Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.
Oh yeah, this is much better:


The train is leaving the station, get aboard or get lost, that is the message you should have received.
The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.
Oh yeah, this is much better:


The train is leaving the station, get aboard or get lost, that is the message you should have received.

You'll see.
Women who think killing babies is a right...
They want to keep killing babies

Illegals who spit in the face of laws already in place...
They want to stay, come, send money back to Mexico
yet live off of welfare at the expense of everyone else

A nation without borders is not a nation

Other countries who have been benefiting from America....
Bail us out, give us your jobs, free education in the u.s.a.

America first is pro Nazi and a bad thing?


Bitches, in 4 years you'll see more of us show up to vote
to make sure you fucks are pissed another 4 years,

Above an example of the misogyny that constitutes the Trump base (precisely what the demonstration were all about.)

But, its good to know that the above idiot can repeat what he's heard on FOX so accurately.LOL
I didn't say that, but the taking of a life whether it is male or female is also wrong. You can abort all you want, it is your life, I won't tell you how to live it.

Well, "Pro-Life" would imply that such folks that advocate that premise would ALSO be against wars and capital punishment......otherwise, the hypocrisy is a bit exposed, don't you think?
Liberals aren't happy with the outcome of the Election?

Gee, who knew.

Biden wins, Warren wins, sanders probably wins, but noooooooo, fucktards ran clinton, cause it was her turn and they were so secure in their own arrogance they simply thought they could not lose.

If they had any brains whatsoever they'd be marching on the DNC.

"Hup 2, 3, 4 we surely have been shown the door"

"5, 6, 7, 8 now we know, but it's too late"

March to the back of the bus libs, you fucked up.

The futility of the notion that "it is his turn" has been demonstrated by the GOP, repeatedly.

  • GHW Bush (second term), Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney.
Ancient out-of-date fiossils, not unlike Hillry Clinton
I didn't say that, but the taking of a life whether it is male or female is also wrong. You can abort all you want, it is your life, I won't tell you how to live it.

Well, "Pro-Life" would imply that such folks that advocate that premise would ALSO be against wars and capital punishment......otherwise, the hypocrisy is a bit exposed, don't you think?

No, just like those that claim to be Pro-Choice aren't really for choice. It deals with one specific issue not all. Smart people understand that.
I didn't say that, but the taking of a life whether it is male or female is also wrong. You can abort all you want, it is your life, I won't tell you how to live it.

Well, "Pro-Life" would imply that such folks that advocate that premise would ALSO be against wars and capital punishment......otherwise, the hypocrisy is a bit exposed, don't you think?

The REAL hypocrisy is conflating the life of a useless criminal slated for well deserved death penalty with the life of an innocent baby slated to be the murdered victim of a slut who could not control her body and animal instincts enough not to get knocked up, aided by some butcher claiming to be a doctor.
I expect Spicer to be among the very first "casualty" of the Trump gang of deplorables.....
If Spicer wants to hold on to an ounce of dignity, he should quit instead of Trump ordering him to go out there an lie for him.

Why ?

We've gotten used to in the last eight years.
Josh Earnest should get an award for the lies he had to tell.

How ironic is it to have a guy named Earnest to tell the lies of his boss. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.

Do you actually believe that one voter changed from Democrat to Republican because of the Tea Party?
It is estimated that over 700 U.S. cities held demonstrations AGAINST the Trump administration's rhetoric.Here'sicture:

The only thing they are demonstrating against are free elections. They want it their way or not at all. This is why they should move out of this country to one of the many places that don't have free elections. That way there would be nothing to protest. It's your way all the time with no opposition. And the best part? Those are the places where nobody has money or guns except the government and government healthcare to boot.
Well, right wingers, you can lull and fool yourselves into thinking that these massive demonstrations are just a bunch of silly liberals (some of your cohorts called these women, lesbians ...as if in their stupidity that was a slur.......cows, bitches, etc.)

Well, the price for such ignorance, misogyny and sexism will be very high.

We know.......you on the left have been telling us that for over 30 years now.
No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.

What these demonstrations prove is how childish liberals are. It's good for the rest of the country to see this. It's kind of like when you visit somebody and they have out of control brats for kids, You simply remain quiet and think "My Lord what's wrong with these parents?"

"When you see your adversary making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is step back and enjoy the show."
Rush Limbaugh
No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.
/---- What a bunch of whiny little sore losers. Boo Hoo Hoo, Ask Mommy to change your stinky diaper.
Here is the lesson America had learned:

Liberals are incapable of learning anything. After the country rejected their lies, riots, and policy in general, they thing they can double down on stupid and reclaim power.

The left is simply stupid and you can't fix that.
It's kind of like when you visit somebody and they have out of control brats for kids, You simply remain quiet and think "My Lord what's wrong with these parents?"

I think that was "exactly" what Bull Connor was thinking during the demonstrations for civil rights. LOL


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