Lest we forget...

Sorry, but israeli doesn't put or establish war zones anywhere. Israeli strikes are directed at threats such as islamic terrorists firing rockets. It's your islamic terrorist heroes who establishment the "war zones". As we know, your Islamic terrorist heroes use civilian areas as places to wage acts of war. How lucky for you that women and children are in the war zones your islamic terrorist heroes create. It provides you the opportunity to use those civilians caught in the crossfire as cheap propaganda.
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.


Then that is your problem isn't it, as it is the same view as most of the civilised world that see your hero's as terrorist scum
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.

What bullshit? The Hamas terrorists are not foreign appointed.

This is a bit of the alternate reality where you spend most of your time.
Can you post something without the third grade name calling?

Can you ?
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.


Then that is your problem isn't it, as it is the same view as most of the civilised world that see your hero's as terrorist scum

They are called terrorists by the worthless Israeli lackeys in our governments.
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.


Then that is your problem isn't it, as it is the same view as most of the civilised world that see your hero's as terrorist scum

They are called terrorists by the worthless Israeli lackeys in our governments.
Actually, no. You obviously missed it but with a little research, you can identify how many Islamic terrorist franchises include "Islam" in the surname for their murderous boys clubs. They actually announce that muhammedan ideology is at the core of their barbarism.
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.


Then that is your problem isn't it, as it is the same view as most of the civilised world that see your hero's as terrorist scum

They are called terrorists by the worthless Israeli lackeys in our governments.

WRONG AGAIN and stop trying to defend Palestinian islamonazi terrorism.

I'm really starting to like Rocco's idea about taking one Arab Muslim town and making it a paradise of cooperation with the Israeli people.

The caveats are that it be the town with the least terrorist activity, and IMHO it should be cleared of all combatants prior to the cooperation process.

They get say three strikes and then the Israeli's wall it off and forget it.
Phoenall said:
DO explain as Israel was not in existence when the IDF was formed ?

*sigh* Proof, if any more were needed that Phoney’s just here to make noise and run interference.

Phoney knows nothing about this topic; just rehashes what others have written. Hey Phoney, the Zionist paradise was declared 14th May 1948 and the IDF was created 26th May 1948.

Showing that you know absolutely nothing at all as the IDF like Haganah were created in the 1920's to protect Jews from attack by arab muslims. Try looking it up again rat boy if you don't believe me.

Haganah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Haganah (Hebrew: הַהֲגָנָה, lit. The Defence) was a Jewish paramilitary organization in the British Mandate of Palestine (1921–48), which became the core of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

See what I mean, first he says the IDF was created before the State of Israel was declared, then he changes his stance to "IDF-like Hagana" when I point out his error. I rest my case, he's just here to make noise and run interference.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.


Then that is your problem isn't it, as it is the same view as most of the civilised world that see your hero's as terrorist scum

They are called terrorists by the worthless Israeli lackeys in our governments.
Actually, no. You obviously missed it but with a little research, you can identify how many Islamic terrorist franchises include "Islam" in the surname for their murderous boys clubs. They actually announce that muhammedan ideology is at the core of their barbarism.

You're talking (or really typing) to a brick wall. Tinmore is their useful tool.
Phoenall said:
DO explain as Israel was not in existence when the IDF was formed ?

*sigh* Proof, if any more were needed that Phoney’s just here to make noise and run interference.

Phoney knows nothing about this topic; just rehashes what others have written. Hey Phoney, the Zionist paradise was declared 14th May 1948 and the IDF was created 26th May 1948.

Showing that you know absolutely nothing at all as the IDF like Haganah were created in the 1920's to protect Jews from attack by arab muslims. Try looking it up again rat boy if you don't believe me.

Haganah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Haganah (Hebrew: הַהֲגָנָה, lit. The Defence) was a Jewish paramilitary organization in the British Mandate of Palestine (1921–48), which became the core of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

See what I mean, first he says the IDF was created before the State of Israel was declared, then he changes his stance to "IDF-like Hagana" when I point out his error. I rest my case, he's just here to make noise and run interference.

Twisting my words again rat boy, and failing to prove anything You do know that the groups formed in the 1920's were called Israeli defence forces, and were created to protect the Jews from attack by muslim murderers. I see English is not your strong suit, and you missed the context. My fault I should have punctuated the post better seeing as semi literates would be reading it should have read as the IDF, like Haganah,
Only a few days late but May brings us the anniversary of yet another Zionist massacre, this time in the village of Ein al-Zeitun; not as well publicised as Deir Yassin, but another Zionist atrocity worthy of being remembered.

"The attack on Ein al Zeitun was conducted by the 3rd Battalion of the Palmach* under the command of Moshe Kelman, as a preliminary operation to relieve the Arab siege of the Jewish quarter of Safed. Davidka mortar bombs were used for the first time. The village was taken without much difficulty. Most of the villagers fled during the battle, and the remainder, apart from 30-100 men aged 20-40 were forcibly expelled afterwards.

The Palmach soldiers then began to destroy the village. Palmach officer Elad Peled recalled that:

"...at noon, our men began blowing up the village. The intoxication of victory blinded them and they went berserk, breaking and destroying property. The Jews of Safad saw Ein Zeitun blown up and crushed, and were overjoyed." (Morris p. 233, Abbasi p. 14)

According to Palmach soldier Nativa Ben-Yehuda, the captive men were tied up and thrown into the deep gully between Ein al Zeitun and left for two days. Kelman then decided to "get rid of this problem altogether" but most of his men refused. Finally he found two willing to do it and the prisoners were killed. Two days later, word of the massacre leaked out and it was feared that British or UN investigators would arrive, so some soldiers including Ben-Yehuda were detailed to untie the corpses and bury them." ‘May Day’ is a ‘Mourn Day’ for Ein al Zeitun Massacre
Challenge, et al,

Don't forget that in the conflict between the Jewish People and the Arabs of Palestine, neither is lily white, or has clean hands.

Only a few days late but May brings us the anniversary of yet another Zionist massacre, this time in the village of Ein al-Zeitun; not as well publicised as Deir Yassin, but another Zionist atrocity worthy of being remembered.

"The attack on Ein al Zeitun was conducted by the 3rd Battalion of the Palmach* under the command of Moshe Kelman, as a preliminary operation to relieve the Arab siege of the Jewish quarter of Safed. Davidka mortar bombs were used for the first time. The village was taken without much difficulty. Most of the villagers fled during the battle, and the remainder, apart from 30-100 men aged 20-40 were forcibly expelled afterwards.

The Palmach soldiers then began to destroy the village. Palmach officer Elad Peled recalled that:

"...at noon, our men began blowing up the village. The intoxication of victory blinded them and they went berserk, breaking and destroying property. The Jews of Safad saw Ein Zeitun blown up and crushed, and were overjoyed." (Morris p. 233, Abbasi p. 14)

According to Palmach soldier Nativa Ben-Yehuda, the captive men were tied up and thrown into the deep gully between Ein al Zeitun and left for two days. Kelman then decided to "get rid of this problem altogether" but most of his men refused. Finally he found two willing to do it and the prisoners were killed. Two days later, word of the massacre leaked out and it was feared that British or UN investigators would arrive, so some soldiers including Ben-Yehuda were detailed to untie the corpses and bury them." ‘May Day’ is a ‘Mourn Day’ for Ein al Zeitun Massacre

This fascination you have with the past, and the events of almost seven decades ago, merely to incite anger ---- create an atmosphere that is either designed or likely to provoke violence and encourage a threat to the peace;

Ein al Zeitun massacre
May 3, 1948 Instigated by Jewish militants (Palmach) 55 Casualties 37–70 Arab prisoners
--- Versus ---
Jaffa riots May 1–7, 1921 Instigated by Arabs 48 Arabs, 47 Jews killed; 140 Jews.
Kfar Etzion massacre May 13, 1948 Instigated by Arab militants and Arab Legion 127–157 Jews killed

Dwelling on the acts of anger and violence dredged-up from annals of history for the sole purpose of painting an ugly picture of the Jewish People willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish National Home on the territory which the Ottoman/Turks renounced all rights and title, is unproductive. But then it typifies the Palestinian in their ability to look backwards for reason to continue the conflict --- and not viewing forward to create an era of peace.


The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations,
before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to
Palestine to enforce partition.
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Most Respectfully,
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Thread has been cleaned of a massive derailment and is now reopened. Please discuss the topic - any further derailments will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
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Tomorrow is the anniversary of yet another Zionist atrocity, the village of Abu Shusha, near Ramle. On 13th May

"The village was attacked by the Givati Brigade on May 13–14, 1948 during Operation Barak. A few inhabitants fled but most remained. The Givati troops were immediately replaced by militia men from kibbutz Gezer, who were later replaced by troops from Kiryati Brigade.[16] On May 19, Arab Legion sources claimed that villagers were being killed. On May 21, Arab authorities appealed to the Red Cross to stop "barbaric acts" they said were being committed in Abu Shusha.[17] A Haganah soldier was reported to have twice attempted to rape a 20-year-old woman prisoner.[18] The residents that had remained in the village were expelled, apparently on 21 May.[17]

More recently, research conducted by Birzeit University, mostly on the basis of interviews with former residents, suggests that between 60-70 residents were killed or massacred during the attack.[19] In 1995 a mass grave with 52 skeletons was discovered, but their cause of death is undetermined.[20]

Israeli historian, Aryeh Yitzhaki, explains the events of Abu Shusha as a massacre citing a testimony from the Kheil Mishmar (Guard Units):

"A soldier of Kiryati Brigade captured 10 men and 2 women. All were killed except a young woman who was raped and disposed of. At the dawn of 14 May, units of Giv'ati brigade assaulted Abu Shusha village. Fleeing villagers were shot on sight. Others were killed in the streets or axed to death. Some were lined up against a wall and executed. No men were left; women had to bury the dead."[21]

The Israeli settlement of Ameilim was founded nearby later in 1948, while Pedaya was established in 1951; both on village land.[7] The remains of the village were destroyed in 1965 as part of a government operation to clear the country of abandoned villages, which were regarded by the Israel Land Administration as "a blot on the landscape".[22]

Abu Shusha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the same day the previous month there was another such massacre at Nasser Al-Din. A contingent of Lehi and Irgun (perpetrators of Dier Yassin) entered this village dressed as Arab fighters. When the people came out to greet them, the Zionists opened fire, killing 50-60 men women and children. There were 40 survivors who managed to hide or flee the massacre. The Zionists then destroyed all the houses.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of yet another Zionist atrocity, the village of Abu Shusha, near Ramle. On 13th May "The village was attacked by the Givati Brigade on May 13–14, 1948 during Operation Barak. A few inhabitants fled but most remained. The Givati troops were immediately replaced by militia men from kibbutz Gezer, who were later replaced by troops from Kiryati Brigade.[16] On May 19, Arab Legion sources claimed that villagers were being killed. On May 21, Arab authorities appealed to the Red Cross to stop "barbaric acts" they said were being committed in Abu Shusha.[17] A Haganah soldier was reported to have twice attempted to rape a 20-year-old woman prisoner.[18] The residents that had remained in the village were expelled, apparently on 21 May.[17]
More recently, research conducted by Birzeit University, mostly on the basis of interviews with former residents, suggests that between 60-70 residents were killed or massacred during the attack.[19] In 1995 a mass grave with 52 skeletons was discovered, but their cause of death is undetermined.[20]
Israeli historian, Aryeh Yitzhaki, explains the events of Abu Shusha as a massacre citing a testimony from the Kheil Mishmar (Guard Units):
"A soldier of Kiryati Brigade captured 10 men and 2 women. All were killed except a young woman who was raped and disposed of. At the dawn of 14 May, units of Giv'ati brigade assaulted Abu Shusha village. Fleeing villagers were shot on sight. Others were killed in the streets or axed to death. Some were lined up against a wall and executed. No men were left; women had to bury the dead."[21]
The Israeli settlement of Ameilim was founded nearby later in 1948, while Pedaya was established in 1951; both on village land.[7] The remains of the village were destroyed in 1965 as part of a government operation to clear the country of abandoned villages, which were regarded by the Israel Land Administration as "a blot on the landscape".[22]
Abu Shusha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On the same day the previous month there was another such massacre at Nasser Al-Din. A contingent of Lehi and Irgun (perpetrators of Dier Yassin) entered this village dressed as Arab fighters. When the people came out to greet them, the Zionists opened fire, killing 50-60 men women and children. There were 40 survivors who managed to hide or flee the massacre. The Zionists then destroyed all the houses.
Reads like the dear yasser "massacre", indeed.
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Challenge, et al,

Don't forget that in the conflict between the Jewish People and the Arabs of Palestine, neither is lily white, or has clean hands.

Only a few days late but May brings us the anniversary of yet another Zionist massacre, this time in the village of Ein al-Zeitun; not as well publicised as Deir Yassin, but another Zionist atrocity worthy of being remembered.

"The attack on Ein al Zeitun was conducted by the 3rd Battalion of the Palmach* under the command of Moshe Kelman, as a preliminary operation to relieve the Arab siege of the Jewish quarter of Safed. Davidka mortar bombs were used for the first time. The village was taken without much difficulty. Most of the villagers fled during the battle, and the remainder, apart from 30-100 men aged 20-40 were forcibly expelled afterwards.

The Palmach soldiers then began to destroy the village. Palmach officer Elad Peled recalled that:

"...at noon, our men began blowing up the village. The intoxication of victory blinded them and they went berserk, breaking and destroying property. The Jews of Safad saw Ein Zeitun blown up and crushed, and were overjoyed." (Morris p. 233, Abbasi p. 14)

According to Palmach soldier Nativa Ben-Yehuda, the captive men were tied up and thrown into the deep gully between Ein al Zeitun and left for two days. Kelman then decided to "get rid of this problem altogether" but most of his men refused. Finally he found two willing to do it and the prisoners were killed. Two days later, word of the massacre leaked out and it was feared that British or UN investigators would arrive, so some soldiers including Ben-Yehuda were detailed to untie the corpses and bury them." ‘May Day’ is a ‘Mourn Day’ for Ein al Zeitun Massacre

This fascination you have with the past, and the events of almost seven decades ago, merely to incite anger ---- create an atmosphere that is either designed or likely to provoke violence and encourage a threat to the peace;

Ein al Zeitun massacre
May 3, 1948 Instigated by Jewish militants (Palmach) 55 Casualties 37–70 Arab prisoners
--- Versus ---
Jaffa riots May 1–7, 1921 Instigated by Arabs 48 Arabs, 47 Jews killed; 140 Jews.
Kfar Etzion massacre May 13, 1948 Instigated by Arab militants and Arab Legion 127–157 Jews killed

Dwelling on the acts of anger and violence dredged-up from annals of history for the sole purpose of painting an ugly picture of the Jewish People willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish National Home on the territory which the Ottoman/Turks renounced all rights and title, is unproductive. But then it typifies the Palestinian in their ability to look backwards for reason to continue the conflict --- and not viewing forward to create an era of peace.


The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations,
before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to
Palestine to enforce partition.
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Most Respectfully,
The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.​

Indeed, they were asserting their rights.
Tomorrow is the anniversary of yet another Zionist atrocity, the village of Abu Shusha, near Ramle. On 13th May

"The village was attacked by the Givati Brigade on May 13–14, 1948 during Operation Barak. A few inhabitants fled but most remained. The Givati troops were immediately replaced by militia men from kibbutz Gezer, who were later replaced by troops from Kiryati Brigade.[16] On May 19, Arab Legion sources claimed that villagers were being killed. On May 21, Arab authorities appealed to the Red Cross to stop "barbaric acts" they said were being committed in Abu Shusha.[17] A Haganah soldier was reported to have twice attempted to rape a 20-year-old woman prisoner.[18] The residents that had remained in the village were expelled, apparently on 21 May.[17]

More recently, research conducted by Birzeit University, mostly on the basis of interviews with former residents, suggests that between 60-70 residents were killed or massacred during the attack.[19] In 1995 a mass grave with 52 skeletons was discovered, but their cause of death is undetermined.[20]

Israeli historian, Aryeh Yitzhaki, explains the events of Abu Shusha as a massacre citing a testimony from the Kheil Mishmar (Guard Units):

"A soldier of Kiryati Brigade captured 10 men and 2 women. All were killed except a young woman who was raped and disposed of. At the dawn of 14 May, units of Giv'ati brigade assaulted Abu Shusha village. Fleeing villagers were shot on sight. Others were killed in the streets or axed to death. Some were lined up against a wall and executed. No men were left; women had to bury the dead."[21]

The Israeli settlement of Ameilim was founded nearby later in 1948, while Pedaya was established in 1951; both on village land.[7] The remains of the village were destroyed in 1965 as part of a government operation to clear the country of abandoned villages, which were regarded by the Israel Land Administration as "a blot on the landscape".[22]

Abu Shusha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the same day the previous month there was another such massacre at Nasser Al-Din. A contingent of Lehi and Irgun (perpetrators of Dier Yassin) entered this village dressed as Arab fighters. When the people came out to greet them, the Zionists opened fire, killing 50-60 men women and children. There were 40 survivors who managed to hide or flee the massacre. The Zionists then destroyed all the houses.

OLD NEWS How about more up to date massacres like the ethnic cleansing of Christians by Palestinians over the last 7 years ?
Challenge, et al,

Don't forget that in the conflict between the Jewish People and the Arabs of Palestine, neither is lily white, or has clean hands.

Only a few days late but May brings us the anniversary of yet another Zionist massacre, this time in the village of Ein al-Zeitun; not as well publicised as Deir Yassin, but another Zionist atrocity worthy of being remembered.

"The attack on Ein al Zeitun was conducted by the 3rd Battalion of the Palmach* under the command of Moshe Kelman, as a preliminary operation to relieve the Arab siege of the Jewish quarter of Safed. Davidka mortar bombs were used for the first time. The village was taken without much difficulty. Most of the villagers fled during the battle, and the remainder, apart from 30-100 men aged 20-40 were forcibly expelled afterwards.

The Palmach soldiers then began to destroy the village. Palmach officer Elad Peled recalled that:

"...at noon, our men began blowing up the village. The intoxication of victory blinded them and they went berserk, breaking and destroying property. The Jews of Safad saw Ein Zeitun blown up and crushed, and were overjoyed." (Morris p. 233, Abbasi p. 14)

According to Palmach soldier Nativa Ben-Yehuda, the captive men were tied up and thrown into the deep gully between Ein al Zeitun and left for two days. Kelman then decided to "get rid of this problem altogether" but most of his men refused. Finally he found two willing to do it and the prisoners were killed. Two days later, word of the massacre leaked out and it was feared that British or UN investigators would arrive, so some soldiers including Ben-Yehuda were detailed to untie the corpses and bury them." ‘May Day’ is a ‘Mourn Day’ for Ein al Zeitun Massacre

This fascination you have with the past, and the events of almost seven decades ago, merely to incite anger ---- create an atmosphere that is either designed or likely to provoke violence and encourage a threat to the peace;

Ein al Zeitun massacre
May 3, 1948 Instigated by Jewish militants (Palmach) 55 Casualties 37–70 Arab prisoners
--- Versus ---
Jaffa riots May 1–7, 1921 Instigated by Arabs 48 Arabs, 47 Jews killed; 140 Jews.
Kfar Etzion massacre May 13, 1948 Instigated by Arab militants and Arab Legion 127–157 Jews killed

Dwelling on the acts of anger and violence dredged-up from annals of history for the sole purpose of painting an ugly picture of the Jewish People willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish National Home on the territory which the Ottoman/Turks renounced all rights and title, is unproductive. But then it typifies the Palestinian in their ability to look backwards for reason to continue the conflict --- and not viewing forward to create an era of peace.


The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations,
before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to
Palestine to enforce partition.
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Most Respectfully,
The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.​

Indeed, they were asserting their rights.

What rights are those then ?
In the interests of fairness and as RoccoR mentioned it today is the anniversary of Zionist Israel's "Alamo"

"The Kfar Etzion massacre refers to a massacre of Jews that took place after a two-day battle in which Jewish Kibbutz residents and Haganah militia defended Kfar Etzion from a combined force of the Arab Legion and local Arab men on May 13, 1948, the day before the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Of the 129 Haganah fighters and Jewish kibbutzniks who died during the defence of the settlement, Martin Gilbert states that fifteen were murdered on surrendering.[1] Controversy surrounds the responsibility and role of the Arab Legion in the killing of those who surrendered. The official Israeli version maintains that the kibbutz residents and Haganah soldiers were massacred by local Arabs and the Arab Legion of the Jordanian Army as they were surrendering." Kfar Etzion massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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