Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

Nope, those were policy decisions made by various administrations. Not an excuse to ignore our Constitutional duties. Very separate issues.
Then you just confirmed what I have been saying. You shit in one hand, and everything gets fixed when the piss you use to fix it, is the constitutional mandate.

This justifies doing it all over again based on your explanation. And this is what separates me from you. I'm wanting to fix the problem, and your solution is to wash it away with piss. Then you're free to do it again and scapegoat illegals.
Nope, those were policy decisions made by various administrations. Not an excuse to ignore our Constitutional duties. Very separate issues.
Constitutional duties do not wash away Imperialism. Try again.
Then you just confirmed what I have been saying. You shit in one hand, and everything gets fixed when the piss you use to fix it, is the constitutional mandate.

This justifies doing it all over again based on your explanation. And this is what separates me from you. I'm wanting to fix the problem, and your solution is to wash it away with piss. Then you're free to do it again and scapegoat illegals.
Ignoring our Constitution won't fix anything.

You also pretend that illegals are coming because of things we did. That's not true, they are coming to escape crime they allowed or seeking economic gain that has nothing to do with US policy.
That's a lie. You have no proof of that, making you a liar. Show me how I'm wrong you filthy liar?
ah no…that’s clearly what all the investigators have shown…why don’t you all ever pay attention to the results of these investigations?
It's all about Trump, all the time. It's amazing how Ahab you guys are, and Trump is the Giant White Whale.

Nothing being done to voting integrity has ANYTHING to do with Ukraine, but you just can't help yourself, you have to attack your political opponents and lie about their support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It's fucking pathetic.
They know Biden is a disaster, so they fall back on Orange Man Bad
If you're not the topic then you are echoing the propaganda that flows from the 21st Century Republican Party.
That makes zero sense, logically speaking.
Suggesting I'm not an intelligent adult makes you the topic of this comment.
I suggested no such thing.
If you aren't perceptive enough to see Biden's cognitive decline, then you're not an intelligent adult.
Personally, I think you do see it, but are too invested politically to acknowledge it.
<snip> The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump sought to emulate.

And yet, Trump never did a single remotely despotic thing!
  • It was BIDEN who put up steel barricades around DC!
  • It was BIDEN who put 45,000 armed soldiers around the capitol.
  • It was BIDEN who treated troops like dirt making them sleep on cold concrete in the middle of winter.
  • It was BIDEN who pulled out of Afghanistan leaving 14,000 Americans behind!
  • It was BIDEN who leaves Americans rotting in prison with no charges, no due process, no court dates, no food or healthcare.
  • It was BIDEN who supported federal Covid mandates causing people to lose their jobs.
  • It was BIDEN who sent the FBI to threaten school mothers just looking for better educations.
  • It was BIDEN who stepped clear of Russian aggression paving the way to attack Ukraine.
  • It was BIDEN who supported the fascist dictator Trudeau destroying thousands of lives.
  • And it is BIDEN who thinks himself all powerful, only having press meetings or answering any questions on anything when it SUITS HIM.
It's usually the case that the people of a country do not want their leaders to attack another country, especially when there is no provocation. That's true of Russian people or Chinese people or WWII era Japanese people.
Many forget (or don’t realize) that there have been many generations of intermingling between Russians and Ukrainians. If only independent media sources would/could post live interviews with them, in bulk.

There are many individuals on social media claiming to be Ukrainian living in Kyiv, but footage is hard to verify without time/date stamps. Even then, if the footage is truly live from Kyiv, it is not possible to know with any certainty the level of honesty, false propaganda, or coercion.

Since around 2000, the modern world has had access to an abundance of information. Within an instant or on a whim one can learn most anything. Whether or not its factual, however, remains the crucial variable.

Determined truth sayers will not give up trying to get their message out, but will media be interested or capable of giving these interviews and broadcasting to the masses? The tech is there but is there the will? The truth (or closest to it) is most likely with the Ukrainian and Ukrainian/Russian people who live outside of Kyiv, Donbas, and Crimea, not from any political mouthpiece promoting a one-sided agenda.
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An opinion you cannot prove, that.
Russia isn’t opening its stock market. That’s not an opinion. That’s a fact.

If you can’t figure out why they aren’t, then you’re not really a very serious person.
Russia isn’t opening its stock market. That’s not an opinion. That’s a fact.

If you can’t figure out why they aren’t, then you’re not really a very serious person.
Would you support foreign manipulation to crash it? If they opened it?
You don't know anything about me, other than my opinions I've posted in my signature lines, my career in Law Enforcement and my ideology, philosopher and moral compass.

Your comments tell me much about you, your ignorance on serious issues such as Climate Change; and all the other right wing propaganda such as mocking "woke" and believing everything uttered by trump in his tweets, speeches and deeds. The election was not stolen and there is no evidence that it was.
I haven't said a word about Trump's tweets nor have I commented on the election being "stolen"! I could quite frankly care less about either! What I'm concerned about is what you progressives are doing to our nation with your agenda. The "woke" nonsense. The Paris Accord which would have put the US at a huge disadvantage while doing almost nothing to address climate change. The "Defund the Police" movement. You need to be stopped because quite frankly...you're AWFUL at running a country!
Would you support foreign manipulation to crash it? If they opened it?
Depends on what you mean by manipulation. It will crash because they’re economy is damaged by sanctions. I support sanctions on a country who invaded another needlessly.

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