Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

It's kind of like when you visit somebody and they have out of control brats for kids, You simply remain quiet and think "My Lord what's wrong with these parents?"

I think that was "exactly" what Bull Connor was thinking during the demonstrations for civil rights. LOL


You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?
You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?

Nitwit....the demonstration were NOT do deny Trump the oval office....YES, he won.
The demonstrations were a WARNING to elected officials in congress that many of Trump's policies, if enacted by them, will deny them reelection.....Simple as that.
You're going try to compare losing an election fair and square to civil rights?

Nitwit....the demonstration were NOT do deny Trump the oval office....YES, he won.
The demonstrations were a WARNING to elected officials in congress that many of Trump's policies, if enacted by them, will deny them reelection.....Simple as that.

They did such a good job denying him this time. Lol!
Just wait all of you dik heads till it's your turn in the barrel because he doesn't think anymore of you than he does any one else and things have a way of coming around.And did anyone notice the picture of the out going president and the incoming one the one with kids from three different women was the white guy

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No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.

1. Yea because most decent people have the intelligence to wait until the president has done something before being outraged by him.

2. Considering congress ran on many of the same issues trump won on, why do you think people will be outrage I'd they keep their promises?

3. Can you name a single person who voted for trump who was there?

If that's what you think these protests accomplished, I'm sorry but you failed.
No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.

We don't care that a bunch of whacked out bull dyke's and an addled assortment of loser's walked around screaming and looting. They, like you are sore losers. Get over it, he is your President.
They did such a good job denying him this time. Lol!

Will see, won't we if these demonstrations have had ANY impact on congress.....LOL

I hope it has an impact on Trump and Congress, I also know that mid-terms will favor the party not in the Executive Office.
I am all for protesting as long as it is peaceful, Teaparty, OWS, the million woman march. It is when violence erupts that I have an issue.
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No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.

1. Yea because most decent people have the intelligence to wait until the president has done something before being outraged by him.

2. Considering congress ran on many of the same issues trump won on, why do you think people will be outrage I'd they keep their promises?

3. Can you name a single person who voted for trump who was there?

If that's what you think these protests accomplished, I'm sorry but you failed.

My thoughts exactly. It might keep the Democrats in line, since it is their voters that were there.
The only lesson learned was the one most of us already know: Liberalism is indeed, a mental disorder.
I'm sure the fascists among you would like to start with that....going to camps for Liberals, etc. It's in your thought patterns.
Well, right wingers, you can lull and fool yourselves into thinking that these massive demonstrations are just a bunch of silly liberals (some of your cohorts called these women, lesbians ...as if in their stupidity that was a slur.......cows, bitches, etc.)

Well, the price for such ignorance, misogyny and sexism will be very high.

Yeah, they paid a high price.

They won a presidency with a moron.

They kept the senate they were supposed to lose.

They'll make the SCOTUS conservative again (Ginsburg can't die fast enough...or painfully enough).

A truly steep price.

What's better is that there are no real potential winners on the horizon. HIllary shut them all down. So the left only has Lizzy Warren......what a treat.

Well, I better not say that...hunh ? After all, NOBODY expected Trump to win.....and guess what.
And now.....everything that happens.....everything....is on the GOP. Did I mention everything?
No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.
Demonstrations have all the formidable power of on-line petitions.
Well, and then there's American Spring.

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