Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

No...you aren't....you are pushing the Chinese communist line. I hope you enjoy their money....
I assume you read the papers and have a great rebuttal planned, right?

Or not.

Look, the epicenter of the pandemic is clearly a location where it just so happens that many animals taken from rural regions are concentrated providing ample opportunity for animal to human jump. Seems like that’s a big deal to me.
The thread title is inaccurate. Here is the correct version:

The Fog of War is gaslighting people to support a war so that the Global Elites can loot more U.S. taxpayer dollars.
That is, without a doubt, the most idiotic comeback by a Leftist...LMAO!

Its OUR fault that Biden is a fuck up?? You goddamn moron...lol

Cultist piece of shit.
You have no evidence to prove President Biden is a "fuck up" or that I'm a moron or a "Cultist piece of shit". It is clear however that you are a Trumpanzee:


Is an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
...The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.
It is encouraging that, even in Russia where the thug controls the media and is relentlessly portrayed as a "savvy genius" - propaganda that is only swallowed by the most obtuse elsewhere - Russians are showing the courage to be defiant:

Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has triggered an earthquake of global condemnation, including in his own backyard, where protests have swelled across the country in a remarkable outpouring of dissent against the Kremlin's deadly military assault.
Antiwar protests erupted within hours of Russia's invasion Feb. 24 in more than 60 cities. The demonstrations, which range from massive rallies to single-person pickets, have continued even amid a fierce Kremlin crackdown.

Police have detained more than 8,000 Russians for antiwar activities since the invasion began, according to the independent monitoring group OVD-Info. Security forces have widened their patrols, looking for dissent in all corners – not just in Pushkin Square, the pedestrian space in central Moscow where most opposition rallies take place.

On Friday, the Russian parliament passed a law that would punish citizens for spreading what the Kremlin calls “fake news” about the military assault on Ukraine. The penalty: up to 15 years in jail.
Putin's denouncing the truth being exposed by the media as "fake news" isn't even original.
You have no evidence to prove President Biden is a "fuck up" or that I'm a moron or a "Cultist piece of shit". It is clear however that you are a Trumpanzee:


Is an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
SNL had a few more anti Deplorable skits last night. Nasty and vicious and the brainwashed viewers loved it. Imagine Kamala with her infantile statements and sexual ways to get where she has in life. And Biden is a goldmine for skits. None of it.
You have no evidence to prove President Biden is a "fuck up" or that I'm a moron or a "Cultist piece of shit". It is clear however that you are a Trumpanzee:


Is an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
You are definitely a cultist and anyone who blames the people for Biden's fuck ups is a fucking moron...lol
Irrelevant. The vaccine was sold as a way to STOP the spread. That turned out to be bullshit.

But, go ahead, blame the citizens of the republic for Biden's fuck ups.
What’s irrelevant about people dying preventable deaths? It’s quite relevant.

People chose not to get vaccinated and those people had much higher rates of hospitalization and death. Do you deny this?
What’s irrelevant about people dying preventable deaths? It’s quite relevant.

People chose not to get vaccinated and those people had much higher rates of hospitalization and death. Do you deny this?
It's irrelevant to the discussion because you blame the SPREAD of the virus on people who didn't get vaccinated and the vaccine did do jack shit to stop, or even slow the spread. Those are facts you're trying to avoid.
It's irrelevant to the discussion because you blame the SPREAD of the virus on people who didn't get vaccinated and the vaccine did do jack shit to stop, or even slow the spread. Those are facts you're trying to avoid.
For starters, basically nothing of what you said is factual.

The point I’m making is that the severity of COVID is primarily felt in the burden it places on the health system and the mortality it takes on the country. If COVID were ten times less severe than it is, then it really wouldn’t have affected the country or the world nearly as much as it did.

And that’s what vaccination does. It reduces the severity by around a factor or 10. If everyone had gotten vaccinated, the severity of COVID would have been far less this last year. Unfortunately a lot of people didn’t get vaccinated and the division largely falls along party lines. I blame the severity of COVID in the last year primarily on those who didn’t get vaccinated.

You won’t even admit that the vaccine provides protection at all. That’s how weak you are.
Do you have any more stupid comments and post the same BIG LIES? Do you think. oops, believe that anyone with an IQ under 90 believes the bullshit you post?

I'm a coward? What evidence prompts you to make this claim? Clearly calling me a "soy boi" is nothing more than a cowardly insult which some would call fighting words:


"Associated with the alt-right, soyboy is an insult used online for men seen as effeminate liberals. It comes from the myth that consuming soy products lowers testerone levels in a man."​
Using fighting words and insults are what cowards do while sitting behind a keyboard. You're punk, and I've been called worse when putting punks like you in the cage.

You are indeed a soi boy to your cowardly core kid. Biden has dementia and Harris is an imbecile, you're simply too partisan to ever criticize them even when it is true.
COVID was bad because COVID was bad. The vaccines didn't stop anyone from getting infected.

You fucking idiots still believe the vaccine was going to stop the virus? Um...LMAO!!

The people who didn't get vaxxed aren't the morons. The morons are the people that thought vaxxing and masking were going to stop the virus.

Your "leaders" fed you that bullshit and you gobbled it right on down...lol. No questions asked.
There is still no "vaccine" for the common cold. The "flu shot" they have been offering, and in the military FORCING us to get doesn't stop the flu. The covid bullshit vax is no better. If you see someone with a mask on, they're either about to commit a crime, or they're stealing oxygen at a reduced capacity.
Do you have any more stupid comments and post the same BIG LIES? Do you think. oops, believe that anyone with an IQ under 90 believes the bullshit you post?

I'm a coward? What evidence prompts you to make this claim? Clearly calling me a "soy boi" is nothing more than a cowardly insult which some would call fighting words:


"Associated with the alt-right, soyboy is an insult used online for men seen as effeminate liberals. It comes from the myth that consuming soy products lowers testerone levels in a man."​
Using fighting words and insults are what cowards do while sitting behind a keyboard. You're punk, and I've been called worse when putting punks like you in the cage.
Kill yourself you fucking apparatchik parasite.

You have done nothing more on this forum than regurgitate leftist agitprop and otherwise troll legitimate discussions regarding sensible political debates. The only thing you will ever contribute to the fuckin planet is when you decompose and your nitrogen returns to the soil. You should have been aborted and flushed back into the sewer.

You're not even a "soi boi", you're a parasitic worm. There are diseases out there I'd rather suffer from than allow you to continue to pollute our atmosphere.


Last edited:
You have no evidence to prove President Biden is a "fuck up" or that I'm a moron or a "Cultist piece of shit". It is clear however that you are a Trumpanzee:


Is an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
They really are THIS STUPID, every last one of them believe shit like this and vote for fucksticks that assert islands might capsize if too many marines are deployed on them.

On Friday, the Russian parliament passed a law that would punish citizens for spreading what the Kremlin calls “fake news” about the military assault on Ukraine. The penalty: up to 15 years in jail.
Putin's denouncing the truth being exposed by the media as "fake news" isn't even original.
Sounds a lot like the government/big tech/pharma crack down on dissenting information here in the US.

in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

Texas passed voting reforms to stop shitheads like you from stealing elections......what happened in the primary this week....?

More people voted in Texas than in 2020 you idiot.......

DALLAS — More people voted in the Tuesday's primary than did in the 2018 midterm, early state numbers shows.
According to numbers from the Secretary of State's Office, nearly 3 million people cast a ballot in the March 1 primary, with roughly 900,000 more Republicans showing up to vote versus Democrats.
What is especially interesting is the number of ballots cast, considering the confusion around mail-in ballot applications and the fact that thousands were sent back for errors.


GOP: 1,937,943
DEM: 1,057,637
Total: 2,995,580


GOP: 1,549,573
DEM: 1,068,463
Total: 2,618,036

Mail in ballots are fraudulent ballots.


Show up to vote or shut the fuck up.
For starters, basically nothing of what you said is factual.

The point I’m making is that the severity of COVID is primarily felt in the burden it places on the health system and the mortality it takes on the country. If COVID were ten times less severe than it is, then it really wouldn’t have affected the country or the world nearly as much as it did.

And that’s what vaccination does. It reduces the severity by around a factor or 10. If everyone had gotten vaccinated, the severity of COVID would have been far less this last year. Unfortunately a lot of people didn’t get vaccinated and the division largely falls along party lines. I blame the severity of COVID in the last year primarily on those who didn’t get vaccinated.

You won’t even admit that the vaccine provides protection at all. That’s how weak you are.
Everything I've said is factual:

1. The vaccine didn't stop, or slow the spread.

2. The lockdowns didn't stop, or slow the spread.

3. Masking didn't stop, or slow the spread.

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