move to one of these countries and they would never have to protest again.
Trump went with the GOP because he was astute enough to realize that the Democratic Party had veered to the left and no longer represented the views of most Americans. So who's dumb?

Well obviously YOU are the dumb one.......If you nitwits "think" that Hillary Clinton was too "leftist", you've just proven who is truly dumb.

Hillary was a leftist as she was a liberal. Hillary is truly dumb if she thought she could fool people into believing she was not a corrupt egomaniac.
Ever consider issues, or is BS character assassination it?
You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?

Nitwit....the demonstration were NOT do deny Trump the oval office....YES, he won.
The demonstrations were a WARNING to elected officials in congress that many of Trump's policies, if enacted by them, will deny them reelection.....Simple as that.

Such as?

I have never understood what they were protesting! It is all incoherent babbling.

Apparently they are protesting free elections. We have one candidate from each party run for President and sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Liberals are fine when the win, but when they lose...........

Liberals like governments like they have in North Korea or Cuba where there are no real elections. They want a one-party government in this country with no opposition at all. The thing I don't understand is why they don't move to one of these countries and they would never have to protest again.
OH, sthu. We'd like an election where Putin and Comey don't decide who wins...
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Trump supports neither of the first two and the third is an inconvenient truth for libs.
He's not GOP, thank god. We hope as you do lol...
More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Idiot dupes worship the lying, cheating GOP rich and hate the poor, often themselves. The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (2007---750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Thanks to eight years of libturds running a shit show!

The adults can now get things back on track
Reaganism just rolls on, dingbat dupe, defended to the death by your lying, cheating, bought off heroes. Hopefully Trump isn't so stupid...
Well we know eight years of obummer comes undone this week! Reagans passed on, in case you didn't know. Shit a fking Clinton's been there since. You need some new material.
Fk, you even ignored obummer's scapegoat
Trump will do much better given his business savy and ability to pick winning teams.

LOL on business savvy (2 v's, btw, nitwit)


LOL on picking "winning teams"



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