Let's analyze the conduct of the Trump supporter vs the Trump protestor

This is the American version of a game of thrones..Where the rich and powerful pay agitators to protest and disrupt...
Good point. Soros throws money around like candy at Halloween.
This is the American version of a game of thrones..Where the rich and powerful pay agitators to protest and disrupt...
Good point. Soros throws money around like candy at Halloween.
Soros wants to build an antifa more dangerous than Isis.
REVEALED: Soros Wanted ANTIFA More Dangerous Than ISIS, Claims Founder
And no one here from the left will ever condemn antifa. All they will do is justify antifa violence.

Very few on the left will condemn ANTIFA, many support their actions or worse, justify their actions and violence.
It will only get worse as the rich grow richer the rest stay the same or worse...

If the rich want to get richer, they will. For those who want to stay the same, they will. Everybody is in charge of their own fate in this country.
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I believe the extreme left and right are violent. KKK, BLM, ANTIFA, Aryan Nations are all extreme terrorist groups.

These individual nut jobs like the guy spitting in another’s face. Just enforces in me how vile and disgusting the extremes are.

Anyone claiming one is less disgusting than the other is really fooling themselves.

Using fear and intimidation to silence or shame one into silence is a dangerous assault on our 1st Amendment.

I don't recall anybody on the right ever spitting on somebody from the left. When was the last time we seen violence from the KKK?
From whatever I've heard, apart from a few isolated incidents, the people at the Trump rallies are very polite. You'll even hear press people say this, despite the nonsense Trump says about the press being the enemy of the people and his supporters cheering him.

The violent protestors are morons. The police should come down hard on them if they incite violence.

People don't protest for no reason. In this case, these anti-Americans are protesting against freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. But then again......when have they ever liked our Constitution?
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.
More lies from the baby killers.

One shows GREAT restraint while the other shows a complete disregard for decency.

Why do the left feel the need to act in such despicable ways?

Doing things like this and acting in this way won't win you any moderates so why do it? You can not win without the moderates so what is the end goal here?
Intimidation? Oppressing others freedom of speech?
Hoping to suppress the votes?

I do not understand why the leaders on the left do not come out against this repeated disrespectful bullshit. This is their opportunity to LEAD. You know, show America that which you claim Trump isn't showing....LEADERSHIP

Instead all you do is create mini martyrs with your asinine antics. This man would have been fine to just see Trump and then peacefully go home but nope. You gave him and Trump ammunition.
Personally if I was advising Trump I would tell him to get this man on the next plane to DC and let him tell the world how he feels with potus standing right next to him.

The modern Democrat party is a joke

Don't care who you are, or what your politics are, but to stand there and do nothing after some little shit with and Oedipus complex clad in black spits in your face and you resist the urge to flat lik kill the one who did it takes a special kind of self control. Hats off to the dude, but I wished he killed the trash who did it.

One shows GREAT restraint while the other shows a complete disregard for decency.

Why do the left feel the need to act in such despicable ways?

Doing things like this and acting in this way won't win you any moderates so why do it? You can not win without the moderates so what is the end goal here?
Intimidation? Oppressing others freedom of speech?
Hoping to suppress the votes?

I do not understand why the leaders on the left do not come out against this repeated disrespectful bullshit. This is their opportunity to LEAD. You know, show America that which you claim Trump isn't showing....LEADERSHIP

Instead all you do is create mini martyrs with your asinine antics. This man would have been fine to just see Trump and then peacefully go home but nope. You gave him and Trump ammunition.
Personally if I was advising Trump I would tell him to get this man on the next plane to DC and let him tell the world how he feels with potus standing right next to him.

The modern Democrat party is a joke

In general, Democrats are very childish people by nature. If they don't get their way, they pout, stomp feet and cry. If they can't win by the rules we all played by, it's time to change the rules so they can win.

The Democrats and Republicans are the exact opposite of each other. Democrats want to silence opposition while Republicans want to amplify it. We don't want the left silenced because that's what helps us get converts. We want them screaming at the top of their lungs, and we'll even turn up the PA system if they want us to.

Tell people the end of the world is in 12 years. Tell people that we need open borders, disarmed citizenry, and the elimination of ICE. Tell people they want to take away our fuel and force us into much more expensive energy thus making us less competitive with the rest of the world while destroying our economy. Tell people we need to eliminate airplanes, and force them on trains instead. Tell them we need to force schools to allow weirdos in dresses into our daughters rest rooms and changing areas. We want all Americans to hear their message.
Meanwhile back in reality….

Trump supporters:

mail bombs to political opponents
stockpile weapons and make hit lists
shoot up Wal*Marts because brown people shop there
support denying kids at detention centers soap and toothpaste.

Trump opponents—even the most disgusting ones—are class acts by contrast.

Oh yeah, I forgot….trump supporters cavort with those chanting Nazi slogans and run over people with their cars.

PS: The “joke” took the house in 2018.

Anti Trump shot up a baseball field of Republican Congressmen, throw eggs at Trump supporters, smash windows and light cars on fire because Trump win.

One shows GREAT restraint while the other shows a complete disregard for decency.

Why do the left feel the need to act in such despicable ways?

Doing things like this and acting in this way won't win you any moderates so why do it? You can not win without the moderates so what is the end goal here?
Intimidation? Oppressing others freedom of speech?
Hoping to suppress the votes?

I do not understand why the leaders on the left do not come out against this repeated disrespectful bullshit. This is their opportunity to LEAD. You know, show America that which you claim Trump isn't showing....LEADERSHIP

Instead all you do is create mini martyrs with your asinine antics. This man would have been fine to just see Trump and then peacefully go home but nope. You gave him and Trump ammunition.
Personally if I was advising Trump I would tell him to get this man on the next plane to DC and let him tell the world how he feels with potus standing right next to him.

The modern Democrat party is a joke

Typical Trump protestor.... animal, violent, does not believe in free speech.
People don't protest for no reason. In this case, these anti-Americans are protesting against freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. But then again......when have they ever liked our Constitution?

That's not what they're protesting against.
I believe the extreme left and right are violent. KKK, BLM, ANTIFA, Aryan Nations are all extreme terrorist groups.

These individual nut jobs like the guy spitting in another’s face. Just enforces in me how vile and disgusting the extremes are.

Anyone claiming one is less disgusting than the other is really fooling themselves.

Using fear and intimidation to silence or shame one into silence is a dangerous assault on our 1st Amendment.

I don't recall anybody on the right ever spitting on somebody from the left. When was the last time we seen violence from the KKK?
These twits continually bring up the KKK. There must be at least 100 in the entire nation and they're all in prison. Desperate morons.
I believe the extreme left and right are violent. KKK, BLM, ANTIFA, Aryan Nations are all extreme terrorist groups.

These individual nut jobs like the guy spitting in another’s face. Just enforces in me how vile and disgusting the extremes are.

Anyone claiming one is less disgusting than the other is really fooling themselves.

Using fear and intimidation to silence or shame one into silence is a dangerous assault on our 1st Amendment.

I don't recall anybody on the right ever spitting on somebody from the left. When was the last time we seen violence from the KKK?
These twits continually bring up the KKK. There must be at least 100 in the entire nation and they're all in prison. Desperate morons.

They come out about once a year or so. They have their little rally, and people yell them down. Then everybody goes home and watches television. I don't think they've been a violent group since the 60's to be honest.

You look at what goes on on with the left, and you see an entirely different situation. You have people from Congress, in public, yelling over a bull horn to harass people from the other side. You have anti-farts who only attend rallies from the opposing side just to start trouble, although they never attended an affair where the Bikers for Trump happen to be. You have adults smacking the hat off of a kid who is simply eating a hamburger and minding his own business. You have people taking ropes and tearing down statues they disagree with. Now we have actors who are making phony police reports about being attacked by Trump supporters.

One shows GREAT restraint while the other shows a complete disregard for decency.

Why do the left feel the need to act in such despicable ways?

Doing things like this and acting in this way won't win you any moderates so why do it? You can not win without the moderates so what is the end goal here?
Intimidation? Oppressing others freedom of speech?
Hoping to suppress the votes?

I do not understand why the leaders on the left do not come out against this repeated disrespectful bullshit. This is their opportunity to LEAD. You know, show America that which you claim Trump isn't showing....LEADERSHIP

Instead all you do is create mini martyrs with your asinine antics. This man would have been fine to just see Trump and then peacefully go home but nope. You gave him and Trump ammunition.
Personally if I was advising Trump I would tell him to get this man on the next plane to DC and let him tell the world how he feels with potus standing right next to him.

The modern Democrat party is a joke

The media will cover up their crimes. That's what happened in Germany just before the Nazis came to power.

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