"Let me tell you, the one that matters is me, I'm the only one that matters", so says Trump.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
"Let me tell you, the one that matters is me," Trump said in an interview that aired on Fox News on Thursday night. "I'm the only one that matters, because when it comes to it, that's what the policy is going to be. You've seen that, you've seen it strongly."

As of last month, the Trump administration had installed roughly a quarter of the personnel needed to fill some 600 appointed positions that require Senate confirmation, as NPR's Tamara Keith has reported.

'I'm The Only One That Matters,' Trump Says Of State Dept. Job Vacancies

Trump’s comments made him appear as if he does not understand the importance of high-level position in the State Department, but Trump argues it’s more about saving money.

"It's called cost saving," Trump said. "I want my vision, but my vision is my vision anyway. It's called cost saving. There's nothing wrong with cost saving."

Trump on State Department job vacancies: 'I'm the only one that matters'


State Dept. spokeswoman acknowledges 'morale issue'

Last week, Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the union representing U.S. Foreign Service workers, warned that the Trump administration was crippling American diplomacy by slashing senior positions at the State Department.

"The talent being shown the door now is not only our top talent, but also talent that cannot be replicated overnight," she wrote in a column set to be published in the American Foreign Service Association's December journal.


One of the many things Republicans don't understand is the value in soft diplomacy. If an issue pops up and through soft diplomacy, it's avoided, then people will never hear about it. Because the crisis was avoided. But when an issue pops up that leads to conflict, then Republicans say see? What good is diplomacy? Just use force. That's the GOP's answer to diplomacy. Bomb, shoot, kill, threaten. How they treat foreign countries is really not much different than how they want to treat Americans who don't agree with them.
Deanturd, I realize you leave that vacuous space between your ears free for Trump to live in rent free but even trailer trash wouldn't live in such filth.

Get a life bed wetter.

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Deanturd, I realize you leave that vacuous space between your ears free for Trump to live in rent free but even trailer trash wouldn't live in such filth.

Get a life bed wetter.

I don't disagree with Trump completely. There are things that only he can do. Like all this massive failure. No one else has ever been given more opportunity.
"Let me tell you, the one that matters is me," Trump said in an interview that aired on Fox News on Thursday night. "I'm the only one that matters, because when it comes to it, that's what the policy is going to be. You've seen that, you've seen it strongly."

As of last month, the Trump administration had installed roughly a quarter of the personnel needed to fill some 600 appointed positions that require Senate confirmation, as NPR's Tamara Keith has reported.

'I'm The Only One That Matters,' Trump Says Of State Dept. Job Vacancies

Trump’s comments made him appear as if he does not understand the importance of high-level position in the State Department, but Trump argues it’s more about saving money.

"It's called cost saving," Trump said. "I want my vision, but my vision is my vision anyway. It's called cost saving. There's nothing wrong with cost saving."

Trump on State Department job vacancies: 'I'm the only one that matters'


State Dept. spokeswoman acknowledges 'morale issue'

Last week, Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the union representing U.S. Foreign Service workers, warned that the Trump administration was crippling American diplomacy by slashing senior positions at the State Department.

"The talent being shown the door now is not only our top talent, but also talent that cannot be replicated overnight," she wrote in a column set to be published in the American Foreign Service Association's December journal.


One of the many things Republicans don't understand is the value in soft diplomacy. If an issue pops up and through soft diplomacy, it's avoided, then people will never hear about it. Because the crisis was avoided. But when an issue pops up that leads to conflict, then Republicans say see? What good is diplomacy? Just use force. That's the GOP's answer to diplomacy. Bomb, shoot, kill, threaten. How they treat foreign countries is really not much different than how they want to treat Americans who don't agree with them.
Trump is determined to run this country, like he runs his business's....he gives the order and you just do it. This dumb ass is just beside himself because he can't tell the Attorney General what to do, his words not mine....people like this dumb shit about him....but here's the problem...most of his business's have been failures and Trump's wealth comes from the ADVICE given to him by people who know what the fuck they're doing!! All he does is provide the money and the name
trump is a prick.

Only his sheep believe any of the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth like diarrhea.
Typical GOP ploy, you're the first to claim Lincoln when us negro's get to complaining about shit, taking ownership of his party affiliation, ie republican. Well, I'm gonna throw this one back at ya....his credentials.....are typical of a conservative.....booya!!
Our beloved Pres. Trump is doing a magnificent job as our ruler.

He is the most awesome president America has had in decades.

We are truly blessed to have him. ...... :cool:
Neil Cavuto Shreds Trump: ‘You’re The President... Why Don’t You Act Like It?’
The Fox News host says Trump’s Twitter attacks are like “using a bazooka to respond to a pea shooter.”
Even Fox is getting tired of this sorry ass stupid ignorant white mf....Fox, need I say more!! I think the only reason you continue to support this guy, is because you're bored and you really don't have a fuckin life.....have you ever considered hang gliding Sunni?
Trump will be remembered as a modern day Lincoln.

Because he saved the nation and healed its broken economy.

The pantheon of U.S. hero's; Washington, Lincoln, and Trump. ..... :salute:
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