Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

The third world has closer ties to China than us. Plus most of the world is bogged down by crippling Western debt. Nobody wants us destroyed, just weakened.

They get what they wish for, they get far more virulent great powers than we ever will be.
Do you have any more stupid comments and post the same BIG LIES? Do you think. oops, believe that anyone with an IQ under 90 believes the bullshit you post?

I'm a coward? What evidence prompts you to make this claim? Clearly calling me a "soy boi" is nothing more than a cowardly insult which some would call fighting words:


"Associated with the alt-right, soyboy is an insult used online for men seen as effeminate liberals. It comes from the myth that consuming soy products lowers testerone levels in a man."​
Using fighting words and insults are what cowards do while sitting behind a keyboard. You're punk, and I've been called worse when putting punks like you in the cage.
This is who conservatives are; this is what the GOP as become.

Enemies of democracy, advocates of authoritarianism, purveyors of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
This is who conservatives are; this is what the GOP as become.

Enemies of democracy, advocates of authoritarianism, purveyors of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
You know what you Democrats have become, Clayton? The Party that doesn't care that it cost me $65 to fill my gas tank yesterday instead of the $30 it took when Joe Biden took office! You can TRY to malign the GOP all you like with your "enemies of democracy" crap but it won't change the way that ordinary Americans now understand what having liberals in charge means!
Aside from the fact that none of this is actually factual, you still can’t admit that conservatives in large numbers refused to get vaccinated which resulted in many thousands of preventable deaths.

And you will never admit it even though you know it’s true. Admitting it would be tantamount to admitting you’re wrong and that’s not allowed.
Its absolutely factual and you fucking know it...lol.
You know what you Democrats have become, Clayton? The Party that doesn't care that it cost me $65 to fill my gas tank yesterday instead of the $30 it took when Joe Biden took office! You can TRY to malign the GOP all you like with your "enemies of democracy" crap but it won't change the way that ordinary Americans now understand what having liberals in charge means!
boo hoo, pure little guy can't spend a few dollars to buy gas; it's all about him and another BIG LIE that Biden, not the private sector's greed that raises the price of oil. Of course this guy will argue that Big Pharma is making a large profit as well as food rises in costs to the consumer.

As noted in my signature line, "Hypocrisy & BIG LIES define the Republican Party in the 21st Century"
boo hoo, pure little guy can't spend a few dollars to buy gas; it's all about him and another BIG LIE that Biden, not the private sector's greed that raises the price of oil. Of course this guy will argue that Big Pharma is making a large profit as well as food rises in costs to the consumer.

As noted in my signature line, "Hypocrisy & BIG LIES define the Republican Party in the 21st Century"
I'm spending money to buy gas and that money is ending up in Russia fueling Putin's dreams of conquest! Then my tax dollars are ending up in the Ukraine buying weapons to counter Putin's invasion! Who would be stupid enough to be doing THAT? The answer quite obviously is LIBERALS! Joe Biden is a world class moron and the people that are running him in this administration aren't much better! What we're getting right now is what you get when you let ideologues run the country instead of serious people grounded in reality!
And the difference between spending $30 for a tank of gas and spending $65 for a tank isn't a "few dollars"! You on the left are hurting the very people you CLAIM to be fighting for! The truth obviously is that you're all a bunch of rich ass holes that could care LESS about the plight of the working man or woman in this country! It's all about your "wokeness" and your "climate change agenda"!
You think the voters are going to forgive and forget what you're doing to them right now? You're delusional! When they're standing in that polling place next November they're going to remember that you didn't care about them in the slightest.
Let's be clear that the Authoritarian Leader of the Russian Government is committing war crimes in Ukraine, and more and more Russian Citizens are being arrested for protesting this evil act under Putin's Thumb.

Democracy in America has become an enigma that so many people posting here cannot fathom the effort by trump to send his supporters to go to the Capitol Building to overturn an election. This was unthinkable until Jan 6, 2021.
And the difference between spending $30 for a tank of gas and spending $65 for a tank isn't a "few dollars"! You on the left are hurting the very people you CLAIM to be fighting for! The truth obviously is that you're all a bunch of rich ass holes that could care LESS about the plight of the working man or woman in this country! It's all about your "wokeness" and your "climate change agenda"!
You don't know anything about me, other than my opinions I've posted in my signature lines, my career in Law Enforcement and my ideology, philosopher and moral compass.

Your comments tell me much about you, your ignorance on serious issues such as Climate Change; and all the other right wing propaganda such as mocking "woke" and believing everything uttered by trump in his tweets, speeches and deeds. The election was not stolen and there is no evidence that it was.
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Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler.
"The best he can" is the equivalent of a retard attempting three dimensional chess, unfortunately.
Your signature line is absurd. The Gilded Age produced poor houses and poverty in the working men and women.

All you got is going after C.S. Lewis?


My sig shows the hypocrisy of the self proclaimed "progressives"
"The best he can" is the equivalent of a retard attempting three dimensional chess, unfortunately.
Do you have an advance degree beyond your medical degree in Psychiatry? Or learn this at Trump University?

I suppose pragmatism is an alien thing to you, and rather to check a moral compass you listen to the BIG LIES about President Biden that is echoed over and over by the same ignoramus' who vandalized the Capitol in an attempt to overturn the election?
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.

Welcome the Ukrainian refugees with open arms. Be good to them.
Nope, that's the same crap on the foundation of the Libertarian Party.

No, it's saying I'd rather be exploited by greedy people than by self righteous busybodies. At least greed usually knows a limit, and can sometimes even rise all boats.

Progressivism these days is about lowering my standard of living while increasing government's control over my living. No thank you.
Do you have an advance degree beyond your medical degree in Psychiatry? Or learn this at Trump University?
I'm not the topic of the thread, kid.
Intelligent adults can plainly see Biden isn't operating at a very high level, intellectually speaking.
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