Lets all remember al gore....in 2006, shall we?

High water temperatures off the Florida coast were caused by an underwater volcano? What Saturday morning cartoon told you that? Where is this volcano? Did it also warm the waters of the northeastern US seaboard? The coasts of Antarctica? As dramatic as the Florida warming has been, the greatest ocean warming has been in the Southern Ocean where it is melting the Antarctic ice shelves.

So, where is this volcano?
Do some research. I did not post it someone else did.
Can you specify where these rules that you claim exist are written, all wise and powerful one?
So he didn’t violate anything, thanks.
So he didn’t violate anything, thanks.
Supporting links are required for OPs. The distinction between OPs and their responses is artificial, they are all forum posts. We are all ethically obligated to support our factual claims. He may not have broken the rules, but it is the act of an ignorant dickhead.
The OP is Theowl32, and he provided a link. Lastamender is not, there is no rule saying he has to do anything. You just made it up.
The OP is Theowl32, and he provided a link. Lastamender is not, there is no rule saying he has to do anything. You just made it up.

Let's get back on track shall we?

"The majority of Americans see some fairly severe environmental harms as likely to happen over the next 30 years," says Alec Tyson of the Pew Research Center, who helped lead the survey. "For example, 73% say they think a growing number of plant and animal species will go extinct, 61% say they think heat waves will cause large numbers of people to die in the U.S. every year and 58% think rising sea levels will force large numbers of people in the U.S. to move away from the coast."

Those sentiments are backed up by scientific research, which has long warned that greenhouse gas emissions would threaten Americans' health, finances and very lives.
So Al Gore was right. What he predicted was coming true. And most Americans see it. Why can't you guys?

Let's get back on track shall we?

"The majority of Americans see some fairly severe environmental harms as likely to happen over the next 30 years," says Alec Tyson of the Pew Research Center, who helped lead the survey. "For example, 73% say they think a growing number of plant and animal species will go extinct, 61% say they think heat waves will cause large numbers of people to die in the U.S. every year and 58% think rising sea levels will force large numbers of people in the U.S. to move away from the coast."

Those sentiments are backed up by scientific research, which has long warned that greenhouse gas emissions would threaten Americans' health, finances and very lives.
So Al Gore was right. What he predicted was coming true. And most Americans see it. Why can't you guys?

You should be more worried about a 30 T plus and climbing national debt.
You should be more worried about a 30 T plus and climbing national debt.
Oh boy here we go again. Suddenly debt matters to Republicans again

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

Well, there's Lonnie he says with one of the last slivers of the great glacier and of course....."within the decade there will be more snows of Kilimanjaro."

I think one of the funniest things in many climate debates I see is how fast they will all back peddle and try to shut down any time he is brought up.

Yet, most still use the almost fatalistic and sensationalist nonsense, the timeline however simply moves forward is all. And the disaster is always 10 to 20 years away.

They have only been telling us that for over five decades now.
Al Gore isn't a climate scientist but he got the big picture long before most people.
Did you know that the GOP is only mayor political party in the WORLD that still denies global climate change.
Well i doubt that now but many conservatives recognize the bullshit of global warming.
Let's get back on track shall we?

"The majority of Americans see some fairly severe environmental harms as likely to happen over the next 30 years," says Alec Tyson of the Pew Research Center, who helped lead the survey. "For example, 73% say they think a growing number of plant and animal species will go extinct, 61% say they think heat waves will cause large numbers of people to die in the U.S. every year and 58% think rising sea levels will force large numbers of people in the U.S. to move away from the coast."

Those sentiments are backed up by scientific research, which has long warned that greenhouse gas emissions would threaten Americans' health, finances and very lives.
So Al Gore was right. What he predicted was coming true. And most Americans see it. Why can't you guys?

Already covered this keep on beating the dead horse.
"The majority of Americans see some fairly severe environmental harms as likely to happen over the next 30 years,"

That is entirely an opinion, and really matters not a damned bit when discussing science.

Go back a few decades and I could post some similar opinions that we know now are complete garbage scientifically.

Opinion is not science. It never has been, and never will be.
That* is entirely an opinion, and really matters not a damned bit when discussing science.
It's actually an observation. Whether or not it's accurate I cannot say, but science is filled with observations. Empirical science, they call it. Like when you look at a rock. Or is your recollection and analysis of that rock just an opinion?

And, I have to ask then: we're in a public internet discussion forum. Neither you, nor sealybobo nor I nor (to my knowledge) any regular posters here are scientists. How then, and by whose authority, has this conversation been restricted to matters scientific?
Go back a few decades and I could post some similar opinions that we know now are complete garbage scientifically.
There's no need to go back five minutes. This form is filled with the scientifically illiterate who will give you all manner of uninformed opinions should you leave an opening.
Opinion is not science. It never has been, and never will be.
Neither is an ego.

sealybobo said:
"The majority of Americans see some fairly severe environmental harms as likely to happen over the next 30 years,"

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