Let the authortarian gun grabbing begin


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
WASHINGTON, April 2 (Reuters) - The White House is trying to craft a series of executive actions for President Joe Biden to sign to try to limit gun violence, hoping they cannot be quickly dismantled in court, according to aides and gun safety groups.


Mass shootings last month in Georgia and Colorado have put pressure on the White House to act, as swift legislation is not likely through Congress. Press secretary Jen Psaki reiterated on Thursday that the administration is looking at executive orders.

After years of liberal progressives mocking us, and talking down to us that they didn't want to take our guns, we now have a puppet in the WH that is bending to the dumbest voices in DC....

An executive order is a means of issuing federal directives in the United States, used by the President of the United States, that manages operations of the federal government.[1]


These people are treating EO's like they are laws.....They're not...They are meant to be directives to the organizations of the Federal Government that are run by the Executive....This absurdity of allowing this administration to get away with mandating certain things, getting around Congress, and the legislative process is a travesty to liberty in this country...It is an abuse of power...

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

It is my interpretation that in the reading of the 2A, one needs to look at the comma's as periods...IOW, "A well regulated Militia." gives the commander in chief to adopt, and implement rules to govern and command the Militia, or in today's world, the NG...."The right of the people to keep, and bear arms." Speaks to our right as citizens to own firearms. "Shall not be infringed" is simple...Since it is MY right to keep and bear arms, it is telling the government that they CAN NOT impede me from doing so....Certainly not from an EO...We don't have a monarchy in this country....

Over the years we have allowed more and more infringement of our 2A right, and I say ENOUGH! I am a law abiding gun owner, and use my guns for target shooting, home protection, and hunting....I was in the Army for 6 years, and was an expert marksman, as well as a Armorer for my units....I am well trained in not only situational fire arm control, but target aquisition, and removal up to 300 meters..I stay up to date on my training, and have for over thirty years since my discharge from the Army...And I am a conceled carry permit holder good in 34 states....Why liberal progressives want to take my fire arms away is beyond lunacy to me, and makes no sense....They don't even know what they are talking about concerning guns when pressed on the issue...

In the end, I wake up everyday and wonder what the threshhold is for American's to look at what this administration is doing and say enough is enough....This needs to end not only because they are not only bankrupting the country, but now want to disarm the populace...Plus there is clear cut reason now to believe that Biden, and his family are compromised by the Chineese, and will be ineffectual should Bejing decide to marshall any attack against this country...We are in a severely bad place when it comes to this President, and I can not accept, nor believe this is what the country voted for....

I still want that Tiger tank for home security.

Come on Moon, I am talking reasonably, the least you could do is cut the trolling for enough time to post as if you have thought about something other than getting likes from your fellow travelers....
I have all the small arms I could want I want larger calibers..
I still want that Tiger tank for home security.

Come on Moon, I am talking reasonably, the least you could do is cut the trolling for enough time to post as if you have thought about something other than getting likes from your fellow travelers....
hes not capable of such an act of acting rational or on topic,,

I know, but I really would like to discuss the topic in this thread, and not other posters...
My thoughts?

We've had (and are having) a lot more than the 2nd amendment infringed on- look at the Patriot Act- it eviscerated the 4th amendments ambiguity- Homeland Security is a jucking foke- and, as Bush jr said; it's a just a goddamn piece of paper- which Nancy Pelosi claims is alive- an inert piece of paper- :rolleyes:
The constitution is the rules for the fed gov't- it doesn't follow the rules- which begs the question; why should voters? And what rules are we to follow? See my signature line.
Come on Moon, I am talking reasonably, the least you could do is cut the trolling for enough time to post as if you have thought about something other than getting likes from your fellow travelers....
That's the stupid coming out- he just can't help it.
I still want that Tiger tank for home security.

Come on Moon, I am talking reasonably, the least you could do is cut the trolling for enough time to post as if you have thought about something other than getting likes from your fellow travelers....
I have all the small arms I could want I want larger calibers..

Ok, so you want an outdated tank that may or may not be capable of firing....As far as I know you can buy one. There is nothing right now that says you can't...Who am I to say you are dumb with your money....have at it....
Shall not be infringed is the declarative- Publicly Educated idiots don't comprehend that- I have read 2500 word essays arguing about it- good lord- it's not esoteric- it's simple English-
My MOS in the army was 27E which is anti armor missile systems repair and maint. At that time it was the TOW and Dragon missile systems...They are deadly dangerous but most folks don't have them and that is why I want a Tiger tank.
I still want that Tiger tank for home security.

Come on Moon, I am talking reasonably, the least you could do is cut the trolling for enough time to post as if you have thought about something other than getting likes from your fellow travelers....
I have all the small arms I could want I want larger calibers..

Ok, so you want an outdated tank that may or may not be capable of firing....As far as I know you can buy one. There is nothing right now that says you can't...Who am I to say you are dumb with your money....have at it....
You do know that the govt. would not come and take away my tank because of the 2nd amendment?
My MOS in the army was 27E which is anti armor missile systems repair and maint. At that time it was the TOW and Dragon missile systems...They are deadly dangerous but most folks don't have them and that is why I want a Tiger tank.
Well at least upgrade to the King Tiger

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