Lets Assume That Ford is Telling the truth, is Kavanaugh thus Unfit For SCOTUS?

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

  • yes, he is unfit, even if he was stupid boy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • no, it is too long ago and kids do stupid things

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • I dunno, who on the game tonight?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.
How many people have been sent to prison or wind up labeled as a sex criminal for doing the same thing Kavanaugh is being accused of doing?

Seriously? Very few. They would have been heard in a Juvvy court if the whole drunken pool party was not settled by their parents and guardians. You folks have HURDLED right over the fact these were at best statutory crimes committed between minors -- if crimes at all.

As a parent, my 1st question would have been WHO'S HOUSE this occurred at and were they AWARE of the surrepticious party and alcohol.. My 1st phone call would have been to THEM and NOT the fucking FBI....

You got an ADDRESS for this "crime" yet? Those parents are the guiltiest of them all...
Yes it makes him unfit. Not only because he was a sexual predator but because he claimed he wasnt there so that means he is also a liar. I'm guessing the reason he isnt screaming for an FBI investigation to clear his name is because he is either lying or a sexual predator but more likely both.

Why should he scream for an FBI investigation? look at it from his viewpoint if he IS Innocent. IF he is innocent of charges he can see that Feinstein sat on this info until the 11th hour after all the other Democrat attempts to cancel him out failed. I would conclude if I was him, that the Democrats timed this as a stalling tactic... the accuser and the Democrats who are coaching her will use that time to come up with new 'witnesses'. Why should he make himself a dupe and play into their hands? they have no respect for him and are calling him a rapist and basically they afford him no respect, he should return the favor.

Keep in mind it is very convenient for his accuser to say she cant remember details like When, where, what party... the only thing she says is it was Kavenaugh and she can do all the damage she wants to his reputation and family simply by making the accusation and there is no risk to herself... she cant be called out on lying, she can simply say she cant remember the details because it was so long ago and the damage is still done. This is bannana republic shit. You can bet the Democrats are currently trying to concoct something as we speak, but they need more time. They already made it clear before the confirmation process that they would stop him... even before looking at all his rulings and documents turned in. His rulings therefor were of no importance to them all along... they've been doing nothing more than trying to dig up dirt and this is the best they could come up with.

If he is innocent, an FBI investigation will exonerate him. As an officer of the court he would want any allegation investigated. Even if its against him.

The FBI does not investigate this type of allegation, you simpleton! They have NO jurisdiction, period!
Wrong you ninny. They did the same thing in the Anita Hill case. If Drumpf gives the order they have to investigate.

Bullshit. It's Juvvy court and Juvvy statutes. NOT -- an FBI or federal case... Here.. Let Joe Biden explain this to you while he was adamantly STALLING a request for an FBI investigation of recent ADULT behavior by Thomas and Hill.. Folks need to WATCH the video so they don't get run over by irony and hypocrisy at the same time..

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This is truly absurd! I can’t believe rational people would think what 2 drunk adolescents did over 3 decades ago should be how they are judged today. Show me a pattern of bad behavior and poor judgement, or shut your whiny mouths.

Attempted forcible rape is not 'bad behavior'.

And if Ford is telling the truth that means that Kavanaugh lying TODAY to try and cover up attempted forcible rape.

Which isn't a trait I want in any supreme court justice.

Put that slut on the stand and ask her if she ever got drunk while attending her rich kid prep school, then ask her if she ever had sex at those parties.......she doesn’t want to get on the stand because she will either have to lie, or tell the world she got drunk and screwed a bunch of dues while she was in high school.

"that slut"....now we find out the truth about you.....why wouldn't HE be the slut?

By definition, HE can’t be a slut.

noun: slut; plural noun: sluts
  1. 1.
    a woman who has many casual sexual partners.
    synonyms: promiscuous woman, prostitute, whore; More
    informalfloozy, tramp, hooker, hustler;
    datedtart, scarlet woman, loose woman, hussy, trollop;
    archaicharlot, strumpet, wanton
    "she dressed like a slut and didn't act much better"
  2. 2.
    a woman with low standards of cleanliness.

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