CDZ Let Discuss the Next Four Years:


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2020
From the Depths of Hell
I am putting this in the clean debate zone because we as board members should have an open discussion that is civil about the next four years and which political party should lead from the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, State and Local Governments...

So let discuss and my first question is which candidate do you feel is better suited to deal with China ever growing threat from trade to proxy-wars to their involvement with Cartels from Mexico that flood our communities with illegal drugs, sex slave labor and criminal gangs?

Then let discuss the Economy and which political party will be able to help with job creation and growth for the next four years?

Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform?

Which Political Party will invest into infrastructure?

Which political party do you want in charge when two more possible USSC seats come vacant in the next four years?

I will start with these questions and let debate and see if we can come to some agreement...

Since you didn't like my first answer.

Trump and the Republicans.

There's nothing left to discuss.


I am putting this in the clean debate zone because we as board members should have an open discussion that is civil about the next four years and which political party should lead from the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, State and Local Governments...

So let discuss and my first question is which candidate do you feel is better suited to deal with China ever growing threat from trade to proxy-wars to their involvement with Cartels from Mexico that flood our communities with illegal drugs, sex slave labor and criminal gangs?

Then let discuss the Economy and which political party will be able to help with job creation and growth for the next four years?

Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform?

Which Political Party will invest into infrastructure?

Which political party do you want in charge when two more possible USSC seats come vacant in the next four years?

I will start with these questions and let debate and see if we can come to some agreement...

my first question is which candidate do you feel is better suited to deal with China ever growing threat from trade to proxy-wars to their involvement with Cartels from Mexico that flood our communities with illegal drugs, sex slave labor and criminal gangs?

The Donald Trump Party. If installed in the White House ever again, the democrats will insert Chinese communist population control into every aspect of our daily lives. China will become the de facto ruler of the American people.

Then let discuss the Economy and which political party will be able to help with job creation and growth for the next four years?

The Donald Trump Party. The man is a job creation machine. The democrats on the other hand live to export jobs to, you guessed it, China and Mexico. Got to ramp up production on all that rubber dogshit.

Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform?

The Donald Trump Party. He has already made great strides toward reining in gold worshipping hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. The democrats, however, would increase the usury-like fleecing of the American public for their healthcare needs.

Which Political Party will invest into infrastructure?

The Donald Trump Party. What other new infrastructure do we need than Trump's grinning face on Mt. Rushmore?

Which political party do you want in charge when two more possible USSC seats come vacant in the next four years?

The Donald Trump Party. Why? Because I want to see him fucking annihilate Roe v. Wade into the dust of human history. Got it?

Let's also discuss the possibility of Trump releasing more items of interest like...

The complete unredacted Fast & Furious files.

Shall we say in January 2021?


The main problem with China is that they make plans for the next hundred years and we cannot get it together for four years at a time. That is not a solvable problem. I tried to add a "unless we do X" but I can't think of anything. We simply lack the economic leverage and a clear direction to make any effort worth it because China's weaponized economy will always be ready to effectively counter what we do. They do not have to worry about votes, unemployment or even starvation. They can take as much pain as we dish out while our economic woes regularly cause turnovers in our government.
I am putting this in the clean debate zone because we as board members should have an open discussion that is civil about the next four years and which political party should lead from the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, State and Local Governments...

So let discuss and my first question is which candidate do you feel is better suited to deal with China ever growing threat from trade to proxy-wars to their involvement with Cartels from Mexico that flood our communities with illegal drugs, sex slave labor and criminal gangs?

Then let discuss the Economy and which political party will be able to help with job creation and growth for the next four years?

Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform?

Which Political Party will invest into infrastructure?

Which political party do you want in charge when two more possible USSC seats come vacant in the next four years?

I will start with these questions and let debate and see if we can come to some agreement...

I'm Dutch, but i watch a lot of US live news (Fox, CNN), and i honestly believe Trump and the Republicans have the better ideas on all of these fronts, at the moment, and over the next 4 years at least.

Sleepy Joe won't be taken seriously by international leaders.
It seems that Joe and Hunter Biden have had extensive business dealings with the Chinese Government. Joe has never spoken out against the Chinese regime for their human rights abuses. Clearly, Trump is the best hope to put the interests of Americans ahead of the interests of the Chinese Government.
which candidate do you feel is better suited to deal with China ever growing threat from trade
OBVIOUSLY TRUMP, who has proactively taken the fight to them while Biden is in bed with them.

Then let discuss the Economy and which political party will be able to help with job creation
OBVIOUSLY TRUMP, who has overseen the best economy while Biden has never overseen any economy and the one he served under, they took 8 years to bring it around at a HUGE cost.

Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform?
OBVIOUSLY, TRUMP, who has been seeking to reform Obamacare for 4 years now, from the ACA that Biden helped give us.

Which Political Party will invest into infrastructure?
OBVIOUSLY TRUMP who ran on doing that while the Democrats say they will but never do. Ultimately up to Congress.

Which political party do you want in charge when two more possible USSC seats come vacant in the next four years?
OBVIOUSLY TRUMP, to continue restoring it to a court which applies the law rather than tries to reinvent it.
Answer Look at what progress has been made in last four years . Infrastructure little to none. Health care zero. Jobs, maybe? maybe not. The virus & its mishandling by all, make it hard to see anything else.
I think another question needs to be added, that of domestic violence and law and order. The democrats have for all practical purposes threatened us with increased violence and destruction if Biden loses. I ain't a big fan of intimidation and that's how I feel about them, they should be doing whatever it takes to stop the madness but they won't do it. I don't believe they can't, they just don't want to for political reasons. It's not enough to condemn the rioting, the dems should be demanding an end to it and pressure should be generously applied to the mayors and governors to stop dicking around. I think there's fair chance that Trump invokes the Insurrection Act and sends in the troops if it doesn't quiet down. Will Biden do that? Frankly, I doubt it. A big plus 1 to the GOP for this issue.

That said:

China - Trump is actively engaged in changing the dynamic between us and them. I think Biden will revert to appeasement like it was BT (Before Trump). Those guys have been robbing us blind for intellectual property for decades, and Trump is at least trying to stop that. I don't think Biden will.

The Economy and which political party will be able to help with job creation and growth for the next four years? - Trump's record of job creation and economic growth is better than Obama's, and I believe Biden will basically do the same things Obama did. At a time when we need to recover from this year's economic slump, Biden's policies just aren't going to work. Who really knows how much money the democrats will spend on social programs if they take control of the Senate and keep the House? Somebody will have to pay the interest on that debt, guess who? Future generations, that's who. I have a big problem with that.

Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform? - The Dems want Medicare For All, but they won't raise taxes enough to pay for it. By some estimates the cost for that could exceed $10 trillion over 10 years, maybe more. And would you end up with a decent healthcare system? It didn't work for the VA. I don't think the GOP has much of a plan, do they? Hard to believe it's worse than Medicare For All though.

Which Political Party will invest into infrastructure? - I thought both parties want this. The devil is in the details, but I see little difference here.

Which political party do you want in charge when two more possible USSC seats come vacant in the next four years? - Here's the thing, over the next 4 years we could see 2 more seats open up on the SCOTUS. The Dems are going to want 2 more justices that vote their way like Souter, Kagan, and Sotomayor do now. The GOP doesn't, it's pretty much that simple. The problem here is that the democrats are talking about pacing the SCOTUS if they tae the Senate, and Biden won't say how he stands on that, which I think is cowardly. Basically, I want a fair Supreme Court that rules as apolitically as possible, and I don't see that as happening with Biden in the WH and the Dems in the Senate.

One last issue: the filibuster in the Senate. That device has been in use for some 200 years, and I do not believe it should go away. Absent thee filibuster, we will devolve into mob rule where the minority party has no say at all and that ain't good for a republic such as ours. I believe that the GOP will not do that, but I do think the democrats will.
We should have a balance of power, things usually go wrong when either party has to much power, ITS a we thing not a me thing.
We should have a balance of power, things usually go wrong when either party has to much power, ITS a we thing not a me thing.

Which is why I'd love to see a 3rd political party that could run electable candidates for Congress and get enough seats so that neither major party has enough votes to do as they please. It wouldn't take more than a few senators, even if they abolish the filibuster. And eventually enough House members to force both major parties to deal with the 3rd party to get their agenda passed. Maybe the 3rd party presidential candidate wouldn't be viable for some time yet, although lately we've seen both major parties putting up some real duds. At any rate, I suspect the Dems will abolish the filibuster, so if there isn't a 3rd party then it's the 'tyranny of the majority' in the Senate. Not good for the country IMHO.
Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform
Prior to GW, most people were employed and had employer paid for Health Insurance.
In terms of everything else, Trump destroys Biden.
Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform
Prior to GW, most people were employed and had employer paid for Health Insurance.
In terms of everything else, Trump destroys Biden.

Not to derail the thread, maybe a new thread could be opened to talk about this. The Dems want Medicare For All, in effect gov't run health care, which is NOT helping with health care reform. The price tag for MFA is outrageous, by some estimates exceeding $30 trillion over 10 years. That shit costs majorly, you'd have to collect higher taxes from everybody rather than just the wealthy. And what you get is ostensibly the VA writ large. Which totally sucks.

So, to me the HC issue is moot, with neither side offering anything that helps the situation. I think the issue is too big for one party, we're going to need a concerted and bipartisan effort to work out solutions, and the chances for that are quite remote right now.
Which political party will help with Healthcare Reform
Prior to GW, most people were employed and had employer paid for Health Insurance.
In terms of everything else, Trump destroys Biden.

Not to derail the thread, maybe a new thread could be opened to talk about this. The Dems want Medicare For All, in effect gov't run health care, which is NOT helping with health care reform. The price tag for MFA is outrageous, by some estimates exceeding $30 trillion over 10 years. That shit costs majorly, you'd have to collect higher taxes from everybody rather than just the wealthy. And what you get is ostensibly the VA writ large. Which totally sucks.

So, to me the HC issue is moot, with neither side offering anything that helps the situation. I think the issue is too big for one party, we're going to need a concerted and bipartisan effort to work out solutions, and the chances for that are quite remote right now.
Health Care was a Write-Off for small and large businesses before GW totally destroyed our borders.

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