Let the nation default?

Should Republicans let the nation default if Democrats refuse to negotiate?

  • Yes, if the Dems won't talk, we should default.

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • No, we should never default on our debt.

    Votes: 33 52.4%

  • Total voters
You have to be a complete moron to not realize we have already defaulted. We're just playing stupid games to keep the democrat voters appeased until the last minute.

The FED is operating on the basis of 2% inflation per year in printing money to keep themselves afloat, the real output of the country falls at about 1% per year...or less if you go by real numbers not the government spoonfed ones. So by looking at our monetary growth vs our GDP growth our investors can never get their money back. If you invested $100 in the government last year that money is now worth $98 dollars due to printing. If you thought the GDP was going to make up for that and even exceed it you just lost.

We are losing economic output faster than we are losing monetary value. Way too many leaches in the system and stupid laws to overcome.

We are currently in a default. We can't make enough to pay off what we owe and are simultaniously reducing the value of the money we hope will pay this debt off. Our best scenario is people keep lending us real money that we can devalue as fast as possible and then pretty much screw them in the end but if you look at our obligations or number one creditor is us, or the FED really.

We are seriously lending ourselves the money we need to keep going. Self approved loans to increase the debt limit so we can pay the last credit card with the new one. How fucking stupid are we as a country?
Two days until disaster. Are the Repubs going to stop their hissy fit and do the right thing?

What's the right thing?

Keep borrowing at the rate we are? That's the right thing?

The hissy fit being thrown is the gold digger that has run the sugar daddy out of money but she insists on still getting the checks. We're out of money. What part of that don't you get?
Two days until disaster. Are the Repubs going to stop their hissy fit and do the right thing?

What's the right thing?

Keep borrowing at the rate we are? That's the right thing?

The hissy fit being thrown is the gold digger that has run the sugar daddy out of money but she insists on still getting the checks. We're out of money. What part of that don't you get?

If you are out of money, you can stop calling yourselves the 'richest' country in the world.
Two days until disaster. Are the Repubs going to stop their hissy fit and do the right thing?

What's the right thing?

Keep borrowing at the rate we are? That's the right thing?

The hissy fit being thrown is the gold digger that has run the sugar daddy out of money but she insists on still getting the checks. We're out of money. What part of that don't you get?

If you are out of money, you can stop calling yourselves the 'richest' country in the world.

We are now the greatest debtor in world history so what the fuck does that tell you? We used to be the greatest country for a lot of reasons. Those reasons keep falling to the wayside by trying to imulate incompetents like you. I don't think we are the richest country in the world anymore. We sure as hell are doing everything we can to make us the poorest.
Two days until disaster. Are the Repubs going to stop their hissy fit and do the right thing?

It's not up to the pubs. It's up to the president to be willing to compromise. No compromise then we call his bluff and let him just try to default.
What's the right thing?

Keep borrowing at the rate we are? That's the right thing?

The hissy fit being thrown is the gold digger that has run the sugar daddy out of money but she insists on still getting the checks. We're out of money. What part of that don't you get?

If you are out of money, you can stop calling yourselves the 'richest' country in the world.

We are now the greatest debtor in world history so what the fuck does that tell you? We used to be the greatest country for a lot of reasons. Those reasons keep falling to the wayside by trying to imulate incompetents like you. I don't think we are the richest country in the world anymore. We sure as hell are doing everything we can to make us the poorest.

Here's a list of wealthy countries. USA is the wealthiest of countries with large populations. Debt is being made a big deal of because this is what republicans do when democrats have the white house.

Richest Countries in the World - World Top Ten
Two days until disaster. Are the Repubs going to stop their hissy fit and do the right thing?

What's the right thing?

Keep borrowing at the rate we are? That's the right thing?

The hissy fit being thrown is the gold digger that has run the sugar daddy out of money but she insists on still getting the checks. We're out of money. What part of that don't you get?

Republicans keep playing these debt default games and it increases the borrowing interest. And then the repubs complain about increased cost of borrowing.

So if I send a nickel to each of those Teabaggers, you will come up with some evidence to back up your assertions?

Why don't you just saddle up Rembrandt P*ssyhorse and hie off into the sunset?

What part of you are not paying me enough confused you? I think I'll stay right here tinker bell, why don't you move me.

Hey, every rodeo needs a clown.....

Carry on, Texas Souffle!
Two days until disaster. Are the Repubs going to stop their hissy fit and do the right thing?

It's not up to the pubs. It's up to the president to be willing to compromise. No compromise then we call his bluff and let him just try to default.

More chindribble, Tex?

Why don't the Yahoos do what they had no problem doing as your fellow Texan, Scrub, turned surpluses into record deficits? The overwhelming bulk of the debt we need to cover is the legacy of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux....
I'll be amazed if they don't default. The cons strategy has always been to destroy Social Security, destroy Medicare, destroy Medicaid, destroy welfare, destroy, the department of education, destroy the minimum wage, destroy the EPA, destroy healthcare, and give everything to the richest 1%. When default happens, mission accomplished. That's the cons vision for America.
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The FED is operating on the basis of 2% inflation per year in printing money to keep themselves afloat ...

... in printing money to keep themselves afloat

there is no economic foundation for the above ... whatsoever - not to mention its reference to the Worlds leading economy.

the stimulus to end the Great Republican Depression 07-09 was "financed" by treasury bills bought by foreign counties (China) at ~ 2.5% interest - the Fed increased the money supply enough to pay off the interest on those Bills at no expense to the American Public and is able to reduce the same money supply at any time and will do so with a threat of inflation ... its called American (gov't) Capitalism, at its Finest.

Fitch just put the USA on "Negative Watch"!!!
"KEY RATING DRIVERS In line with Fitch's previous statements, the RWN reflects the following key rating drivers and their relative weights: High - The U.S. authorities have not raised the federal debt ceiling in a timely manner before the Treasury exhausts extraordinary measures. The U.S. Treasury Secretary has said that extraordinary measures will be exhausted by 17 October, leaving cash reserves of just USD30bn. Although Fitch continues to believe that the debt ceiling will be raised soon, the political brinkmanship and reduced financing flexibility could increase the risk of a U.S. default. - Although the Treasury would still have limited capacity to make payments after 17 October it would be exposed to volatile revenue and expenditure flows. The Treasury may be unable to prioritise debt service, and it is unclear whether it even has the legal authority to do so."
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