Lets Assume That Ford is Telling the truth, is Kavanaugh thus Unfit For SCOTUS?

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

  • yes, he is unfit, even if he was stupid boy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • no, it is too long ago and kids do stupid things

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • I dunno, who on the game tonight?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
So youre saying that because he was drunk its ok for him to lie about being there? Does that really make sense to you?
Lie about being WHERE? Do we even know that yet? The neanderthals here are full of shit arguments, I agree with you, but Kavanaugh is most likely telling the truth as he remembers it, too.
This is not going to go anywhere, I fear, without an FBI investigation, and it looks like there isn't going to be one, so we might as well give up now and mark it up to an unsolved mystery.

Why would the FBI investigate this? The "FBI needs to investigate" is a democrat scam...they know there is nothing to investigate, they would like the FBI to be involved because then they could stretch this into weeks or months, knowing there is nothing to find, but it would put the nomination into jeopardy...they also know this is a local matter, not a federal one so there is no point to the FBI investigating it...

This is a Hail Mary pass by the democrats who are willing to smear a good man simply for their own power.
You know why--they do it as part of their background check. If you were responsible for a background check, completed it and then a bomb like this presented itself, would you not go back and check around for more information? OF COURSE YOU WOULD. Don't be arguing any different, 2AGuy, because it is the only sensible thing to do.

Even if it were the FBI's job, who are they going to ask? There is NO ONE to back up her claims. NO ONE!
That is their job to figure out. You don't know there is no one to back up her claims until there is an investigation. This armchair investigating by me and you is all silliness.

Go find a friend (if you have any) and borrow a cup of common sense.

First, it is out of their jurisdiction.

Second, what would be the first thing they would look into? Apparently Ford doesn't remember much of anything, so who do they start with? No one she names has a clue as to what happened according to her.
He is a potential rapist, a proven serial perjurer and believes certain politicians are above the law. Yes, he is unfit for any public office, in particular with regards to the justice system.
He is a potential rapist, a proven serial perjurer and believes certain politicians are above the law. Yes, he is unfit for any public office, in particular with regards to the justice system.

This has nothing to do with Clinton, please stay on topic.
He is a potential rapist, a proven serial perjurer and believes certain politicians are above the law. Yes, he is unfit for any public office, in particular with regards to the justice system.

This has nothing to do with Clinton, please stay on topic.
Thanks for encouraging me to post a link.

Salon is a leftist rag and doesn't count.
It's rather telling that Ford's social media accounts were scrubbed and that her high school year books have been removed from the Interwebs.


It's not all lost. Some did get captured in time.

View attachment 217890
This is fake news.

Of course it is... it never happened, right?

Blasey-Ford's HS Yearbooks Brag of Drunken Promiscuity, '54 Sex Partners Before College'
He is a potential rapist, a proven serial perjurer and believes certain politicians are above the law. Yes, he is unfit for any public office, in particular with regards to the justice system.

Hey , every male is a potential rapist, corruptible especially when they are under the influence of alcohol and especially if they are conservative... all SCJ should be female from this point out, right?

Wrong, this woman bears some responsibility to bring some facts to the table instead of last minute accusations. People are trying to treat her now as a helpless, fragile little girl here... when in reality she is a middle aged woman... a College professor who I assume would be very intelligent. She has had 35 years to think about this... 35 years to research where it was this party was, who she was with.... if she was really that concerned about it. NOW she is brining up a supposed memory ... that she knows will ruin someone's life... carreer and family life potentially and she doesn't even have the decency to bring facts to the table after 35 years. An intelligent middle aged college professor? she wants to make an accusation.. then not even testify... make the guy testify first? I'm presuming so that would allow her to adjust her own testimony..... Sorry if this woman appears to be extremely suspect.
If this was just teenage horseplay that millions of us have participated in, then he is fit for duty !

You and a friend pulled a girl into bedrooms against their will, with you holding her down, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to such a degree that she though you might kill her, and then tried to remove her clothes?

Because I never have.

Yes you did. I was there and I saw you do it. You’re a rapist!
Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?
In a normal world it would not. Had this happened a few years or months or weeks ago, that's a different story.

But this is about politics. Political advantage is the end that justifies ANY means, literally. In fact, it's beyond politics and edging closer to civil/cultural war.

As usual, a self-inflicted wound. This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum. Evidently this is what we want.

Why not let's follow US legal custom and law and assume Mr. Kavanaugh is innocent until a jury finds him guilty. That Ms Ford has made an accusation that will now be adjudicated.
Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?
In a normal world it would not. Had this happened a few years or months or weeks ago, that's a different story.

But this is about politics. Political advantage is the end that justifies ANY means, literally. In fact, it's beyond politics and edging closer to civil/cultural war.

As usual, a self-inflicted wound. This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum. Evidently this is what we want.

No, I dont think this is what the American people want, but it is the aggregate result of the many little things we do want, like entertaining news, and a laundry list of self-contradictory demands on Washington..
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.

Oh, definitely. If Ford is telling the truth, then Kavanaugh is lying TODAY to try and cover up attempted forcible rape.

Which is a characteristic no rational person would want in their Supreme Court Justice.

The eye witnesses completely refute her claims.
If she's telling the truth then hell yes he's unfit.

Firstly that means Brett is a liar and secondly, we don't need a sexual predator in such a highest position. How could he rule on any issues pertaining to women when he has no repsect for them.
Of coarse he is unfit! He's a sexual predator. He believes its a white mans world. He believes the ruling against Nixon was wrong. He believes in un-checked Presidential power. He's more unfit than anyone ever nominated. The only reason he is being nominated, is to protect the right, no matter what Administration is in power.
If she's telling the truth then hell yes he's unfit.

Firstly that means Brett is a liar and secondly, we don't need a sexual predator in such a highest position. How could he rule on any issues pertaining to women when he has no repsect for them.

If copping a feel off a random girl while a drunken teen makes one a sexual predator then most male Baby boomers are sexual predators.

Have you read Corey Bookers account of how he copped a feel off a girl back in high school?

Is he a sexual predator too?

How about Ellison?

roflmao,. you really mean only Republicans are sexual predators for such behavior if it suits Democrat party interests.
Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?
In a normal world it would not. Had this happened a few years or months or weeks ago, that's a different story.
But this is about politics. Political advantage is the end that justifies ANY means, literally. In fact, it's beyond politics and edging closer to civil/cultural war.
As usual, a self-inflicted wound. This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum. Evidently this is what we want.
No, I dont think this is what the American people want, but it is the aggregate result of the many little things we do want, like entertaining news, and a laundry list of self-contradictory demands on Washington..
Good point. But I think we enable this behavior when we keep lowering standards, forgiving it, deflecting from it and ignoring it.
Why not let's follow US legal custom and law and assume Mr. Kavanaugh is innocent until a jury finds him guilty. That Ms Ford has made an accusation that will now be adjudicated.
It's going to be adjudicated? We all know most of what's going happen here. Both people are going to say what they have to say, and unless one of them has a clear and unequivocal bombshell, both "sides" are going to "believe" their people.

There's only one real issue here: The Democrats are pretending this is about sexual assault and they're pulling out all stops to stop Kavanaugh. The GOP is clumsily walking the tightrope between pretending to care about #MeToo and desperately pushing through enough votes to get his ass in.

There are three or four soft GOP votes. That's all that REALLY matters here. The rest is just another transparent, embarrassing circus.
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