Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

Many forget (or don’t realize) that there have been many generations of intermingling between Russians and Ukrainians. If only independent media sources would/could post live interviews with them, in bulk.

There are many individuals on social media claiming to be Ukrainian living in Kyiv, but footage is hard to verify without time/date stamps. Even then, if the footage is truly live from Kyiv, it is not possible to know with any certainty the level of honesty, false propaganda, or coercion.

Since around 2000, the modern world has had access to an abundance of information. Within an instant or on a whim one can learn most anything. Whether or not its factual, however, remains the crucial variable.

Determined truth sayers will not give up trying to get their message out, but will media be interested or capable of giving these interviews and broadcasting to the masses? The tech is there but is there the will? The truth (or closest to it) is most likely with the Ukrainian and Ukrainian/Russian people who live outside of Kyiv, Donbas, and Crimea, not from any political mouthpiece promoting a one-sided agenda.
Good post. About all the average person can do is try to cross-correlate a story to several sources. Even that is not fool proof, but that is far better than leaping onto a single source that happens to say what you want and then touting it as fact.
Putin is an evil man, but consider that the U.S. has destroyed far more countries than Russia has while Putin has been in power. Remember your outrage at Putin over this, so that you'll be ready to protest the next time the U.S. decides to act like Putin is now.
The murder of Civilians was not anything done malevolently since the Mỹ Lai massacre in my memory. That you claim otherwise please provide me with some evidence in the past 50 years.
The murder of Civilians was not anything done malevolently since the Mỹ Lai massacre in my memory. That you claim otherwise please provide me with some evidence in the past 50 years.
Do you know how many civilians the American military has killed since 9/11? It’s in the millions.
Sounds a lot like the government/big tech/pharma crack down on dissenting information here in the US.

Putin's Cry Baby Loser impersonation is 'spot on'!

Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 12.19.11 PM.png
Russia isn’t opening its stock market. That’s not an opinion. That’s a fact.
Nice try, but here's what you actually posted:
Russia is afraid to open its stock market
Opinion. Russia being "afraid" is a childish opinion.
for the last week because the second they do it’ll crash.
Opinion. You don't know it will crash until it actually does. Therefore that is also an opinion.
Tighten up, fool.
Proof it!
Just came across this.

More than 5.8 million Total Deaths​

Rather than applying the Geneva Declaration approach wholesale to the overall direct death figures, I have applied it case-by-case for each theatre of war to produce a likely order of magnitude figure for indirect deaths.

These final figures are then totalled to generate an overall cumulative death toll for each conflict zone, which in turn is used to calculate an overall estimate for the total number of deaths across all these theatres of war. As these are not precise figures, they have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Direct deathsProbable indirect deathsTotal cumulative death toll including direct and indirect deaths
Iraq275,087- 306,495 1,100,348 – 1,225,9801375,435 – 1,532,475
Afghanistan176,000 704,000880,000
1,168,540 – 1,199,948
(1,169,000 – 1,200,000 rounded to the nearest thousand)
4,203,404 – 4,589,916
(4,203,000 – 4,590,000 rounded to the nearest thousand)
5,842,700 – 5,999,740
(5,843,000 – 6000,000 rounded to the nearest thousand)
This analysis shows that the total number of direct deaths during the War on Terror in major war zones with significant involvement of Western governments amounts to around 1.2 million people.

In addition to this figure, applying the Geneva Declaration methodology suggests that between 4.2 and 4.6 million is the range encompassing the minimum number of people who are likely to have died as an indirect consequence of these post-9/11 wars.

When the number of direct and indirect deaths in each major war zone is then totalled, it reveals that at least 5.8 to 6 million people are likely to have died overall due to the War on Terror – a staggering number which is still probably very conservative.

Up to Six Million People: The Unrecorded Fatalities of the ‘War on Terror’ – Byline Times
Just came across this.

More than 5.8 million Total Deaths​

Rather than applying the Geneva Declaration approach wholesale to the overall direct death figures, I have applied it case-by-case for each theatre of war to produce a likely order of magnitude figure for indirect deaths.

These final figures are then totalled to generate an overall cumulative death toll for each conflict zone, which in turn is used to calculate an overall estimate for the total number of deaths across all these theatres of war. As these are not precise figures, they have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Direct deathsProbable indirect deathsTotal cumulative death toll including direct and indirect deaths
Iraq275,087- 306,4951,100,348 – 1,225,9801375,435 – 1,532,475
1,168,540 – 1,199,948
(1,169,000 – 1,200,000 rounded to the nearest thousand)
4,203,404 – 4,589,916
(4,203,000 – 4,590,000 rounded to the nearest thousand)
5,842,700 – 5,999,740
(5,843,000 – 6000,000 rounded to the nearest thousand)
This analysis shows that the total number of direct deaths during the War on Terror in major war zones with significant involvement of Western governments amounts to around 1.2 million people.

In addition to this figure, applying the Geneva Declaration methodology suggests that between 4.2 and 4.6 million is the range encompassing the minimum number of people who are likely to have died as an indirect consequence of these post-9/11 wars.

When the number of direct and indirect deaths in each major war zone is then totalled, it reveals that at least 5.8 to 6 million people are likely to have died overall due to the War on Terror – a staggering number which is still probably very conservative.

Up to Six Million People: The Unrecorded Fatalities of the ‘War on Terror’ – Byline Times

"what the papers don't say"

Noted is the fact that the cause of death by US Forces is not what the tabloid wrote.

I suppose Bush I and Bush II were responsible with the killings of Iraq military and civilians.

As to Pakistan it too has a long civil war.

Anyway to look at it, your post is at best half-truths and thus a lie.

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Likely a more reliable trustworthy and accurate source than any corporate media source. However even corporate sources you relay on state deaths exceed a million. No doubt you’ll say oh well, civilians always die in war.
What are you suggesting, that your post was credible and not a damn lie? This post of yours is an example of Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics.
All the civilians slaughtered across Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, etc. were not "done malevolently" according to our government, same as Putin says about his own slaughters.
The financial district in London known as The City being destroyed would slow down the evil of what we see today.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
Lol, you loons were after trump the day he was elected. Still are, and are still failing trying to take him out. Biden hasn't seen anything, media coddles him like a baby. But come next year bye, bye to Biden the traitor.
Lol, you loons were after trump the day he was elected. Still are, and are still failing trying to take him out. Biden hasn't seen anything, media coddles him like a baby. But come next year bye, bye to Biden the traitor.
You're confused, and too dumb to put reality into perspective. Oh, and by the way Donald Trump is a traitor, and you are as corrupt as he is. Not only did dumb donald attempt to steal the election, he continues to play the man behind the curtain. Keep following the yellow brick road, and someday you might discover how history will treat this buffoon who you cherish dearly.

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