Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

I'm not the topic of the thread, kid.
Intelligent adults can plainly see Biden isn't operating at a very high level, intellectually speaking.
Certainly no match for the brilliant military strategist like Putin, right?

How's that invasion going so far?
These are the men that the Founders warned about. The problem being that at the time of their warning, only land owning white men were allowed to vote, and the "Constitutional Norms" only applied to them, as they knew you could not allow the "Rabble" to have a vote, because they were as they are now, to easily duped by just such men.

The problems that plague America today are directly related to the ignorance and gullibility of the average voter, who will gladly vote against their own best interest, in support of just such men.

View attachment 610838
Where are the pictures of them shooting and raping people in our cities and peddling drugs to our children? A very small percentage of illegals are farm workers. You are a jerk.
I'm not the topic of the thread, kid.
Intelligent adults can plainly see Biden isn't operating at a very high level, intellectually speaking.

If you're not the topic then you are echoing the propaganda that flows from the 21st Century Republican Party.
Suggesting I'm not an intelligent adult makes you the topic of this comment.

In my graduate work and 32 year career in LE I have encountered training and on going contact with those who aren't operating at a very high level. Some who I've interviewed in jails, prisons, half-way houses and locked mental facilities

It's my personal opinion that you confuse President Biden with the former President. Watching both it is clear to me Joe Biden has a speech impediment since childhood and worked to correct it. It has no linkage to a mental disability.

The former Presidents vocabulary, dishonesty and lies are a sign of serious Personality Disorders; his Emotional Intelligence (EI), regularly allowed his emotions to take over and for him to become so impassioned he speaks off the cuff (the teleprompter) and makes a fool of himself.
Not even a match for Forrest Gump at this point.

Better than our economy.
Russia is afraid to open its stock market for the last week because the second they do it’ll crash.

Has Putin done anything we haven't done?

It may be true that the U.S. invasion of Iraq was just as horrendous as the current invasion of Ukraine, but that doesn't justify the invasion of Ukraine at all.

It just proved that most Americans are braindead.
Where are the pictures of them shooting and raping people in our cities and peddling drugs to our children? A very small percentage of illegals are farm workers. You are a jerk.

Most of the shooting, raping and drug peddling done by illegals is only going on in your mind. Proving that you are a very sick person.

The vast majority of illegal are honest workers that constitute a very large percentage of our farm workers.
Most of the shooting, raping and drug peddling done by illegals is only going on in your mind. Proving that you are a very sick person.

The vast majority of illegal are honest workers that constitute a very large percentage of our farm workers.
How large a percentage and remember farm workers have work permits and are not illegal. Dumbass.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
Just a bunch of nice guys…

Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler.
This post was full of a lot of silly stuff, which I won't bother to deal with, but this equation of Hitler with Putin is one of these lightweight comparisons that show no study of even recent history.

Hitler wanted to take over the entire world, including the United States, and said so, in print, often. (Napoleon wanted the same, and was barely kept from escaping to the United States after Waterloo, where he might have really wreaked havoc.)

Putin does not want world takeover. He wants the Russia he helped make bigger to be as big as ever. I suppose that motivation was what moved Lincoln and other supporters of the Union, and would affect many here if this polity splits up into several countries, as Russia did. There would be people who would crave to have it one big country again, like it used to be. Putin can't have that, and he is leading or pushing an aggressor state. But none of this is anything like the kind of world-control aggressor who shows up every hundred years or so.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
Saying Putin is a 21st century Hitler is utter foolishness, and likely directly from the lips of a known liar and war promoter on MSNBC. Your girl Rachel.

You aren’t living in reality.
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