Lets Assume That Ford is Telling the truth, is Kavanaugh thus Unfit For SCOTUS?

If KAvanaugh is guilty of feeling up Ford 36 years ago, does that make him unfit for SCOTUS now?

  • yes, he is unfit, even if he was stupid boy

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • no, it is too long ago and kids do stupid things

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • I dunno, who on the game tonight?

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters

PolitixGal on Twitter
It is a national disgrace that an unverified handwritten letter was released by a Democratic Leader, damaging a good mans' reputation permanently, TOTALLY WITHOUT PROOF.

Eye witness testimony is proof. Its proof in any court of law.

What testimony is anyone referring to? Let’s say a woman makes allegations against Joe nobody citizen. The burden of proof is hers as well as whatever commonwealth that would be pressing charges and or trying the case. No way a case like this, not that it actually is a case goes through. It goes away. And she gets to make her own rules about due process? BS. This guy has been vetted by the FBI several times. It’s clearly a means of attempting to sabotage a conservative Republican from being appointed to the Supreme Court. He just happens to be the sacrificial lamb, and no one cares. It will be a zoo on Monday, and the loonies will come out of the woodwork. This is the same thing that happened to Clarence Thomas and it was wrong then also. If there is any shred of evidence, bring it by all means. This guy has been a public figure for years, and she had plenty of opportunity to follow this up if anything happened. Let him face his accuser, and let the legal process be done.

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Eye witness testimony is proof. Its proof in any court of law.

Who are the eyewitnesses, dumbass?
That would Christine Ford.

You know the woman who alleging she was attacked by Kavanaugh, who covered her mouth when she tried to scream and attempted to forcibly rape her.

You cannot be your own eyewitness!

Nonsense. Of course you can. An eye witness is merely a first person account. Rape victims testify at the trials of their rapists routinely.

STFU! You are a total moron! You cannot be an eyewitness to your own rape! Someone ELSE has to be the eyewitness.

I hope everyone puts you on ignore than you can listen to your own stupidity and not lower their IQ by sucking their brains!

Again, nonsense. Anyone who is offering a first hand account is an eye witness.

And you're clearly a little grumpy tonight. You're on time out until tomorrow where I hope you'll be better behaved.
I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:
I say Kavanaugh should demand an FBI investigation to clear his name. Praying wont do that.

How do you investigate something that never happened?
Brett KAvanaugh is one of the top minds in the country when it comes to Federal law ans the Constitution.

His sterling character and gentlemanliness has been sworn to by hundreds of people who have known him across the decades.

But lets assume that as a young stupid buy he did in fact try to feel up Dr Frod when they were both drunk 36 years ago.

Does that make the Judge Kavanaugh of today unfit to serve on the Supreme Court?

Seriously, child murders get more forgiving consideration that a SCOTUS nominee in Libtardland, lol.
Why are you making light of what she claims happened to her?

captured on way to bathroom by kavanaugh and Judge, thrown in to a bedroom with both men, one guy as lookout, turned up music so no one would hear her screams for help, Kavanaugh holds his hand so tightly over her mouth area she thought he was going to accidentally kill her by smothering her...

And YOU say it was just a guy and a girl together and he simply tried to feel her up and she didn't want it?


If what she says is true, it has nothing to do with a boy friend just trying to feel you up Jim....

He should never ever in a million gazillion years, be on the Supreme court, no matter how brilliant he is Jim.... there are plenty of other conservative judges to choose from that wasn't a teen drunkard, that mentally and physically harmed a girl....

would it have been ok if these two boys grabbed your wife and threw her in to a locked room and one was look out while the other one felt your wife up, tried to undress her while she screamed for your help, but you could not hear her screams because they turned the music up loud to muffle them, and then also near smothered your wife while trying to smother her screams for you to help her?

if this is true, which your post and thread is presuming her story is true, HELL NO, he should not be a supreme court justice.... it's a slap in the face to ALL women and girls for you to reward a man with the highest lifetime position of the land... you are teaching our sons, to go ahead and act like a drunken jerk at 17 and there is no consequence for it...
that is unacceptable in my book.
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I'm sorry but I simply can not "assume" that front hole Ford is telling the truth......she is lying so blatantly...she and those demRats who are behind her.....are such pieces of crap......I simply can't!

All this circus is very upsetting......but so typical from the Left.... I pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family....to have to go through all this charade just because of the demRats thugs! :mad-61:
I say Kavanaugh should demand an FBI investigation to clear his name. Praying wont do that.

How do you investigate something that never happened?

There's one account backed by a polygraph test. Which was passed.

There's another account that isn't.
If Ford is telling the truth, then Kavanaugh is lying TODAY to try and cover up attempted forcible rape.
Which is a characteristic no rational person would want in their Supreme Court Justice.

You remember everything you did while you were drunk 36 years ago?

You think it is unreasonable to surmise that Kavanaugh after such a long time, not thinking about it over and over because he did it while drunk, might not remember and thus honestly say he did not do this?
There's one account backed by a polygraph test. Which was passed.
There's another account that isn't.

Which means zero. Polygraphs are notoriously unreliable and if given by a sympathetic party will never detect lying.

A person that genuinely believes something that never happened will pass a polygraph with flying colors.
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Attempted forcible rape is not 'bad behavior'.
How do you know that Kavanaugh wanted to rape her?

maybe he just wanted to cop a feel like so many other teenage boys back then and was just drunk enough to try and then completely forget about it?

Just ask Senator Cory Booker who wrote several columns about doing just that sort of thing when he was a teen.
If he is innocent, an FBI investigation will exonerate him.

Lol, how? The do investigations based on FACTS, and this story has no date/time, no location, no primary property owner of that location, nor a single credible supporting witness of an unreported sexual molestation 36 years ago.

Yeah, investigate that, lol, and you can investigate ghosts, unicorns and pink fairies.

As an officer of the court he would want any allegation investigated. Even if its against him.

It is amazing how much confidence liberals have in the objectivity and competence of law enforcement when it suits them.
How is her letter 'bull'? Again, its compelling enough that the Republican lead senate judiciary committee has invited her to speak before the Senate publicly.
Because it doesnt have a single fact to back it up? That kind of bullshit story?

But even if it did happen, and Kavanaugh was drunk and doesnt remember it, SO WHAT?
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It is a national disgrace that an unverified handwritten letter was released by a Democratic Leader, damaging a good mans' reputation permanently, TOTALLY WITHOUT PROOF.

Eye witness testimony is proof. Its proof in any court of law.

Who are the eyewitnesses, dumbass?
That would Christine Ford.

You know the woman who alleging she was attacked by Kavanaugh, who covered her mouth when she tried to scream and attempted to forcibly rape her.

You cannot be your own eyewitness!

Nonsense. Of course you can. An eye witness is merely a first person account. Rape victims testify at the trials of their rapists routinely.

10 years on here.....dumbest thing I've ever seen posted!:113:

You progressive bozos.....nobody in Congress is taking this investigation seriously.....nobody. to them it's a joke. They care only about how it moves the political needle on the midterms.....fucking duh. Nothing will be ascertained if they testify.....lol....progressives think it's a legal matter where after Monday they might get to spike the ball! Nobody on either side in that room is going to give a shit about what's said.....not going anywhere legally after that! Anybody with half a brain knows that. Some Dums are still going to vote for Kavanaugh!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
What testimony is anyone referring to? Let’s say a woman makes allegations against Joe nobody citizen. The burden of proof is hers as well as whatever commonwealth that would be pressing charges and or trying the case. No way a case like this, not that it actually is a case goes through. It goes away. And she gets to make her own rules about due process? BS. This guy has been vetted by the FBI several times. It’s clearly a means of attempting to sabotage a conservative Republican from being appointed to the Supreme Court. He just happens to be the sacrificial lamb, and no one cares. It will be a zoo on Monday, and the loonies will come out of the woodwork. This is the same thing that happened to Clarence Thomas and it was wrong then also. If there is any shred of evidence, bring it by all means. This guy has been a public figure for years, and she had plenty of opportunity to follow this up if anything happened. Let him face his accuser, and let the legal process be done.
It is amazing too that Dims dont realize that this whole thing is energizing a normally placid conservative base in an off year election.
Yes it makes him unfit. Not only because he was a sexual predator but because he claimed he wasnt there so that means he is also a liar. I'm guessing the reason he isnt screaming for an FBI investigation to clear his name is because he is either lying or a sexual predator but more likely both.

Using that standard, the democrat Party is terminally unfit to ever lead this nation ever again
You progressive bozos.....nobody in Congress is taking this investigation seriously.....nobody. to them it's a joke. They care only about how it moves the political needle on the midterms.....fucking duh. Nothing will be ascertained if they testify.....lol....progressives think it's a legal matter where after Monday they might get to spike the ball! Nobody on either side in that room is going to give a shit about what's said.....not going anywhere legally after that! Anybody with half a brain knows that. Some Dums are still going to vote for Kavanaugh!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Another interesting question is how this whole thing is impacting the elections.

Maybe that 25% of perpetual self identifying Liberals think this thing might have actually happened and have convinced themselves that this attempted feel up by a drunk teenage boy 36 years ago is a serious crime. The rest of America doe snot and is getting pretty sick and tired of the MeToo movement ruining mens lives over unverified assertions in many cases.

Remember the Duke lacrosse men who were accused of rape and many of whom are psychological wrecks after being almost universally regarded as rapists for months?

Yeah, that is the 'Men are all rapists' mentality of metoo.

And now it is being cynically used by Chucky Schumer to destroy Kavanaugh's reputation as well.

Normally off year elections are losing elections for the party that just won the White House because their base is too comfortable with the win to go out and vote in the same numbers that they voted in the previous POTUS election. Motivating them to get out and vote anyway is normally a problem in such situations for the party in power.

It seems the Democrats are trying to solve that for Republicans this year, lol.
This is democrats trying to derail his confirmation...the new wrinkle.....she is refusing to fly to D.C...she doesn't like confined spaces, her corrupt democrat lawyers say she will have to drive to D.C.

Take the vote....this crap has to end.

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