Let's be clear: Democrats and Republicans are NOT the same


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Despite all of the (invalid) Moral Equivalency arguments that are now being employed by Democrats to escape responsibility for the disasters they have created, the two major political parties are not the same. At the very same time, Democrats vilify any Republican attempts to control crime, secure the border, reduce inflation or deal with our crushing federal debt which will soon lead to replacement of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. How much longer will people buy this double-talk?

It is incumbent on Republicans to start branding the Democratic Party as a corrupt, dishonest, deceitful and amoral successor to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This is not hyperbole. Russian history provides a blueprint for what has been happening in our country. People must be constantly reminded that they have a stark choice between these parties and will responsible for the consequences of that choice.
Despite all of the (invalid) Moral Equivalency arguments that are now being employed by Democrats to escape responsibility for the disasters they have created, the two major political parties are not the same. At the very same time, Democrats vilify any Republican attempts to control crime, secure the border, reduce inflation or deal with our crushing federal debt which will soon lead to replacement of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. How much longer will people buy this double-talk?

It is incumbent on Republicans to start branding the Democratic Party as a corrupt, dishonest, deceitful and amoral successor to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This is not hyperbole. Russian history provides a blueprint for what has been happening in our country. People must be constantly reminded that they have a stark choice between these parties and will responsible for the consequences of that choice.
Start ??????

Republicans have been vilifying Democrats and Republicans who will not think like them for the past 6 years.

Where have you been?
Despite all of the (invalid) Moral Equivalency arguments that are now being employed by Democrats to escape responsibility for the disasters they have created, the two major political parties are not the same. At the very same time, Democrats vilify any Republican attempts to control crime, secure the border, reduce inflation or deal with our crushing federal debt which will soon lead to replacement of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. How much longer will people buy this double-talk?

It is incumbent on Republicans to start branding the Democratic Party as a corrupt, dishonest, deceitful and amoral successor to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This is not hyperbole. Russian history provides a blueprint for what has been happening in our country. People must be constantly reminded that they have a stark choice between these parties and will responsible for the consequences of that choice.
The republican/MAGA party is now the first party to ever have it's very own drag queen. I'm sure you are quite proud.
It is incumbent on Republicans to start branding the Democratic Party as a corrupt, dishonest, deceitful and amoral successor to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


SOP for the Rabid Right wing nuts. Once they get the flock to believe in absurdities, it will be easy to convince them of the need for atrocities.
Republicans have been vilifying Democrats and Republicans who will not think like them for the past 6 years.
To vilify is to utter slanderous and abusive statements about another party. This is the standard practice of Democrats when speaking about Republicans (e.g., racist, murderous, evil, etc.). Republicans have not vilified Democrats in the same manner or to the same extent. Instead, they are more likely to point out the consequences of Democrat policies and the illogic of their arguments. This piecemeal policy approach by Republicans to differentiate themselves from Democrats hasn't registered in the minds of many voters. Instead, Republicans should accurately portray the Democratic Party as a racketeer influenced and corrupt crganization that should be shunned by honest people.
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Despite all of the (invalid) Moral Equivalency arguments that are now being employed by Democrats to escape responsibility for the disasters they have created, the two major political parties are not the same. At the very same time, Democrats vilify any Republican attempts to control crime, secure the border, reduce inflation or deal with our crushing federal debt which will soon lead to replacement of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. How much longer will people buy this double-talk?

It is incumbent on Republicans to start branding the Democratic Party as a corrupt, dishonest, deceitful and amoral successor to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This is not hyperbole. Russian history provides a blueprint for what has been happening in our country. People must be constantly reminded that they have a stark choice between these parties and will responsible for the consequences of that choice.
They are the same on most big issues. Spending, wars, imperialism, spying on Americans, police state, tax code supporting the wealthy, supporting big corporations, granting billionaires whatever they want, while ignoring the will of the people.

Differences on cultural issues do exist, along with abortion.
They are the same.
So all of those straight party line votes didn't occur? So the disastrous Afghan pullout and Ukraine invasion would have occurred if Trump was still President? So the $3 Trillion spending bill would have been passed last month by a GOP majority?
My God, you are a simpleton.
So all of those straight party line votes didn't occur? So the disastrous Afghan pullout and Ukraine invasion would have occurred if Trump was still President? So the $3 Trillion spending bill would have been passed last month by a GOP majority?
My God, you are a simpleton.

McConnell wanted that bill to pass so he would get his bridge.

Trump didn't have the balls, just like Obama to address Afghanistan. Same.
To vilify is to utter slanderous and abusive statements about another party. This is the standard practice of Democrats when speaking about Republicans (e.g., racist, murderous, evil, etc.). Republicans have not vilified Democrats in the same manner or to the same extent. Instead, they are more likely to point out the consequences of Democrat policies and the illogic of their arguments. This piecemeal policy approach by Republicans to differentiate themselves from Democrats hasn't registered in the minds of many voters. Instead, Republicans should accurately portray the Democratic Party as a racketeer influenced and corrupt crganization that should be shunned by honest people.
You used the word vilify. Now you are having problems with it.

Republican extremists like the Nazis, KKK, any and all White Supremacists are ALL Republicans and they have voted Republican. They are racists, and antisemitic and anti Asians and anti anyone who is not European. No one can deny that.

The fact that Republican extremists have wanted to, and continue to want to, do away with Social Security, Medicare, did away with a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, take away anyone's healthcare, etc is very much why at least 9% of Republicans voted for Democrats in the last election.

Republicans take away from the poor. That is what they have like to do, that is what the Republican House is trying to do again, as much as they can. Take away people's right to vote. So many things.

I do not believe that you believe in anything you posted. It sounds much more like you are trying to lead the ignorant ones down the Republican Extremism path. That path has cost many Republicans their candidacies this past election, and if it continues to go on like this, extremism for the sake of extremism........many more Republicans are going to lose their seats in Congress, Federally or State wide.

Continue to be the piper player. See how many children will blindly follow you.
So all of those straight party line votes didn't occur? So the disastrous Afghan pullout and Ukraine invasion would have occurred if Trump was still President? So the $3 Trillion spending bill would have been passed last month by a GOP majority?
My God, you are a simpleton.
All I am reading is MAGA talking points. Nothing which shows that one actually knows how a country is run, or the consequences of allowing Putin to invade Ukraine and not help Ukraine.

Yes, Trump would have not lifted a finger and just like so many Republicans in Congress they would be calling him their hero, or someone to emulate.

Talking points worth nothing.
Yes, I used the word vilify to describe Democrats. What is your problem?
It is more than possible that most Republicans today do not know the history of the Republican Party, for the past few decades, and have no idea why the party embraces the policies they do today. Here is an article which digs deep into that history. Some of the history was new to me, and some was not.

How about you? How much of what the article says is new to you?
How much does it affect what your beliefs have come to be, if any?
Does the article make anyone stop to think and want to learn more about it?

Please, read the whole article before deciding to attack or insult anyone for what the article says.
If you believe the article is wrong, why? What part of it? What is the truth about it, as far as you have evidence of it?

This weekend Senator Pat Toomey went on Jake Tapper’s State of the Union to try to clean up Republican sabotage of a bill to provide healthcare to millions of veterans exposed to toxic burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. He didn’t do himself or his party any favors as he tried to weasel out of responsibility; America knows that after the bill was defeated Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley fist-bumped in celebration of screwing our vets.

How is it that Republicans can casually embrace such cruelty? Why have 12 GOP-controlled states refused to this day to expand Medicaid for their 30 million minimum-wage working people when the federal government covers 90 percent of the cost?

Why are Republicans so committed to destroying Medicare and Social Security? Why do they go so far as to use the disrespectful slur “democrat party” when there’s no such thing in America and never has been?

Why are Democratic members of Congress having to armor their own homes, having received over 9000 death threats so far this year, virtually all of them from domestic terrorists who Republicans refuse to repudiate? The FBI today is looking for a Matt Gaetz supporter who threatened to murder Gaetz’s Democratic opponent: why are these people attracted to the GOP?

It turns out this is not just politics; the roots of this brutal movement in today’s GOP run from a 1927 child murderer, through a greedy real-estate lobbying group, to Ronald Reagan putting both of their philosophies into actual practice and bringing morbidly rich right-wing billionaires into the GOP fold.

As a result, Republican policies over the past 40 years not only gutted America’s middle class and transferred $50 trillion from the middle class to the top 1 percent, but also led straight to the Trump presidency and the attack on the Capitol on January 6th that he led
Three men in America today own more wealth than the entire bottom 50 percent of the country, a level of inequality never before seen in the modern developed world.
If America is to survive as a functioning democratic republic, we must repudiate the “greed is good” ideology of Ayn Rand and libertarianism, get billionaires and their money out of politics, and rebuild our civil institutions.
(full article online)
To vilify is to utter slanderous and abusive statements about another party. This is the standard practice of Democrats when speaking about Republicans (e.g., racist, murderous, evil, etc.). Republicans have not vilified Democrats in the same manner or to the same extent. Instead, they are more likely to point out the consequences of Democrat policies and the illogic of their arguments. This piecemeal policy approach by Republicans to differentiate themselves from Democrats hasn't registered in the minds of many voters. Instead, Republicans should accurately portray the Democratic Party as a racketeer influenced and corrupt crganization that should be shunned by honest people.
So what was pizzagate all about? Accusing someone of drinking children's blood, or hating and wanting to destroy the country sounds like vilifying to me.

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