Let me get this straight....Jr. met with a russian......

Don't forget, Hillary did not send or receive any classified emails, especially the over 30,000 she destroyed.
Yep love this line of defense.

No matter what happens with Trump and team, no matter how many lies they are caught in, etc. don't forget about Hillary! We must refocus on this Hillary, and that makes everything Trump & co. do okay.
The crooked media has been focusing on getting Trump impeached over this stupid collusion accusation (which is basically the Left's inability to handle the results of the election) and so far they have zero. Sorry but "meeting" with someone from a foreign country who claims to have negative information on an opponent just doesn't cut it, nor is it against the law.

Why aren't democrats having hissyfits over the Hillary campaign doing far worse, and actually colluding with Ukraine?

"Politico revealed in January some of the Ukrainian government’s anti-Trump activities during the election.

A veteran DNC operative who previously worked in the Clinton White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort. She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, according to the Politico report.

Chalupa met with Ukrainian ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico. Four days later, Trump officially hired Manafort.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported."
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Apparently this lawyer has some connection to the Russian adoption industry and wants the Magnitsky act repealed so the Kremlin will repeal its ban on the American adoption of Russian children. The Magnitsky Act was one of obama's more foolish actions.
Apparently this lawyer has some connection to the Russian adoption industry and wants the Magnitsky act repealed so the Kremlin will repeal its ban on the American adoption of Russian children. The Magnitsky Act was one of obama's more foolish actions.
Yes, so Don Jr. indeed telling the truth when he said in essence she wanted to talk to him about Russian adoption. Even though she used a ruse about Clinton and the Democrats to get the meeting.
The crooked media has been focusing on getting Trump impeached over this stupid collusion accusation (which is basically the Left's inability to handle the results of the election) and so far they have zero.
The usual misdirection, this isn't about the media or Clinton. You say they have zero, then remind me again where is Michael Flynn?

Sorry but "meeting" with someone from a foreign country who claims to have negative information on an opponent just doesn't cut it, nor is it against the law.
This has already been explained to you but I'll try again. The allegations are that he knew he was meeting someone who had information supplied by a foreign government, which implies an attempt to influence an election by a foreign government.

Why aren't democrats having hissyfits over the Hillary campaign doing far worse, and actually colluding with Ukraine?
Who cares? Trump is President, and we're talking about Trump and his team. I said one post ago that you'd start talking about Hillary, and you came through for me. Whatever she did doesn't change what Trump did. You've consistently tried to deflect any accusations against your hero with "but Clinton did xyz" as if that absolves anything Trump does.

At what point do you become so politically one-sided that you are basically an apologist for what any rational person knows is poor behavior?
Even with Flynn, no evidence showing collusion has been offered, nor did he break any laws, other than failure to include listing a call that occurs with every incoming administration. You forget he was subsequently interviewed extensively by Comey over this, and was cleared. But was fired because he made Pense look like bad.

Don Jr. Met with someone who claimed to have info on Hillary and the Dems. Which came up empty. That is yet another big fat nothing burger. During every election, each campaign has allies, both foreign and domestic, which it takes advantage of. That includes this kind of stuff.

Yes we are talking about the Trump team team being accused of something very ordinary, opposition research. Not like the Hillary campaign and the crooked media didn't turn over every storm in their effort to bring a Trump down, both before, and after the election.

You watch, this will add up to yet another Democrat driven hysteria and epic fail..
verb: collude; 3rd person present: colludes; past tense: colluded; past participle: colluded; gerund or present participle: colluding
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.

Jr had a secret meeting with a Russian to harm Clinton.

Yep collusion.
Like the constant counter-arguments from the far Left about Hillary, "when you have a conviction, let me know". Until then, LOL
Ever here of Karma.....8 years of nothing and no conviction....at least give us 3 years and if nothing comes up, so be it...but you bitches got a long long long way to go.....pay back is a bitch, so sit back and relax, sucker, we ain't going no where!!
So, you be gonna be hear, huh?
Don Jr. Met with someone who claimed to have info on Hillary and the Dems. Which came up empty. That is yet another big fat nothing burger. During every election, each campaign has allies, both foreign and domestic, which it takes advantage of. That includes this kind of stuff.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"

Hello Trump Apologist #1, that is from Trump Junior's email trail and no it is not normal, it is a foreign government attempting to influence an election in the US.

Not like the Hillary campaign
It's kind of funny, one can predict you'll bring up HIllary to deflect and sure as shit you do.
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Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

What connections does she have to the Russian government?
Don Jr. Met with someone who claimed to have info on Hillary and the Dems. Which came up empty. That is yet another big fat nothing burger. During every election, each campaign has allies, both foreign and domestic, which it takes advantage of. That includes this kind of stuff.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"

Hello Trump Apologist #1, that is from Trump Junior's email trail and no it is not normal, it is a foreign government attempting to influence an election in the US.

Provide evidence that she has any connection to the Russian government whatsoever.
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

What connections does she have to the Russian government?
You idiots spent 8 years on Hillary without proof of shit and now you dare ask I for Proof? Bitch please!! Own it and choke on it!!
Even with Flynn, no evidence showing collusion has been offered, nor did he break any laws, other than failure to include listing a call that occurs with every incoming administration. You forget he was subsequently interviewed extensively by Comey over this, and was cleared. But was fired because he made Pense look like bad.

Don Jr. Met with someone who claimed to have info on Hillary and the Dems. Which came up empty. That is yet another big fat nothing burger. During every election, each campaign has allies, both foreign and domestic, which it takes advantage of. That includes this kind of stuff.

Yes we are talking about the Trump team team being accused of something very ordinary, opposition research. Not like the Hillary campaign and the crooked media didn't turn over every storm in their effort to bring a Trump down, both before, and after the election.

You watch, this will add up to yet another Democrat driven hysteria and epic fail..
Uh, have you seen the emails? Or like most of you retards, you deny what the eye see's?
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

What connections does she have to the Russian government?
You idiots spent 8 years on Hillary without proof of shit

The evidence that she used an illegal private server which illegally contained classified documents is overwhelming, not up for debate, and publically available.
and now you dare ask I for Proof? Bitch please!! Own it and choke on it!!

Own what? Your baseless claim? Who taught this chimp to type? Go choke on a banana you fucking monkey.
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

What connections does she have to the Russian government?
It's Russia. :D

Seriously, it's Russia. The only people who don't have connections with the government are the Russian Mafia...and I'm not so sure about them.
You idiots spent 8 years on Hillary without proof of shit
The evidence that she used an illegal private server which illegally contained classified documents is overwhelming, not up for debate, and publically available....
Agreed. It's well known the Clintons are both smart and corrupt. They know where the lines are drawn and constantly go up to that line. It's unethical. They aren't the only ones who are, but they certainly are among the best at corruption, cronyism and unethical behavior.
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

What connections does she have to the Russian government?
It's Russia. :D

Seriously, it's Russia. The only people who don't have connections with the government are the Russian Mafia...and I'm not so sure about them.

Seriously, it's Russia. The only people who don't have connections with the government are the Russian Mafia...and I'm not so sure about them.

Exactly. Fuck the Russians. I can't believe so many alleged Americans are supporting Russia. Ergo, I think we have some fucking Russians among us. The only people who are putting Russian ahead of the United States are die-hard Trump cocksuckers and the fucking Russians themselves.

“the US won’t ever trust Russia."
-- Nikki Haley​
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

And if Jr. never told dad about the meeting, as being reported, yeah right...than why don't he go to daddy and say listen up dad, its true, the Russians did try to intervene in our elections, cause they tried to contact me about some shit.....duh?

Anyone doubting this shit, is just plain stupid, end of subject!!
Based upon all the investigating, the following never occurred:
1. The Russians COULD NOT HACK and DID NOT affect the voting machines.
2. The Russians HAD NO CONTROL OVER the Electoral Vote (which is what elects a president).
3. The Russians believed that Hillary (the bitch) Clinton would actually win.
4. Donald J. Trump was and remains the lawfully elected president, whether we like him or not.
Russia is just a diversion created by the far-left Democratic party, to try and keep the current administration off balance and the far-left followers believing in the B.S.. I'm sick of hearing about Russia, Russia, Russia. There are actual factual matters to be concerned about:
1. Islam, its growth, terrorist activities, subjugation of women and threat to the west.
2. Health care. The World Health Organization lists France's single payer system to be the best in the world and the French and ex-pats from other nations agree, so we need to get on board with it.
3. Immigration. Our cities and freeways are congested, farmlands are disappearing as they give way to urban sprawl, and thus immigration across the board, regardless of where they come from, needs to end.
4. Illegal aliens (not immigrants) are a drain on the social services, which in turn demands more money to cover for their costs. Strong borders are need to stem the flow.
5. Climate change is real and the current administration needs to wake up to its reality. The fossil fuel industry leaders are so addicted to money, as if it were heroin, that they don't want the situation to change, or they might lose money. They are so addicted to money that they will allow this planet and humans to die in order to keep making huge profits until such time as the human population dies off.

I agree with all you say!!
Well.....Hallelujah!!!! We actually agree on something!
Don Jr. Met with someone who claimed to have info on Hillary and the Dems. Which came up empty. That is yet another big fat nothing burger. During every election, each campaign has allies, both foreign and domestic, which it takes advantage of. That includes this kind of stuff.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"

Hello Trump Apologist #1, that is from Trump Junior's email trail and no it is not normal, it is a foreign government attempting to influence an election in the US.

Not like the Hillary campaign
It's kind of funny, one can predict you'll bring up HIllary to deflect and sure as shit you do.
Hah? The hypocrisy is astounding. Whereas it was discovered by Don Jr. that this woman's claims was all fake, the Ukranian govt. did actually collude with Hillary and did help them with dirt on Trump. There is clear evidence for that. But I don't see you Libtards eating your soiled underwear over it. Why the selective phoney outrage? Ha ha ha.
Even with Flynn, no evidence showing collusion has been offered, nor did he break any laws, other than failure to include listing a call that occurs with every incoming administration. You forget he was subsequently interviewed extensively by Comey over this, and was cleared. But was fired because he made Pense look like bad.

Don Jr. Met with someone who claimed to have info on Hillary and the Dems. Which came up empty. That is yet another big fat nothing burger. During every election, each campaign has allies, both foreign and domestic, which it takes advantage of. That includes this kind of stuff.

Yes we are talking about the Trump team team being accused of something very ordinary, opposition research. Not like the Hillary campaign and the crooked media didn't turn over every storm in their effort to bring a Trump down, both before, and after the election.

You watch, this will add up to yet another Democrat driven hysteria and epic fail..
Uh, have you seen the emails? Or like most of you retards, you deny what the eye see's?
I have indeed seen the emails.

How's that big nothing burger tasting so far?
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

And if Jr. never told dad about the meeting, as being reported, yeah right...than why don't he go to daddy and say listen up dad, its true, the Russians did try to intervene in our elections, cause they tried to contact me about some shit.....duh?

Anyone doubting this shit, is just plain stupid, end of subject!!
This was a deliberate ploy by Russia to get Jr. to come to a meeting and thus infer a possible collusion and thus harm the Trump administration. The Russians want Trump out, as they consider him a loose cannon to deal with. Putin would prefer to deal with either the "good-ole boy" politician, Pence, or Clinton who they consider as weak as Obama.

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