Lets Assume That Ford is Telling the truth, is Kavanaugh thus Unfit For SCOTUS?

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

  • yes, he is unfit, even if he was stupid boy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • no, it is too long ago and kids do stupid things

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • I dunno, who on the game tonight?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
If she is telling the truth, then he is guilty of getting drunk at a party and groped a drunk girl. Hardly enough to ruin his life 40 years later.

Hey, guess what most of us are not going to get appointments to SCOTUS, and our lives aren't "ruined".

How is you not getting a SCOTUS appointment relevant to the fact that he’s a federal judge with that opportunity? Why should his chance at reaching the pinnacle of his career be ruined over something that happened when he was in high school, if it happened at all?

The act itself is not a disqualification. It would have to be proved that he’s lying, and not just forgetting, about it happening, in order for him to be disqualified. Anything else would be unfair.
He is a potential rapist, a proven serial perjurer and believes certain politicians are above the law. Yes, he is unfit for any public office, in particular with regards to the justice system.

Hey , every male is a potential rapist, corruptible especially when they are under the influence of alcohol and especially if they are conservative... all SCJ should be female from this point out, right?

Wrong, this woman bears some responsibility to bring some facts to the table instead of last minute accusations. People are trying to treat her now as a helpless, fragile little girl here... when in reality she is a middle aged woman... a College professor who I assume would be very intelligent. She has had 35 years to think about this... 35 years to research where it was this party was, who she was with.... if she was really that concerned about it. NOW she is brining up a supposed memory ... that she knows will ruin someone's life... carreer and family life potentially and she doesn't even have the decency to bring facts to the table after 35 years. An intelligent middle aged college professor? she wants to make an accusation.. then not even testify... make the guy testify first? I'm presuming so that would allow her to adjust her own testimony..... Sorry if this woman appears to be extremely suspect.

Regretting a drunken sexual encounter doesn't make it rape.

Just sayin'.
The allegations by Ford do not and cannot prove his character today.

They merely suggest that many years ago, in his youth as a teen, he may have acted like a teenager....in which it is legally acdcepted by law and norm that mature judgement is not fully developed.

Anything more from this proves only that we, as a society, are corrupt.
And if his confirmation fails, it proves our political system is dangerously compromised.
He is a potential rapist, a proven serial perjurer and believes certain politicians are above the law. Yes, he is unfit for any public office, in particular with regards to the justice system.

Hey , every male is a potential rapist, corruptible especially when they are under the influence of alcohol and especially if they are conservative... all SCJ should be female from this point out, right?

Wrong, this woman bears some responsibility to bring some facts to the table instead of last minute accusations. People are trying to treat her now as a helpless, fragile little girl here... when in reality she is a middle aged woman... a College professor who I assume would be very intelligent. She has had 35 years to think about this... 35 years to research where it was this party was, who she was with.... if she was really that concerned about it. NOW she is brining up a supposed memory ... that she knows will ruin someone's life... carreer and family life potentially and she doesn't even have the decency to bring facts to the table after 35 years. An intelligent middle aged college professor? she wants to make an accusation.. then not even testify... make the guy testify first? I'm presuming so that would allow her to adjust her own testimony..... Sorry if this woman appears to be extremely suspect.

Regretting a drunken sexual encounter doesn't make it rape.

Just sayin'.
That woman spent her younger years being drunk and attending parties.
After years of being a slump buster for any horny guy who came along, she’s now trying to elevate herself by accusing a good guy of wanting to fuck her.

That woman will always be nothing more than a worthless POS.
This is interesting (in a sad way)....

The Left could have a known convicted rapist, murderer, terrorist (aka Leftist hero) nominated by their future President and
I would bet you that there wouldn't be a FRACTION of the opposition to that nomination that the Left puts up over a right wing nominee.

Seems the right wing remnants are made up of mostly older people, too old and tired or too deep into their careers, to put up any fight.
As these older right wingers die off, the Left looks poised to take the nation in any direction they see fit.

How many young people today would opt for the boring, path of personal responsibility when the Left promises sex, fun, excitement, glamour and self indulgence?

Future political fights will be between the Left and the Radical Left.

Things no longer existing will be......
1). Religious freedom and protection (except for Muslims)
2). The 2nd Amendment
3). Tolerance for ANY Conservative, Right wing opinions
4). The right to privacy

Things that will become reality....
1). General acceptance that pre-teens and adults can be sexually compatible
2). Laws restricting the rights of the remaining whites
3). Socialism and the confiscation and publification of corporations
4). Greatly enhanced Muslim control and political power

God, thank you that I was born when I was and won't be here for this crap.

How do I know this? My crystal ball told me. :th_thc136:
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How is you not getting a SCOTUS appointment relevant to the fact that he’s a federal judge with that opportunity? Why should his chance at reaching the pinnacle of his career be ruined over something that happened when he was in high school, if it happened at all?

because if it did happen, it makes him an attempted rapist. certainly not one who should be up there deciding on issues germane to women's rights.

The act itself is not a disqualification. It would have to be proved that he’s lying, and not just forgetting, about it happening, in order for him to be disqualified. Anything else would be unfair.

I can't see how any guy would ever forget about something like that.
How is you not getting a SCOTUS appointment relevant to the fact that he’s a federal judge with that opportunity? Why should his chance at reaching the pinnacle of his career be ruined over something that happened when he was in high school, if it happened at all?

because if it did happen, it makes him an attempted rapist. certainly not one who should be up there deciding on issues germane to women's rights.

The act itself is not a disqualification. It would have to be proved that he’s lying, and not just forgetting, about it happening, in order for him to be disqualified. Anything else would be unfair.

I can't see how any guy would ever forget about something like that.

She claims he was drunk. It is possible to get so drunk you don’t remember what you did.
The Party Of Family Values current line is "boys will be boys".
The Party Of Family Values current line is "boys will be boys".

The Republican Party has not been the party of Family Values since....Eiisenhower at the latest Since 1960 the GOP has been the party of corporate interests.

But we can always count on Dimocrats to be the party of flim flams, scams and lynching innocent people.
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.
Lets assume that Kennedy's father Joe the rum runner, colluded with the mafia and bought out the 1960 election for his baby, Jack. Speaking of foreign "collusion", the Sicilian MOB cliches it. Imagine the fact the mafia wasn't pleased with brother Bobby and his prosecution of the rackets by the self same Cosa Nostra? Imagine they put a hit out on our beloved 35th Catholic president in response. Because that's pretty much what happened in Dealey plaza in 1963.Speaking of assumptions...
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Just think what weird sexual charges they will make when Trump gets his third pick.
It’s the playbook.

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