Let Trump win.

No Just no. I am going to argue against Trump every step of the way.

I am sure he won't get 50% today. After that, he will implode
Welp, Trump didnt get 50, he got 60. How does it feel to be so wrong?

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I seriously can not believe I am sitting here reading some of the shit I'm reading.

For the last 8 years I've enjoyed mocking and ridiculing mindless servile bed wetters who defend the meat puppet faggot no matter what he has failed to accomplish, or insist he has accomplished in spite of reality. These vacuous tools slavishly parrot the most asinine talking points, ignore every fact and statistic, regurgitate absolute lies, distortions, agitprop and "Bush did it" day after day with a tenacity that must be admired by the Kim Jung Un regime.

I was certain only a bed wetter was susceptible to such a vapid state of mind. Only someone who viewed government as a noble shepherd whose interest took priority over the rights of individuals were gullible and stupid enough to fall prey to cults of personaility that made impossible promises that no lucid person would believe.

Here I sit corrected.

Dump has promised you fools he would build a wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. Sure I thought it was funny, and it pissed off the moonbats so it had to be a good soundbyte.

None of you seem to consider the thousands of court injunctions that will be filed before ink has a chance to dry on the blueprints, at every single local, county, state, federal and international court. Dump would spend several times the cost of construction on an army of lawyers over the course of 8 years before the first bulldozer gets fuel in it.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact Dump BRAGGED about buying political whores. He funded the sort of crony corruptocracy I thought we were all pissed about. Someone who gives money to criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like Hitlery probably isn't going to be a reliable conservative president, or nominate decent judges.

None of you seemed to hear him talk about scrapping obozocare and replacing it with "universal health care" which is even worse.

None of you acknowledge the fact he has "evolved" on shit like gun control, abortion, and fag weddings. I can understand people changing their minds somewhat over time, but if you can't see that Dump is a fair weather republicrat you're as stupid as someone who believes the moonbat messiah "evolved" on fag weddings and doesn't have a thing for the sausage.

So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown and watch the democrooks nail the coffin shut on the one and only constitutional republic that ever existed. Keep pretending Ted Cruz is the bad guy, keep pretending he isn't the only guy who has gone to the Senate and stood for the principles YOU and I supposedly valued. Hold out hope the only clod with worse negatives than Hitlery manages to win the general in spite of common sense.

Go join the rest of the mindless rabble and revel in the glow of vapid celebrity. Enjoy the last days of the Republic as we transition into an Idiocracy if Dump wins, or an Orwellian nightmare when he doesn't.

I see you have decided that Trump is the better candidate now, interesting
You should probably read his post again.
I seriously can not believe I am sitting here reading some of the shit I'm reading.

For the last 8 years I've enjoyed mocking and ridiculing mindless servile bed wetters who defend the meat puppet faggot no matter what he has failed to accomplish, or insist he has accomplished in spite of reality. These vacuous tools slavishly parrot the most asinine talking points, ignore every fact and statistic, regurgitate absolute lies, distortions, agitprop and "Bush did it" day after day with a tenacity that must be admired by the Kim Jung Un regime.

I was certain only a bed wetter was susceptible to such a vapid state of mind. Only someone who viewed government as a noble shepherd whose interest took priority over the rights of individuals were gullible and stupid enough to fall prey to cults of personaility that made impossible promises that no lucid person would believe.

Here I sit corrected.

Dump has promised you fools he would build a wall, and that Mexico will pay for it. Sure I thought it was funny, and it pissed off the moonbats so it had to be a good soundbyte.

None of you seem to consider the thousands of court injunctions that will be filed before ink has a chance to dry on the blueprints, at every single local, county, state, federal and international court. Dump would spend several times the cost of construction on an army of lawyers over the course of 8 years before the first bulldozer gets fuel in it.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact Dump BRAGGED about buying political whores. He funded the sort of crony corruptocracy I thought we were all pissed about. Someone who gives money to criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths like Hitlery probably isn't going to be a reliable conservative president, or nominate decent judges.

None of you seemed to hear him talk about scrapping obozocare and replacing it with "universal health care" which is even worse.

None of you acknowledge the fact he has "evolved" on shit like gun control, abortion, and fag weddings. I can understand people changing their minds somewhat over time, but if you can't see that Dump is a fair weather republicrat you're as stupid as someone who believes the moonbat messiah "evolved" on fag weddings and doesn't have a thing for the sausage.

So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown and watch the democrooks nail the coffin shut on the one and only constitutional republic that ever existed. Keep pretending Ted Cruz is the bad guy, keep pretending he isn't the only guy who has gone to the Senate and stood for the principles YOU and I supposedly valued. Hold out hope the only clod with worse negatives than Hitlery manages to win the general in spite of common sense.

Go join the rest of the mindless rabble and revel in the glow of vapid celebrity. Enjoy the last days of the Republic as we transition into an Idiocracy if Dump wins, or an Orwellian nightmare when he doesn't.

I see you have decided that Trump is the better candidate now, interesting
You should probably read his post again.

I read it, and laughed when he said "So fuck it. Nominate the world's richest professional clown"
Bottom line

We don't like our choices and stunned at how we got to this position in the primaries!!
Bottom line

We don't like our choices and stunned at how we got to this position in the primaries!!

How you got here is easy. The right finally demanded candidates that matched what right wing radio and Fox have been demanding for years. You asked for it------You got it.
Bottom line

We don't like our choices and stunned at how we got to this position in the primaries!!
We got here because we have not only tolerated sleaze, we have participated in it. The parroting rubes have wallowed in shit for a very long time now.

Trump is the natural outcome, and a sign of even worse things to come.
Bottom line

We don't like our choices and stunned at how we got to this position in the primaries!!

How you got here is easy. The right finally demanded candidates that matched what right wing radio and Fox have been demanding for years. You asked for it------You got it.

It looks like we are about to have a dishonest flip flopping old woman and a hateful blowhard as candidates. No reason to vote this year.
I get hat you are saying Pete. I just don't see much of a difference between cankles and Ted besides less corruption and rhetoric. End goals are the same. Globalization

I do not believe Cruz is a globalist. Yes his old lady worked for Goldman, that doesn't mean he is willing to subvert our sovereignty or undermine the Constitution.

For instance, he fought the international court and rejected the Bush administration's appeal in the case of José Medellín. An illegal alien, child rapist, and murderer.

That was in 2005, way before he sought elected office.

He defeated establishment RINO David Dewhurst as an underdog for the Senate, much to my delight. He went to the Senate and has made few friends in that den of snakes.

I see stark contrasts between Cruz and anyone I would consider a globalist.

Bottom line

We don't like our choices and stunned at how we got to this position in the primaries!!

How you got here is easy. The right finally demanded candidates that matched what right wing radio and Fox have been demanding for years. You asked for it------You got it.

It looks like we are about to have a dishonest flip flopping old woman and a hateful blowhard as candidates. No reason to vote this year.
I notice that most on the right, if they dislike the choices, decide not to vote while those on the left are still going to vote for the Dem nominee.

I think this has a lot to do with how the nominees were selected. I wish the GOP at least had Rubio as their nominee!
I get hat you are saying Pete. I just don't see much of a difference between cankles and Ted besides less corruption and rhetoric. End goals are the same. Globalization

I do not believe Cruz is a globalist. Yes his old lady worked for Goldman, that doesn't mean he is willing to subvert our sovereignty or undermine the Constitution.

For instance, he fought the international court and rejected the Bush administration's appeal in the case of José Medellín. An illegal alien, child rapist, and murderer.

That was in 2005, way before he sought elected office.

He defeated establishment RINO David Dewhurst as an underdog for the Senate, much to my delight. He went to the Senate and has made few friends in that den of snakes.

I see stark contrasts between Cruz and anyone I would consider a globalist.

So, you don't believe he's a globalist eh? Got you fooled does he?

I get hat you are saying Pete. I just don't see much of a difference between cankles and Ted besides less corruption and rhetoric. End goals are the same. Globalization

I do not believe Cruz is a globalist. Yes his old lady worked for Goldman, that doesn't mean he is willing to subvert our sovereignty or undermine the Constitution.

For instance, he fought the international court and rejected the Bush administration's appeal in the case of José Medellín. An illegal alien, child rapist, and murderer.

That was in 2005, way before he sought elected office.

He defeated establishment RINO David Dewhurst as an underdog for the Senate, much to my delight. He went to the Senate and has made few friends in that den of snakes.

I see stark contrasts between Cruz and anyone I would consider a globalist.

I'm not sure anymore on Cruz and that's why I'm holding off on him this time. He did some things that made me start wondering. he needs to prove (to me), he isn't a globalist/puppet of the establishment and I might vote for him the next time around.
I get hat you are saying Pete. I just don't see much of a difference between cankles and Ted besides less corruption and rhetoric. End goals are the same. Globalization

I do not believe Cruz is a globalist. Yes his old lady worked for Goldman, that doesn't mean he is willing to subvert our sovereignty or undermine the Constitution.

For instance, he fought the international court and rejected the Bush administration's appeal in the case of José Medellín. An illegal alien, child rapist, and murderer.

That was in 2005, way before he sought elected office.

He defeated establishment RINO David Dewhurst as an underdog for the Senate, much to my delight. He went to the Senate and has made few friends in that den of snakes.

I see stark contrasts between Cruz and anyone I would consider a globalist.

I'm not sure anymore on Cruz and that's why I'm holding off on him this time. He did some things that made me start wondering. he needs to prove (to me), he isn't a globalist/puppet of the establishment and I might vote for him the next time around.
What did he do that made you start wondering? Please, be very specific.
speaking of losers, they're running the board this morning stalking people already
I notice that most on the right, if they dislike the choices, decide not to vote while those on the left are still going to vote for the Dem nominee.

I think this has a lot to do with how the nominees were selected. I wish the GOP at least had Rubio as their nominee!

When it comes to republicrats the issue is principle. If a candidate is a libturd RINO like Dump, people will stay home. Democrooks know that, so they cross over vote for the most useless pinko running in the GOP primary.

They will vote in the general for whomever the democrooks pick because either way fascism prevails.

I'm not sure anymore on Cruz and that's why I'm holding off on him this time. He did some things that made me start wondering. he needs to prove (to me), he isn't a globalist/puppet of the establishment and I might vote for him the next time around.

So throw your lot down for the biggest RINO in history.

Makes perfect sense.

Bottom line

We don't like our choices and stunned at how we got to this position in the primaries!!

How you got here is easy. The right finally demanded candidates that matched what right wing radio and Fox have been demanding for years. You asked for it------You got it.

It looks like we are about to have a dishonest flip flopping old woman and a hateful blowhard as candidates. No reason to vote this year.
I notice that most on the right, if they dislike the choices, decide not to vote while those on the left are still going to vote for the Dem nominee.

I think this has a lot to do with how the nominees were selected. I wish the GOP at least had Rubio as their nominee!

I'm supporting Bernie now.

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