Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.

More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Even though they are the rich. Pretty stupid

If the rich were forced to give up every dime they have we still couldn't fund al of that shit.
EXACTLY ^^^^^^
The difference between the demonstrators of yesteryear and today is that those during the 60's could not name a single right that they had, while the protesters of today could not name a singe right that they lost or don't have.

Trump has no plans for paid family leave, child care, or equal pay 9for women] outlined on his website......Plus, he stated that women should be PUNISHED if they have an abortion.

More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

And then those giant corps close down here and we lose jobs. If you can't take care of your children, don't have them. Why are people having children they can't take care of and then it becomes my responsibility--a person that decided not to have children for that very reason?
People have children and at best mistakes happen. Why does the richest country in the world have so many workers unable to make enough to live on? LYING GOP and SILLY DUPES LIKE YOU!

Maybe because they are all on some government program that influences them not to work. Did you ever think of that? How can the middle-class not disappear when over one-third or our population of working age are not working nor looking for a job?
More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

And then those giant corps close down here and we lose jobs. If you can't take care of your children, don't have them. Why are people having children they can't take care of and then it becomes my responsibility--a person that decided not to have children for that very reason?
People have children and at best mistakes happen. Why does the richest country in the world have so many workers unable to make enough to live on? LYING GOP and SILLY DUPES LIKE YOU!
Cause eight years of shit jobs after a promise of hope, which resulted in what you're talking about. Shameful
The GOP blocked all solutions, brainwashed functional moron. Read something.
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Trump supports neither of the first two and the third is an inconvenient truth for libs.
Your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence is an inconvenient truth for libs? Explain. Are you a proud racist now?
More lies, huh?

Trump stated that if abortion were illegal and a woman had one anyway, yes, she should be punished; not because she had an abortion, but because she broke the law. In case you haven't noticed, that's what we do with people who break the law in our country.

Next, the equal pay act for women did pass...........BACK IN 1963! This whole phony equal pay nonsense is a made-up issue. It's already been resolved but the puppet masters understand their followers don't have that information. They really think this is something new. It's a lie used to promote the other lie of War on Women.

Now that we are 20 trillion in debt and companies continue to leave the US because it's too expensive to manufacture here, who is going to finance this Paid Family Leave? You know when I was a kid, government didn't take care of children. We had an outside entity to do that. They were called parents.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Idiot dupes worship the lying, cheating GOP rich and hate the poor, often themselves. The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (2007---750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Thanks to eight years of libturds running a shit show!

The adults can now get things back on track
Reaganism just rolls on, dingbat dupe, defended to the death by your lying, cheating, bought off heroes. Hopefully Trump isn't so stupid...

Reaganism just rolls on,

After 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama, what remnants of Reaganism survived?
Why didn't Clinton and Obama fix them?
You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?

Nitwit....the demonstration were NOT do deny Trump the oval office....YES, he won.
The demonstrations were a WARNING to elected officials in congress that many of Trump's policies, if enacted by them, will deny them reelection.....Simple as that.

Such as?

I have never understood what they were protesting! It is all incoherent babbling.

Apparently they are protesting free elections. We have one candidate from each party run for President and sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Liberals are fine when the win, but when they lose...........

Liberals like governments like they have in North Korea or Cuba where there are no real elections. They want a one-party government in this country with no opposition at all. The thing I don't understand is why they don't move to one of these countries and they would never have to protest again.
OH, sthu. We'd like an election where Putin and Comey don't decide who wins...

They didn't, your lying leaders just told you that because YOU are such a dupe that you believe them.

I understand you're a little slow, but don't you see a pattern here?

Trump won--it was Putin's doing

Bush won second term--it was because of Diebold voting machines.

Bush won first term--it was because of hanging chads, punch card ballots and the Supreme Court.

The party of excuses strikes again and clowns like you are their prime target.
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Trump supports neither of the first two and the third is an inconvenient truth for libs.
Your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence is an inconvenient truth for libs? Explain. Are you a proud racist now?
Just successful and appreciate a fking thank you from fks like you
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Idiot dupes worship the lying, cheating GOP rich and hate the poor, often themselves. The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (2007---750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Thanks to eight years of libturds running a shit show!

The adults can now get things back on track
Reaganism just rolls on, dingbat dupe, defended to the death by your lying, cheating, bought off heroes. Hopefully Trump isn't so stupid...

Reaganism just rolls on,

After 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama, what remnants of Reaganism survived?
Why didn't Clinton and Obama fix them?
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Idiot dupes worship the lying, cheating GOP rich and hate the poor, often themselves. The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (2007---750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Thanks to eight years of libturds running a shit show!

The adults can now get things back on track
Reaganism just rolls on, dingbat dupe, defended to the death by your lying, cheating, bought off heroes. Hopefully Trump isn't so stupid...
Well we know eight years of obummer comes undone this week! Reagans passed on, in case you didn't know. Shit a fking Clinton's been there since. You need some new material.
Fk, you even ignored obummer's scapegoat
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Idiot dupes worship the lying, cheating GOP rich and hate the poor, often themselves. The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (2007---750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Thanks to eight years of libturds running a shit show!

The adults can now get things back on track
Reaganism just rolls on, dingbat dupe, defended to the death by your lying, cheating, bought off heroes. Hopefully Trump isn't so stupid...
Well we know eight years of obummer comes undone this week! Reagans passed on, in case you didn't know. Shit a fking Clinton's been there since. You need some new material.
Fk, you even ignored obummer's scapegoat
REAGANISM, stupid.
Every other country in the world but New Guinea has paid parental leave. We need cheap TRAINING and ed for GOOD TECH JOBS going begging. Paid for by higher taxes on bloated 1% etc and giant corps.

The ONLY idea EVERY Lib has, "make the rich pay for it".
Idiot dupes worship the lying, cheating GOP rich and hate the poor, often themselves. The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (2007---750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Thanks to eight years of libturds running a shit show!

The adults can now get things back on track
Reaganism just rolls on, dingbat dupe, defended to the death by your lying, cheating, bought off heroes. Hopefully Trump isn't so stupid...

Reaganism just rolls on,

After 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama, what remnants of Reaganism survived?
Why didn't Clinton and Obama fix them?
Low tax rates on the rich and corps, duh. Crap min wage, expensive college etc etc. GOP OBSTRUCTION DUHHHHHHHHHHHH.
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Trump supports neither of the first two and the third is an inconvenient truth for libs.
Your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence is an inconvenient truth for libs? Explain. Are you a proud racist now?
Just successful and appreciate a fking thank you from fks like you
Not you, stupid. People are supposed to TY for being successful? Dupes!!
You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?

Nitwit....the demonstration were NOT do deny Trump the oval office....YES, he won.
The demonstrations were a WARNING to elected officials in congress that many of Trump's policies, if enacted by them, will deny them reelection.....Simple as that.

Such as?

I have never understood what they were protesting! It is all incoherent babbling.

Apparently they are protesting free elections. We have one candidate from each party run for President and sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Liberals are fine when the win, but when they lose...........

Liberals like governments like they have in North Korea or Cuba where there are no real elections. They want a one-party government in this country with no opposition at all. The thing I don't understand is why they don't move to one of these countries and they would never have to protest again.
OH, sthu. We'd like an election where Putin and Comey don't decide who wins...

They didn't, your lying leaders just told you that because YOU are such a dupe that you believe them.

I understand you're a little slow, but don't you see a pattern here?

Trump won--it was Putin's doing

Bush won second term--it was because of Diebold voting machines.

Bush won first term--it was because of hanging chads, punch card ballots and the Supreme Court.

The party of excuses strikes again and clowns like you are their prime target.
Yes they did, OBVIOUSLY. I blame the Green Party and Ralph for Bush. The rest is BS...
I said the march could be for all Women's rights. Not just snowflake women.

The march was conceived by a Muslim woman who believes in Sharia law.

You don't even know what "fake news" is. You're a parrot.

Here, moron, stop watching FOX

To ensure that the march was led by women of differing races and backgrounds, Vanessa Wruble, co-founder and Head of Campaign Operations, brought on Tamika D. Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour to serve as National Co-Chairs alongside Bob Bland.
I said the march could be for all Women's rights. Not just snowflake women.

The march was conceived by a Muslim woman who believes in Sharia law.

You don't even know what "fake news" is. You're a parrot.

Here, moron, stop watching FOX

To ensure that the march was led by women of differing races and backgrounds, Vanessa Wruble, co-founder and Head of Campaign Operations, brought on Tamika D. Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour to serve as National Co-Chairs alongside Bob Bland.

Oh look, the Angry Vagina himself is back......
They'll advocate an abrogation of our rights

How "true"

Like your "right" to tell women what to do with their bodies
Like your "right" to tell women they MUST accept lower pay than men.
Like your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence

Shove those rights right up your fat arse.

Trump supports neither of the first two and the third is an inconvenient truth for libs.
Your "right" to tell minorities that they're a burden on your claims of white omnipotence is an inconvenient truth for libs? Explain. Are you a proud racist now?
Just successful and appreciate a fking thank you from fks like you
Not you, stupid. People are supposed to TY for being successful? Dupes!!
No you stupid fk, working to give poor free money! And you don't appreciate that, you double down that the poor are more important? Still waiting for how that works! You think you'd be happy giving middle class more money to get more for the poor. Instead you want middle class out of work! That makes you fkd up
Linda Sansour was a vocal Bernie Sanders supporter.

She didn't want Hillary to win the Dem primary, so she is a misogynist.
I said the march could be for all Women's rights. Not just snowflake women.

The march was conceived by a Muslim woman who believes in Sharia law.

You don't even know what "fake news" is. You're a parrot.

Here, moron, stop watching FOX

To ensure that the march was led by women of differing races and backgrounds, Vanessa Wruble, co-founder and Head of Campaign Operations, brought on Tamika D. Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour to serve as National Co-Chairs alongside Bob Bland.

My bad. Based on your post, it's clear that Linda Sarsour had nothing to do with organizing the march.

I posted video of Linda on MSNBC talking to Rachel Maddow about Sharia law. What exactly does that have to do with Fox News?
Linda Sansour was a vocal Bernie Sanders supporter.

She didn't want Hillary to win the Dem primary, so she is a misogynist.
I said the march could be for all Women's rights. Not just snowflake women.

The march was conceived by a Muslim woman who believes in Sharia law.

You don't even know what "fake news" is. You're a parrot.

Here, moron, stop watching FOX

To ensure that the march was led by women of differing races and backgrounds, Vanessa Wruble, co-founder and Head of Campaign Operations, brought on Tamika D. Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour to serve as National Co-Chairs alongside Bob Bland.

My bad. Based on your post, it's clear that Linda Sarsour had nothing to do with organizing the march.

I posted video of Linda on MSNBC talking to Rachel Maddow about Sharia law. What exactly does that have to do with Fox News?

It's a reflexive thing with them "FOX NEWS" derp. "FAKE NEWS" derp, "ALT-RIGHT" derp.

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