Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.
The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.
You should have brought that up during the election. Oh wait, it was. You still lost!
Women who think killing babies is a right...
They want to keep killing babies

Illegals who spit in the face of laws already in place...
They want to stay, come, send money back to Mexico
yet live off of welfare at the expense of everyone else

A nation without borders is not a nation

Other countries who have been benefiting from America....
Bail us out, give us your jobs, free education in the u.s.a.

America first is pro Nazi and a bad thing?


Bitches, in 4 years you'll see more of us show up to vote
to make sure you fucks are pissed another 4 years,

Above an example of the misogyny that constitutes the Trump base (precisely what the demonstration were all about.)

But, its good to know that the above idiot can repeat what he's heard on FOX so accurately.LOL
Above an example of the misogyny that constitutes the Trump base (precisely what the demonstration were all about.)

But, its good to know that the above idiot can repeat what he's heard on FOX so accurately.LOL


Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification.

Hypocritical bunch of bullshit....
Let's look at Madonna and Katy Perry,
belittling of women, violence against women, sexual objectification
those 2 whores have made MILLIONS, MAKING A LIVING

The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.

More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.
Luckily, we're still hoping he just said those lies and bs to win over the dupes. Worked perfectly...
The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.

More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.
The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.

More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.
Luckily, we're still hoping he just said those lies and bs to win over the dupes. Worked perfectly...
And you lost, priceless
Trump went with the GOP because he was astute enough to realize that the Democratic Party had veered to the left and no longer represented the views of most Americans. So who's dumb?

Well obviously YOU are the dumb one.......If you nitwits "think" that Hillary Clinton was too "leftist", you've just proven who is truly dumb.

Hillary Clinton? She's always been all about the money and the power. She could care less about anything else. The Democratic Party was so corrupt this election cycle that you got STUCK with Clinton because her minions in the DNC (like Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile) knee capped anyone else who tried to run against her! So who was really "dumb", Nat?
We are learning day by day that the Angry Vaginas both on and off of this board will soon be advocating fascism.
Well, right wingers, you can lull and fool yourselves into thinking that these massive demonstrations are just a bunch of silly liberals (some of your cohorts called these women, lesbians ...as if in their stupidity that was a slur.......cows, bitches, etc.)

Well, the price for such ignorance, misogyny and sexism will be very high.

More votes from the rust belt states for the GOP in 2018 is all this created.

Can't thank you all enough.
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Donald Trump isn't going to push an anti-abortion agenda. It's never been his thing.

Nobody on the right is telling women they must accept lower pay than men...that whole liberal narrative has been debunked repeatedly. Donald Trump doesn't have that viewpoint. Women don't make less for doing the same job as a man in today's world. What you on the left have done is take different jobs and declare that they should receive equal compensation.

What Trump pointed out to minorities is that they get lip service from liberals every election cycle but progressive policies hurt them more than help them! Amazingly...some of them listened to him and realized he was right. Democrats have been keeping blacks on the government "plantation" since LBJ!
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Donald Trump isn't going to push an anti-abortion agenda. It's never been his thing.

Nobody on the right is telling women they must accept lower pay than men...that whole liberal narrative has been debunked repeatedly. Donald Trump doesn't have that viewpoint. Women don't make less for doing the same job as a man in today's world. What you on the left have done is take different jobs and declare that they should receive equal compensation.

What Trump pointed out to minorities is that they get lip service from liberals every election cycle but progressive policies hurt them more than help them! Amazingly...some of them listened to him and realized he was right. Democrats have been keeping blacks on the government "plantation" since LBJ!

The only truth Nat knows is his own.

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