Let get the truth about South Africa

What could I learn from you ? That white people can do fked up shit and get away with it and black people can't ? I learnt that at school. Fuck out my face
Just black folk as stupid as you can't get away with shit....it's brain power not skin color....and you lack it...your post is just more evidence who the real racists are....
And far more Africans have died of starvation in Zimbabwe, than were ever murdered by whites in Rhodesia. That is a simple fact. Rhodesia, for all of its faults was a well run country that fed the continent.
Have you been to Zimbabwe of late ?





All run and built an designed by black Zims and this despite white supremacists tryna bring the country to it's knees.

Apartheid is an abomination, of that there is no doubt, but the Rhodesians traded a relatively safe country for a third world hell hole run by a dictator who cared more about his family and allies than he ever did for his people.The same will now happen to South Africa. And that is tragic.
Yeah bcoz only white people know how to grow crops and mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science. Bitch Plz (lol)
"Statistics indicate that from February 9 to February 16, 2016, a total of 13 murder cases were recorded across the country.
"..... police assistant commissioner, Charity Charamba, said 18 murders were committed within a space of 10 days in March.
"The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency’s statistics for 2015 show an unprecedented rise in murder cases, from 638 cases annually in the years up to 2009 to 1 387 cases per year between 2010 and 2015."

Murder cases soar in Zimbabwe | The Financial Gazette
"Research has shown that some kill because they are chronically aggressive, cold and unfeeling while some kill because they ‘exploded’ in response to acts of hostility.
"Others will lash out after wallowing in feelings of victimisation or nurturing longstanding resentments.
"Some who are immature and narcissistic become obsessed."....sound like anyone we know? Eh Paul Essein?
"Deprived of love or gratification, they feel justified while resorting to violence. Less common, but often more dramatic, are the killings committed by the psychotic, those with disturbed and disordered thoughts and only a tenuous grasp on reality."

Yup yup.

Murder cases soar in Zimbabwe | The Financial Gazette
Just black folk as stupid as you can't get away with shit....it's brain power not skin color....and you lack it...your post is just more evidence who the real racists are....
I've said many times. The white supremacists are the smartest people on the planet. Why ? Because all black people and non white people are subject to them.

You can run this skin game on people for this long unless you are smart. As for me being stupid. I'll take that. Black person being racist ? Well you still get the job white man, the loan, the car, the house, u can travel anywhere in the world and people won't have a problem. White guys are seen as hot all over the world.

So what does it matter if a black man can't stand whites ?
Just black folk as stupid as you can't get away with shit....it's brain power not skin color....and you lack it...your post is just more evidence who the real racists are....
I've said many times. The white supremacists are the smartest people on the planet. Why ? Because all black people and non white people are subject to them.

You can run this skin game on people for this long unless you are smart. As for me being stupid. I'll take that. Black person being racist ? Well you still get the job white man, the loan, the car, the house, u can travel anywhere in the world and people won't have a problem. White guys are seen as hot all over the world. So what does it matter if a black man can't stand whites ?
I don't get the loan, the car, the house and I can't travel anywhere.

So fuck off, racist criminal puke.
"Research has shown that some kill because they are chronically aggressive, cold and unfeeling while some kill because they ‘exploded’ in response to acts of hostility.
"Others will lash out after wallowing in feelings of victimisation or nurturing longstanding resentments.
"Some who are immature and narcissistic become obsessed."....sound like anyone we know? Eh Paul Essein?
"Deprived of love or gratification, they feel justified while resorting to violence. Less common, but often more dramatic, are the killings committed by the psychotic, those with disturbed and disordered thoughts and only a tenuous grasp on reality."

Yup yup.

Murder cases soar in Zimbabwe | The Financial Gazette
OK. The floor is yours

In South Africa we have white supremacists owning all the land, the wealth and the native black population have not got a biscuit ?

How do you rectify this without violence ?

This should be funny
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"Research has shown that some kill because they are chronically aggressive, cold and unfeeling while some kill because they ‘exploded’ in response to acts of hostility.
"Others will lash out after wallowing in feelings of victimisation or nurturing longstanding resentments.
"Some who are immature and narcissistic become obsessed."....sound like anyone we know? Eh Paul Essein?
"Deprived of love or gratification, they feel justified while resorting to violence. Less common, but often more dramatic, are the killings committed by the psychotic, those with disturbed and disordered thoughts and only a tenuous grasp on reality."

Yup yup.

Murder cases soar in Zimbabwe | The Financial Gazette
OK. The floor is yours

In South Africa we have whites owning all the land, the wealth and the native black population have not got a biscuit ?

How do you rectify this without violence ?

This should be funny

What's to rectify? The *native population* never owned the fucking land. A handful of crooked, criminal black leaders did. You want us to return the land to them?

They have no problem killing off the blacks they don't want to support or otherwise don't like. They have no problem with hacking entire populations to bits.
What's to rectify? The *native population* never owned the fucking land. A handful of crooked, criminal black leaders did. You want us to return the land to them?
This is why you can't reason with white supremacists and this is why blacks are 100% justified in doing anything to whites in South African because white supremacy is meant to practiced into eternity

Anyway as much as your moaning on this site. There is nothing you or any member of USMB can do about it, but bitch and whine because South Africa vows to get rid of white owned land
I don't get the loan, the car, the house and I can't travel anywhere.
So fuck off, racist criminal puke.
Just because you did not get the job, house, car does not mean they are not there for you.

To be a white person and not have those things when white people live in a system that is set-up for white people to have those things, then you must really be a loser.
Just black folk as stupid as you can't get away with shit....it's brain power not skin color....and you lack it...your post is just more evidence who the real racists are....
I've said many times. The white supremacists are the smartest people on the planet. Why ? Because all black people and non white people are subject to them.

You can run this skin game on people for this long unless you are smart. As for me being stupid. I'll take that. Black person being racist ? Well you still get the job white man, the loan, the car, the house, u can travel anywhere in the world and people won't have a problem. White guys are seen as hot all over the world.

So what does it matter if a black man can't stand whites ?
Anyone that judges another person based on appearance is a fool and will find he or she is wrong about that person 99% of the time...Some of the smartest people I've ever met were survivors of the ghetto...now that is a real education. I get so tired of the White privileged argument...it's a lie. I'm white and had to claw my way out...no one privileged me...ever. I think the only difference is I had no one else to blame for failure but myself so I worked hard not to fail...
I don't get the loan, the car, the house and I can't travel anywhere.
So fuck off, racist criminal puke.
Just because you did not get the job, house, car does not mean they are not there for you.

To be a white person and not have those things when white people live in a system that is set-up for white people to have those things, then you must really be a loser.

You understand the Chinese system in China is set up for Chinese right? But there are still millions of poor people in China, just like there are millions of white people living below the poverty line here in the US. Why should I call a black person a loser because he is poor? or why should I call a white person a loser? Shit happens. And yes Slavery and Jim Crow happened but opportunities are there for the taking today. Companies want people of color and women. In popular society today, white men are the butt of jokes and thats acceptable. Matter of fact thats the only demographic where that is true. So what bank is going to turn down your home loan because your black, when you have 20% to put down and qualify? Whos not going to give you a passport to travel cause your black? What country is not going to let you travel there because your black?
Are those things only exclusive to white people? Not really. Black people in the US today have the power to make their own future if they want to

There are usually reasons people are poor often due to family history handed down, or bad parenting, or maybe just not knowing what choices to make early in life even though the options are actually open to them and no one is stopping them from making those choices. Often times people work instead of going to college because they have immediate family they need to help or have other obligations. This happens to white people too. Some people here like you have a skewed vision of what is is to be white based on anger, jealousy, or just plain ignorance. There is no system made to make all white people rich. White people like anyone else have to be motivated to work or they end up living under an overpass
"Research has shown that some kill because they are chronically aggressive, cold and unfeeling while some kill because they ‘exploded’ in response to acts of hostility.
"Others will lash out after wallowing in feelings of victimisation or nurturing longstanding resentments.
"Some who are immature and narcissistic become obsessed."....sound like anyone we know? Eh Paul Essein?
"Deprived of love or gratification, they feel justified while resorting to violence. Less common, but often more dramatic, are the killings committed by the psychotic, those with disturbed and disordered thoughts and only a tenuous grasp on reality."

Yup yup.

Murder cases soar in Zimbabwe | The Financial Gazette
OK. The floor is yours

In South Africa we have white supremacists owning all the land, the wealth and the native black population have not got a biscuit ?

How do you rectify this without violence ?

This should be funny

How about having the government buy the land at fair market value. Everyone walks away happy and there's no bloodshed. Or do you insist that people die to assuage your feelings of hatred?
I don't get the loan, the car, the house and I can't travel anywhere.
So fuck off, racist criminal puke.
Just because you did not get the job, house, car does not mean they are not there for you.

To be a white person and not have those things when white people live in a system that is set-up for white people to have those things, then you must really be a loser.

You understand the Chinese system in China is set up for Chinese right? But there are still millions of poor people in China, just like there are millions of white people living below the poverty line here in the US. Why should I call a black person a loser because he is poor? or why should I call a white person a loser? Shit happens. And yes Slavery and Jim Crow happened but opportunities are there for the taking today. Companies want people of color and women. In popular society today, white men are the butt of jokes and thats acceptable. Matter of fact thats the only demographic where that is true. So what bank is going to turn down your home loan because your black, when you have 20% to put down and qualify? Whos not going to give you a passport to travel cause your black? What country is not going to let you travel there because your black?
Are those things only exclusive to white people? Not really. Black people in the US today have the power to make their own future if they want to

There are usually reasons people are poor often due to family history handed down, or bad parenting, or maybe just not knowing what choices to make early in life even though the options are actually open to them and no one is stopping them from making those choices. Often times people work instead of going to college because they have immediate family they need to help or have other obligations. This happens to white people too. Some people here like you have a skewed vision of what is is to be white based on anger, jealousy, or just plain ignorance. There is no system made to make all white people rich. White people like anyone else have to be motivated to work or they end up living under an overpass

Would you please spare us the lecture? We are black, we know what is what is not there. Yes blacks are not going to get loans when they have 20 percent. It happens. If being the butt of a joke was all I had to be concerned about, I wouldn't be crying. Companies want blacks so much that our unemployment rate stays double that of whites. There are countless studies and experiments that have been done that disputes every word you have posted. A person with a white sounding name gets interviewed more than if it's black. White men with high school educations are hired for the same jobs as much as blacks with college educations. This is proven. White families today have 15 times the wealth as blacks and that's not because blacks don't want to work. It's due to public policy. Essen doesn't have the skewed vison, but you want to believe he does because you want to pretend racism doesn't exist any more.

In here everyone is free to express an opinion, but in real life facts exist and when we talk about these issues facts should be part of the discussion. Because we know there are whites that struggle, but is that struggle due to a system rigged against them or is that struggle part of a normal process of life?. You don't want to discuss systemic racism, you want to lump everything into the same reasons like everything has been the same for everybody when it has never been that way.
I don't get the loan, the car, the house and I can't travel anywhere.
So fuck off, racist criminal puke.
Just because you did not get the job, house, car does not mean they are not there for you.

To be a white person and not have those things when white people live in a system that is set-up for white people to have those things, then you must really be a loser.

You understand the Chinese system in China is set up for Chinese right? But there are still millions of poor people in China, just like there are millions of white people living below the poverty line here in the US. Why should I call a black person a loser because he is poor? or why should I call a white person a loser? Shit happens. And yes Slavery and Jim Crow happened but opportunities are there for the taking today. Companies want people of color and women. In popular society today, white men are the butt of jokes and thats acceptable. Matter of fact thats the only demographic where that is true. So what bank is going to turn down your home loan because your black, when you have 20% to put down and qualify? Whos not going to give you a passport to travel cause your black? What country is not going to let you travel there because your black?
Are those things only exclusive to white people? Not really. Black people in the US today have the power to make their own future if they want to

There are usually reasons people are poor often due to family history handed down, or bad parenting, or maybe just not knowing what choices to make early in life even though the options are actually open to them and no one is stopping them from making those choices. Often times people work instead of going to college because they have immediate family they need to help or have other obligations. This happens to white people too. Some people here like you have a skewed vision of what is is to be white based on anger, jealousy, or just plain ignorance. There is no system made to make all white people rich. White people like anyone else have to be motivated to work or they end up living under an overpass

Would you please spare us the lecture? We are black, we know what is what is not there. Yes blacks are not going to get loans when they have 20 percent. It happens. If being the butt of a joke was all I had to be concerned about, I wouldn't be crying. Companies want blacks so much that our unemployment rate stays double that of whites. There are countless studies and experiments that have been done that disputes every word you have posted. A person with a white sounding name gets interviewed more than if it's black. White men with high school educations are hired for the same jobs as much as blacks with college educations. This is proven. White families today have 15 times the wealth as blacks and that's not because blacks don't want to work. It's due to public policy. Essen doesn't have the skewed vison, but you want to believe he does because you want to pretend racism doesn't exist any more.

In here everyone is free to express an opinion, but in real life facts exist and when we talk about these issues facts should be part of the discussion. Because we know there are whites that struggle, but is that struggle due to a system rigged against them or is that struggle part of a normal process of life?. You don't want to discuss systemic racism, you want to lump everything into the same reasons like everything has been the same for everybody when it has never been that way.

We have 15 x the wealth because we don't sit around trying to figure out how to make a different race pay give us things. We don't divert all our energy into obtaining subsidies and food stamps and various other contrivances that will allow us to access wealth we haven't earned, or give us diplomas we didn't study for. Instead we go out, we work, we pay our dues and we make plans that don't hinge on someone else funding them.
I don't get the loan, the car, the house and I can't travel anywhere.
So fuck off, racist criminal puke.
Just because you did not get the job, house, car does not mean they are not there for you.

To be a white person and not have those things when white people live in a system that is set-up for white people to have those things, then you must really be a loser.

You understand the Chinese system in China is set up for Chinese right? But there are still millions of poor people in China, just like there are millions of white people living below the poverty line here in the US. Why should I call a black person a loser because he is poor? or why should I call a white person a loser? Shit happens. And yes Slavery and Jim Crow happened but opportunities are there for the taking today. Companies want people of color and women. In popular society today, white men are the butt of jokes and thats acceptable. Matter of fact thats the only demographic where that is true. So what bank is going to turn down your home loan because your black, when you have 20% to put down and qualify? Whos not going to give you a passport to travel cause your black? What country is not going to let you travel there because your black?
Are those things only exclusive to white people? Not really. Black people in the US today have the power to make their own future if they want to

There are usually reasons people are poor often due to family history handed down, or bad parenting, or maybe just not knowing what choices to make early in life even though the options are actually open to them and no one is stopping them from making those choices. Often times people work instead of going to college because they have immediate family they need to help or have other obligations. This happens to white people too. Some people here like you have a skewed vision of what is is to be white based on anger, jealousy, or just plain ignorance. There is no system made to make all white people rich. White people like anyone else have to be motivated to work or they end up living under an overpass

Would you please spare us the lecture? We are black, we know what is what is not there. Yes blacks are not going to get loans when they have 20 percent. It happens. If being the butt of a joke was all I had to be concerned about, I wouldn't be crying. Companies want blacks so much that our unemployment rate stays double that of whites. There are countless studies and experiments that have been done that disputes every word you have posted. A person with a white sounding name gets interviewed more than if it's black. White men with high school educations are hired for the same jobs as much as blacks with college educations. This is proven. White families today have 15 times the wealth as blacks and that's not because blacks don't want to work. It's due to public policy. Essen doesn't have the skewed vison, but you want to believe he does because you want to pretend racism doesn't exist any more.

In here everyone is free to express an opinion, but in real life facts exist and when we talk about these issues facts should be part of the discussion. Because we know there are whites that struggle, but is that struggle due to a system rigged against them or is that struggle part of a normal process of life?. You don't want to discuss systemic racism, you want to lump everything into the same reasons like everything has been the same for everybody when it has never been that way.

We have 15 x the wealth because we don't sit around trying to figure out how to make a different race pay give us things.

The only problem with your comment is what you described is exactly why whites have 15 times the wealth. You used elections and the courts to make it so other races paid for things whites got.
where's asclepias been lately? I bet he was arrested.

I doubt that. Especially since whites are arrested far more than we are, your comment makes no sense.
I hope they bring money.

And there should no sympathy for them. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white SA'S. In fact they should laugh and mock them, and deride them, the same way whites do to black people. They should delight in white suffering. The same way whites delight in black suffering. Give white SA's a heavy dose of what they love to dish out.

Holy fuck! You're a racist piece of shit. If there were more niggas like you, it would inspire all Americans to just genocide niggas n shit.

I wouldn't support that. Dude, you're cancer to the cause of the betterment of Black Americans. Are you actually American?

IMHO, MLK Jr. would bitchslap you for being an asshat and hurting the cause of his people.

Ever heard of Rosewood? What county was that in? I know history, and my family's history. They were there.
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I hope they bring money.

And there should no sympathy for them. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white SA'S. In fact they should laugh and mock them, and deride them, the same way whites do to black people. They should delight in white suffering. The same way whites delight in black suffering. Give white SA's a heavy dose of what they love to dish out.

Holy fuck! You're a racist piece of shit. If there were more niggas like you, it would inspire all Americans to just genocide niggas n shit.

I wouldn't support that. Dude, you're cancer to the cause of the betterment of Black Americans.

I'm jaded on black americans tbh. Way past the point of just giving them a chance and all that "we're all the same on the inside BS". I've seen too much of their bullshit to think they can ever be rehabilitated.
I hope they bring money.

And there should no sympathy for them. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white SA'S. In fact they should laugh and mock them, and deride them, the same way whites do to black people. They should delight in white suffering. The same way whites delight in black suffering. Give white SA's a heavy dose of what they love to dish out.

Holy fuck! You're a racist piece of shit. If there were more niggas like you, it would inspire all Americans to just genocide niggas n shit.

I wouldn't support that. Dude, you're cancer to the cause of the betterment of Black Americans. Are you actually American?

IMHO, MLK Jr. would bitchslap you for being an asshat and hurting the cause of his people.

Ever heard of Rosewood? What county was that in? I know history, and my family's history.

We know Rosewood isn't in South Africa.

MLK would pat Essen on the back and tell him what a great job he's doing. You really need to shut the fuck up about MLK.

Because you haven't the slightest clue of what he stood for.

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