Lets all remember al gore....in 2006, shall we?

What I love is it’s red states who deny gw getting fucked the most

Why it matters: The longer the extreme heat lasts, the greater the economicand human health effects will be. In addition, the high temperatures are expected to contribute to drought conditions in Texas and the Southwest.

  • In the Lone Star State, El Paso has gone 35 straight days with a high temperature of 100°F or higher. The unrelenting conditions dry out vegetation and can lead to rapid drought development.
I believe in global warming, what are you doing to stop it?
I believe in global warming, what are you doing to stop it?
Yesterday I would have said I'm buying my car instead of leasing every 3 years but today I'm going to lease another F150. I told him I didn't want to pay $500 a month and I'll just ride mine for 260,000 more miles and at the end, he got me to lease. He found one for $450. It was a demo with 2000 miles on it. What do I care? It's just a lease.

So today, I'm doing nothing. I'm contributing to it.
Actually, I'm doing what half of us should be doing. Not having kids. We have too many humans on this planet.

There would be no MMCC if the population were cut in half. So the only way to save humanity is to lower the population so we aren't sucking all the gas out of the ground and cutting down all the trees and filling our oceans with plastic.

I want humans to live on this planet as long as possible. It would be nice if it could be 8 billion people at a time but really that number should be cut in half.

So I'm doing the most important thing. I'm not having kids. And for a lot of you that would be a huge sacrifice. So don't minimize it. It's probably the only real solution to this problem. You're welcome.

The World Population in 2023 is 8,045,311,447 (at mid-year, according to U.N. estimates), a 0.88% increase (70,206,291 people) from 2022, when the population was 7,975,105,156, a 0.83% increase (65,810,005 people) from 2021, when the world population was 7,909,295,151.
Yesterday I would have said I'm buying my car instead of leasing every 3 years but today I'm going to lease another F150. I told him I didn't want to pay $500 a month and I'll just ride mine for 260,000 more miles and at the end, he got me to lease. He found one for $450. It was a demo with 2000 miles on it. What do I care? It's just a lease.

So today, I'm doing nothing. I'm contributing to it.
Actually, I'm doing what half of us should be doing. Not having kids. We have too many humans on this planet.

There would be no MMCC if the population were cut in half. So the only way to save humanity is to lower the population so we aren't sucking all the gas out of the ground and cutting down all the trees and filling our oceans with plastic.

I want humans to live on this planet as long as possible. It would be nice if it could be 8 billion people at a time but really that number should be cut in half.

So I'm doing the most important thing. I'm not having kids. And for a lot of you that would be a huge sacrifice. So don't minimize it. It's probably the only real solution to this problem. You're welcome.

The World Population in 2023 is 8,045,311,447 (at mid-year, according to U.N. estimates), a 0.88% increase (70,206,291 people) from 2022, when the population was 7,975,105,156, a 0.83% increase (65,810,005 people) from 2021, when the world population was 7,909,295,151.
So your position is just admit we have global warming but it affects red states worse because they don’t admit it is happening and then don’t worry about it, except have kids because you don’t like kids.
So your position is just admit we have global warming but it affects red states worse because they don’t admit it is happening and then don’t worry about it, except have kids because you don’t like kids.
1. Yes, admit we have man made climate change and it's making life harder on, well, life.

2. GW does seem to affect red states worse. It's down south I hear about hurricanes and out west we hear about droughts. But if affects us too.

3. No, it doesn't affect red states worse because they don't admit it's happening. That would be as dumb as saying they happen because god hates fags.

4. I love kids. I would have been a great dad. You should see how I spoil my dog. I don't leave him at home EVER if I can avoid it. Took him to the Ford dealership last night. He was big hit especially with the dimes they got working there. Holy shit. Blue dress and black dress. I can't decide which one was prettier. Dogs are such chick magnets.
1. Yes, admit we have man made climate change and it's making life harder on, well, life.

2. GW does seem to affect red states worse. It's down south I hear about hurricanes and out west we hear about droughts. But if affects us too.

3. No, it doesn't affect red states worse because they don't admit it's happening. That would be as dumb as saying they happen because god hates fags.

4. I love kids. I would have been a great dad. You should see how I spoil my dog. I don't leave him at home EVER if I can avoid it. Took him to the Ford dealership last night. He was big hit especially with the dimes they got working there. Holy shit. Blue dress and black dress. I can't decide which one was prettier. Dogs are such chick magnets.
So by admitting there is global warming, does what?
So by admitting there is global warming, does what?
Admitting you have a problem is just the first step. So don't ask "does what?". Ask NOW WHAT?

Now, start going green.

The reduction in the US of nearly 800 million tons of CO2 emissions since 2007 is almost five times greater than the second ranked country (UK) is just slightly less than the reductions of the next ten countries combined (UK, Italy, Ukraine, Spain, Japan, Russian Federation, France, Germany, Canada, and Greece).

And get others to do the same

The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. It also aims to strengthen countries' ability to deal with the impacts of climate change and support them in their efforts.
Admitting you have a problem is just the first step. So don't ask "does what?". Ask NOW WHAT?

Now, start going green.

The reduction in the US of nearly 800 million tons of CO2 emissions since 2007 is almost five times greater than the second ranked country (UK) is just slightly less than the reductions of the next ten countries combined (UK, Italy, Ukraine, Spain, Japan, Russian Federation, France, Germany, Canada, and Greece).

And get others to do the same

The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. It also aims to strengthen countries' ability to deal with the impacts of climate change and support them in their efforts.
Go green by buying a gas hog? Seems like you aren’t doing anything but pretend you are because you didn’t have kids.
Go green by buying a gas hog? Seems like you aren’t doing anything but pretend you are because you didn’t have kids.
Well it really is the only way to save the planet. And when I say save the planet, I mean save humanity. The planet and cockroaches will be fine when we're gone. Better in fact.

Maybe we won't save humanity. Maybe mother nature will. With aids, covid, and whatever the next virus is that was laying dormant under permafrost. Before we thawed the permafrost that is.

And I think "they" are actually fixing the problem by making it unaffordable to have childen today.

Go green by buying a gas hog? Seems like you aren’t doing anything but pretend you are because you didn’t have kids.

I truly believe my family will be fine in the future. So I'm not sure why I'm a Democrat. I should be a greedy Republican and not care about the poor and middle class.

I can't help it. I grew up poor then middle class. I can't turn into a greedy republican now that I'm richer than the rest of you. I'm just not programmed that way. But I do see a lot of my friends have done that. You know the saying. If you are young and not liberal there is something wrong with you. And if you are old and liberal there is something wrong with you. That's because when you are old you got yours and don't give a fuck about the next generation. Plus you are set in your ways. Hence the term CONSERVative. They stop worrying about wages and start worrying about their investments. And they got their medicare and social security already. They don't think those will ever be taken away or cut. In fact they cry until they get COLA raises. Plus today's seniors got pensions. Boomers. And they told us we could no longer afford to have it as good as they had it. Hey, they organized into unions. We didn't. If we (middle class) want our fair share we need to fight for it like they did.

My family is fine. Why? Because I don't have any kids. Why? Never could afford them. And my brother has 2 kids. Two kids who have their colleges paid for and will probably be willed $5 million each when their parents die. My family will be fine. And by the way, they are all conservatives too just like you. They agree with EVERYTHING you say. They're going to vote for Trump too. And they are sick of woke and BLM and Metoo and affirmative action. Like you they are straight white men.
In other words, not at all. So why do you care?

Back in 2019, when Democratic presidential candidates debated onstage for the first time in the 2020 election cycle, it took NBC News’ moderators an hour and 22 minutes to ask about climate change. That same year, a watchdog group’s study found that Fox News devoted 86% of its coverage of global warming to claims that denied the reality that heat-trapping emissions are radically changing the planet.

But in the first half hour of Wednesday night’s debate, the right-wing network aired a recorded question from a teenage GOP activist lamenting how Republicans’ outright denial of climate change has alienated young voters.

asked the eight Republicans onstage to raise their hands if they believed “human behavior is causing climate change.”

After DeSantis’ derailing, the moderators didn’t follow up. Fox News never got its show of hands.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley deployed familiar GOP rhetoric meant to deflect attention from the U.S. — which is the No. 2 annual emitter and the No. 1 source of cumulative carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — to the Earth’s two most populous countries.

Vivik called it a hoax and got booed

Nikki: “We do care about clean air, clean water,” she said. “But there’s a right way to do it. Is climate change real? Yes, it is. But if you really want to go change the environment, we need to start telling China and India that they have to lower their emissions.”
Back in 2019, when Democratic presidential candidates debated onstage for the first time in the 2020 election cycle, it took NBC News’ moderators an hour and 22 minutes to ask about climate change. That same year, a watchdog group’s study found that Fox News devoted 86% of its coverage of global warming to claims that denied the reality that heat-trapping emissions are radically changing the planet.

But in the first half hour of Wednesday night’s debate, the right-wing network aired a recorded question from a teenage GOP activist lamenting how Republicans’ outright denial of climate change has alienated young voters.

asked the eight Republicans onstage to raise their hands if they believed “human behavior is causing climate change.”

After DeSantis’ derailing, the moderators didn’t follow up. Fox News never got its show of hands.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley deployed familiar GOP rhetoric meant to deflect attention from the U.S. — which is the No. 2 annual emitter and the No. 1 source of cumulative carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — to the Earth’s two most populous countries.

Vivik called it a hoax and got booed

Nikki: “We do care about clean air, clean water,” she said. “But there’s a right way to do it. Is climate change real? Yes, it is. But if you really want to go change the environment, we need to start telling China and India that they have to lower their emissions.”
What's your point? That politicians don't know anything about science? Agreed. But neither do you.
What's your point? That politicians don't know anything about science? Agreed. But neither do you.
I told you eventually even a lot of Republicans will no longer be able to lie/deny MMCC. And it's starting. Now they're making new excuses. Nothing we can do about it. Or what about China. Or who's going to pay for it? Or wind mills are even worse. Your arguments change as your old arguments no longer can be said and get elected.
I told you eventually even a lot of Republicans will no longer be able to lie/deny MMCC. And it's starting. Now they're making new excuses. Nothing we can do about it. Or what about China. Or who's going to pay for it? Or wind mills are even worse. Your arguments change as your old arguments no longer can be said and get elected.
Whereas I think it will be the other way around because I believe I understand the mistakes they made. I have 1 million years of data on my side. You have a flawed computer model on yours.
Whereas I think it will be the other way around because I believe I understand the mistakes they made. I have 1 million years of data on my side. You have a flawed computer model on yours.
Another one of your bad arguments.

We know the industrialization of China, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia has been so extreme that our pollution is causing climate change. What we are doing is warming the planet and causing extreme weather. This year was the hottest on record.

You have data from 1 million years ago?

One of the warmest times was during the geologic period known as the Neoproterozoic, between 600 and 800 million years ago. Conditions were also frequently sweltering between 500 million and 250 million years ago.

Did you know this? Last time the earth was this warm?

We call that time the “last interglacial” (in-between glacial periods) which peaked around 125,000 years ago. Proxy data shows that the average global temperature during the last interglacial was about 1 degree Celsius warmer than today. During that time, scientists estimate the sea level was 30 feet higher than today.
But it's not. The solution to GW is not to increase the use and size of heavy industry.

Quit bringing up CO2. You cons claim CO2 is not the problem. So creating more CO2 according to you, is not a problem. So stop suggesting it is if you don't really believe that.

Mitigation – reducing climate change – involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, either by reducing sources of these gases (for example, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, or transport) or enhancing the “sinks” that accumulate and store these gases (such as the oceans, forests, and soil). The goal of mitigation is to avoid significant human interference with Earth's climate, “stabilize greenhouse gas levels in a timeframe sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, ensure that food production is not threatened, and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner” (from the 2014 report on Mitigation of Climate Change from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, page 4).

I looked all over and CO2 was never mentioned.

What are you personally doing to fight global warming?
Another one of your bad arguments.

We know the industrialization of China, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia has been so extreme that our pollution is causing climate change. What we are doing is warming the planet and causing extreme weather. This year was the hottest on record.

You have data from 1 million years ago?

One of the warmest times was during the geologic period known as the Neoproterozoic, between 600 and 800 million years ago. Conditions were also frequently sweltering between 500 million and 250 million years ago.

Did you know this? Last time the earth was this warm?

We call that time the “last interglacial” (in-between glacial periods) which peaked around 125,000 years ago. Proxy data shows that the average global temperature during the last interglacial was about 1 degree Celsius warmer than today. During that time, scientists estimate the sea level was 30 feet higher than today.
You are wasting my time, dude. Believe whatever you want to believe. You will discover the truth soon enough.

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