Lest we forget...

If I shoot at a burglar, how should that change my status as a civilian?

It doesn't, unless you are military, then different rules apply. But firing at the military or police in a war zone of your creation makes you a combatant. ( the Palestinians declared war on Israel remember )
It is Israel that puts its war zones in Palestinian neighborhoods.

So you have foreign troops attacking civilians.

How can you call that a war?
Sorry, but israeli doesn't put or establish war zones anywhere. Israeli strikes are directed at threats such as islamic terrorists firing rockets. It's your islamic terrorist heroes who establishment the "war zones". As we know, your Islamic terrorist heroes use civilian areas as places to wage acts of war. How lucky for you that women and children are in the war zones your islamic terrorist heroes create. It provides you the opportunity to use those civilians caught in the crossfire as cheap propaganda.
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.

... It wasn't one person alone. Each person's word carries equal weight until it's proven false, silly little man.
Yeah, so, how much weight do palistanians, lying like porn stars, carry?
The same weight as an Israeli's word.
How so? As Benni Morris, for instance, notes "The Palestinian Authority (PA) has emerged as a virtual kingdom of mendacity, where every official, from President Arafat down, spends his days lying to a succession of western journalists. The reporters routinely give the lies credence equal to or greater than what they hear from straight, or far less mendacious, Israeli officials. One day Arafat charges that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) uses uranium-tipped shells against Palestinian civilians. The next day it’s poison gas. Then, for lack of independent corroboration, the charges simply vanish – and the Palestinians go on to the next lie, again garnering headlines in western and Arab newspapers."
What can you expect from the Palestinian's foreign appointed leaders?
It doesn't, unless you are military, then different rules apply. But firing at the military or police in a war zone of your creation makes you a combatant. ( the Palestinians declared war on Israel remember )
It is Israel that puts its war zones in Palestinian neighborhoods.

So you have foreign troops attacking civilians.

How can you call that a war?
Sorry, but israeli doesn't put or establish war zones anywhere. Israeli strikes are directed at threats such as islamic terrorists firing rockets. It's your islamic terrorist heroes who establishment the "war zones". As we know, your Islamic terrorist heroes use civilian areas as places to wage acts of war. How lucky for you that women and children are in the war zones your islamic terrorist heroes create. It provides you the opportunity to use those civilians caught in the crossfire as cheap propaganda.
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
... It wasn't one person alone. Each person's word carries equal weight until it's proven false, silly little man.
Yeah, so, how much weight do palistanians, lying like porn stars, carry?
The same weight as an Israeli's word.
How so? As Benni Morris, for instance, notes "The Palestinian Authority (PA) has emerged as a virtual kingdom of mendacity, where every official, from President Arafat down, spends his days lying to a succession of western journalists. The reporters routinely give the lies credence equal to or greater than what they hear from straight, or far less mendacious, Israeli officials. One day Arafat charges that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) uses uranium-tipped shells against Palestinian civilians. The next day it’s poison gas. Then, for lack of independent corroboration, the charges simply vanish – and the Palestinians go on to the next lie, again garnering headlines in western and Arab newspapers."
What can you expect from the Palestinian's foreign appointed leaders?
The Hamas terrorists are not foreign appointed.

Why would you not expect that islamic terrorists with access to a UN funded welfare program would do anything but behave the way Islamic terrorists behave?
It is Israel that puts its war zones in Palestinian neighborhoods.

So you have foreign troops attacking civilians.

How can you call that a war?
Sorry, but israeli doesn't put or establish war zones anywhere. Israeli strikes are directed at threats such as islamic terrorists firing rockets. It's your islamic terrorist heroes who establishment the "war zones". As we know, your Islamic terrorist heroes use civilian areas as places to wage acts of war. How lucky for you that women and children are in the war zones your islamic terrorist heroes create. It provides you the opportunity to use those civilians caught in the crossfire as cheap propaganda.
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.

Sorry, but israeli doesn't put or establish war zones anywhere. Israeli strikes are directed at threats such as islamic terrorists firing rockets. It's your islamic terrorist heroes who establishment the "war zones". As we know, your Islamic terrorist heroes use civilian areas as places to wage acts of war. How lucky for you that women and children are in the war zones your islamic terrorist heroes create. It provides you the opportunity to use those civilians caught in the crossfire as cheap propaganda.
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.

What bullshit? The Hamas terrorists are not foreign appointed.

This is a bit of the alternate reality where you spend most of your time.
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.

What bullshit? The Hamas terrorists are not foreign appointed.

This is a bit of the alternate reality where you spend most of your time.
Can you post something without the third grade name calling?
Take it to the FZ and get back on topic please.
... It wasn't one person alone. Each person's word carries equal weight until it's proven false, silly little man.
Yeah, so, how much weight do palistanians, lying like porn stars, carry?
The same weight as an Israeli's word.
How so? As Benni Morris, for instance, notes "The Palestinian Authority (PA) has emerged as a virtual kingdom of mendacity, where every official, from President Arafat down, spends his days lying to a succession of western journalists. The reporters routinely give the lies credence equal to or greater than what they hear from straight, or far less mendacious, Israeli officials. One day Arafat charges that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) uses uranium-tipped shells against Palestinian civilians. The next day it’s poison gas. Then, for lack of independent corroboration, the charges simply vanish – and the Palestinians go on to the next lie, again garnering headlines in western and Arab newspapers."
What can you expect from the Palestinian's foreign appointed leaders?
Oh, that means palistanians are so effin corrupt! Who could've thought?
Sorry, but israeli doesn't put or establish war zones anywhere. Israeli strikes are directed at threats such as islamic terrorists firing rockets. It's your islamic terrorist heroes who establishment the "war zones". As we know, your Islamic terrorist heroes use civilian areas as places to wage acts of war. How lucky for you that women and children are in the war zones your islamic terrorist heroes create. It provides you the opportunity to use those civilians caught in the crossfire as cheap propaganda.
You are a hoot. You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:
I had no doubt that you would retreat from any attempt to address my comments.
OK, I will respond to your comments.


It's a simple concept. Why would you expect acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists not to be met with a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?
I don't buy into Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit.
Indeed, our honorable P F Tinmore produces its own, of course.
Phoenall said:
DO explain as Israel was not in existence when the IDF was formed ?

*sigh* Proof, if any more were needed that Phoney’s just here to make noise and run interference.

Phoney knows nothing about this topic; just rehashes what others have written. Hey Phoney, the Zionist paradise was declared 14th May 1948 and the IDF was created 26th May 1948.

Showing that you know absolutely nothing at all as the IDF like Haganah were created in the 1920's to protect Jews from attack by arab muslims. Try looking it up again rat boy if you don't believe me.

Haganah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Haganah (Hebrew: הַהֲגָנָה, lit. The Defence) was a Jewish paramilitary organization in the British Mandate of Palestine (1921–48), which became the core of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
Please. They sent a warning. They allowed people to flee both before and during the combat. 85% of the populace survived the attack. The evidence against a "massacre" is strong.

I'm not questioning that Irgun and Lehi didn't commit terrorist attacks. They clearly did. Nor do I reject the idea that they were quite willing to kill people in order to further their cause. But I reject the idea that they intended, generally, to kill the populace of the village of Deir Yassin in this particular event. (Thus, a "massacre").

And I reject the idea that commemorating the event does anything other than to bury the nuances of the event and the times during which the event occurred and mythologize the event in order to sell a narrative which serves a current purpose -- to infect (as Rocco so articulately put it) the next generations with the idea that Israel (the Jewish people) have no respect for Arab lives. Rather than framing it as one of many battles during the war, in which people, including innocents, tragically, lost their lives.

This, to me, indicates that it was a combat rather than a massacre. Why does it not suggest so to you?
Typical Israeli combat. Military attack on civilians. Same as it is today.

Typical islamonazi propaganda ignoring the truth so you can demonise the Jews. Prove they were civilians and not militia, terrorists, extremists and soldiers ?
I am a citizen and a civilian I reject the idea that if I protect home and family I would be classified as a militant who could be killed without consequence.

Firing illegal weapons at your enemies children is not defence, it is a war crime that will result in you being targeted by your enemy under current IHL and the rules of war. Once you overstep the fine line between defence and aggression you become a combatant. That is made very clear by the UN, ICRC, ICC, ICJ and Geneva conventions. If you have a problem take it up with these bodies and tell them you don't want to abide by their rules anymore.
Firing illegal weapons at your enemies children is not defence, it is a war crime...​

I agree.

Children killed since 2000
Israeli 131
Palestinian 1656

Remember These Children 2000 Memorial

And the Palestinian children were killed as a result of illegal weapons being fired at Israel. Then hamas placing them on the front line as human shields and in some cases shooting them themselves.

Big difference between internationally proscribed illegal weapons and what you view as illegal weapons. Must be your islamonazi dogma taking over again
I am a citizen and a civilian I reject the idea that if I protect home and family I would be classified as a militant who could be killed without consequence.

Wait. Wait. Does that mean you expect to be able to fight and not have any consequences for fighting -- including be shot back at?

Does that mean you expect to be immune from warfare even if you are a combatant?
If I shoot at a burglar, how should that change my status as a civilian?

It doesn't, unless you are military, then different rules apply. But firing at the military or police in a war zone of your creation makes you a combatant. ( the Palestinians declared war on Israel remember )
It is Israel that puts its war zones in Palestinian neighborhoods.

So you have foreign troops attacking civilians.

How can you call that a war?

It was the Palestinians that declared war, so they are Palestinian war zones Israel just responds to Palestinian illegal weapons and war crimes.

Prove they are civilians first, as many are militia
Jew terrorists their enablers and supporters presume that waging war and oppressing Muslims and Christians through blockades and occupation will not result in a defensive response.

What a shame the Jew terrorists target non-Jewish children in an attempt to quell a people's resistance to Jew aggression.

Wait. Wait. Does that mean you expect to be able to fight and not have any consequences for fighting -- including be shot back at?

Does that mean you expect to be immune from warfare even if you are a combatant?
If I shoot at a burglar, how should that change my status as a civilian?

It doesn't, unless you are military, then different rules apply. But firing at the military or police in a war zone of your creation makes you a combatant. ( the Palestinians declared war on Israel remember )
It is Israel that puts its war zones in Palestinian neighborhoods.

So you have foreign troops attacking civilians.

How can you call that a war?
Sorry, but israeli doesn't put or establish war zones anywhere. Israeli strikes are directed at threats such as islamic terrorists firing rockets. It's your islamic terrorist heroes who establishment the "war zones". As we know, your Islamic terrorist heroes use civilian areas as places to wage acts of war. How lucky for you that women and children are in the war zones your islamic terrorist heroes create. It provides you the opportunity to use those civilians caught in the crossfire as cheap propaganda.
You are a hoot.

You have Israel's bullshit talking points down pat.:clap::clap::clap:

No content again because you have noting to add to the mix.

Now about the women and children acting as human shields on the front line again, this makes them combatants under the terms of the Geneva conventions and IHL
... It wasn't one person alone. Each person's word carries equal weight until it's proven false, silly little man.
Yeah, so, how much weight do palistanians, lying like porn stars, carry?
The same weight as an Israeli's word.
How so? As Benni Morris, for instance, notes "The Palestinian Authority (PA) has emerged as a virtual kingdom of mendacity, where every official, from President Arafat down, spends his days lying to a succession of western journalists. The reporters routinely give the lies credence equal to or greater than what they hear from straight, or far less mendacious, Israeli officials. One day Arafat charges that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) uses uranium-tipped shells against Palestinian civilians. The next day it’s poison gas. Then, for lack of independent corroboration, the charges simply vanish – and the Palestinians go on to the next lie, again garnering headlines in western and Arab newspapers."
What can you expect from the Palestinian's foreign appointed leaders?

And they were appointed by arab muslims who followed them to Palestine

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