Lets Assume That Ford is Telling the truth, is Kavanaugh thus Unfit For SCOTUS?

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

  • yes, he is unfit, even if he was stupid boy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • no, it is too long ago and kids do stupid things

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • I dunno, who on the game tonight?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
Yes it makes him unfit. Not only because he was a sexual predator but because he claimed he wasnt there so that means he is also a liar. I'm guessing the reason he isnt screaming for an FBI investigation to clear his name is because he is either lying or a sexual predator but more likely both.
Well, in reality she does not know for what happened when it happened and no proof that it even happened, the loopy kunt is lying
I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:

I agree, I did vote although it was very difficult for me to even pretend it's possible the incident took place at all. At best he snapped her bra strap after she cut in line at school and she's had a grain of sand in her vag over it for 40 fuckin years.

I can see a vindictive leftist piece of shit doing exactly that.

It is a national disgrace that an unverified handwritten letter was released by a Democratic Leader, damaging a good mans' reputation permanently, TOTALLY WITHOUT PROOF.

Eye witness testimony is proof. Its proof in any court of law.
No eye witness testimony in a character assassination letter. What if tomorrow she says "You know what, I totally confused that party with another party I went to a week earlier. Tee Hee My Bad!"

Says you, citing you. Ford says otherwise.
There is no witness you stupid ass motherfucker
I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:

I agree, I did vote although it was very difficult for me to even pretend it's possible the incident took place at all. At best he snapped her bra strap after she cut in line at school and she's had a grain of sand in her vag over it for 40 fuckin years.

I can see a vindictive leftist piece of shit doing exactly that.


They did not even attend the same school.
This is truly absurd! I can’t believe rational people would think what 2 drunk adolescents did over 3 decades ago should be how they are judged today. Show me a pattern of bad behavior and poor judgement, or shut your whiny mouths.

Attempted forcible rape is not 'bad behavior'.

And if Ford is telling the truth that means that Kavanaugh lying TODAY to try and cover up attempted forcible rape.

Which isn't a trait I want in any supreme court justice.

Put that slut on the stand and ask her if she ever got drunk while attending her rich kid prep school, then ask her if she ever had sex at those parties.......she doesn’t want to get on the stand because she will either have to lie, or tell the world she got drunk and screwed a bunch of dues while she was in high school.

And why is she a 'slut'? Because she was attacked by two boys, one of whom tried to forcibly rape her?

I pray to God your daughter never has to go through an attack like that.
There is no proof because there is no eye witness you stupid ass motherfucker
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Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.

when did we recommend putting a child murderer on SCOTUS for life?


I think there are a whole lot of reasons to disqualify Kavanaugh beyond his groping of Dr. Ford. His role in Ken Starr's investigation related to Vince Foster, where he tormented Fosters family to get at Hillary even though he already knew it was a suicide.
Stupid little snowflake, always the control freak
the democrat party is the home of rapists and women killers.....and you asshats make them into heroes and protect them at all costs.....

ted kennedy, allowed a woman to die.....you call him the lion of the senate.

bill clinton has 3 credible allegations of actual rape with at least a dozen allegations of sexual assault...all reported at the time to friends and family and at least one to the Air Force chain of command...and you trot him out as an honored hero....

cory booker, admits to sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl.

bob menendez accused of child rape....

keith ellison has allegations of violently beating his girl friend on multiple occasions

sherrod brown hit his wife...
Yep, Progressives are all a bunch of spineless fucking cowards... and hypocrites
I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:

I agree, I did vote although it was very difficult for me to even pretend it's possible the incident took place at all. At best he snapped her bra strap after she cut in line at school and she's had a grain of sand in her vag over it for 40 fuckin years.

I can see a vindictive leftist piece of shit doing exactly that.


They did not even attend the same school.

Maybe in the line to a keg? If something like that is even the case, can she prove she was ever in the same house or is she still not able to remember the house?

It's almost hard to believe the bed wetters even buy this one, they have to just be going along because of their hate programming overwhelming any other response.

Can you imagine being THAT STUPID and THAT consumed with hate you believe anything you're told by TV? I'd feel sorry for them but it's like feeling sorry for fire ants.

For fucks sake there's more cognitive activity in a mound of fire ants than in the entire democrook voting base...

Yep, Progressives are all a bunch of spineless fucking cowards... and hypocrites


They're REGRESSIVE NOT "Progressive".

Progress would mean prosperity, schools increasing the quality of students on a yearly basis more efficiently, minimal government services being required or even requested from the public, advancements in science based on the medial needs of people, curing disease, preventing disease, and prolonging life as opposed to funding of research at tax payer expense that's based on a conclusion looking for data to prove it. Keeping the public safe by keeping them responsible for their own actions and personal security.

What libturds promote is regressive. It leads to 100 million dead people in just a handful of countries deliberately killed by their own governments. It means stagnation, terror, widespread poverty, forced famines, purges and despotism. Not one single example exists of a prosperous country with increasing standards of living, upward economic mobility, innovations in technology and science and a strong military capable of defending itself exists. I don't care what bed wetters say about Finland. Take your asses there and see if the take you, just don't try and come back here.

Lots of for sale signs in the Middle East though, highly motivated sellers there. You'll love it too. No Christians, you won't be allowed to have a gun. You have lots of options parasites.
This is truly absurd! I can’t believe rational people would think what 2 drunk adolescents did over 3 decades ago should be how they are judged today. Show me a pattern of bad behavior and poor judgement, or shut your whiny mouths.
So you dont think the fact that Kav said he wasnt there and had never done anything like this would be a outrageous lie he told this very month?

I’m saying he was drunk, according to Ford, so he very likely doesn’t remember it at all. What’s more, it seems that these parties were common among these kids, so it wasn’t something that would stand out in his recollection. I have no idea if you ever went to parties where drinking was involved, but I went to plenty....back in the day. Most of the time there were plenty of people who couldn’t remember what happen the next day, let alone 3 decades later. It’s just stupid.
So youre saying that because he was drunk its ok for him to lie about being there? Does that really make sense to you?

Ok, no more Supreme Court Justices who did anything unseemly while adolescents, or have been accused of doing anything unseemly ever, regardless of the validity of the accusations. I hereby accuse assclitpiss of rape, murder, and robbery. Somebody call the cops!
Accused perpetrator says it never happened.

Witness number one says it never happened.

Witness number two says it never happened.

FBI interviews all identified witnesses and finds nothing to substantiate the claim. Case closed.

Ford's lawyer says they are part of the resistance and wears a socialist power tshirt.

Confirm the man already.
I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:
I say Kavanaugh should demand an FBI investigation to clear his name. Praying wont do that.

How do you investigate something that never happened?

There's one account backed by a polygraph test. Which was passed.

There's another account that isn't.

Polygraph done on request of accuser, and administer by "unnamed former" agent is not really most reliable source.
I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:
I say Kavanaugh should demand an FBI investigation to clear his name. Praying wont do that.

How do you investigate something that never happened?

There's one account backed by a polygraph test. Which was passed.

There's another account that isn't.

Polygraph done on request of accuser, and administer by "unnamed former" agent is not really most reliable source.

Will Kavanaugh take a polygraph on the topic?
If this was just teenage horseplay that millions of us have participated in, then he is fit for duty !

You and a friend pulled a girl into bedrooms against their will, with you holding her down, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to such a degree that she though you might kill her, and then tried to remove her clothes?

Because I never have.
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.

Isolated incidents that happened when one was a minor and for which there is no history of repetition as an adult should not be used to ruin someone's life.
I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:
I say Kavanaugh should demand an FBI investigation to clear his name. Praying wont do that.

How do you investigate something that never happened?

There's one account backed by a polygraph test. Which was passed.

There's another account that isn't.

Polygraph done on request of accuser, and administer by "unnamed former" agent is not really most reliable source.

Will Kavanaugh take a polygraph on the topic?

I hope he will, right after Ford take one that is official test.

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