Let me see if I have this right.

Oh yes....I remember...."Mission Accomplished"

Neither nation is "fine"

None of the underlying conflics have been resolved. As long as we have soldiers walking down the street...everything is "fine"

Its what happens after the soldiers leave
If it's not "fine", why such lack of interest in Iraq now, eh? A partisan recently told me why: No one is interested in Iraq now. BHO is in office.

And they were deadly serious.

Same bullshit. Partisan bullshit.

It doesn't matter who is in office or what their party is if one actually gives a shit about the military and national security.

Things are "fine" in Iraq because we have withdrawn from the hot zones. People are still being killed in Iraq, they are just not our people.

But we never cared about what happens to the Iraqi people so....So What?

Oil interests have been secured. Next!
The problem is intention and purpose, any of the items RGS mentions can be explored from other points of view. Bush had eight years, the republican party much longer, they totally and completely flucked up, no one argues differently today. Obama has had a few months in which to correct problems that have been around for many years, if after eight years or even four speak up, till then STFU if you voted for that last president. Your policies failed completely - the policies you gave approval to by voting into office the last administration - you should examine why you failed and not belittle someone trying to fix those problems. There is improvement already.

The Political Scene: The Fall of Conservatism : The New Yorker

Bush damage

The bill for the Bush administration | Salon News

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Oh yes....I remember...."Mission Accomplished"

Neither nation is "fine"

None of the underlying conflics have been resolved. As long as we have soldiers walking down the street...everything is "fine"

Its what happens after the soldiers leave
If it's not "fine", why such lack of interest in Iraq now, eh? A partisan recently told me why: No one is interested in Iraq now. BHO is in office.

And they were deadly serious.

Same bullshit. Partisan bullshit.

It doesn't matter who is in office or what their party is if one actually gives a shit about the military and national security.

Things are "fine" in Iraq because we have withdrawn from the hot zones. People are still being killed in Iraq, they are just not our people.

But we never cared about what happens to the Iraqi people so....So What?
Classic: So what? It was just a partisan tool for those who were so outspoken yet silent now.

As I said, it doesn't matter what party is on office, the interests of the country - military, security - are what's important.

The rhetoric no longer serves your partisan purpose.
Yep, "Mission Accomplished" has been explained forward and back, but with Alinsky rules will never see the light of day. So be it.

The Alinsky rules are now turned about on those that posed them. Enjoy.

Obama wants to establish socialism, he's a fascist and the results are available on you tube, see the indoctrination of kindergarten children. They have no shame.
If it's not "fine", why such lack of interest in Iraq now, eh? A partisan recently told me why: No one is interested in Iraq now. BHO is in office.

And they were deadly serious.

Same bullshit. Partisan bullshit.

It doesn't matter who is in office or what their party is if one actually gives a shit about the military and national security.

Things are "fine" in Iraq because we have withdrawn from the hot zones. People are still being killed in Iraq, they are just not our people.

But we never cared about what happens to the Iraqi people so....So What?
Classic: So what? It was just a partisan tool for those who were so outspoken yet silent now.

As I said, it doesn't matter what party is on office, the interests of the country - military, security - are what's important.

The rhetoric no longer serves your partisan purpose.

si modo, you are projecting again.
Things are "fine" in Iraq because we have withdrawn from the hot zones. People are still being killed in Iraq, they are just not our people.

But we never cared about what happens to the Iraqi people so....So What?
Classic: So what? It was just a partisan tool for those who were so outspoken yet silent now.

As I said, it doesn't matter what party is on office, the interests of the country - military, security - are what's important.

The rhetoric no longer serves your partisan purpose.

si modo, you are projecting again.
Why don't you explain how? Clearly articluate the rationale for your conclusion. It's not hard to do, if one knows what they are talking about.
Bush put us into not one, but two unwinnable situations

The top exit strategy in both cases was a draw. But to get that draw means we have to keep our troops on the ground indefinitely. Neither region is historically stable. The naive concept of sending the Army, overthrowing the government and having the people happily embrace democracy while singing the praises of the US never had a prayer.

We must choose a point in time where we declare victory and just go home. Both countries will go into eventual civil war but that was the inevitable outcome anyway.

Except we won in Iraq, you dumb ass. And we could solve a few problems in Afghanistan as well if we had the right Leader. If more troops are needed make the fucking Europeans send more troops and then make Countries like France use their troops to fight.
as a democrat i am amazed at what is going on...why are people focusing on acorn..which in the total picture receives very little funding from the federal government? many of these issues are simply what i call..."isses of distraction"...ie. having a beer with the professor and cop..but people focused right in on that...while 3 billion went to clear car inventories...what could 3 billion have done to futher research into a better hybrid or alternative fuel?

the arrests in pittsburg, shocking, flashes of chicago 68...but i am for free speech, even when i dont agree with the speaker.

why are the wars still going on..obama had plans would hit the ground running....seems he has tripped out of the gate...

why are the american people ignoring the wars...no longer do the drums beat over the death count....seems the veterans of these wars are all but forgotten?

what became of the message of unification of this country? we are seemingly more divided than ever..but i do lay that at the feet of the talking heads...division is their bread and butter. it is up to the american people to take charge and stop listening to talking heads.

Bones, elections have consequences, for the 'winners' and 'losers.' Obama had the most liberal record in US Congress, yet ran as a 'hope' & 'change' centrist. He isn't. He said that he was post-partisan, yet with first meeting told the 'other party' to sit down & shut up, 'we won.' That started off the continuing schism within the country, politically. At the same time, he really seems to believe that from him, rhetoric will trump practicality, it's not working for the far left, the right, or the independents.

He said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class, yet we can see already that taxes are increasing, with promises of more from cap & trade, and remarks Friday regarding ending 'fossil fuel subsidies', meaning all energy prices are going to skyrocket-that's a tax. Same with forcing people to buy health insurance, it's a tax, as Stephanopolis pointed out last week.

He said Afghanistan was where our focus should be, now he is disowning his own policies. He's embolding our enemies and ditching our allies.

While claiming to be post-racial, his minions have been anything but. In fact to disagree with his policies is to be called a racist. In a little less than 10 months we've seen unprecedented spending, plans for more, a takeover of financials, automakers, we've witnessed wholesale firings of executives in those industries while minions of his are put in charge. He's appointed unvetted advisors who want to control the internet, force manufacturing of products they envision, without any data to back up the demand for those products.

Many just feel something is wrong. Many see fascism beginning, applauded by his true believers. Where it will all go? :confused:

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Annie again.
I doubt RGS even wrote it. Looks like a cut and paste job to me...could be wrong....
You are wrong. I just did a search of his text and the ONLY search result is this thread.

It's cowardly to make such accusations without foundation.

I'd say it's wrong (which I was more than willing to say - see my last three words), but cowardly? hhmmmm...

Let's just say the post seemed far too lucid (the writing of it, not the content) to be him. Musta taken him a month of Sunday's to write the freaking thing..
Bush put us into not one, but two unwinnable situations

The top exit strategy in both cases was a draw. But to get that draw means we have to keep our troops on the ground indefinitely. Neither region is historically stable. The naive concept of sending the Army, overthrowing the government and having the people happily embrace democracy while singing the praises of the US never had a prayer.

We must choose a point in time where we declare victory and just go home. Both countries will go into eventual civil war but that was the inevitable outcome anyway.

Except we won in Iraq, you dumb ass. And we could solve a few problems in Afghanistan as well if we had the right Leader. If more troops are needed make the fucking Europeans send more troops and then make Countries like France use their troops to fight.
Yep, "Mission Accomplished" has been explained forward and back, but with Alinsky rules will never see the light of day. So be it.

The Alinsky rules are now turned about on those that posed them. Enjoy.

Obama wants to establish socialism, he's a fascist and the results are available on you tube, see the indoctrination of kindergarten children. They have no shame.

You don't even have a clue what Socialism is (if you really think that is where Obama is going)...more harping by a harpie....
Except we won in Iraq, you dumb ass. And we could solve a few problems in Afghanistan as well if we had the right Leader. If more troops are needed make the fucking Europeans send more troops and then make Countries like France use their troops to fight.

WON! We invaded a sovereign nation that was no threat to us, had no military power, we lost thousands of American lives and more badly injured, we killed thousands and we won? We put in place a government we would not want in place? We wasted billions on an unnecessary war to remove a man who was our ally when he murdered his own people! WON! Illegal is illegal in my book and in the book of all honest people.

Paradigm Iraq immoral

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

"I repeat: the entire war and occupation are immoral. If you criticize the Bush administration on the grounds that it "bungled" the war, this leaves one, and only one, inevitable implication: if they had prosecuted the war and occupation "competently," then you would have no complaints whatsoever. That is: you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq were justified and moral. If that's what you actually think, you belong in the Bush camp. You're arguing over managerial style, and about issues that are entirely trivial."
If more troops are needed make the fucking Europeans send more troops and then make Countries like France use their troops to fight.

Typical neocon...start shit and then expect others to finish it for you. And here's me thinking you guys are huge on personal responsibility.....

You ninkompoop......Our European allies in NATO promised to send troops to Afghanistan...MANY DIDN'T HONOR THEIR COMMITMENT. Nice try at rewriting history with uninformed jibberish.
If more troops are needed make the fucking Europeans send more troops and then make Countries like France use their troops to fight.

Typical neocon...start shit and then expect others to finish it for you. And here's me thinking you guys are huge on personal responsibility.....

You ninkompoop......Our European allies in NATO promised to send troops to Afghanistan...MANY DIDN'T HONOR THEIR COMMITMENT. Nice try at rewriting history with uninformed jibberish.

Not my point, fool....
Except we won in Iraq, you dumb ass. And we could solve a few problems in Afghanistan as well if we had the right Leader. If more troops are needed make the fucking Europeans send more troops and then make Countries like France use their troops to fight.

WON! We invaded a sovereign nation that was no threat to us, had no military power, we lost thousands of American lives and more badly injured, we killed thousands and we won? We put in place a government we would not want in place? We wasted billions on an unnecessary war to remove a man who was our ally when he murdered his own people! WON! Illegal is illegal in my book and in the book of all honest people.

Paradigm Iraq immoral

Once Upon a Time...: Trapped in the Wrong Paradigm: Three Handy Rules

"I repeat: the entire war and occupation are immoral. If you criticize the Bush administration on the grounds that it "bungled" the war, this leaves one, and only one, inevitable implication: if they had prosecuted the war and occupation "competently," then you would have no complaints whatsoever. That is: you think the invasion and occupation of Iraq were justified and moral. If that's what you actually think, you belong in the Bush camp. You're arguing over managerial style, and about issues that are entirely trivial."

Here's ANOTHER LIBTARD trying to rewrite history with blatant misinformation and Democratic Underground talking points...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

The Iraqi Air Defense forces attacked American planes DAILY FOR 10 YEARS.
The Iraqi Army was the 4th largest Army on the planet.
Saddam was NEVER an ally of the United States.....never.

Get over it...Bush's strategy in Iraq was a huge success...:clap2:
When Bush doubled the deficit in 8 years that was BAD. Obama doubling the new already doubled deficit in 4 years is GOOD.
Not all borrowing is created equal. If I borrow $10,000 to repair my roof it is different than if my neighbor borrows $10,000 for a weekend in Vegas.

Bush borrowed $5 Trillion which went to tax breaks for the super wealthy and two unnecessary wars.

Obama has borrowed $900 Billion (which does not double the deficit) which went for bank and auto company bailouts and stimulus to repair infrastructure

In one case you have nothing to show for your money, in the other you do.
then why doesn't Obama END those "two unnecessary wars"
Typical neocon...start shit and then expect others to finish it for you. And here's me thinking you guys are huge on personal responsibility.....

You ninkompoop......Our European allies in NATO promised to send troops to Afghanistan...MANY DIDN'T HONOR THEIR COMMITMENT. Nice try at rewriting history with uninformed jibberish.

Not my point, fool....

Exactly...you've NEVER made a valid point on anything.
Bush put us into not one, but two unwinnable situations

The top exit strategy in both cases was a draw. But to get that draw means we have to keep our troops on the ground indefinitely. Neither region is historically stable. The naive concept of sending the Army, overthrowing the government and having the people happily embrace democracy while singing the praises of the US never had a prayer.

We must choose a point in time where we declare victory and just go home. Both countries will go into eventual civil war but that was the inevitable outcome anyway.

Except we won in Iraq, you dumb ass. And we could solve a few problems in Afghanistan as well if we had the right Leader. If more troops are needed make the fucking Europeans send more troops and then make Countries like France use their troops to fight.

Yes that approach will work! :lol:
When Bush doubled the deficit in 8 years that was BAD. Obama doubling the new already doubled deficit in 4 years is GOOD.

Not all borrowing is created equal. If I borrow $10,000 to repair my roof it is different than if my neighbor borrows $10,000 for a weekend in Vegas.

Bush borrowed $5 Trillion which went to tax breaks for the super wealthy and two unnecessary wars.

Obama has borrowed $900 Billion (which does not double the deficit) which went for bank and auto company bailouts and stimulus to repair infrastructure

In one case you have nothing to show for your money, in the other you do.

If you neighbor borrows 10,000$ to go to Vegas its none of your business, most likely your houses were built at the same time being in the same neighborhood, your neighbor took care of his roof, maintained it and you did not, now he has the ability to take a much deserved vacation and you must address your neglect with money borrowed by others that work real hard. Yes there is a big difference.

Bush borrowed over 5 trillion over eight years, Obama 1 trillion in 4 months. Bush saved lives and destroyed a tyrant, Obama has yet to spend what he has borrowed instead Obama has cleverly designed a program that dumbs the money into the economy just before the 2010 elections. Again a huge difference. As far as unnecassary war, Liberal/Democrats state that after all the wars they cause so its really a mute point.

A tax break is also not the same as printing money, you see in a tax break the money is never took from somebody against their will, describing that as a loan is very creative use of the english language yet thats "political speak."

Obama's money is not spent yet so we dont have anything to show for it, except maybe the fact that Obama sold the Hummer division to Red China which will use the platform for military vehicles.

Tell the families who lost loved ones in the war we have nothing to show for their lost.

I was actually not even interested in your post because they were so easily discredited but when I saw such a simpleton post thanked by diuretic I could not resist.

Thank your freinds.
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