Let Trump win.

you might have a point, but I felt Cruz hit below the belt a few times.

When someone takes a swing at me, I will try and destroy their nutsack. Dump took the first shot, he can piss and moan all he likes but whatever he gets he asked for.
I seriously can not believe I am sitting here reading some of the shit I'm reading.

For the last 8 years I've enjoyed mocking and ridiculing mindless servile bed wetters who defend the meat puppet faggot no matter what he has failed to accomplish, or insist he has accomplished in spite of reality. These vacuous tools slavishly parrot the most asinine talking points, ignore every fact and statistic, regurgitate absolute lies, distortions, agitprop and "Bush did it" day after day with a tenacity that must be admired by the Kim Jung Un regime.

I was certain only a bed wetter was susceptible to such a vapid state of mind. Only someone who viewed government as a noble shepherd whose interest took priority over the rights of individuals were gullible and stupid enough to fall prey to cults of personaility that made impossible promises that no lucid person would believe.

Here I sit corrected.

Dump has promised you fools he would build a wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. Sure I thought it was funny, and it pissed off the moonbats so it had to be a good soundbyte.

None of you seem to consider the thousands of court injunctions that will be filed before ink has a chance to dry on the blueprints, at every single local, county, state, federal and international court. Dump would spend several times the cost of construction on an army of lawyers over the course of 8 years before the first bulldozer gets fuel in it.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact Dump BRAGGED about buying political whores. He funded the sort of crony corruptocracy I thought we were all pissed about. Someone who gives money to criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like Hitlery probably isn't going to be a reliable conservative president, or nominate decent judges.

None of you seemed to hear him talk about scrapping obozocare and replacing it with "universal health care" which is even worse.

None of you acknowledge the fact he has "evolved" on shit like gun control, abortion, and fag weddings. I can understand people changing their minds somewhat over time, but if you can't see that Dump is a fair weather republicrat you're as stupid as someone who believes the moonbat messiah "evolved" on fag weddings and doesn't have a thing for the sausage.

So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown and watch the democrooks nail the coffin shut on the one and only constitutional republic that ever existed. Keep pretending Ted Cruz is the bad guy, keep pretending he isn't the only guy who has gone to the Senate and stood for the principles YOU and I supposedly valued. Hold out hope the only clod with worse negatives than Hitlery manages to win the general in spite of common sense.

Go join the rest of the mindless rabble and revel in the glow of vapid celebrity. Enjoy the last days of the Republic as we transition into an Idiocracy if Dump wins, or an Orwellian nightmare when he doesn't.

Excellent post if folks didn't know the true colors of Cruz.

You're right, most folks don't have a clue what Trump will do, but hey, everyone already knows Cruz is a sell out to the establishment. Hell, his wife works for Goldieman's. She wrote papers in support of globalization. In his heart, Cruz is all for that TPP shit and handing the store over to the world's elites.

Your average conservative and middle class voter KNOWS we aren't just going to get rid of the Deep State by electing Cruz, he has been in there and is part of it. Just like Hillary and Bernie are. But Trump? Well, who knows. He runs Resorts International, and they launder their (the CIA's) cash, but other than that? :dunno:

Everyone knows what the hell they will do and whose strings will be yanking around Cruz. A Cruz admin. won't look ostensibly a whole lot different than a Clinton administration. The only real difference with a Clinton admin. is BLM will have more of a voice, SJW whining will get a lot louder, while perverts will roam free. But those are tertiary issues meant to distract the public from what is going on anyway.


Deep State America
Democracy is often subverted by special interests operating behind the scenes.
Deep State America
First of all, one should note that for the deep state to be effective, it must be intimately associated with the development or pre-existence of a national security state. There must also be a perception that the nation is in peril, justifying extraordinary measures undertaken by brave patriots to preserve life and property of the citizenry. Those measures are generically conservative in nature, intended to protect the status quo with the implication that change is dangerous.

Those requirements certainly prevail in post 9/11 America, and also feed the other essential component of the deep state: that the intervening should work secretly or at least under the radar. Consider for a moment how Washington operates. There is gridlock in Congress and the legislature opposes nearly everything that the White House supports. Nevertheless, certain things happen seemingly without any discussion: Banks are bailed out and corporate interests are protected by law. Huge multi-year defense contracts are approved. Citizens are assassinated by drones, the public is routinely surveilled, people are imprisoned without be charged, military action against “rogue” regimes is authorized, and whistleblowers are punished with prison. The war crimes committed by U.S. troops and contractors on far-flung battlefields, as well as torture and rendition, are rarely investigated and punishment of any kind is rare. America, the warlike predatory capitalist, might be considered a virtual definition of deep state.

One critic describes deep state as driven by the “Washington Consensus,” a subset of the “American exceptionalism” meme. It is plausible to consider it a post-World War II creation, the end result of the “military industrial complex” that Dwight Eisenhower warned about, but some believe its infrastructure was actually put in place through the passage of the Federal Reserve Act prior to the First World War. Several years after signing the bill, Woodrow Wilson reportedly lamented, “We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

Don't you have Chem trails to monitor?
I seriously can not believe I am sitting here reading some of the shit I'm reading.

For the last 8 years I've enjoyed mocking and ridiculing mindless servile bed wetters who defend the meat puppet faggot no matter what he has failed to accomplish, or insist he has accomplished in spite of reality. These vacuous tools slavishly parrot the most asinine talking points, ignore every fact and statistic, regurgitate absolute lies, distortions, agitprop and "Bush did it" day after day with a tenacity that must be admired by the Kim Jung Un regime.

I was certain only a bed wetter was susceptible to such a vapid state of mind. Only someone who viewed government as a noble shepherd whose interest took priority over the rights of individuals were gullible and stupid enough to fall prey to cults of personaility that made impossible promises that no lucid person would believe.

Here I sit corrected.

Dump has promised you fools he would build a wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. Sure I thought it was funny, and it pissed off the moonbats so it had to be a good soundbyte.

None of you seem to consider the thousands of court injunctions that will be filed before ink has a chance to dry on the blueprints, at every single local, county, state, federal and international court. Dump would spend several times the cost of construction on an army of lawyers over the course of 8 years before the first bulldozer gets fuel in it.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact Dump BRAGGED about buying political whores. He funded the sort of crony corruptocracy I thought we were all pissed about. Someone who gives money to criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like Hitlery probably isn't going to be a reliable conservative president, or nominate decent judges.

None of you seemed to hear him talk about scrapping obozocare and replacing it with "universal health care" which is even worse.

None of you acknowledge the fact he has "evolved" on shit like gun control, abortion, and fag weddings. I can understand people changing their minds somewhat over time, but if you can't see that Dump is a fair weather republicrat you're as stupid as someone who believes the moonbat messiah "evolved" on fag weddings and doesn't have a thing for the sausage.

So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown and watch the democrooks nail the coffin shut on the one and only constitutional republic that ever existed. Keep pretending Ted Cruz is the bad guy, keep pretending he isn't the only guy who has gone to the Senate and stood for the principles YOU and I supposedly valued. Hold out hope the only clod with worse negatives than Hitlery manages to win the general in spite of common sense.

Go join the rest of the mindless rabble and revel in the glow of vapid celebrity. Enjoy the last days of the Republic as we transition into an Idiocracy if Dump wins, or an Orwellian nightmare when he doesn't.

Excellent post if folks didn't know the true colors of Cruz.

You're right, most folks don't have a clue what Trump will do, but hey, everyone already knows Cruz is a sell out to the establishment. Hell, his wife works for Goldieman's. She wrote papers in support of globalization. In his heart, Cruz is all for that TPP shit and handing the store over to the world's elites.

Your average conservative and middle class voter KNOWS we aren't just going to get rid of the Deep State by electing Cruz, he has been in there and is part of it. Just like Hillary and Bernie are. But Trump? Well, who knows. He runs Resorts International, and they launder their (the CIA's) cash, but other than that? :dunno:

Everyone knows what the hell they will do and whose strings will be yanking around Cruz. A Cruz admin. won't look ostensibly a whole lot different than a Clinton administration. The only real difference with a Clinton admin. is BLM will have more of a voice, SJW whining will get a lot louder, while perverts will roam free. But those are tertiary issues meant to distract the public from what is going on anyway.


Deep State America
Democracy is often subverted by special interests operating behind the scenes.
Deep State America
First of all, one should note that for the deep state to be effective, it must be intimately associated with the development or pre-existence of a national security state. There must also be a perception that the nation is in peril, justifying extraordinary measures undertaken by brave patriots to preserve life and property of the citizenry. Those measures are generically conservative in nature, intended to protect the status quo with the implication that change is dangerous.

Those requirements certainly prevail in post 9/11 America, and also feed the other essential component of the deep state: that the intervening should work secretly or at least under the radar. Consider for a moment how Washington operates. There is gridlock in Congress and the legislature opposes nearly everything that the White House supports. Nevertheless, certain things happen seemingly without any discussion: Banks are bailed out and corporate interests are protected by law. Huge multi-year defense contracts are approved. Citizens are assassinated by drones, the public is routinely surveilled, people are imprisoned without be charged, military action against “rogue” regimes is authorized, and whistleblowers are punished with prison. The war crimes committed by U.S. troops and contractors on far-flung battlefields, as well as torture and rendition, are rarely investigated and punishment of any kind is rare. America, the warlike predatory capitalist, might be considered a virtual definition of deep state.

One critic describes deep state as driven by the “Washington Consensus,” a subset of the “American exceptionalism” meme. It is plausible to consider it a post-World War II creation, the end result of the “military industrial complex” that Dwight Eisenhower warned about, but some believe its infrastructure was actually put in place through the passage of the Federal Reserve Act prior to the First World War. Several years after signing the bill, Woodrow Wilson reportedly lamented, “We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

Don't you have Chem trails to monitor?

yep, what I can't believe is these Republicans who is crapping themselves over Trump. beats the hell out of me
I can't let him win. This country is too important to me. And I think Cruz is on the verge of winning it all for constitutionalists.

I don't know why everyone has gone crazy for Trump when he stands opposed to everything we stand for, but I'm optimistic they will come around when Cruz wins.

I can't believe it either. I could see if it were just moonbats we were talking about, but many of these are posters who I ordinarily respect. I hope they accept it if Cruz does prevail, because we are going to need everyone on board to overwhelm the nanny state parasite voters.

I voted for Trump..........and stand beside that vote...................

I simply don't give a fuck about those who disagree with that decision............

My vote versus yours...........unless it's a rigged delegate system where the people's vote don't matter anymore..........the founding fathers have rolled over in their graves a long time ago.

Thinking the same asshats will fix the shit they broke and have ignored for over 3 decades is plain stupid..............Trump is outside the box...............and if it's pandora so be it.

BTW........to the op............we've already built 670 miles or so of fence on the southern border already.........your NIGHTMARE SCENARIO on that didn't happen............and the cost aren't as high as you try to sell...................Finally, NO WALL UNMANNED will stop anything.............Trump plans to triple that number...........Border agents...............and it WILL PAY FOR ITSELF..........because illegals are bleeding our coffers dry because we have welfare and benefits for the poor..............States have been bitching about this for ages..........nobody listens......

and so on......
I was for Cruz, until I watched him get down into dirty politics when it came to Trump.
I don't see how Trump can be any worse than that Obama, Hillary, old Bernie. Plus he's kind of grown on me.

Exactly who got dirty first?
you might have a point, but I felt Cruz hit below the belt a few times.

Trump called an opponent a pedophile. That's not below the belt?

Then the opponent endorsed him

I think perhaps Ben Carson was just going along with the votes. He probably one of those who thinks that "democracy" solves all our problems, but in reality, the Founding Fathers were horrified of it. That is why they created a Republic instead.
Last edited:
This is robo call...........Cruz stop campaigning in Indiana.................don't waste your vote.....................vote for Trump..................

Just saying................nice tactic Cruz has there..................did Goldman Sachs pay for it...................
The arrogant lying corrupt GOP establishment created Trump.

The GOP certainly asked for it by ignoring their base on pretty much every issue that come up.

You get points for that one, but then, Cruz opposed them every step of the way.

I'm not sure what more people wanted of Cruz.
No Just no. I am going to argue against Trump every step of the way.

I am sure he won't get 50% today. After that, he will implode

Keep fighting now, but after the convention, get behind whoever the nominee is...

Btw, Trump is going to KILL it in New York....

Wishful thinking.
I can't let him win. This country is too important to me. And I think Cruz is on the verge of winning it all for constitutionalists.

I don't know why everyone has gone crazy for Trump when he stands opposed to everything we stand for, but I'm optimistic they will come around when Cruz wins.

If Trump doesn't stand for what the GOP stands for, then I'm not a Republican after all. (Btw, millions of others agree)

Cruz is losing the primary, and he cannot win in the general.

Get over it.
I seriously can not believe I am sitting here reading some of the shit I'm reading.

For the last 8 years I've enjoyed mocking and ridiculing mindless servile bed wetters who defend the meat puppet faggot no matter what he has failed to accomplish, or insist he has accomplished in spite of reality. These vacuous tools slavishly parrot the most asinine talking points, ignore every fact and statistic, regurgitate absolute lies, distortions, agitprop and "Bush did it" day after day with a tenacity that must be admired by the Kim Jung Un regime.

I was certain only a bed wetter was susceptible to such a vapid state of mind. Only someone who viewed government as a noble shepherd whose interest took priority over the rights of individuals were gullible and stupid enough to fall prey to cults of personaility that made impossible promises that no lucid person would believe.

Here I sit corrected.

Dump has promised you fools he would build a wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. Sure I thought it was funny, and it pissed off the moonbats so it had to be a good soundbyte.

None of you seem to consider the thousands of court injunctions that will be filed before ink has a chance to dry on the blueprints, at every single local, county, state, federal and international court. Dump would spend several times the cost of construction on an army of lawyers over the course of 8 years before the first bulldozer gets fuel in it.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact Dump BRAGGED about buying political whores. He funded the sort of crony corruptocracy I thought we were all pissed about. Someone who gives money to criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like Hitlery probably isn't going to be a reliable conservative president, or nominate decent judges.

None of you seemed to hear him talk about scrapping obozocare and replacing it with "universal health care" which is even worse.

None of you acknowledge the fact he has "evolved" on shit like gun control, abortion, and fag weddings. I can understand people changing their minds somewhat over time, but if you can't see that Dump is a fair weather republicrat you're as stupid as someone who believes the moonbat messiah "evolved" on fag weddings and doesn't have a thing for the sausage.

So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown and watch the democrooks nail the coffin shut on the one and only constitutional republic that ever existed. Keep pretending Ted Cruz is the bad guy, keep pretending he isn't the only guy who has gone to the Senate and stood for the principles YOU and I supposedly valued. Hold out hope the only clod with worse negatives than Hitlery manages to win the general in spite of common sense.

Go join the rest of the mindless rabble and revel in the glow of vapid celebrity. Enjoy the last days of the Republic as we transition into an Idiocracy if Dump wins, or an Orwellian nightmare when he doesn't.

Excellent post if folks didn't know the true colors of Cruz.

You're right, most folks don't have a clue what Trump will do, but hey, everyone already knows Cruz is a sell out to the establishment. Hell, his wife works for Goldieman's. She wrote papers in support of globalization. In his heart, Cruz is all for that TPP shit and handing the store over to the world's elites.

Your average conservative and middle class voter KNOWS we aren't just going to get rid of the Deep State by electing Cruz, he has been in there and is part of it. Just like Hillary and Bernie are. But Trump? Well, who knows. He runs Resorts International, and they launder their (the CIA's) cash, but other than that? :dunno:

Everyone knows what the hell they will do and whose strings will be yanking around Cruz. A Cruz admin. won't look ostensibly a whole lot different than a Clinton administration. The only real difference with a Clinton admin. is BLM will have more of a voice, SJW whining will get a lot louder, while perverts will roam free. But those are tertiary issues meant to distract the public from what is going on anyway.


Deep State America
Democracy is often subverted by special interests operating behind the scenes.
Deep State America
First of all, one should note that for the deep state to be effective, it must be intimately associated with the development or pre-existence of a national security state. There must also be a perception that the nation is in peril, justifying extraordinary measures undertaken by brave patriots to preserve life and property of the citizenry. Those measures are generically conservative in nature, intended to protect the status quo with the implication that change is dangerous.

Those requirements certainly prevail in post 9/11 America, and also feed the other essential component of the deep state: that the intervening should work secretly or at least under the radar. Consider for a moment how Washington operates. There is gridlock in Congress and the legislature opposes nearly everything that the White House supports. Nevertheless, certain things happen seemingly without any discussion: Banks are bailed out and corporate interests are protected by law. Huge multi-year defense contracts are approved. Citizens are assassinated by drones, the public is routinely surveilled, people are imprisoned without be charged, military action against “rogue” regimes is authorized, and whistleblowers are punished with prison. The war crimes committed by U.S. troops and contractors on far-flung battlefields, as well as torture and rendition, are rarely investigated and punishment of any kind is rare. America, the warlike predatory capitalist, might be considered a virtual definition of deep state.

One critic describes deep state as driven by the “Washington Consensus,” a subset of the “American exceptionalism” meme. It is plausible to consider it a post-World War II creation, the end result of the “military industrial complex” that Dwight Eisenhower warned about, but some believe its infrastructure was actually put in place through the passage of the Federal Reserve Act prior to the First World War. Several years after signing the bill, Woodrow Wilson reportedly lamented, “We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

What are you talking about? We've got decades of Trump supporting progressive causes and politicians that tell us exactly how he will govern.

Likewise we have decades of Cruz fighting for our rights under the Constitution.

We know how both will act. The question is why would you want anything other than a limited government conservative if you actually believe in conservatism?
The arrogant lying corrupt GOP establishment created Trump.

With Trump's donations.

For all of you who hate the establishment...

Trump's money helped create it, and helped elect democrooks.

It is inconceivable how some of you believe he will undo that which he helped create.

I seriously can not believe I am sitting here reading some of the shit I'm reading.

For the last 8 years I've enjoyed mocking and ridiculing mindless servile bed wetters who defend the meat puppet faggot no matter what he has failed to accomplish, or insist he has accomplished in spite of reality. These vacuous tools slavishly parrot the most asinine talking points, ignore every fact and statistic, regurgitate absolute lies, distortions, agitprop and "Bush did it" day after day with a tenacity that must be admired by the Kim Jung Un regime.

I was certain only a bed wetter was susceptible to such a vapid state of mind. Only someone who viewed government as a noble shepherd whose interest took priority over the rights of individuals were gullible and stupid enough to fall prey to cults of personaility that made impossible promises that no lucid person would believe.

Here I sit corrected.

Dump has promised you fools he would build a wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. Sure I thought it was funny, and it pissed off the moonbats so it had to be a good soundbyte.

None of you seem to consider the thousands of court injunctions that will be filed before ink has a chance to dry on the blueprints, at every single local, county, state, federal and international court. Dump would spend several times the cost of construction on an army of lawyers over the course of 8 years before the first bulldozer gets fuel in it.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact Dump BRAGGED about buying political whores. He funded the sort of crony corruptocracy I thought we were all pissed about. Someone who gives money to criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like Hitlery probably isn't going to be a reliable conservative president, or nominate decent judges.

None of you seemed to hear him talk about scrapping obozocare and replacing it with "universal health care" which is even worse.

None of you acknowledge the fact he has "evolved" on shit like gun control, abortion, and fag weddings. I can understand people changing their minds somewhat over time, but if you can't see that Dump is a fair weather republicrat you're as stupid as someone who believes the moonbat messiah "evolved" on fag weddings and doesn't have a thing for the sausage.

So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown and watch the democrooks nail the coffin shut on the one and only constitutional republic that ever existed. Keep pretending Ted Cruz is the bad guy, keep pretending he isn't the only guy who has gone to the Senate and stood for the principles YOU and I supposedly valued. Hold out hope the only clod with worse negatives than Hitlery manages to win the general in spite of common sense.

Go join the rest of the mindless rabble and revel in the glow of vapid celebrity. Enjoy the last days of the Republic as we transition into an Idiocracy if Dump wins, or an Orwellian nightmare when he doesn't.

Excellent post if folks didn't know the true colors of Cruz.

You're right, most folks don't have a clue what Trump will do, but hey, everyone already knows Cruz is a sell out to the establishment. Hell, his wife works for Goldieman's. She wrote papers in support of globalization. In his heart, Cruz is all for that TPP shit and handing the store over to the world's elites.

Your average conservative and middle class voter KNOWS we aren't just going to get rid of the Deep State by electing Cruz, he has been in there and is part of it. Just like Hillary and Bernie are. But Trump? Well, who knows. He runs Resorts International, and they launder their (the CIA's) cash, but other than that? :dunno:

Everyone knows what the hell they will do and whose strings will be yanking around Cruz. A Cruz admin. won't look ostensibly a whole lot different than a Clinton administration. The only real difference with a Clinton admin. is BLM will have more of a voice, SJW whining will get a lot louder, while perverts will roam free. But those are tertiary issues meant to distract the public from what is going on anyway.


Deep State America
Democracy is often subverted by special interests operating behind the scenes.
Deep State America
First of all, one should note that for the deep state to be effective, it must be intimately associated with the development or pre-existence of a national security state. There must also be a perception that the nation is in peril, justifying extraordinary measures undertaken by brave patriots to preserve life and property of the citizenry. Those measures are generically conservative in nature, intended to protect the status quo with the implication that change is dangerous.

Those requirements certainly prevail in post 9/11 America, and also feed the other essential component of the deep state: that the intervening should work secretly or at least under the radar. Consider for a moment how Washington operates. There is gridlock in Congress and the legislature opposes nearly everything that the White House supports. Nevertheless, certain things happen seemingly without any discussion: Banks are bailed out and corporate interests are protected by law. Huge multi-year defense contracts are approved. Citizens are assassinated by drones, the public is routinely surveilled, people are imprisoned without be charged, military action against “rogue” regimes is authorized, and whistleblowers are punished with prison. The war crimes committed by U.S. troops and contractors on far-flung battlefields, as well as torture and rendition, are rarely investigated and punishment of any kind is rare. America, the warlike predatory capitalist, might be considered a virtual definition of deep state.

One critic describes deep state as driven by the “Washington Consensus,” a subset of the “American exceptionalism” meme. It is plausible to consider it a post-World War II creation, the end result of the “military industrial complex” that Dwight Eisenhower warned about, but some believe its infrastructure was actually put in place through the passage of the Federal Reserve Act prior to the First World War. Several years after signing the bill, Woodrow Wilson reportedly lamented, “We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

What are you talking about? We've got decades of Trump supporting progressive causes and politicians that tell us exactly how he will govern.

Likewise we have decades of Cruz fighting for our rights under the Constitution.

We know how both will act. The question is why would you want anything other than a limited government conservative if you actually believe in conservatism?

Limited government? Is that a joke?

Do you know anything about the COG protocols? When was the last time congress voted on them?
I'll let you know, because you are obviously writing like you don't know shit and haven't read the article I posted.

We have no constitutional government anymore. Cruz is fine with that.

It's like you didn't even read the article or know what I am talking about.

When the COG (Continuity of Government) was enacted by Bush, and extended by Obama, and congress refused to vote on the extensions of it, every congressmen and Senator rolled over on their responsibility to safe guard the constitution. The only folks in Congress or the Senate that I remember ever putting up a stink over these protocols were Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, Mike Gravel, and a few others. . . .

At the time, Cruz was working in the Bush administration, in the DOJ I believe, either there or after that it was off to the FTC. He knew the Constitution was suspended after 9/11. And he knows it hasn't been in effect since, do you?
America Might Be a More Gilded Cage than Egypt … But It Still Looks Like a Cage
Guest Post: America Might Be a More Gilded Cage than Egypt ... But It Still Looks Like a Cage | naked capitalism
The Washington Times wrote on September 18, 2001:

Simply by proclaiming a national emergency on Friday, President Bush activated some 500 dormant legal provisions, including those allowing him to impose censorship and martial law.

Is the Times correct? Well, it is clear that pre-9/11 declarations of national emergency have authorized martial law. For example, as summarized by a former fellow for the Hoover Institution and the National Science Foundation, and the recipient of numerous awards, including the Gary Schlarbaum Award for Lifetime Defense of Liberty, Thomas Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Cause of Civil Liberties, Lysander Spooner Award for Advancing the Literature of Liberty and Templeton Honor Rolls Award on Education in a Free Society:

In 1973, the Senate created a Special Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency (subsequently redesignated the Special Committee on National Emergencies and Delegated Emergency Powers) to investigate the matter and to propose reforms. Ascertaining the continued existence of four presidential declarations of national emergency, the Special Committee (U.S. Senate 1973, p. iii) reported:

These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law. . . . taken together, [they] confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communications; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.

(Most or all of the emergency powers referred to by the above-quoted 1973 Senate report were revoked in the late 1970’s by 50 U.S.C. Section 1601. However, presidents have made numerous declarations of emergency since then, and the declarations made by President Bush in September 2001 are still in effect).

It is also clear that the White House has kept substantial information concerning its presidential proclamations and directives hidden from Congress. For example, according to Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy:

Of the 54 National Security Presidential Directives issued by the [George W.] Bush Administration to date, the titles of only about half have been publicly identified. There is descriptive material or actual text in the public domain for only about a third. In other words, there are dozens of undisclosed Presidential directives that define U.S. national security policy and task government agencies, but whose substance is unknown either to the public or, as a rule, to Congress.

Continuity of Government

Continuity of Government (“COG”) measures were implemented on 9/11. For example, according to the 9/11 Commission Report, at page 38:

At 9:59, an Air Force lieutenant colonel working in the White House Military Office joined the conference and stated he had just talked to Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. The White House requested (1) the implementation of continuity of government measures, (2) fighter escorts for Air Force One, and (3) a fighter combat air patrol over Washington, D.C.

Likewise, page 326 of the Report states:

The secretary of defense directed the nation’s armed forces to Defense Condition 3, an increased state of military readiness. For the first time in history, all nonemergency civilian aircraft in the United States were grounded, stranding tens of thousands of passengers across the country. Contingency plans for the continuity of government and the evacuation of leaders had been implemented.

The Washington Post notes that Vice President Richard Cheney initiated the COG plan on 9/11:

From the bunker, Cheney officially implemented the emergency continuity of government orders . . . .

See also footnotes cited therein and this webpage.

CNN reported that – 6 months later – the plans were still in place:

Because Bush has decided to leave the operation in place, agencies including the White House and top civilian Cabinet departments have rotated personnel involved, and are discussing ways to staff such a contingency operation under the assumption it will be in place indefinitely, this official said.

Similarly, the Washington Post reported in March 2002 that “the shadow government has evolved into an indefinite precaution.” The same article goes on to state:

Assessment of terrorist risks persuaded the White House to remake the program as a permanent feature of ‘the new reality, based on what the threat looks like,’ a senior decisionmaker said.

As CBS pointed out, virtually none of the Congressional leadership knew that the COG had been implemented or was still in existence as of March 2002:

Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know President Bush had established a “shadow government,” moving dozens of senior civilian managers to secret underground locations outside Washington to ensure that the federal government could survive a devastating terrorist attack on the nation’s capital, The Washington Post says in its Saturday editions.

Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) told the Post he had not been informed by the White House about the role, location or even the existence of the shadow government that the administration began to deploy the morning of the Sept. 11 hijackings.

An aide to House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) said he was also unaware of the administration’s move.

Among Congress’s GOP leadership, aides to House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (Ill.), second in line to succeed the president if he became incapacitated, and to Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott (Miss.) said they were not sure whether they knew.

Aides to Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W. Va.) said he had not been told. As Senate president pro tempore, he is in line to become president after the House speaker.

Similarly, the above-cited CNN article states:

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, said Friday he can’t say much about the plan.

“We have not been informed at all about the role of the shadow government or its whereabouts or what particular responsibilities they have and when they would kick in, but we look forward to work with the administration to get additional information on that.”

Indeed, the White House has specifically refused to share information about Continuity of Government plans with the Homeland Security Committee of the U.S. Congress, even though that Committee has proper security clearance to hear the full details of all COG plans.
Specifically, in the summer 2007, Congressman Peter DeFazio, on the Homeland Security Committee (and so with proper security access to be briefed on COG issues), inquired about continuity of government plans, and was refused access. Indeed, DeFazio told Congress that the entire Homeland Security Committee of the U.S. Congresshas been denied access to the plans by the White House (video; or here is the transcript). The Homeland Security Committee has full clearance to view all information about COG plans. DeFazio concluded: “Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right”.

As University of California Berkeley Professor Emeritus Peter Dale Scott warned:

If members of the Homeland Security Committee cannot enforce their right to read secret plans of the Executive Branch, then the systems of checks and balances established by the U.S. Constitution would seem to be failing.

To put it another way, if the White House is successful in frustrating DeFazio, then Continuity of Government planning has arguably already superseded the Constitution as a higher authority.

How about you follow that link to that article in the previous post where Bill Moyers, interviewed Mike Lofgrin, the former Republican staffer? That will explain more about what is going on. . .

If the Constitution is not in effect, all of it's protections don't mean squat. The Constitution hasn't been used since 2001. So if Cruz has given you the impression that it has been used? He is a deceptive liar.

Here, you want proof that emergency powers are in effect, check it out for yourself. Cruz bitches about Obama using extra constitutional authority, but he is lying, he knows damn well what is going on. He was in the Bush administration in the DOJ when they suspended the Constitution and helped the Bush administration to have those powers. He is part of the Deep State.

He is aware that Obama has been continuing the C.O.G. emergency state. Hell, big ears keeps his warmongering up, and no one says word one.

Letter from the President on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
September 10, 2010
Letter from the President on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
September 10, 2015
Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
And if you think Bernie, Hillary, and Cruz all don't;

A) Know all of this information,


B) Aren't all getting rich and powerful off of it.

You have to be naive as all hell. :lmao:
I seriously can not believe I am sitting here reading some of the shit I'm reading.

For the last 8 years I've enjoyed mocking and ridiculing mindless servile bed wetters who defend the meat puppet faggot no matter what he has failed to accomplish, or insist he has accomplished in spite of reality. These vacuous tools slavishly parrot the most asinine talking points, ignore every fact and statistic, regurgitate absolute lies, distortions, agitprop and "Bush did it" day after day with a tenacity that must be admired by the Kim Jung Un regime.

I was certain only a bed wetter was susceptible to such a vapid state of mind. Only someone who viewed government as a noble shepherd whose interest took priority over the rights of individuals were gullible and stupid enough to fall prey to cults of personaility that made impossible promises that no lucid person would believe.

Here I sit corrected.

Dump has promised you fools he would build a wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. Sure I thought it was funny, and it pissed off the moonbats so it had to be a good soundbyte.

None of you seem to consider the thousands of court injunctions that will be filed before ink has a chance to dry on the blueprints, at every single local, county, state, federal and international court. Dump would spend several times the cost of construction on an army of lawyers over the course of 8 years before the first bulldozer gets fuel in it.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact Dump BRAGGED about buying political whores. He funded the sort of crony corruptocracy I thought we were all pissed about. Someone who gives money to criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like Hitlery probably isn't going to be a reliable conservative president, or nominate decent judges.

None of you seemed to hear him talk about scrapping obozocare and replacing it with "universal health care" which is even worse.

None of you acknowledge the fact he has "evolved" on shit like gun control, abortion, and fag weddings. I can understand people changing their minds somewhat over time, but if you can't see that Dump is a fair weather republicrat you're as stupid as someone who believes the moonbat messiah "evolved" on fag weddings and doesn't have a thing for the sausage.

So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown and watch the democrooks nail the coffin shut on the one and only constitutional republic that ever existed. Keep pretending Ted Cruz is the bad guy, keep pretending he isn't the only guy who has gone to the Senate and stood for the principles YOU and I supposedly valued. Hold out hope the only clod with worse negatives than Hitlery manages to win the general in spite of common sense.

Go join the rest of the mindless rabble and revel in the glow of vapid celebrity. Enjoy the last days of the Republic as we transition into an Idiocracy if Dump wins, or an Orwellian nightmare when he doesn't.

Mark? (Levin) or is this Glenn? (Beck)- wait I know who this is- Mike? (Medved)......
The conundrum of the conservative movement, how does one get rich off limited government?

It's much easier to have a printing press in the basement of the Fed.
The conundrum of the conservative movement, how does one get rich off limited government?

It's much easier to have a printing press in the basement of the Fed.

How does one get rich off limited government?

Establish a profitable business or market a useful innovation for a profit without regulatory interference that benefits a politically connected competetor.

I get hat you are saying Pete. I just don't see much of a difference between cankles and Ted besides less corruption and rhetoric. End goals are the same. Globalization

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