Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

The Russians are fine. It's their leadership that is brain washing them into believing an untrue narrative. Most Russians are about to suffer a humanitarian crisis themselves. Hoping they can free themselves of those leaders very soon.
I tend to agree with the premise that the Russian people are clearly different from the Russian leader, putin. I really think they man is somehow mentally compromised. He has become a mad man. It will be left up to the Russian people to get rid of this evil man.
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But apparently right in lockstep with the democrats.

I believe it. As bad as it is, this is Joe's best.

Or just telling THE TRUTH.

Kammy Harris is a most perfect example.

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The embodiment of the democrat party.

Someone he RESPECTS as a fearsome threat.

Up your ass, faggot. If we survive the latest Biddum Blunder, we'll be getting both his puckered ass as well as Kammy's stretched one out of Washington PRONTO starting in 249 days.
Trump, Pompeo, Tucker Carlson and their stooge supporters support Putin.
The base of the party has made its desires quite clear: They want the country to be led by an aggressive, brash, hyper-nationalist strongman. This is why they adore Trump, it's why Trump compliments Putin, it's why the base is soft on Orban, and it's why the base plays rhetorical games when it comes to Putin.

So now we know. The question is, what can be done?
Keep pushing their anti-American, unpatriotic, anti-democracy, anti-Constitution rhetoric down their throats, and keep exposing them for the hypocrites that they are.
It becomes more difficult to believe the criticisms about Putin when they are more and more irrational and emotion based than logic and facts. This is the same drama queen silliness that liberals pushed with covid.
957,000 worth of silly in the U.S. What a prick.
Putin is an evil man, but consider that the U.S. has destroyed far more countries than Russia has while Putin has been in power. Remember your outrage at Putin over this, so that you'll be ready to protest the next time the U.S. decides to act like Putin is now.
Can't argue with that. Look what we have done to Central and South America while we scapegoat illegals today.
Not particularly, but we can hardly complain if we're equally guilty.
Then stop complaining like we do about illegals in Central and South America. That's a good place to start, while we started that problem. Let's fess up. Watch what people do, not what they say. WE lead by example from now on right?
These are the men that the Founders warned about. The problem being that at the time of their warning, only land owning white men were allowed to vote, and the "Constitutional Norms" only applied to them, as they knew you could not allow the "Rabble" to have a vote, because they were as they are now, to easily duped by just such men.

The problems that plague America today are directly related to the ignorance and gullibility of the average voter, who will gladly vote against their own best interest, in support of just such men.

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And that's how it is for Trumps base. That's what they believe. Ignorance is killing us folks.
Then stop complaining like we do about illegals in Central and South America. That's a good place to start, while we started that problem. Let's fess up. Watch what people do, not what they say. WE lead by example from now on right?
Demanding that we enforce our laws and protect our border is hardly whining, it's a Constitutional mandate.

No, we can't just declare a clean slate. That's silly. We simply need to apply the same standards to ourselves and everyone else, whether good or bad. Taking hypocritical stances only weakens us.
The fact of the matter is this......There is shit all you can really do to a inter-continental nuclear capable country when they have the capability to reach across oceans and reduce you to a cinder.

Boondoggles like the trillions slated for "climate change" need to go away in a hot hurry and we need to do everything we can to be independent of foreign entanglements on all fronts, especially energy.

We are looking at Cold War 2.0 now and I don't know if we are up to the task given the mental state of the country.
Are you so gullible to think, that if we back off from Putin, he wouldn't try and conquer all of Europe?

And by the way, if Putin's nuclear threat doesn't get us, climate change certainly will by using up all the fossil fuels, so I'm not sure what it is you are arguing about? I actually think you don't either.
Demanding that we enforce our laws and protect our border is hardly whining, it's a Constitutional mandate.

No, we can't just declare a clean slate. That's silly. We simply need to apply the same standards to ourselves and everyone else, whether good or bad. Taking hypocritical stances only weakens us.
Was it a Constitutional mandate to invade, destroy, take over, consume, then turn these countries into one big refugee camp?

You are justifying what you just complained about, what we had been doing from the past. You can't shit in one hand and wash it off with piss in the other. Do you not understand that?
Wrong, unlike you folks who sup on hypocrisy and double standards, some people believe in consistency and applying the same standards across the board.
Watch what they do not what they say. Speaking of same standards, have you heard about the 440 voter suppression bills/standards? :auiqs.jpg:
Was it a Constitutional mandate to invade, destroy, take over, consume, then turn these countries into one big refugee camp?

You are justifying what you just complained about, what we had been doing from the past. You can't shit in one hand and wash it off with piss in the other. Do you not understand that?
Nope, those were policy decisions made by various administrations. Not an excuse to ignore our Constitutional duties. Very separate issues.
which we know Clinton and the dnc paid russia for…funny how useful these idiots were for putin
That's a lie. You have no proof of that, making you a liar. Show me how I'm wrong you filthy liar?

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