Let us call the trump tantrum what it REALLY WAS....an attempted Coup!

Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

Considering that he attempted to strong arm an ally, with US foreign aid, into performing a political favor and corrupt act, and the Banana Republicans accepted that corruption. Why would they consider him inappropriately injecting himself into a few states legislatures a corruption problem?

Wow, back to calling usual political maneuvering some sort of crime....

but but but somehow its different when Trump does it because of "reasons"

When did I call those acts a crime? The corrupt acts I described are not usual political maneuverings. They are not crimes codified in laws because nobody ever thought a President, or should I say a political party, would let a President get away with such blatant corruption.

But I suppose if Nixon had Faux News, the party might haave stood behind him.

Corruption is a crime. Again, are you saying no president has ever used foreign aid to get a country to do what it wants them to do?

Isn't that the whole fucking purpose of foreign aid?
the purpose of foreign aid is certainly not to get the foreign country to sling mud for you against your likely opponent. lol.

Wow, talk about being ignorant.
you want to make the case that foreign aid is for that purpose, fatso? i would not be surprised.

It's always been the case, it's just different for Trump because of "reasons"
The “reasons” in this case were Trump demanding personal favors in return for military aid.

Got him impeached
AND... it cost him the election against Biden, who he was trying to eliminate from the race with that extortion. That reveals Impeached Trump knew who his main rival was.

Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.
Liar. I would not be ok with that.


I can see them showing widespread fraud after a year on investigation, and people like you justifying it because "Trump was just that bad"

Until the next Republican runs.
I am not responsible for your delusions. :eusa_naughty:

It's called prognostications.
but is meaningless because TDS sufferers wouldn't admit to it even if given hard evidence because the purported fraud got them the result they wanted.
They call this a hasty generalization. You are not talking to a TDS sufferer you are talking to me. Nothing in my post even suggests that I'm not willing to say I'm wrong. In fact all the steps I've described are done to precisely find out if I'm wrong. You don't have to even take my word for it. Type in my name and the phrase "I stand corrected" you will find not one but probably dozens.
Even if a year from now, it was proven beyond a doubt, they would probably then justify it as needed to "save our democracy"
How do you know? Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. In my original response did you find any indication I'd justify it? Again a hasty generalization.
I am told to think that people who have said Trump is the worst thing that ever happened to us and must be removed would never ever cheat to remove him. So either they are lying about how bad he is, or they are lying about cheating.
Explain that to me. Are you claiming that you can't think Trump is the worst president in history and simply vote him out legitimately?
Either way, they are lying.
Who is lying? The way I see it, the only people who've been lying so far is Trump's legal team, since they aren't willing to produce the massive amount of evidence they claim to have.

So far I've been very polite to you Marty. Giving you the respect of taking your premise at face value. As far as I can tell, the only person who's doing that so far in this post. If you rather do the name-calling thing, deflect and otherwise try to derail what I say. You are welcome to do so. Just remember my last step. You would personally convince me that I'm right. Give me a piece of information I don't have or a new perspective.
Marty "Sour Grapes" Began is just a sore loser. He's just muddling through phase III of depression.
Fuck off, cum-guzzler.
Would you mind keeping your homo-erotic fantasies to yourself?

2/10 response. try harder.
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.
As a Jewish man are you ready to see Israel attacked?
Of course not. Fortunately, they've done a rather remarkable job defending themselves.

Good luck with that when a Biden administration takes the easy route to give the hard left a bone and rolls back all the progress Trump made with the gulf states by sucking up to the Palestinians again.

Fucking over Israel is an easy way to placate "the squad".

Hopefully Trump uses the next 2 months to get the Saudis on board and make it harder for Biden to change course.
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.


I don't think there is the time to prove it within the election timeline. I say he should not concede, not attend the inauguration, snub all precedent, and fight on after.
It matters not if he neither concedes nor attends J'Biden's historic inauguration, that just goes to show how childish and unpresidential he is. Of course, no one will be surprised by that. I myself have already predicted he will behave like that.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

He has had more than ample time to prove his case. The nations top CONSERVATIVE legal teams have all stepped away from this lie of fraud. Can not you see?.....trump has been lying through the entirely of this Regime. It all started when he lied about the size of his inauguration and his hands....and he has not stopped in four years.

You should have gotten a hint when he appointed dye bleeding Rudy to head his case. He was the last attorney in the country who was willing to peddle trump's fraud lie.

There will never be enough fraud proven to overturn this election. The incompetence and audacity of a Narcissistic Sociopath doomed his own re-election when he decided to LIE to the American People about a deadly virus. That is what took trump down. Did God send the Pandemic to save America from Authoritarianism? Think about it.....

Wow, now it "enough fraud to overturn" instead of no fraud.

What a goalpost moving little shit you are.

Don't be a horse's ars....there are always irregularities in the vote...and some fraud was found by committed by REPUBLICANS.

Yet the irregularities that mattered all happened in large Dem controlled areas, and all helped Biden get elected.

Yet the house went more to Republicans, yet many States went more to republicans, yet many republican areas in the States where the cities had issues went more to republicans.

Yet the Senate is a toss-up in a year where Dems had an easier chance of gains.

And all in a year where early and mail in voting made it easier to cheat.
Oh? What was different this year than others that made mail-in ballots easier to cheat?

More of them, more lax rules on acceptance.
"More" does not equate to "easier." "Lax rules," maybe.

More due to reducing the usual requirements.

To me election day should be 1.5 days. 36 hours going back from 10 PM the night of election day. You sign in, you show ID, you vote.
Fortunately, you have no say in how we run elections.

Nice non-response, bukaki bait.
You reveal more about yourself that I'm sure you intended.
74 Million didn't. That's a hung jury, not a conviction.
Juries need to be unanimous

Elections don't
That's below Marty's limited IQ.


I showed your reference to be flawed, and you won't admit it.
Uh, no, there was no flaw as my reference was not about a criminal conviction but a political conviction. Just like the U.S. Senate can vote to convict an impeached president which does not end with a hung jury; the U.S. electorate voted to convict where the Republican-led Senate wouldn't.

You said the election "convicted him". Clearly not the case.
You low IQ idiot, that couldn't be more clear that I was talking about a political conviction, not a criminal conviction. :cuckoo:

Nah, you implied criminal conviction, an attempted and failed bon-mot.

And you got called.

Did you really think it was necessary to remind everyone here that you're an idiot?

Faun: 80 million Americans voted to convict

Unless you're so brain-dead, you think there's a court which seats 80 million jurors, that could not have been more clear I was talking a political conviction, not a criminal conviction.
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
a notable or successful stroke or move.
Nobody here expects a moron like you to understand context. There are different types of coups. In the context of the OP, he meant Coup d’etat. You definition in no way relates to that, you raving lunatic.

But thanks for stopping by to expose your ignorance. Always entertaining.

That's very interesting. Tanks.



1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action


I think he's right now and was wrong then. Good catch either way. ;)
Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

Considering that he attempted to strong arm an ally, with US foreign aid, into performing a political favor and corrupt act, and the Banana Republicans accepted that corruption. Why would they consider him inappropriately injecting himself into a few states legislatures a corruption problem?

Wow, back to calling usual political maneuvering some sort of crime....

but but but somehow its different when Trump does it because of "reasons"

When did I call those acts a crime? The corrupt acts I described are not usual political maneuverings. They are not crimes codified in laws because nobody ever thought a President, or should I say a political party, would let a President get away with such blatant corruption.

But I suppose if Nixon had Faux News, the party might haave stood behind him.

Corruption is a crime. Again, are you saying no president has ever used foreign aid to get a country to do what it wants them to do?

Isn't that the whole fucking purpose of foreign aid?
the purpose of foreign aid is certainly not to get the foreign country to sling mud for you against your likely opponent. lol.

Wow, talk about being ignorant.
you want to make the case that foreign aid is for that purpose, fatso? i would not be surprised.

It's always been the case, it's just different for Trump because of "reasons"
The “reasons” in this case were Trump demanding personal favors in return for military aid.

Got him impeached
AND... it cost him the election against Biden, who he was trying to eliminate from the race with that extortion. That reveals Impeached Trump knew who his main rival was.

Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.
Liar. I would not be ok with that.


I can see them showing widespread fraud after a year on investigation, and people like you justifying it because "Trump was just that bad"

Until the next Republican runs.
I am not responsible for your delusions. :eusa_naughty:

It's called prognostications.

Sure, Miss Cleo. :lmao:
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.


I don't think there is the time to prove it within the election timeline. I say he should not concede, not attend the inauguration, snub all precedent, and fight on after.
It matters not if he neither concedes nor attends J'Biden's historic inauguration, that just goes to show how childish and unpresidential he is. Of course, no one will be surprised by that. I myself have already predicted he will behave like that.
If you believe in freedom and liberty the let American get Passports cheaply to leave this nation .Passports to leave the United States. Without the biblical chip installed even with the virus innoculation.
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.


I don't think there is the time to prove it within the election timeline. I say he should not concede, not attend the inauguration, snub all precedent, and fight on after.
It matters not if he neither concedes nor attends J'Biden's historic inauguration, that just goes to show how childish and unpresidential he is. Of course, no one will be surprised by that. I myself have already predicted he will behave like that.
If you believe in freedom and liberty the let American get Passports cheaply to leave this nation .Passports to leave the United States. Without the biblical chip installed even with the virus innoculation.

Thanks to the spectacularly inept COVID response of this spectacularly inept President.......most nations won't allow Americans to travel to or within them.
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.
As a Jewish man are you ready to see Israel attacked?
Of course not. Fortunately, they've done a rather remarkable job defending themselves.

Good luck with that when a Biden administration takes the easy route to give the hard left a bone and rolls back all the progress Trump made with the gulf states by sucking up to the Palestinians again.

Fucking over Israel is an easy way to placate "the squad".

Hopefully Trump uses the next 2 months to get the Saudis on board and make it harder for Biden to change course.
Oh? Which countries attacked Israel during Obama/Biden?
Dem dirty tricks probably cost him the election. and you would be OK with that because you got the result you wanted.

You just won't admit it.

Republicans at all levels of Government exceeded expectations and got elected.

Trump was not
His own antics are to blame

Or cheating in the Presidential Election in critical States.
A pity Impeached Trump couldn't prove that in court.


I don't think there is the time to prove it within the election timeline. I say he should not concede, not attend the inauguration, snub all precedent, and fight on after.
It matters not if he neither concedes nor attends J'Biden's historic inauguration, that just goes to show how childish and unpresidential he is. Of course, no one will be surprised by that. I myself have already predicted he will behave like that.
If you believe in freedom and liberty the let American get Passports cheaply to leave this nation .Passports to leave the United States. Without the biblical chip installed even with the virus innoculation.
You should wean yourself from rightarded fake news. It's rotting your brain.

Hopefully Trump uses the next 2 months to get the Saudis on board and make it harder for Biden to change course.
Exactly. This election was always about utterly irresponsible leadership, worshipping bloody authoritarians and money. Trump’s imagining himself a popular monarch, his deep attraction to authoritarianism, to money and power as the only important things in life — these were perfectly reflected in his warm relationship with the butchering Crown Prince MbS of Saudi Arabia. You are clearly another, if insignificant, sycophant of dictators.
Last edited:

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?
I have a feeling that nobody is going to answer the last part if your question.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?
I have a feeling that nobody is going to answer the last part if your question.
It's a stupid question. What do you expect the remedy would be under such circumstances? J'Biden resigns? Kamala is president. Kamala shoul resign too? Pelosi is president. Pelosi should resign too? Grassley, assuming he's still president pro tempore? Or a Democrat president pro tempore if Democrats win the Senate? How far down the line of succession do we go until you're happy? Or do we hold a new election between J'Biden and Impeached Trump? Or do we hold a new general election and primaries for anyone who wants to run? Or do we simply crown Impeached Trump, king?

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?
I have a feeling that nobody is going to answer the last part if your question.
It's a stupid question. What do you expect the remedy would be under such circumstances? J'Biden resigns? Kamala is president. Kamala shoul resign too? Pelosi is president. Pelosi should resign too? Grassley, assuming he's still president pro tempore? Or a Democrat president pro tempore if Democrats win the Senate? How far down the line of succession do we go until you're happy? Or do we hold a new election between J'Biden and Impeached Trump? Or do we hold a new general election and primaries for anyone who wants to run? Or do we simply crown Impeached Trump, king?
I would expect the same remedy that the left would demand if trump had been proven to have cheated. Potus and vp would resign and rightful winner put in place.

This is no less than what the left would have screamed if cheating had been undoubtedly proven on behalf of trump.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?
I have a feeling that nobody is going to answer the last part if your question.
It's a stupid question. What do you expect the remedy would be under such circumstances? J'Biden resigns? Kamala is president. Kamala shoul resign too? Pelosi is president. Pelosi should resign too? Grassley, assuming he's still president pro tempore? Or a Democrat president pro tempore if Democrats win the Senate? How far down the line of succession do we go until you're happy? Or do we hold a new election between J'Biden and Impeached Trump? Or do we hold a new general election and primaries for anyone who wants to run? Or do we simply crown Impeached Trump, king?
I would expect the same remedy that the left would demand if trump had been proven to have cheated. Potus and vp would resign and rightful winner put in place.

This is no less than what the left would have screamed if cheating had been undoubtedly proven on behalf of trump.
Again, if Biden and Harris both resign, Pelosi becomes president. That's why it was a stupid question.

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