Let me get this straight....Jr. met with a russian......

verb: collude; 3rd person present: colludes; past tense: colluded; past participle: colluded; gerund or present participle: colluding
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.

Jr had a secret meeting with a Russian to harm Clinton.

Yep collusion.
Like the constant counter-arguments from the far Left about Hillary, "when you have a conviction, let me know". Until then, LOL
My my how times have changed....you get a white moron in office and suddenly the constitution, the office, the country...all take a back seat because white people are glad Hitler is back!!!
Trump has created full employment for criminal attorneys in the DC area.
Jr. went to a Russian who he knew was a Russian and expected illegal material obtained from spying. That makes him a traitor. That's how it works.

It's like trying to obstruct an investigation. Regardless of whether or not there was a crime, obstruction is a crime all on it's own.

Lying to investigators is a crime. How many times to you get to amend your statement before enough is enough?
Junior has a tee shirt that says " I met with a Russian agent to get dirt on Clinton and all I got was this lousy T shirt"
in a semi-related issue, Bettle Middler is taking flak for mocking Eric & Don Jr's looks when they were younger.
So? I remember a picture of Bette Midler in a 1970s Playboy "Pictures of the Year" where she hike her skirt onstage revealing a nice hairy pussy. She looked good then and not bad now, but her opinion is no better than anyone elses. I fail to see the problem.
Junior has a tee shirt that says " I met with a Russian agent to get dirt on Clinton and all I got was this lousy T shirt"
....and a blowjob from a hot Russian Putin agent. ;)

Like the constant counter-arguments from the far Left about Hillary, "when you have a conviction, let me know". Until then, LOL
Except you crazed unhinged Conservatives have spent over 25 years and literally hundreds of millions of dollars trying to hang Clinton ONLY TO FAIL...this is only the first months of the Investigations ....Benghazi Four Years * investigations and Nothing Zero Nada .......
Here is to the Trump Administration

You get a lawyer, and you get a lawyer, and you get a lawyer, and you get a lawyer!
I guess since you all love Russia so much why the fuss when Hillary gave a yes vote on the foreign affairs committee to sell uranium to Russia. I mean why all the fuss!!!!
"W" gave a yes vote to sell the only steel mill on the West Coast that can roll titanium and armor plate to a Russian company. The Uranium was sold to a Canadian company which later sold the controlling interest to a Russian company. But don't let facts get in the way of your 'Conservative' lies.
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

And if Jr. never told dad about the meeting, as being reported, yeah right...than why don't he go to daddy and say listen up dad, its true, the Russians did try to intervene in our elections, cause they tried to contact me about some shit.....duh?

Anyone doubting this shit, is just plain stupid, end of subject!!
Based upon all the investigating, the following never occurred:
1. The Russians COULD NOT HACK and DID NOT affect the voting machines.
2. The Russians HAD NO CONTROL OVER the Electoral Vote (which is what elects a president).
3. The Russians believed that Hillary (the bitch) Clinton would actually win.
4. Donald J. Trump was and remains the lawfully elected president, whether we like him or not.
Russia is just a diversion created by the far-left Democratic party, to try and keep the current administration off balance and the far-left followers believing in the B.S.. I'm sick of hearing about Russia, Russia, Russia. There are actual factual matters to be concerned about:
1. Islam, its growth, terrorist activities, subjugation of women and threat to the west.
2. Health care. The World Health Organization lists France's single payer system to be the best in the world and the French and ex-pats from other nations agree, so we need to get on board with it.
3. Immigration. Our cities and freeways are congested, farmlands are disappearing as they give way to urban sprawl, and thus immigration across the board, regardless of where they come from, needs to end.
4. Illegal aliens (not immigrants) are a drain on the social services, which in turn demands more money to cover for their costs. Strong borders are need to stem the flow.
5. Climate change is real and the current administration needs to wake up to its reality. The fossil fuel industry leaders are so addicted to money, as if it were heroin, that they don't want the situation to change, or they might lose money. They are so addicted to money that they will allow this planet and humans to die in order to keep making huge profits until such time as the human population dies off.

I agree with all you say!!
Here is my problems with republicans:

They say they are conservatives, but they are racist, vulgar, sexist, and don't following the teachings of Jesus.

They say they hated elitist Obama and yet they elected a fake billionaire and the most immoral person possible.

They say they are patriotic but yet attack their own and go around and sleep with the Russians....donald even welcomed the hacking when he was campaigning.

They say they hate big government but yet go around policing liberal states and cities.

Proof will be the next "conservative" throwing insults and attacks just like the Cheeto in chief.
verb: collude; 3rd person present: colludes; past tense: colluded; past participle: colluded; gerund or present participle: colluding
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.

Jr had a secret meeting with a Russian to harm Clinton.

Yep collusion.
Like the constant counter-arguments from the far Left about Hillary, "when you have a conviction, let me know". Until then, LOL
Ever here of Karma.....8 years of nothing and no conviction....at least give us 3 years and if nothing comes up, so be it...but you bitches got a long long long way to go.....pay back is a bitch, so sit back and relax, sucker, we ain't going no where!!
I love how the story keeps evolving.

- First Trump's campaign had no interactions with Russia it's all FAKE NEWS and WITCH HUNT

- Okay Trump's son and advisors and inner circle members did meet with Russians that weren't disclosed, but had nothing to do with election

- Alright maybe the meeting was about damaging Clinton's campaign, but Trump's people didn't know who they were meeting or what the meeting was about (hah)

- Whoops they did in fact know it was about damaging Clinton's campaign but everyone does that in politics, it's not like involved Russian government meddling in election

- Hmm maybe an email now shows they were told the source was the Russian government, but Trump senior didn't know this he's totally isolated and naive here

You couldn't invent comedy this good.
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

And if Jr. never told dad about the meeting, as being reported, yeah right...than why don't he go to daddy and say listen up dad, its true, the Russians did try to intervene in our elections, cause they tried to contact me about some shit.....duh?

Anyone doubting this shit, is just plain stupid, end of subject!!

How is Jr. Meeting with a "Russian" or Nigerian, or French individual who proposes too offer some very negative information about the opposing candidate, in any way shape or form something any different than all candidates have not been doing for the last 20 election cycles. Are there any regulations against obtaining negative information on the opposition if the person is a non US national?

Why don't you Leftie idiots understand, the Russian collusion conspiracy is a big nothing burger that Americans are no longer interested in. The only people interested are the biased totally corrupt mainstream media. Honesty I start yawning when I hear yet another Russia story.
I love how the story keeps evolving.

- First Trump's campaign had no interactions with Russia it's all FAKE NEWS and WITCH HUNT

- Okay Trump's son and advisors and inner circle members did meet with Russians that weren't disclosed, but had nothing to do with election

- Alright maybe the meeting was about damaging Clinton's campaign, but Trump's people didn't know who they were meeting or what the meeting was about (hah)

- Whoops they did in fact know it was about damaging Clinton's campaign but everyone does that in politics, it's not like involved Russian government meddling in election

- Hmm maybe an email now shows they were told the source was the Russian government, but Trump senior didn't know this he's totally isolated and naive here

You couldn't invent comedy this good.
Don't forget, Hillary did not send or receive any classified emails, especially the over 30,000 she destroyed.
Don't forget, Hillary did not send or receive any classified emails, especially the over 30,000 she destroyed.
Yep love this line of defense.

No matter what happens with Trump and team, no matter how many lies they are caught in, etc. don't forget about Hillary! We must refocus on this Hillary, and that makes everything Trump & co. do okay.
Your side paid for dirt on Trump with the Russians. So did the Never Trumpers. So that means they colluded with the Russians and paid big bucks. Throw them in jail!!!!!!!!!

Why would Jeb Bush sell it to Clinton, come on. No wonder Pete Bharara got fired.

The whole Bush family supported Hillary. GW's daughters even went to fundraisers for her.

That is because the Bushes and the Clintons are UN representatives.
verb: collude; 3rd person present: colludes; past tense: colluded; past participle: colluded; gerund or present participle: colluding
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.

Jr had a secret meeting with a Russian to harm Clinton.

Yep collusion.
Like the constant counter-arguments from the far Left about Hillary, "when you have a conviction, let me know". Until then, LOL
Ever here of Karma.....8 years of nothing and no conviction....at least give us 3 years and if nothing comes up, so be it...but you bitches got a long long long way to go.....pay back is a bitch, so sit back and relax, sucker, we ain't going no where!!
1) Do you think bolding your font makes your post more true?

2) Who are "you bitches"?

3) Who are "we" as in "we ain't going no where"?
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

And if Jr. never told dad about the meeting, as being reported, yeah right...than why don't he go to daddy and say listen up dad, its true, the Russians did try to intervene in our elections, cause they tried to contact me about some shit.....duh?

Anyone doubting this shit, is just plain stupid, end of subject!!

If there is anyone here that had a Cossack shove them into a voting booth and forced their hand to vote for Trump, please stand up.

If there is anyone here that doesn't know that Obama did the same thing in Israel, and the Dims said nothing, please stand up.

If there is anyone here that wishes tig would take up an outside hobby, please stand up.
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1) So, the Russians did not interfere because there was no Russian in the voting booth with me. Great thinking there Mr.Dumbass.

2) Obama did not do the same thing in Israel. As usual, you are misinformed.

3) I wish El Dumpster would go back to his reality show instead of fucking up this country.

Wish in one hand and poo in the other while clicking your heels together and let us know the outcome.
How is Jr. Meeting with a "Russian" or Nigerian, or French individual who proposes too offer some very negative information about the opposing candidate, in any way shape or form something any different than all candidates have not been doing for the last 20 election cycles. Are there any regulations against obtaining negative information on the opposition if the person is a non US national?
If the information came from a foreign government it would be different, since that would indicate possible attempts at interference in a US election. Not saying that is true (I have no idea) but that appears to be the gist of the latest reports. Also, it goes beyond that... it's the blatant lies. As each additional piece of information comes out Trump Jr is forced to change his story again. It takes a special suspension of reality to believe all these members of Trumps' team attended this meeting without knowing the purpose of it.

I know you'll probably respond by attacking Clinton as a diversion, but whatever Clinton did doesn't change what is happening right now with our President and his team who keep getting caught in lie after lie about their contacts with Russians.

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