Lest we forget...

I think the evidence that a massacre was not the intent is weak, for several reasons.

Please. They sent a warning. They allowed people to flee both before and during the combat. 85% of the populace survived the attack. The evidence against a "massacre" is strong.

I'm not questioning that Irgun and Lehi didn't commit terrorist attacks. They clearly did. Nor do I reject the idea that they were quite willing to kill people in order to further their cause. But I reject the idea that they intended, generally, to kill the populace of the village of Deir Yassin in this particular event. (Thus, a "massacre").

And I reject the idea that commemorating the event does anything other than to bury the nuances of the event and the times during which the event occurred and mythologize the event in order to sell a narrative which serves a current purpose -- to infect (as Rocco so articulately put it) the next generations with the idea that Israel (the Jewish people) have no respect for Arab lives. Rather than framing it as one of many battles during the war, in which people, including innocents, tragically, lost their lives.

They would have encountered some resistance - after all, the village was being attacked despite a pact of non-aggression.

This, to me, indicates that it was a combat rather than a massacre. Why does it not suggest so to you?
Typical Israeli combat. Military attack on civilians. Same as it is today.

Typical islamonazi propaganda ignoring the truth so you can demonise the Jews. Prove they were civilians and not militia, terrorists, extremists and soldiers ?
I am a citizen and a civilian I reject the idea that if I protect home and family I would be classified as a militant who could be killed without consequence.
Oh cheer up. One or another of the various Islamic terrorist franchises can decide to make you a Martyr to suit their agenda, whether you agree or not.

Man-up and take one for the cause.
Why is material related to Deir Yassin STILL classified after 68 years? Makes one wonder.


Wondering is fine but jumping to conclusions or making wild assumptions isn't.

Given the exemplary conduct of the Israeli military and the blatant lies so typical of the Arab Muslim narrative I can't see not giving the benefit of the doubt to the Israeli's until more information is available

We are not talking about the modern Israeli army. We are talking about the various paramilitaries that made up the Jewish resistance. Do some research on Lehi and Irgun, look up the list of attacks Irgun made.

Have you, and if you have why were they originally formed back in the early 1920's ?

Your reply doesn't make any sense.

It does if you are a native English speaker. Your answer shows that you don't know what the IDF was originally created for, and what they did.
The IDF was created to defend Israel's colonial project.

Wondering is fine but jumping to conclusions or making wild assumptions isn't.

Given the exemplary conduct of the Israeli military and the blatant lies so typical of the Arab Muslim narrative I can't see not giving the benefit of the doubt to the Israeli's until more information is available

We are not talking about the modern Israeli army. We are talking about the various paramilitaries that made up the Jewish resistance. Do some research on Lehi and Irgun, look up the list of attacks Irgun made.

Have you, and if you have why were they originally formed back in the early 1920's ?

Your reply doesn't make any sense.

It does if you are a native English speaker. Your answer shows that you don't know what the IDF was originally created for, and what they did.
The IDF was created to defend Israel's colonial project.
It was primarily the Ottoman invaders / colonists who were nice enough to step aside and allow the legal process for the Jews to establish their homeland.

It was the Arab-Moslem fascist land grabbers / squatters who created the need for a strong IDF.
The only land grabbers and squatters are the Jews. But you know that.

In spite of the education you have been given regarding the Ottoman invaders / colonists and later the Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese squatters / land grabbers, you still insist on proclaiming your profound ignorance.
I am a citizen and a civilian I reject the idea that if I protect home and family I would be classified as a militant who could be killed without consequence.

Wait. Wait. Does that mean you expect to be able to fight and not have any consequences for fighting -- including be shot back at?

Does that mean you expect to be immune from warfare even if you are a combatant?
I see Monty ole Bean can't seen to muster the respect to stay on subject.

Best we forget anyway ;--)

It was all just more Arab Muslim hasbara ;--) anyway, no proof at all, just a lot of hearsay and, what was that word Monty invented again ? Oh yeah, hasbara
I am a citizen and a civilian I reject the idea that if I protect home and family I would be classified as a militant who could be killed without consequence.

Wait. Wait. Does that mean you expect to be able to fight and not have any consequences for fighting -- including be shot back at?

Does that mean you expect to be immune from warfare even if you are a combatant?
If I shoot at a burglar, how should that change my status as a civilian?
Standard tactic from the Hasbara playbook, focus on a minutia then try to drive the thread off topic whilst constantly repeating a slogan or sound bite.
The devil's always in the details, that our beloved peddlers of the palistanian shahada, agitprop and other assorted drivel, try to sneak in, of course. Bth., slogans and sounbites are a palistanian occupation, - "massacred", "gassed", "raped", "murdered", etc., the usual palistanian shtick, of course.
Here in Colorado, we have this awesome make my day law.

If that Israeli soldier who shot the terrorist reaching for a bomb did that in his own home here in Colorado. Cop wouldn't even have arrested him, its a one page form and your free to go.

OK so you can't lie your way out and can't admit when your wrong so you post a few GIFs and run . Thats perfect.

Best we Forget this nonsense about phony Arab Muslim hasbara

Apparently its only defense is a few silly GIFs

Still making things up I see, only to be expected from a Zionist Hasbarist when they have nothing to back up their propaganda fantasies.
I see Monty ole Bean can't seen to muster the respect to stay on subject.

Best we forget anyway ;--)

It was all just more Arab Muslim hasbara ;--) anyway, no proof at all, just a lot of hearsay and, what was that word Monty invented again ? Oh yeah, hasbara
Still has nothing.
Here in Colorado, we have this awesome make my day law.

If that Israeli soldier who shot the terrorist reaching for a bomb did that in his own home here in Colorado. Cop wouldn't even have arrested him, its a one page form and your free to go.

Would also mean that a Palestinian could open fire on any IDF trying to enter his home, with impunity. I like it.
I think the evidence that a massacre was not the intent is weak, for several reasons.

Please. They sent a warning. They allowed people to flee both before and during the combat. 85% of the populace survived the attack. The evidence against a "massacre" is strong.

I'm not questioning that Irgun and Lehi didn't commit terrorist attacks. They clearly did. Nor do I reject the idea that they were quite willing to kill people in order to further their cause. But I reject the idea that they intended, generally, to kill the populace of the village of Deir Yassin in this particular event. (Thus, a "massacre").

And I reject the idea that commemorating the event does anything other than to bury the nuances of the event and the times during which the event occurred and mythologize the event in order to sell a narrative which serves a current purpose -- to infect (as Rocco so articulately put it) the next generations with the idea that Israel (the Jewish people) have no respect for Arab lives. Rather than framing it as one of many battles during the war, in which people, including innocents, tragically, lost their lives.

They would have encountered some resistance - after all, the village was being attacked despite a pact of non-aggression.

This, to me, indicates that it was a combat rather than a massacre. Why does it not suggest so to you?
Typical Israeli combat. Military attack on civilians. Same as it is today.

Typical islamonazi propaganda ignoring the truth so you can demonise the Jews. Prove they were civilians and not militia, terrorists, extremists and soldiers ?
I am a citizen and a civilian I reject the idea that if I protect home and family I would be classified as a militant who could be killed without consequence.

Firing illegal weapons at your enemies children is not defence, it is a war crime that will result in you being targeted by your enemy under current IHL and the rules of war. Once you overstep the fine line between defence and aggression you become a combatant. That is made very clear by the UN, ICRC, ICC, ICJ and Geneva conventions. If you have a problem take it up with these bodies and tell them you don't want to abide by their rules anymore.
Here in Colorado, we have this awesome make my day law.

If that Israeli soldier who shot the terrorist reaching for a bomb did that in his own home here in Colorado. Cop wouldn't even have arrested him, its a one page form and your free to go.

Would also mean that a Palestinian could open fire on any IDF trying to enter his home, with impunity. I like it.

Only if they had no reason to do so, just as you would if the police tried to enter your property without the relevant documentation. At the same time you can now open fire on any intruder in your home if your believe your life or the lives of your family are in danger. But make sure the weapon is legal and that you are licensed to have it in your property

Wondering is fine but jumping to conclusions or making wild assumptions isn't.

Given the exemplary conduct of the Israeli military and the blatant lies so typical of the Arab Muslim narrative I can't see not giving the benefit of the doubt to the Israeli's until more information is available

We are not talking about the modern Israeli army. We are talking about the various paramilitaries that made up the Jewish resistance. Do some research on Lehi and Irgun, look up the list of attacks Irgun made.

Have you, and if you have why were they originally formed back in the early 1920's ?

Your reply doesn't make any sense.

It does if you are a native English speaker. Your answer shows that you don't know what the IDF was originally created for, and what they did.
The IDF was created to defend Israel's colonial project.

DO explain as Israel was not in existence when the IDF was formed ?

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