Let get the truth about South Africa

"In total, between 1998 and the end of 2016, 1848 people have been murdered in farm attacks — 1187 farmers, 490 family members, 147 farm employees, and 24 people who happened to be visiting the farm at the time.

"While South Africa has one of the highest rates of violent crime anywhere in the world, the attacks on white farmers are no ordinary crimes."

“The well-known ‘blood sisters’ from the South African company Crimescene-cleanup have rightly indicated that, in their experience, farm tortures are by far the most horrific acts of violence in South Africa,” the report said.

“They are of the opinion that the term ‘farm murders’ is misleading and that the terms ‘farm terror’ and ‘farm tortures’ are more suitable.”

‘The horror experienced is almost incomprehensible’

So let me ask you this question:

Where in the hell do you get genocide out of an average of 102 murders per year?

South Africa's Police Service says 74 people were murdered on farms between April 2016 and March 2017, up from 58 in the previous year. '

Here we see that in one year 74 farmers got murdered. The year before that 58. How does this support the claim of white genocide?

"There were 19,016 murders in South Africa in 2016-17, according to the police.

I said there is no white genocide. Because there isn't.

Are SA whites really being killed ‘like flies’? Why Steve Hofmeyr is wrong

South African musician Steve Hofmeyr has claimed that the number of white South Africans killed by blacks would fill a soccer stadium, that white Afrikaners are being killed "like flies" and that a white farmer is murdered every five days. But the claims are incorrect and grossly exaggerated. In fact, whites are less likely to be murdered than any other race group.

“Whites are far less likely to be murdered than their black or coloured counterparts,” Lizette Lancaster, who manages the Institute for Security Studies crime and justice hub, told Africa Check. This is supported by an analysis of a national sample of 1,378 murder dockets conducted by police in 2009. In 86.9% of the cases, the victims were Africans. Whites accounted for 1.8% of the cases (although whites make up 8.85% of the population).

According to Lancaster official police statistics show that between April 1994 and March 2012 a total of 361 015 people were murdered in South Africa. Applying the 1.8% figure, it would mean that roughly 6,498 whites have been murdered since April 1994.

Even if there were some variation on the 1.8% figure, the number of white murder victims would still fail to come anywhere close to filling a soccer stadium. The fact is that whites are less likely to be murdered than any other race in South Africa. The current murder rate of white South Africans is also equivalent to, or lower than, murder rates for whites
recorded between 1979 and 1991.

Are SA whites really being killed ‘like flies’? Why Steve Hofmeyr is wrong

Again, you are dealing with a man who knows the facts. You do not get to keep lying.

How many farmers do you actually think there are?

70+ farmers a years is a TON.

There were at last 32,000 commercial farmers in South Africa junior.

There is no white genocide in South Africa.
There is a MUCH higher percentage of white people being killed by blacks in South Africa than blacks being killed by police officers in the US.

If BLM is justified because of blacks being killed by police, then what Lauren Southern is doing is more than justified.


How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

A 1913 law allotted most of the fertile land in South Africa to whites and left a small percentage for blacks, and grievances around the issue have largely languished since the ruling African National Congress party took power after apartheid ended in 1994.

The whites beat the blacks to South Africa by two hundred years. South Africa is one of the few countries that whitey didn't steal from the blacks. The blacks are stealing it from the whites.
'south africa' is very violent , probably one of the most violent places in the world . Farmers are tortured and murdered and most of them are White , descendants of good hard working people . Get rid of them and you just might starve IM2 .

They descended from rapists, murderers, and robbers. That's how they got the land. I won't be starving if they are removed from that stolen land

How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

A 1913 law allotted most of the fertile land in South Africa to whites and left a small percentage for blacks, and grievances around the issue have largely languished since the ruling African National Congress party took power after apartheid ended in 1994.

The whites beat the blacks to South Africa by two hundred years. South Africa is one of the few countries that whitey didn't steal from the blacks. The blacks are stealing it from the whites.

That's a lie. You need to quit telling it.

How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

A 1913 law allotted most of the fertile land in South Africa to whites and left a small percentage for blacks, and grievances around the issue have largely languished since the ruling African National Congress party took power after apartheid ended in 1994.

The whites beat the blacks to South Africa by two hundred years. South Africa is one of the few countries that whitey didn't steal from the blacks. The blacks are stealing it from the whites.

That's a lie. You need to quit telling it.

It's a fact, you need to learn your history.
'south africa' is very violent , probably one of the most violent places in the world . Farmers are tortured and murdered and most of them are White , descendants of good hard working people . Get rid of them and you just might starve IM2 .

They descended from rapists, murderers, and robbers. That's how they got the land. I won't be starving if they are removed from that stolen land

You might not be, but the South Africans will starve. The same thing happened when your buddy mugabe stole all the white farms in zimbabwe. That country was once the bread basket of Africa, now it can't even feed itself.
OK, so people want to argue about South Africa. And unless you join in declaring how the whites are being randomly selected for slaughter while the government allows it, you are accused of supporting murder, rape and robbery of whites in South Africa. Now it's time people looked at the truth.

"Are protesters right on South Africa farm murder rate?

According to the best available statistics, farm murders are at their highest level since 2010-11.

South Africa's Police Service says 74 people were murdered on farms between April 2016 and March 2017, up from 58 in the previous year. '

The claim is white genocide in South Africa. But the number of those killed stated is 74, Let us continue.

"There were 19,016 murders in South Africa in 2016-17, according to the police.

According to Statistics South Africa's mid-year estimate for 2016, there were 55,908,900 people in South Africa.

That's 34 murders for every 100,000 people.

Are farmers at greater risk than this national average? "

Since so many are claiming to be all about rates:

"How many farmers?

The truth is, we don't know. We can't calculate a meaningful murder rate for farmers, because we don't know how many there are.

Do we include all 810,000 people employed in agriculture? That gives a farm murder rate of 9.1 per 100,000 - much lower than the South African average.

Or, do we restrict ourselves to the 32,375 commercial farmers counted in the country's last agricultural census in 2007?

That's what AfriForum, a group that campaigns for the interests of Afrikaners in South Africa, appears to have done.

It has estimated a farm murder rate of 156 per 100,000 that has been widely quoted in recent days."

What must be understood is this group is are AFRIKANRS. The people responsible for apartheid.

"It appears to be calculated as follows.

First, take the 50 murdered farmers counted by the TAU in 2016 (which excludes murders of family members, employees and visitors).

Then, divide by 32,000 - an estimate of the total number of farmers, based on the 2007 figure.

There are problems with this approach.

First, the data is very old, so the number of farmers may be different now.

Second, to exclude murdered family members, employees, and visitors to the farm from such an analysis misses part of the picture of what is happening on South African farms - but we don't know how many of those people there are.

Third, the 2007 census did not include small, non-commercial farms - but some of the murders counted in the figures did take place on smaller farms. By leaving them out, the murder rate comes out higher than it should."

.What has been mentioned her is that the white farmers are not the only ones getting killed.

"Can we talk about race?

This also helps explain why it's impossible to say whether white farmers are more at risk than black farmers - or more at risk than the population at large.

We simply don't know what proportion of people on South Africa's farms is white.

The closest we get is the 2016 Community Survey of agricultural households. Of the nearly 200,000 households whose agricultural activity takes place on farmland, about 54,000 have a white person at the head of the household.

The problem is, we don't know how many people are in each household or how many of the households are racially mixed.

So we don't know how many white people there are on South Africa's farms. And that means we can't work out how likely those white people are to be murdered.

In short - we have no clear idea about the murder rate on South African farms.

And because of that, the claim being made by protesters about farmers being more likely to be murdered is not supported by reliable data. "

So while people in South Africa can't accurately say if white farms are targeted, whites here are making claims about white genocide there.

Reality Check: Are protesters right on South Africa farm murders?

Why is this? Remember AfriForum?

DIRCO: AfriForum must stop sowing panic and fear

"Mabaya said there were groups and organisations in South Africa spreading false information and sparking panic, to advance their own political agendas. The International Relations department has asked them to stop.

“We call on organisations such as AfriForum that are spreading incorrect information sowing panic and fear to refrain from doing so. The South African Government has been very clear and transparent on a land reform process and the matter is now before Parliament.

“All stakeholders will be consulted and they are also encouraged to engage with Parliament. There is no reason for any Government anywhere in the world to suspect that any South African is in danger from their own democratically elected Government. That threat simply does not exist.”

DIRCO: AfriForum must stop sowing panic and fear - SA Breaking News

Searching for white genocide in South Africa
February 26, 2018 by Michael Bueckert

"The plight of white South Africans has clearly become, in Goldy’s words, “the flavor of the month” on the far-right. While it is a remarkable coincidence that these media personalities all decided to undertake the same project both independently and simultaneously, attention to this issue had been growing in alt-right circles throughout 2017, with articles appearing in Breitbart, the Rebel, and on conservative video blogs. In the image of the beleaguered Afrikaner, it appears that these online commentators — whose work is predominantly obsessed with fear-mongering attacks on Muslims and refugees — have finally found a supposedly persecuted minority they can get behind.

What has sparked the attention of the far-right in particular are the high rates of violent burglaries against white farmers in South Africa, what Afrikaners call plaasmoorde or “farm murders.” Drawing primarily on interviews with survivors of violent attacks, Southern and Hopkins have both utilized the format of short, provocative videos uploaded to YouTube to deploy a narrative that these incidents are not regular burglaries, but rather systematic and politically-motivated acts of ethnic cleansing, approved by the South African government, and deliberately ignored by the international media.

As the alt-right descends upon South Africa in search of white genocide, it is obvious that their concern-trolling for white South Africans is motivated, above all, by a domestic anti-immigration agenda. Deeply fearful of what happens when North American demographics shift and white people become a minority, what the alt-right really wants is a harrowing story about whites being “hunted to extinction” by a black majority which can be used to bolster the case for white supremacy at home.

Why white people?

In their reporting, the alt-right portrays white South Africans as facing patterns of marginalization and violence which constitute a unique threat to their very existence as a people. In a video titled “Why White People?” Southern tries to explain why she has decided to focus on whites when violent crime is a problem faced by all South Africans. White people in South Africa face “actual discrimination,” she asserts, “and not in the SJW sense” of minorities in North America (Social Justice Warrior or SJW is a pejorative and dismissive alt-right term for left-wing activist). In Nilsson’s documentary The Boer Project, South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment program — its affirmative action policies meant to address centuries of racial segregation and oppression — is referred to as “reverse apartheid.” Multiple segments linger on “white refugee camps,” as if the vast black shanty towns and slums did not also exist."

Here is the whole thing. Searching for white genocide in South Africa

So what we see is 74 whites were murdered in a year. That does not constitute genocide. We have see that an organization representing white Afrikaners inaccurately distorted numbers to make things look like whites are victims of high amounts of violence. What we see is that South African authorities cannot find evidence supporting such claims. We see the land reforms are bound by a constitution by the South African government so the government is not turning a blind eye letting blacks target whites for murder, rape etc. We have also seen that this tale is an alt right meme that has been written about in almost every alt right media source to promote an anti immigration domestic agenda and a white supremacist agenda. These are the facts.
Firstly, your entire article is wrong and the dipshit who wrote it doesn't give a damn whether they are accurate or not because a political hack wrote it.

Secondly, you know you sure as hell would never want to switch places with white South Africans. You could never handle half the shit they deal with regularly.

Let's see. Apartheid ended in 1991. You were approximately 1. Shut up.
I was 2.

That was almost 30 years ago, dipshit.

I was 30. Get it? Older than you at right now. Get it? I went to college with black South Africans during apartheid and some if them were undergrads who went home for the summer and never came back. And it wasn't because they transferred or decided to quit college. There is no white genocide in South Africa. This is alt white crap.

Very little has changed in South Africa since apartheid, except for one thing. Apartheid is not "written law", but its effect lingers. The "white genocide" narrative is a myth. Just like the so called "dirty war" is in America.

White privilege and hypocrisy in South Africa
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2

How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

A 1913 law allotted most of the fertile land in South Africa to whites and left a small percentage for blacks, and grievances around the issue have largely languished since the ruling African National Congress party took power after apartheid ended in 1994.

The whites beat the blacks to South Africa by two hundred years. South Africa is one of the few countries that whitey didn't steal from the blacks. The blacks are stealing it from the whites.

That's a lie. You need to quit telling it.

It's a fact, you need to learn your history.

.My history I s correct.
'south africa' is very violent , probably one of the most violent places in the world . Farmers are tortured and murdered and most of them are White , descendants of good hard working people . Get rid of them and you just might starve IM2 .

They descended from rapists, murderers, and robbers. That's how they got the land. I won't be starving if they are removed from that stolen land

You might not be, but the South Africans will starve. The same thing happened when your buddy mugabe stole all the white farms in zimbabwe. That country was once the bread basket of Africa, now it can't even feed itself.

I doubt that anyone will starve. And really whites need to shut up about Mugabe. For 887 years Zimbabwe was doing quite fine. Whites decided to colonize a fully functioning nation and ruined it.
I tell ya what, without the Boers, they're gonna starve. I laugh at people that say "African American". I've met some, and they're white.

There are black folk in America, and there always has been. 'Murica! :rock:

In b4 IM2 never gets a reparation check. :113:
Last edited:
OK, so people want to argue about South Africa. And unless you join in declaring how the whites are being randomly selected for slaughter while the government allows it, you are accused of supporting murder, rape and robbery of whites in South Africa. Now it's time people looked at the truth.

"Are protesters right on South Africa farm murder rate?

According to the best available statistics, farm murders are at their highest level since 2010-11.

South Africa's Police Service says 74 people were murdered on farms between April 2016 and March 2017, up from 58 in the previous year. '

The claim is white genocide in South Africa. But the number of those killed stated is 74, Let us continue.

"There were 19,016 murders in South Africa in 2016-17, according to the police.

According to Statistics South Africa's mid-year estimate for 2016, there were 55,908,900 people in South Africa.

That's 34 murders for every 100,000 people.

Are farmers at greater risk than this national average? "

Since so many are claiming to be all about rates:

"How many farmers?

The truth is, we don't know. We can't calculate a meaningful murder rate for farmers, because we don't know how many there are.

Do we include all 810,000 people employed in agriculture? That gives a farm murder rate of 9.1 per 100,000 - much lower than the South African average.

Or, do we restrict ourselves to the 32,375 commercial farmers counted in the country's last agricultural census in 2007?

That's what AfriForum, a group that campaigns for the interests of Afrikaners in South Africa, appears to have done.

It has estimated a farm murder rate of 156 per 100,000 that has been widely quoted in recent days."

What must be understood is this group is are AFRIKANRS. The people responsible for apartheid.

"It appears to be calculated as follows.

First, take the 50 murdered farmers counted by the TAU in 2016 (which excludes murders of family members, employees and visitors).

Then, divide by 32,000 - an estimate of the total number of farmers, based on the 2007 figure.

There are problems with this approach.

First, the data is very old, so the number of farmers may be different now.

Second, to exclude murdered family members, employees, and visitors to the farm from such an analysis misses part of the picture of what is happening on South African farms - but we don't know how many of those people there are.

Third, the 2007 census did not include small, non-commercial farms - but some of the murders counted in the figures did take place on smaller farms. By leaving them out, the murder rate comes out higher than it should."

.What has been mentioned her is that the white farmers are not the only ones getting killed.

"Can we talk about race?

This also helps explain why it's impossible to say whether white farmers are more at risk than black farmers - or more at risk than the population at large.

We simply don't know what proportion of people on South Africa's farms is white.

The closest we get is the 2016 Community Survey of agricultural households. Of the nearly 200,000 households whose agricultural activity takes place on farmland, about 54,000 have a white person at the head of the household.

The problem is, we don't know how many people are in each household or how many of the households are racially mixed.

So we don't know how many white people there are on South Africa's farms. And that means we can't work out how likely those white people are to be murdered.

In short - we have no clear idea about the murder rate on South African farms.

And because of that, the claim being made by protesters about farmers being more likely to be murdered is not supported by reliable data. "

So while people in South Africa can't accurately say if white farms are targeted, whites here are making claims about white genocide there.

Reality Check: Are protesters right on South Africa farm murders?

Why is this? Remember AfriForum?

DIRCO: AfriForum must stop sowing panic and fear

"Mabaya said there were groups and organisations in South Africa spreading false information and sparking panic, to advance their own political agendas. The International Relations department has asked them to stop.

“We call on organisations such as AfriForum that are spreading incorrect information sowing panic and fear to refrain from doing so. The South African Government has been very clear and transparent on a land reform process and the matter is now before Parliament.

“All stakeholders will be consulted and they are also encouraged to engage with Parliament. There is no reason for any Government anywhere in the world to suspect that any South African is in danger from their own democratically elected Government. That threat simply does not exist.”

DIRCO: AfriForum must stop sowing panic and fear - SA Breaking News

Searching for white genocide in South Africa
February 26, 2018 by Michael Bueckert

"The plight of white South Africans has clearly become, in Goldy’s words, “the flavor of the month” on the far-right. While it is a remarkable coincidence that these media personalities all decided to undertake the same project both independently and simultaneously, attention to this issue had been growing in alt-right circles throughout 2017, with articles appearing in Breitbart, the Rebel, and on conservative video blogs. In the image of the beleaguered Afrikaner, it appears that these online commentators — whose work is predominantly obsessed with fear-mongering attacks on Muslims and refugees — have finally found a supposedly persecuted minority they can get behind.

What has sparked the attention of the far-right in particular are the high rates of violent burglaries against white farmers in South Africa, what Afrikaners call plaasmoorde or “farm murders.” Drawing primarily on interviews with survivors of violent attacks, Southern and Hopkins have both utilized the format of short, provocative videos uploaded to YouTube to deploy a narrative that these incidents are not regular burglaries, but rather systematic and politically-motivated acts of ethnic cleansing, approved by the South African government, and deliberately ignored by the international media.

As the alt-right descends upon South Africa in search of white genocide, it is obvious that their concern-trolling for white South Africans is motivated, above all, by a domestic anti-immigration agenda. Deeply fearful of what happens when North American demographics shift and white people become a minority, what the alt-right really wants is a harrowing story about whites being “hunted to extinction” by a black majority which can be used to bolster the case for white supremacy at home.

Why white people?

In their reporting, the alt-right portrays white South Africans as facing patterns of marginalization and violence which constitute a unique threat to their very existence as a people. In a video titled “Why White People?” Southern tries to explain why she has decided to focus on whites when violent crime is a problem faced by all South Africans. White people in South Africa face “actual discrimination,” she asserts, “and not in the SJW sense” of minorities in North America (Social Justice Warrior or SJW is a pejorative and dismissive alt-right term for left-wing activist). In Nilsson’s documentary The Boer Project, South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment program — its affirmative action policies meant to address centuries of racial segregation and oppression — is referred to as “reverse apartheid.” Multiple segments linger on “white refugee camps,” as if the vast black shanty towns and slums did not also exist."

Here is the whole thing. Searching for white genocide in South Africa

So what we see is 74 whites were murdered in a year. That does not constitute genocide. We have see that an organization representing white Afrikaners inaccurately distorted numbers to make things look like whites are victims of high amounts of violence. What we see is that South African authorities cannot find evidence supporting such claims. We see the land reforms are bound by a constitution by the South African government so the government is not turning a blind eye letting blacks target whites for murder, rape etc. We have also seen that this tale is an alt right meme that has been written about in almost every alt right media source to promote an anti immigration domestic agenda and a white supremacist agenda. These are the facts.
Firstly, your entire article is wrong and the dipshit who wrote it doesn't give a damn whether they are accurate or not because a political hack wrote it.

Secondly, you know you sure as hell would never want to switch places with white South Africans. You could never handle half the shit they deal with regularly.

Let's see. Apartheid ended in 1991. You were approximately 1. Shut up.
I was 2.

That was almost 30 years ago, dipshit.

I was 30. Get it? Older than you at right now. Get it? I went to college with black South Africans during apartheid and some if them were undergrads who went home for the summer and never came back. And it wasn't because they transferred or decided to quit college. There is no white genocide in South Africa. This is alt white crap.

Very little has changed in South Africa since apartheid, except for one thing. Apartheid is not "written law", but its effect lingers. The "white genocide" narrative is a myth. Just like the so called "dirty war" is in America.

White privilege and hypocrisy in South Africa

Yep his lie about white genocide is just another example of the fake white grievance industry..
I tell ya what, without the Boers, they're gonna starve.

No I don't think so.

You'll see. I will rub your nose in it like a puppy that did #2 in the house, too.

You won't be doing any of that.

Oh indeed I will, and be loving every minute of it. Bookmarked!

.I doubt that. Whites like you are so stupid as to think things that make no sense. These guys ate well before the boers. They'll eat well after the boers are gone.
I tell ya what, without the Boers, they're gonna starve.

No I don't think so.

You'll see. I will rub your nose in it like a puppy that did #2 in the house, too.

You won't be doing any of that.

Oh indeed I will, and be loving every minute of it. Bookmarked!

.I doubt that. Whites like you are so stupid as to think things that make no sense. These guys ate well before the boers. They'll eat well after the boers are gone.

"Whites like me"

Notice I never say "niggas like you" because I know all black people aren't myopic racist turds like you, and it wouldn't be right to generalize people in that manner. You're a minority within a minority, bro.

In b4 you spam the report button on this one. :fu:

That was your MO on other forums, just like TPP.
OK, so people want to argue about South Africa. And unless you join in declaring how the whites are being randomly selected for slaughter while the government allows it, you are accused of supporting murder, rape and robbery of whites in South Africa. Now it's time people looked at the truth.

"Are protesters right on South Africa farm murder rate?

According to the best available statistics, farm murders are at their highest level since 2010-11.

South Africa's Police Service says 74 people were murdered on farms between April 2016 and March 2017, up from 58 in the previous year. '

The claim is white genocide in South Africa. But the number of those killed stated is 74, Let us continue.

"There were 19,016 murders in South Africa in 2016-17, according to the police.

According to Statistics South Africa's mid-year estimate for 2016, there were 55,908,900 people in South Africa.

That's 34 murders for every 100,000 people.

Are farmers at greater risk than this national average? "

Since so many are claiming to be all about rates:

"How many farmers?

The truth is, we don't know. We can't calculate a meaningful murder rate for farmers, because we don't know how many there are.

Do we include all 810,000 people employed in agriculture? That gives a farm murder rate of 9.1 per 100,000 - much lower than the South African average.

Or, do we restrict ourselves to the 32,375 commercial farmers counted in the country's last agricultural census in 2007?

That's what AfriForum, a group that campaigns for the interests of Afrikaners in South Africa, appears to have done.

It has estimated a farm murder rate of 156 per 100,000 that has been widely quoted in recent days."

What must be understood is this group is are AFRIKANRS. The people responsible for apartheid.

"It appears to be calculated as follows.

First, take the 50 murdered farmers counted by the TAU in 2016 (which excludes murders of family members, employees and visitors).

Then, divide by 32,000 - an estimate of the total number of farmers, based on the 2007 figure.

There are problems with this approach.

First, the data is very old, so the number of farmers may be different now.

Second, to exclude murdered family members, employees, and visitors to the farm from such an analysis misses part of the picture of what is happening on South African farms - but we don't know how many of those people there are.

Third, the 2007 census did not include small, non-commercial farms - but some of the murders counted in the figures did take place on smaller farms. By leaving them out, the murder rate comes out higher than it should."

.What has been mentioned her is that the white farmers are not the only ones getting killed.

"Can we talk about race?

This also helps explain why it's impossible to say whether white farmers are more at risk than black farmers - or more at risk than the population at large.

We simply don't know what proportion of people on South Africa's farms is white.

The closest we get is the 2016 Community Survey of agricultural households. Of the nearly 200,000 households whose agricultural activity takes place on farmland, about 54,000 have a white person at the head of the household.

The problem is, we don't know how many people are in each household or how many of the households are racially mixed.

So we don't know how many white people there are on South Africa's farms. And that means we can't work out how likely those white people are to be murdered.

In short - we have no clear idea about the murder rate on South African farms.

And because of that, the claim being made by protesters about farmers being more likely to be murdered is not supported by reliable data. "

So while people in South Africa can't accurately say if white farms are targeted, whites here are making claims about white genocide there.

Reality Check: Are protesters right on South Africa farm murders?

Why is this? Remember AfriForum?

DIRCO: AfriForum must stop sowing panic and fear

"Mabaya said there were groups and organisations in South Africa spreading false information and sparking panic, to advance their own political agendas. The International Relations department has asked them to stop.

“We call on organisations such as AfriForum that are spreading incorrect information sowing panic and fear to refrain from doing so. The South African Government has been very clear and transparent on a land reform process and the matter is now before Parliament.

“All stakeholders will be consulted and they are also encouraged to engage with Parliament. There is no reason for any Government anywhere in the world to suspect that any South African is in danger from their own democratically elected Government. That threat simply does not exist.”

DIRCO: AfriForum must stop sowing panic and fear - SA Breaking News

Searching for white genocide in South Africa
February 26, 2018 by Michael Bueckert

"The plight of white South Africans has clearly become, in Goldy’s words, “the flavor of the month” on the far-right. While it is a remarkable coincidence that these media personalities all decided to undertake the same project both independently and simultaneously, attention to this issue had been growing in alt-right circles throughout 2017, with articles appearing in Breitbart, the Rebel, and on conservative video blogs. In the image of the beleaguered Afrikaner, it appears that these online commentators — whose work is predominantly obsessed with fear-mongering attacks on Muslims and refugees — have finally found a supposedly persecuted minority they can get behind.

What has sparked the attention of the far-right in particular are the high rates of violent burglaries against white farmers in South Africa, what Afrikaners call plaasmoorde or “farm murders.” Drawing primarily on interviews with survivors of violent attacks, Southern and Hopkins have both utilized the format of short, provocative videos uploaded to YouTube to deploy a narrative that these incidents are not regular burglaries, but rather systematic and politically-motivated acts of ethnic cleansing, approved by the South African government, and deliberately ignored by the international media.

As the alt-right descends upon South Africa in search of white genocide, it is obvious that their concern-trolling for white South Africans is motivated, above all, by a domestic anti-immigration agenda. Deeply fearful of what happens when North American demographics shift and white people become a minority, what the alt-right really wants is a harrowing story about whites being “hunted to extinction” by a black majority which can be used to bolster the case for white supremacy at home.

Why white people?

In their reporting, the alt-right portrays white South Africans as facing patterns of marginalization and violence which constitute a unique threat to their very existence as a people. In a video titled “Why White People?” Southern tries to explain why she has decided to focus on whites when violent crime is a problem faced by all South Africans. White people in South Africa face “actual discrimination,” she asserts, “and not in the SJW sense” of minorities in North America (Social Justice Warrior or SJW is a pejorative and dismissive alt-right term for left-wing activist). In Nilsson’s documentary The Boer Project, South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment program — its affirmative action policies meant to address centuries of racial segregation and oppression — is referred to as “reverse apartheid.” Multiple segments linger on “white refugee camps,” as if the vast black shanty towns and slums did not also exist."

Here is the whole thing. Searching for white genocide in South Africa

So what we see is 74 whites were murdered in a year. That does not constitute genocide. We have see that an organization representing white Afrikaners inaccurately distorted numbers to make things look like whites are victims of high amounts of violence. What we see is that South African authorities cannot find evidence supporting such claims. We see the land reforms are bound by a constitution by the South African government so the government is not turning a blind eye letting blacks target whites for murder, rape etc. We have also seen that this tale is an alt right meme that has been written about in almost every alt right media source to promote an anti immigration domestic agenda and a white supremacist agenda. These are the facts.

Yes, people will distort things, it's hard to know what goes on.

Also, murders might happen just because someone decides to murder someone, rather than targeted killings like happen in Zimbabwe.
No I don't think so.

You'll see. I will rub your nose in it like a puppy that did #2 in the house, too.

You won't be doing any of that.

Oh indeed I will, and be loving every minute of it. Bookmarked!

.I doubt that. Whites like you are so stupid as to think things that make no sense. These guys ate well before the boers. They'll eat well after the boers are gone.

"Whites like me"

Notice I never say "niggas like you" because I know all black people aren't myopic racist turds like you, and it wouldn't be right to generalize people in that manner. You're a minority within a minority, bro.

In b4 you spam the report button on this one. :fu:

That was your MO on other forums, just like TPP.

The problem with your response is that it shows how stupid you are. Whites is not a racial slur, if it is then you'd better start protesting the census and every other agency that studies demographics. Whites like you signifies a section of whites and is not generalizing whites. Last I'm no minority in the black race. I know you like think you know more about blacks than I do and that you live in a imaginary world where you want to lie about hw blacks agree with you and look at things exactly like you do. But you will not enter any all black forum to test that and I know the majority of blacks see things as I do.
You'll see. I will rub your nose in it like a puppy that did #2 in the house, too.

You won't be doing any of that.

Oh indeed I will, and be loving every minute of it. Bookmarked!

.I doubt that. Whites like you are so stupid as to think things that make no sense. These guys ate well before the boers. They'll eat well after the boers are gone.

"Whites like me"

Notice I never say "niggas like you" because I know all black people aren't myopic racist turds like you, and it wouldn't be right to generalize people in that manner. You're a minority within a minority, bro.

In b4 you spam the report button on this one. :fu:

That was your MO on other forums, just like TPP.

The problem with your response is that it shows how stupid you are. Whites is not a racial slur, if it is then you'd better start protesting the census and every other agency that studies demographics. Whites like you signifies a section of whites and is not generalizing whites. Last I'm no minority in the black race. I know you like think you know more about blacks than I do and that you live in a imaginary world where you want to lie about hw blacks agree with you and look at things exactly like you do. But you will not enter any all black forum to test that and I know the majority of blacks see things as I do.

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