Lets Assume That Ford is Telling the truth, is Kavanaugh thus Unfit For SCOTUS?

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

  • yes, he is unfit, even if he was stupid boy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • no, it is too long ago and kids do stupid things

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • I dunno, who on the game tonight?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
It's rather telling that Ford's social media accounts were scrubbed and that her high school year books have been removed from the Interwebs.


It's not all lost. Some did get captured in time.

Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.
How many people have been sent to prison or wind up labeled as a sex criminal for doing the same thing Kavanaugh is being accused of doing?
IDK, but presumably there is solid evidence against them and it was reported within SoLs?
If he is innocent, an FBI investigation will exonerate him. As an officer of the court he would want any allegation investigated. Even if its against him.

The FBI does not investigate this type of allegation, you simpleton! They have NO jurisdiction, period!
Background check.

They already investigated him 6 times...which included asking about things like this......
Highly doubtful anyone would "ask about things like this." They ask open ended questions, not "Did you ever know Kavanaugh to force himself on a girl?"

They had this allegation for 2 months...the democrats sat on it in order to trot it out at the last minute to call for an FBI investigation knowing that if the Republicans open that up, the FBI could take months to plod through it.....which would allow the elections in November......2 months where the FBI could have done what you want, even though they can't......and you still want the dems to play their games?
It took the FBI two days to investigate Anita Hill's allegations against Clarence Thomas. They could be done by now if they had started last week when they should have been requested to get started. What are you people so afraid of? Don't say "stalling" is the issue, because Grassley is trying to accomodate her requests within reason and has moved the hearing date forward a few times already.
What are they going to investigate? She doesn't know where it happened or when and it's not an FBI matter, its out of their jurisdiction so it's all a waste of time.

She says "I was assaulted, investigate."

You can't do that. She has to provide facts. She can't even say when it happened or where. So she's toast. She needs to STFU.
I’m saying he was drunk, according to Ford, so he very likely doesn’t remember it at all. What’s more, it seems that these parties were common among these kids, so it wasn’t something that would stand out in his recollection. I have no idea if you ever went to parties where drinking was involved, but I went to plenty....back in the day. Most of the time there were plenty of people who couldn’t remember what happen the next day, let alone 3 decades later. It’s just stupid.
So youre saying that because he was drunk its ok for him to lie about being there? Does that really make sense to you?
Lie about being WHERE? Do we even know that yet? The neanderthals here are full of shit arguments, I agree with you, but Kavanaugh is most likely telling the truth as he remembers it, too.
This is not going to go anywhere, I fear, without an FBI investigation, and it looks like there isn't going to be one, so we might as well give up now and mark it up to an unsolved mystery.

Why would the FBI investigate this? The "FBI needs to investigate" is a democrat scam...they know there is nothing to investigate, they would like the FBI to be involved because then they could stretch this into weeks or months, knowing there is nothing to find, but it would put the nomination into jeopardy...they also know this is a local matter, not a federal one so there is no point to the FBI investigating it...

This is a Hail Mary pass by the democrats who are willing to smear a good man simply for their own power.
You know why--they do it as part of their background check. If you were responsible for a background check, completed it and then a bomb like this presented itself, would you not go back and check around for more information? OF COURSE YOU WOULD. Don't be arguing any different, 2AGuy, because it is the only sensible thing to do.

Even if it were the FBI's job, who are they going to ask? There is NO ONE to back up her claims. NO ONE!
That is their job to figure out. You don't know there is no one to back up her claims until there is an investigation. This armchair investigating by me and you is all silliness.
It's rather telling that Ford's social media accounts were scrubbed and that her high school year books have been removed from the Interwebs.

That is the biggest bunch of hooey I've seen since Comet Ping Pong Pizza. I'm sure the school pulled the yearbooks knowing that asswipes such as the Cult of the 1st Amendment would be photoshopping and merrily typing away to produce fake year book pages about her. They didn't pull it fast enough, though.
Reminder... while leftists preach human and woman rights, they're the biggest violators and abusers. Most of the time, its leftist leaning women who abuse rape accusations and give false claims. This way they not only demean women who actually went through the horrible ordeal, but the high rate of recorded false claims makes people increasingly skeptical, therefore alleged victims, such as Ford, having hard time to sell their stories.
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

Feeling up is one thing, putting your hand over their mouth so they can’t scream while you rip off their clothes is quite another.

But look how nasty Clarence Thomas was. Republicans are totally happy with a sexual predator as a Supreme Court justice. Because sexual predators believe women’s bodies should be legislated. Just like all Republicans. OK maybe not all. Maybe there’s one or two that feel that women are their own people. But it couldn’t be more than half a dozen.
Reminder... while leftists preach human and woman rights, they're the biggest violators and abusers. Most of the time, its leftist leaning women who abuse rape accusations and give false claims. This way they not only demean women who actually went through the horrible ordeal, but the high rate of recorded false claims makes people increasingly skeptical, therefore alleged victims, such as Ford, having hard time to sell their stories.
It’s because of your kind that assault victims don’t want to come forward. You scare women.
It's rather telling that Ford's social media accounts were scrubbed and that her high school year books have been removed from the Interwebs.

That is the biggest bunch of hooey I've seen since Comet Ping Pong Pizza. I'm sure the school pulled the yearbooks knowing that asswipes such as the Cult of the 1st Amendment would be photoshopping and merrily typing away to produce fake year book pages about her. They didn't pull it fast enough, though.

I will acknowledge that you are more of an expert on Hooey-ness than am I, but if you and your fellow loons are going to convict a man without due process based on Hooey, then don't be surprised when the Hooey hits the fan back at you.
It's rather telling that Ford's social media accounts were scrubbed and that her high school year books have been removed from the Interwebs.

That is the biggest bunch of hooey I've seen since Comet Ping Pong Pizza. I'm sure the school pulled the yearbooks knowing that asswipes such as the Cult of the 1st Amendment would be photoshopping and merrily typing away to produce fake year book pages about her. They didn't pull it fast enough, though.

I will acknowledge that you are more of an expert on Hooey-ness than am I, but if you and your fellow loons are going to convict a man without due process based on Hooey, then don't be surprised when the Hooey hits the fan back at you.
Well, since you are so for due process, would you please convince Senator Grassley to request the FBI investigate the allegations prior to the hearing?
This fake yearbook is bothering me so much I have requested Snopes get to the bottom of it. We'll see.
It's rather telling that Ford's social media accounts were scrubbed and that her high school year books have been removed from the Interwebs.

That is the biggest bunch of hooey I've seen since Comet Ping Pong Pizza. I'm sure the school pulled the yearbooks knowing that asswipes such as the Cult of the 1st Amendment would be photoshopping and merrily typing away to produce fake year book pages about her. They didn't pull it fast enough, though.

I will acknowledge that you are more of an expert on Hooey-ness than am I, but if you and your fellow loons are going to convict a man without due process based on Hooey, then don't be surprised when the Hooey hits the fan back at you.
Well, since you are so for due process, would you please convince Senator Grassley to request the FBI investigate the allegations prior to the hearing?

Sorry to disappoint, but that is not how due process works. If one accuses another, one is obliged to provide whatever evidence one has in order for law enforcement to investigate. In this case, the jurisdiction is with Maryland police, not the FBI.

Nor are accusers allowed to insist that the Accused testify first and be denied the right to face his accusers.

Nor is the Accused expected to prove his innocence.

But you want an innocent man to be convicted without due process.

Yes it makes him unfit. Not only because he was a sexual predator but because he claimed he wasnt there so that means he is also a liar. I'm guessing the reason he isnt screaming for an FBI investigation to clear his name is because he is either lying or a sexual predator but more likely both.

Spoken like a true cuck
This fake yearbook is bothering me so much I have requested Snopes get to the bottom of it. We'll see.

*snicker* Snopes *snicker*

Talk about Fake Fact Checking.
This is truly absurd! I can’t believe rational people would think what 2 drunk adolescents did over 3 decades ago should be how they are judged today. Show me a pattern of bad behavior and poor judgement, or shut your whiny mouths.

Attempted forcible rape is not 'bad behavior'.

And if Ford is telling the truth that means that Kavanaugh lying TODAY to try and cover up attempted forcible rape.

Which isn't a trait I want in any supreme court justice.

Put that slut on the stand and ask her if she ever got drunk while attending her rich kid prep school, then ask her if she ever had sex at those parties.......she doesn’t want to get on the stand because she will either have to lie, or tell the world she got drunk and screwed a bunch of dues while she was in high school.
Lets say she did get drunk and have sex at these parties. Do you think its ok for someone to try and rape her because she got drunk and sex with someone else?

If she urged him on? Then it ain’t attempted rape. Stop thinking like a cuck for a minute
Reminder... while leftists preach human and woman rights, they're the biggest violators and abusers. Most of the time, its leftist leaning women who abuse rape accusations and give false claims. This way they not only demean women who actually went through the horrible ordeal, but the high rate of recorded false claims makes people increasingly skeptical, therefore alleged victims, such as Ford, having hard time to sell their stories.
It’s because of your kind that assault victims don’t want to come forward. You scare women.

You mean like both Clintons, Kennedy, Weinstein, Lauer, etc...

You lefties made them your heroes and bow to them.
If this was just teenage horseplay that millions of us have participated in, then he is fit for duty !

You and a friend pulled a girl into bedrooms against their will, with you holding her down, covering her mouth when she tried to scream to such a degree that she though you might kill her, and then tried to remove her clothes?

Because I never have.

That's because you are gay?

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