Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

^ Why we marched. Why the shallow people are frightened.
No president has ever had so much opposition after his first day in office......These demonstrations prove and will help prove 3 things:

1. The millions of protesters (from all over this country and all over the planet) CAN BE mobilized within a relatively short period of time.

2. All elected officials who are up for re-election in 2018 best take notice of how disgruntled the electorate currently is and you can safely bet that challengers for these seats in congress will readily report on whether incumbents are too spineless to oppose many of the policies that Trump has proposed (and will try to pass through congress.)

3. The demonstrations ALSO show that there may be massive "buyers' remorse" for many who, because of hatred toward Clinton, jumped from "the pan into the fire."

Press Secretary Spicer angrily tells us that Trump's speech yesterday was a masterful monologue aimed at unifying the country....Well, Mr. Spicer, I guess it didn't work too well.
/---- What a bunch of whiny little sore losers. Boo Hoo Hoo, Ask Mommy to change your stinky diaper.
^ Why we marched.

Of course the misogynists and their cowed women are welcome to march too......oh wait, that was American Spring, wasn't it?
The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.
Oh yeah, this is much better:


The train is leaving the station, get aboard or get lost, that is the message you should have received.
Good for her.

Yepp, women have it so damn hard. A work day and this woman has the time to make an ass out her self. She should be happy that there is some man standing in the background making sure she has the right to be an Ass.
Here is the lesson America had learned:

Liberals are incapable of learning anything. After the country rejected their lies, riots, and policy in general, they thing they can double down on stupid and reclaim power.

The left is simply stupid and you can't fix that.
You think that's the takeaway from yesterday? :lol:
The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.
Oh yeah, this is much better:


The train is leaving the station, get aboard or get lost, that is the message you should have received.
Good for her.

Yepp, women have it so damn hard. A work day and this woman has the time to make an ass out her self. She should be happy that there is some man standing in the background making sure she has the right to be an Ass.
^ Why we marched.
The Tea Party despite all its sad and comical failings did have a big impact on the 2010 elections.

The liberal version of the Tea Party started yesterday, and is already bigger and better.
Oh yeah, this is much better:


The train is leaving the station, get aboard or get lost, that is the message you should have received.
Good for her.

Yepp, women have it so damn hard. A work day and this woman has the time to make an ass out her self. She should be happy that there is some man standing in the background making sure she has the right to be an Ass.
^ Why we marched.

We agree? Women marched to prove they can be giant asses?
500000 women and men who wished they were women. Quite impressive the lesbian phone list.
Ah yes...the "they were all lesbians" line. No wonder RW men are worried. :lol: :lol:

If this is what helps you sleep at night go for it.
We aren't worried at all, you don't seem t understand how any of this works. The Right will be in power, probably 8 years and it will swing Left again. It's always cyclical and the truth is only fools think otherwise.
The Right will now own everything that goes right....that goes wrong......and we will remember.

Which is exactly why you've seen the losses you've seen over the last 6 years. I told you, it's cyclical.
Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

that true to liberal form

they are a bunch of filthy pigs that can not clean up after themselves

. Yea because most decent people have the intelligence to wait until the president has done something before being outraged by him.

true, because ALL that Trump has spewed throughout his campaign was purely bullshit......LOL
Liberals aren't happy with the outcome of the Election?

Gee, who knew.

Biden wins, Warren wins, sanders probably wins, but noooooooo, fucktards ran clinton, cause it was her turn and they were so secure in their own arrogance they simply thought they could not lose.

If they had any brains whatsoever they'd be marching on the DNC.

"Hup 2, 3, 4 we surely have been shown the door"

"5, 6, 7, 8 now we know, but it's too late"

March to the back of the bus libs, you fucked up.
^Why we marched.

cause you fucked up? Oddly enough I didn't see any signs that said anything remotely close to that.

but I know that, and so does anyone else with two brain cells to rub together, but it would be nice if y'all owned it instead of pissing and moaning as if someone stole your puppy.
Lessons "learned" from today's MASSIVE demonstrations....

that true to liberal form

they are a bunch of filthy pigs that can not clean up after themselves

Why should they? That's what government is for in their opinion.

cradle to grave

remember the life of julia

from an infant she sucked off the tit of the government

taught her kids to suck off the tit as well
We don't care that a bunch of whacked out bull dyke's

Fantastic, that's the way to garner the women's vote....just call them, "bull dykes"......
.(what an asshole)
Now compare the above with how right wingers "demonstrate"....You judge:
The right wingers protest peacefully. The LWNJs committed several acts of terrorism on Friday.

Judgement = The LWNJs have no logical arguments to support their political views therefore they must resort to senseless acts of violent terrorism. The left in this country are disgusting. Your ilk (mentally challenged LWNJ sociopaths) are so unintelligent that you think you can intimidate the reasonable and rational folks in the USA. And you are wrong.

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