Let us remember November 21st, 2012


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
are you still occupying their land ?
I didn't know that Israel was occupying Gaza. Israel happened to move all the Jews out years ago, and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses which would have provided them with a nice industry. In fact, if they weren't so gung ho on destroying Israel and thought more about the future, they could have set up nice tourist spots on the Mediterranean and have given Monaco a good deal of competition. Since you don't appear to be getting any gigs and have all this time on your hands, why not fly over there and suggest this to them.
are you still occupying their land ?
I didn't know that Israel was occupying Gaza. Israel happened to move all the Jews out years ago, and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses which would have provided them with a nice industry. In fact, if they weren't so gung ho on destroying Israel and thought more about the future, they could have set up nice tourist spots on the Mediterranean and have given Monaco a good deal of competition. Since you don't appear to be getting any gigs and have all this time on your hands, why not fly over there and suggest this to them.

and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses

Are you still pimping that propaganda?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

JERUSALEM – After months of intense negotiations recently culminating in a deal allowing for the transfer of Gaza’s high-tech Jewish greenhouses to the Palestinians, several former Jewish residents who briefly returned to their farms told WND they were shocked to find most of their produce has died because Israel turned off the water in the area.

“I couldn’t believe it. Almost all of my crops are dead, and the rest is dying,” Anita Tucker, one of the pioneer farmers of Jewish Gaza told WND. “I hope the Palestinians aren’t expecting fresh produce. … A fortune in crops is now all gone.”

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

BTW, Gaza would be a good tourist spot if you don't mind Israel shooting you in the head in international waters before you get there.
are you still occupying their land ?
I didn't know that Israel was occupying Gaza. Israel happened to move all the Jews out years ago, and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses which would have provided them with a nice industry. In fact, if they weren't so gung ho on destroying Israel and thought more about the future, they could have set up nice tourist spots on the Mediterranean and have given Monaco a good deal of competition. Since you don't appear to be getting any gigs and have all this time on your hands, why not fly over there and suggest this to them.

and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses

Are you still pimping that propaganda?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

JERUSALEM – After months of intense negotiations recently culminating in a deal allowing for the transfer of Gaza’s high-tech Jewish greenhouses to the Palestinians, several former Jewish residents who briefly returned to their farms told WND they were shocked to find most of their produce has died because Israel turned off the water in the area.

“I couldn’t believe it. Almost all of my crops are dead, and the rest is dying,” Anita Tucker, one of the pioneer farmers of Jewish Gaza told WND. “I hope the Palestinians aren’t expecting fresh produce. … A fortune in crops is now all gone.”

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

BTW, Gaza would be a good tourist spot if you don't mind Israel shooting you in the head in international waters before you get there.
Why, Tinnie, we know that your Arab friends destroyed not only the greenhouses but the synagogues as well. Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News
As far as being shot in the head, I think even you, Tinnie have a better chance of being beheaded in many locations in the Muslim world. Even your magic computer that really isn't there wouldn't be able to help you.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiQuuIXFr-U]Michael Scheuer: Israel Is Such a Large Detriment to the United States - YouTube[/ame]

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQwn4-jXNLs]Ex-muslim Wafa Sultan Debates Sheikh Omar Bakri - YouTube[/ame]
"So what is going on here? At the most basic level, Israel’s actions in Gaza are inextricably bound up with its efforts to create a Greater Israel that stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the endless palaver about a two-state solution, the Palestinians are not going to get their own state, not least because the Netanyahu government is firmly opposed to it."

What is Israel Really Up to in Gaza? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Georgie is right-----the new speak "balestinians" are never going to get a state-----the imperialist ambitions of erdogan and achmadinejad & toilets are going to sideline them
are you still occupying their land ?
I didn't know that Israel was occupying Gaza. Israel happened to move all the Jews out years ago, and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses which would have provided them with a nice industry. In fact, if they weren't so gung ho on destroying Israel and thought more about the future, they could have set up nice tourist spots on the Mediterranean and have given Monaco a good deal of competition. Since you don't appear to be getting any gigs and have all this time on your hands, why not fly over there and suggest this to them.

Silly----you don't understand------there are some jews breathing----two miles away from Gaza------at times inhaling a MUSLIM OXYGEN MOLECULE ----- of course ALL OXYGEN in the middle east is MUSLIM OXYGEN
are you still occupying their land ?
I didn't know that Israel was occupying Gaza. Israel happened to move all the Jews out years ago, and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses which would have provided them with a nice industry. In fact, if they weren't so gung ho on destroying Israel and thought more about the future, they could have set up nice tourist spots on the Mediterranean and have given Monaco a good deal of competition. Since you don't appear to be getting any gigs and have all this time on your hands, why not fly over there and suggest this to them.

Silly----you don't understand------there are some jews breathing----two miles away from Gaza------at times inhaling a MUSLIM OXYGEN MOLECULE ----- of course ALL OXYGEN in the middle east is MUSLIM OXYGEN
Are you still confused about "effective control?"

"Israel controls the airspace, waters, and borders of Gaza (with the exception of Rafah, the border with
Egypt). Israel controls the electrical and sewage infrastructure of Gaza, and how much food, fuel and
other supplies can arrive and leave, giving it almost total control over the economy. Palestinians in
Gaza do not have the freedom to leave at will, to visit relatives in the West Bank, or get adequate
health care. 1.7 million Palestinians are crammed into 140 square miles, making it one of the most
crowded places on earth.
In other words, even on the best of days, when Israel is not bombing Gaza, it is largely responsible for
holding 1.7 million people captive in miserable conditions. According to international law, by maintaining “effective control” of Gaza, Israel still meets the definition of occupying power. This status
has been affirmed by the Red Cross, Amnesty International, the U.N., and the U.S. State Department, among others,"

Georgie is right----Israel should terminate its supply of water and electricity to Gaza IMMEDIATELY-----and leave it to Egypt. It will be hard on the population---I recall
that the Intifada violence led Israel to terminate "worker passes" for Gazans and gazan women were "UP IN ARMS" As to deliveries of food items etc------that can be done by Egypt too Gaza can go back to pre 1967 status-----when Gazans lived on handouts from UN trucks-----and pails of water and no medical care
I just don't understand why the israelis just don't wipe them out.

As a people, not only will they not be missed, but the world will be a better, safer place.

Or do they think those evil fucks will honor their word and not start attacking AGAIN?
I didn't know that Israel was occupying Gaza. Israel happened to move all the Jews out years ago, and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses which would have provided them with a nice industry. In fact, if they weren't so gung ho on destroying Israel and thought more about the future, they could have set up nice tourist spots on the Mediterranean and have given Monaco a good deal of competition. Since you don't appear to be getting any gigs and have all this time on your hands, why not fly over there and suggest this to them.

Are you still pimping that propaganda?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

JERUSALEM – After months of intense negotiations recently culminating in a deal allowing for the transfer of Gaza’s high-tech Jewish greenhouses to the Palestinians, several former Jewish residents who briefly returned to their farms told WND they were shocked to find most of their produce has died because Israel turned off the water in the area.

“I couldn’t believe it. Almost all of my crops are dead, and the rest is dying,” Anita Tucker, one of the pioneer farmers of Jewish Gaza told WND. “I hope the Palestinians aren’t expecting fresh produce. … A fortune in crops is now all gone.”

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

BTW, Gaza would be a good tourist spot if you don't mind Israel shooting you in the head in international waters before you get there.
Why, Tinnie, we know that your Arab friends destroyed not only the greenhouses but the synagogues as well. Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News
As far as being shot in the head, I think even you, Tinnie have a better chance of being beheaded in many locations in the Muslim world. Even your magic computer that really isn't there wouldn't be able to help you.


Well those settlers were there unlawfully, so one cannot see that as anything but a good thing, the illegal settlers leaving Gaza, their presence there violated The Fourth Geneva Convention.

And that article you quote, did you notice it speaks of crops dying because Israel cut off the water supply.

Israel's attacks on Infrastructure, water and electricty inside Gaza, while Israel still occupies Gaza, is a violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, and it is why the crops you are so worried about died.

You have said you are not a Christian or Jew, why do you support Israel's Occupation of Palestine and civilian killings in Palestine?

Is it all about hate for Muslims?

I just don't understand why the israelis just don't wipe them out.

As a people, not only will they not be missed, but the world will be a better, safer place.

Or do they think those evil fucks will honor their word and not start attacking AGAIN?

Are you calling for the genocide of 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children?
I just don't understand why the israelis just don't wipe them out.

As a people, not only will they not be missed, but the world will be a better, safer place.

Or do they think those evil fucks will honor their word and not start attacking AGAIN?

Are you calling for the genocide of 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children?

The women are murdering scum, who, with dear ol' dad will raise those kids to be murdering scum.

Pals only export is suffering and murder.

What do you do with murderers?
I didn't know that Israel was occupying Gaza. Israel happened to move all the Jews out years ago, and then the silly Gazans destroyed all those greenhouses which would have provided them with a nice industry. In fact, if they weren't so gung ho on destroying Israel and thought more about the future, they could have set up nice tourist spots on the Mediterranean and have given Monaco a good deal of competition. Since you don't appear to be getting any gigs and have all this time on your hands, why not fly over there and suggest this to them.

Are you still pimping that propaganda?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

JERUSALEM – After months of intense negotiations recently culminating in a deal allowing for the transfer of Gaza’s high-tech Jewish greenhouses to the Palestinians, several former Jewish residents who briefly returned to their farms told WND they were shocked to find most of their produce has died because Israel turned off the water in the area.

“I couldn’t believe it. Almost all of my crops are dead, and the rest is dying,” Anita Tucker, one of the pioneer farmers of Jewish Gaza told WND. “I hope the Palestinians aren’t expecting fresh produce. … A fortune in crops is now all gone.”

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

BTW, Gaza would be a good tourist spot if you don't mind Israel shooting you in the head in international waters before you get there.
Why, Tinnie, we know that your Arab friends destroyed not only the greenhouses but the synagogues as well. Looters strip Gaza greenhouses - World news - Mideast/N. Africa | NBC News
As far as being shot in the head, I think even you, Tinnie have a better chance of being beheaded in many locations in the Muslim world. Even your magic computer that really isn't there wouldn't be able to help you.

The Palestinians did not destroy the greenhouses. Many of the people who worked in those greenhouses were Palestinians farmers who had their own greenhouses destroyed by Israel. Then Israel pretends to be the good guy by "giving" them jobs. They took the stuff to repair their own greenhouses.

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