Lets Assume That Ford is Telling the truth, is Kavanaugh thus Unfit For SCOTUS?

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

  • yes, he is unfit, even if he was stupid boy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • no, it is too long ago and kids do stupid things

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • I dunno, who on the game tonight?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
If she's telling the truth then hell yes he's unfit.

Firstly that means Brett is a liar and secondly, we don't need a sexual predator in such a highest position. How could he rule on any issues pertaining to women when he has no repsect for them.
Sexual predator?

Sure, despite a sterling reputation for over 30 years of courteous, gentlemanly behavior sworn to by hundreds, the totally 100% unsupported claims of one Democratic party member wipes all that out and makes Kavanaugh a would be rapist.

Democrats have lost their ever loving minds and they do not realize....yet.
Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?
In a normal world it would not. Had this happened a few years or months or weeks ago, that's a different story.

But this is about politics. Political advantage is the end that justifies ANY means, literally. In fact, it's beyond politics and edging closer to civil/cultural war.

As usual, a self-inflicted wound. This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum. Evidently this is what we want.

Why not let's follow US legal custom and law and assume Mr. Kavanaugh is innocent until a jury finds him guilty. That Ms Ford has made an accusation that will now be adjudicated.
It's going to be adjudicated? We all know most of what's going happen here. Both people are going to say what they have to say, and unless one of them has a clear and unequivocal bombshell, both "sides" are going to "believe" their people.

There's only one real issue here: The Democrats are pretending this is about sexual assault and they're pulling out all stops to stop Kavanaugh. The GOP is clumsily walking the tightrope between pretending to care about #MeToo while pushing through enough votes to get his ass in.

There are three or four soft GOP votes. That's all that REALLY matters here. The rest is just another transparent, embarrassing circus.

Mac, I am so glad you post here as it restores my faith that there are sane Democrats left in America.
Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?
In a normal world it would not. Had this happened a few years or months or weeks ago, that's a different story.

But this is about politics. Political advantage is the end that justifies ANY means, literally. In fact, it's beyond politics and edging closer to civil/cultural war.

As usual, a self-inflicted wound. This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum. Evidently this is what we want.

Why not let's follow US legal custom and law and assume Mr. Kavanaugh is innocent until a jury finds him guilty. That Ms Ford has made an accusation that will now be adjudicated.
It's going to be adjudicated? We all know most of what's going happen here. Both people are going to say what they have to say, and unless one of them has a clear and unequivocal bombshell, both "sides" are going to "believe" their people.

There's only one real issue here: The Democrats are pretending this is about sexual assault and they're pulling out all stops to stop Kavanaugh. The GOP is clumsily walking the tightrope between pretending to care about #MeToo while pushing through enough votes to get his ass in.

There are three or four soft GOP votes. That's all that REALLY matters here. The rest is just another transparent, embarrassing circus.

Mac, I am so glad you post here as it restores my faith that there are sane Democrats left in America.
Well, I guess I would like to be a Democrat, but I find them pretty repulsive right now...
Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?
In a normal world it would not. Had this happened a few years or months or weeks ago, that's a different story.
But this is about politics. Political advantage is the end that justifies ANY means, literally. In fact, it's beyond politics and edging closer to civil/cultural war.
As usual, a self-inflicted wound. This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum. Evidently this is what we want.
No, I dont think this is what the American people want, but it is the aggregate result of the many little things we do want, like entertaining news, and a laundry list of self-contradictory demands on Washington..
Good point. But I think we enable this behavior when we keep lowering standards, forgiving it, deflecting from it and ignoring it.
But one party backs their guy (because the other side always backs theirs or they have no firm evidence) while the other side insists the accused is a demon from hell.

The people t hat are supposed to be our statesmen are instead a bunch of clowns, one party will do absolutely anything and everything to get thjeir way and the other is led by a bunch of spineless worms.

When Greassly was introducing Kavanaugh and the Dems kept interrupting him, he should have had them thrown out for contempt of the Senate, but he doesnt have the nerve, so we get more and more of this liberal grandstanding that all amounts to what you describe.

I think everyone knows this situation is a nexus of convenient claims and has zero to do with getting to the Truth about any of this.
Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?
In a normal world it would not. Had this happened a few years or months or weeks ago, that's a different story.
But this is about politics. Political advantage is the end that justifies ANY means, literally. In fact, it's beyond politics and edging closer to civil/cultural war.
As usual, a self-inflicted wound. This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum. Evidently this is what we want.
No, I dont think this is what the American people want, but it is the aggregate result of the many little things we do want, like entertaining news, and a laundry list of self-contradictory demands on Washington..
Good point. But I think we enable this behavior when we keep lowering standards, forgiving it, deflecting from it and ignoring it.
But one party backs their guy (because the other side always backs theirs or they have no firm evidence) while the other side insists the accused is a demon from hell.

The people t hat are supposed to be our statesmen are instead a bunch of clowns, one party will do absolutely anything and everything to get thjeir way and the other is led by a bunch of spineless worms.

When Greassly was introducing Kavanaugh and the Dems kept interrupting him, he should have had them thrown out for contempt of the Senate, but he doesnt have the nerve, so we get more and more of this liberal grandstanding that all amounts to what you describe.

I think everyone knows this situation is a nexus of convenient claims and has zero to do with getting to the Truth about any of this.
And what's at the bottom of this behavior, driving it? Keeping the bases happy, fundraising and re-election.

Another example of how we're allowing our political/electoral systems to distort what really needs to be done.

Term limits, baby.
And what's at the bottom of this behavior, driving it? Keeping the bases happy, fundraising and re-election.

Another example of how we're allowing our political/electoral systems to distort what really needs to be done.

Term limits, baby.
We need term limits, but also campaign finance reform.

Right now I want a total ban on political advertisements, and a cable channel like CNN set aside to allow candidates to air their views and inform their voters and get the money totally out of politics.
And what's at the bottom of this behavior, driving it? Keeping the bases happy, fundraising and re-election.

Another example of how we're allowing our political/electoral systems to distort what really needs to be done.

Term limits, baby.
We need term limits, but also campaign finance reform.

Right now I want a total ban on political advertisements, and a cable channel like CNN set aside to allow candidates to air their views and inform their voters and get the money totally out of politics.
Yes it makes him unfit. Not only because he was a sexual predator but because he claimed he wasnt there so that means he is also a liar. I'm guessing the reason he isnt screaming for an FBI investigation to clear his name is because he is either lying or a sexual predator but more likely both.

Why should he scream for an FBI investigation? look at it from his viewpoint if he IS Innocent. IF he is innocent of charges he can see that Feinstein sat on this info until the 11th hour after all the other Democrat attempts to cancel him out failed. I would conclude if I was him, that the Democrats timed this as a stalling tactic... the accuser and the Democrats who are coaching her will use that time to come up with new 'witnesses'. Why should he make himself a dupe and play into their hands? they have no respect for him and are calling him a rapist and basically they afford him no respect, he should return the favor.

Keep in mind it is very convenient for his accuser to say she cant remember details like When, where, what party... the only thing she says is it was Kavenaugh and she can do all the damage she wants to his reputation and family simply by making the accusation and there is no risk to herself... she cant be called out on lying, she can simply say she cant remember the details because it was so long ago and the damage is still done. This is bannana republic shit. You can bet the Democrats are currently trying to concoct something as we speak, but they need more time. They already made it clear before the confirmation process that they would stop him... even before looking at all his rulings and documents turned in. His rulings therefor were of no importance to them all along... they've been doing nothing more than trying to dig up dirt and this is the best they could come up with.
To clear his name. I know if someone accused me of something like that I would want my name cleared with no cloud hanging over my good name. This dude is about to be a SC justice. He should have even more reason to make sure his name is untarnished.

I might agree with you if I trusted the Democrats to be honest people. I think they fear R v W being overturned so much,... don't want to lose a seat to one more conservative justice, that they would do just about anything.
I still cant get over that Feinstein sat on this info for so long.... why didnt they start an FBI investigation then?? then there would have been plenty of time before the deadline was up.

Its very very convenient for them that they waited for the last minute. To me that casts a huge shadow of doubt on their true intentions and what they are doing behind closed doors. do they really care about this woman who from what we hear wanted to remain anonymous? or did they push her into the open ? now they want to pretend that they are so concerned about her sensitivities.
Kind of hard to start an investigation when the accuser doesnt want her name revealed. i do think there was some political games but that doesnt change the point that these claims should be investigated by the FBI. As a matter of fact I would suggest that all these games are specifically why the FBI and not the judiciary committee should investigate.
About the only thing the FBI can do is recover her social media accounts she thoroughly scrubbed prior to making the accusation.
What Kavanaugh is accused of pales in comparison to Bill Clinton's alleged sexual episodes.

Bill Clinton's alleged escapades were investigated, at a cost of some 70 million dollars by Ken the Panty Sniffer Starr.

What I find amusing is that people who accepted Juanita Brodderick's pack of lies at face value reject what this woman has to say.

So tell you what, let's spend 70 million dollars investigating Kavanaugh, and only then put him on SCOTUS.
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.

If she is telling the truth, then he is guilty of getting drunk at a party and groped a drunk girl. Hardly enough to ruin his life 40 years later.
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.

Oh, definitely. If Ford is telling the truth, then Kavanaugh is lying TODAY to try and cover up attempted forcible rape.

Which is a characteristic no rational person would want in their Supreme Court Justice.

She is claiming he was shitface drunk. So how is him not recalling any of it make him a “liar”?
If she's telling the truth then hell yes he's unfit.

Firstly that means Brett is a liar and secondly, we don't need a sexual predator in such a highest position. How could he rule on any issues pertaining to women when he has no repsect for them.

If copping a feel off a random girl while a drunken teen makes one a sexual predator then most male Baby boomers are sexual predators.

Have you read Corey Bookers account of how he copped a feel off a girl back in high school?

Is he a sexual predator too?

How about Ellison?

roflmao,. you really mean only Republicans are sexual predators for such behavior if it suits Democrat party interests.

Bingo! Most baby boomer men have horrible attitudes towards sexual harassment and women.

And I have no affinity towards democrats ( I'm independent btw). Unlike republican scum, I don't care if the sexual predator is a Republican and democrat.
Sexual harassment transcends political beliefs.

Booker feeling up a girl without her consent is wrong. Especially since the girl swatted his hand away and he made another attempt.
It is a national disgrace that an unverified handwritten letter was released by a Democratic Leader, damaging a good mans' reputation permanently, TOTALLY WITHOUT PROOF.

Eye witness testimony is proof. Its proof in any court of law.
What eye witnesses? Everyone Ford claimed was at the party says she a fucking George Soros paid off liar.
The person everyone should be asking 'questions' under oath is her Daddy.
Virtually every time someone becomes the 'town bicycle' there is sexual abuse in the family somewhere.
Yes it makes him unfit. Not only because he was a sexual predator but because he claimed he wasnt there so that means he is also a liar. I'm guessing the reason he isnt screaming for an FBI investigation to clear his name is because he is either lying or a sexual predator but more likely both.

Why should he scream for an FBI investigation? look at it from his viewpoint if he IS Innocent. IF he is innocent of charges he can see that Feinstein sat on this info until the 11th hour after all the other Democrat attempts to cancel him out failed. I would conclude if I was him, that the Democrats timed this as a stalling tactic... the accuser and the Democrats who are coaching her will use that time to come up with new 'witnesses'. Why should he make himself a dupe and play into their hands? they have no respect for him and are calling him a rapist and basically they afford him no respect, he should return the favor.

Keep in mind it is very convenient for his accuser to say she cant remember details like When, where, what party... the only thing she says is it was Kavenaugh and she can do all the damage she wants to his reputation and family simply by making the accusation and there is no risk to herself... she cant be called out on lying, she can simply say she cant remember the details because it was so long ago and the damage is still done. This is bannana republic shit. You can bet the Democrats are currently trying to concoct something as we speak, but they need more time. They already made it clear before the confirmation process that they would stop him... even before looking at all his rulings and documents turned in. His rulings therefor were of no importance to them all along... they've been doing nothing more than trying to dig up dirt and this is the best they could come up with.
To clear his name. I know if someone accused me of something like that I would want my name cleared with no cloud hanging over my good name. This dude is about to be a SC justice. He should have even more reason to make sure his name is untarnished.

I might agree with you if I trusted the Democrats to be honest people. I think they fear R v W being overturned so much,... don't want to lose a seat to one more conservative justice, that they would do just about anything.
I still cant get over that Feinstein sat on this info for so long.... why didnt they start an FBI investigation then?? then there would have been plenty of time before the deadline was up.

Its very very convenient for them that they waited for the last minute. To me that casts a huge shadow of doubt on their true intentions and what they are doing behind closed doors. do they really care about this woman who from what we hear wanted to remain anonymous? or did they push her into the open ? now they want to pretend that they are so concerned about her sensitivities.
Kind of hard to start an investigation when the accuser doesnt want her name revealed. i do think there was some political games but that doesnt change the point that these claims should be investigated by the FBI. As a matter of fact I would suggest that all these games are specifically why the FBI and not the judiciary committee should investigate.
About the only thing the FBI can do is recover her social media accounts she thoroughly scrubbed prior to making the accusation.
Ford wasn't able to scrub the account in time. There's a TON of bad shit she couldn't get rid of.

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