Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

Women's march could be good for every one, the president works for all Americans, winning still means you work for all. be nice to women, a woman is how you got here.
Sharia law does not have those tenets?

What are the specific rules of Sharia Law with regards women? Correct the ones I supposedly have wrong.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Even though they are the rich. Pretty stupid

If the rich were forced to give up every dime they have we still couldn't fund al of that shit.
Pure fear mongered duperie, dupe.
And you all haven't learned to stop it
Proud hater dupe.
Linda Sansour was on Rachel Maddow and she told him that she was pro Sharia law.

How is that fake news, snowflake?
No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.

What did they accomplish, other than destroying public property, creating litter, and showing their collective asses?

So tell me, which of his policies that he has implemented has pissed you off so far?
Sharia law does not have those tenets?

What are the specific rules of Sharia Law with regards women? Correct the ones I supposedly have wrong.
That the protest has anything to do with it. LOL@the dupes....

I said the march could be for all Women's rights. Not just snowflake women.

The march was conceived by a Muslim woman who believes in Sharia law.

You don't even know what "fake news" is. You're a parrot.
Well, right wingers, you can lull and fool yourselves into thinking that these massive demonstrations are just a bunch of silly liberals (some of your cohorts called these women, lesbians ...as if in their stupidity that was a slur.......cows, bitches, etc.)

Well, the price for such ignorance, misogyny and sexism will be very high.

Yeah, they paid a high price.

They won a presidency with a moron.

They kept the senate they were supposed to lose.

They'll make the SCOTUS conservative again (Ginsburg can't die fast enough...or painfully enough).

A truly steep price.

What's better is that there are no real potential winners on the horizon. HIllary shut them all down. So the left only has Lizzy Warren......what a treat.

Well, I better not say that...hunh ? After all, NOBODY expected Trump to win.....and guess what.
And now.....everything that happens.....everything....is on the GOP. Did I mention everything?

Why not ? After all, they own the show....for now.

So, let's see what happens.

Me, I am not to worried.

Trump is a fool.....but given the last two losers.....this country seems pretty foolproof.
Well, right wingers, you can lull and fool yourselves into thinking that these massive demonstrations are just a bunch of silly liberals (some of your cohorts called these women, lesbians ...as if in their stupidity that was a slur.......cows, bitches, etc.)

Well, the price for such ignorance, misogyny and sexism will be very high.

Every one who had their children present should be charged as unfit mothers.
Well, right wingers, you can lull and fool yourselves into thinking that these massive demonstrations are just a bunch of silly liberals (some of your cohorts called these women, lesbians ...as if in their stupidity that was a slur.......cows, bitches, etc.)

Well, the price for such ignorance, misogyny and sexism will be very high.

Every one who had their children present should be charged as unfit mothers.

They are indoctrinating their children to hate those who do not think exactly like they do.
The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.

Not the liberal version......the left wing version.

Liberals are not in for this kind of thing.
Well, right wingers, you can lull and fool yourselves into thinking that these massive demonstrations are just a bunch of silly liberals (some of your cohorts called these women, lesbians ...as if in their stupidity that was a slur.......cows, bitches, etc.)

Well, the price for such ignorance, misogyny and sexism will be very high.

Every one who had their children present should be charged as unfit mothers.

They are indoctrinating their children to hate those who do not think exactly like they do.
That would be brainwashed racist nutjob GOP ugly Americans' job, actually.
Everyone at those demonstrations voted for Hillary. What is the threat? They will vote against him again? Who cares?

Does any cogent human think that this massive Pussy Riot will induce even a single Trump voter to vote against him next time? If so, you are delusional. Demonstrations like this (idiotic, pointless, not grounded in reality) are WHY WE VOTED FOR TRUMP!

Parenthetically, one might say of the women carrying signs telling Trump to keep his hands off their pussies...looking at them closely, their pussies are in no danger.

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