Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

You tell me you are out of touch with history, and to even suggest Putin is not EVIL is only someone who lacks empathy.
Turd Catcher proves it is out of touch with history and reality in general when it asserts anyone who rejects it's agitprop lacks "empathy".

Turd Catcher and it's ilk DESTROYED the lives of millions of people by promoting COVID hysteria.

Turd Catcher and it's ilk stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent mail in ballots and replaced a competent President that ushered in the best 4 years we have been able to enjoy since Reagan with a demented potato puppet.

Turd Catcher and it's ilk promote the green ponzi scheme that allows countries like russia and iran to survive selling oil while democrook sociopaths shut down our ability to live independently from their products.

Fuck you Turd Catcher, and all your fellow apparatchiks.

I'm not sure what you mean unless you've reached back to the use of the Nuclear Bombing in Japan, and the taking the land of Native American Tribes in the 19th Century.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya just this century. Along with funding other slaughters like the genocide in Yemen.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
The best he can isn't nearly good enough.
But apparently right in lockstep with the democrats.

I believe it. As bad as it is, this is Joe's best.

Or just telling THE TRUTH.

Kammy Harris is a most perfect example.

View attachment 610829

The embodiment of the democrat party.

Someone he RESPECTS as a fearsome threat.

Up your ass, faggot. If we survive the latest Biddum Blunder, we'll be getting both his puckered ass as well as Kammy's stretched one out of Washington PRONTO starting in 249 days.
You mean this Kumquat kamala-beast.jpg
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
This is the best that Joe Biden can do? The truth is that Joe Biden has been a day late and a dollar short on this entire fiasco! His caving to the Green Energy fanatics made it clear to Europe that they would have to get the bulk of their oil and natural gas from Russia. Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas made Putin think that they would look the other way while he took Ukraine. The billions in money he was taking in from the West allowed him to finance this huge military operation. Biden's refusal to provide Ukraine with Stingers, anti tank and anti ship weapons left the Ukraine an easy target for Putin. Biden's refusal to embargo Russian oil and natural gas allows Putin to keep right on doing what he's doing.
This isn't LEADERSHIP! It's reacting to what the other guy is doing and reacting badly!
That is, without a doubt, the most idiotic comeback by a Leftist...LMAO!

Its OUR fault that Biden is a fuck up?? You goddamn moron...lol

Cultist piece of shit.
I mean, COVID was particularly bad because a bunch of morons decided to not get vaccinated as means of political resistance and it cost the lives of tens or hundreds of thousands of people.

So yeah, in some ways you all are holding us back.
Has Putin done anything we haven't done?
With all due respect, Al? When has the US invaded a peaceful country that it wasn't at war with and slaughtered thousands of civilians deliberately? What Putin is doing right now is what Hitler did in the run up to WWII!
I mean, COVID was particularly bad because a bunch of morons decided to not get vaccinated as means of political resistance and it cost the lives of tens or hundreds of thousands of people.

So yeah, in some ways you all are holding us back.
Covid was particularly bad because it was a virus manufactured in a lab by idiots like Anthony Fauci that thought it would be "cool" to alter existing Corona viruses so that they could study them! Those virus "nerds" cost the world millions of lives! This never had to happen.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.

Biden caused this....and is likely getting "The Big Guy's" 10% off of the money Russia is making as biden continues to buy Russian oil while destroying the U.S. energy sector.....

Trump stood up to putin while assholes like you attacked him....he told NATO to pay up for their own national security and he told Germany to stop helping Russia buy building the pipeline...

You guys are creating the next big lie.......and it is disgusting....
Covid was particularly bad because it was a virus manufactured in a lab by idiots like Anthony Fauci that thought it would be "cool" to alter existing Corona viruses so that they could study them! Those virus "nerds" cost the world millions of lives! This never had to happen.
Fascinating. And you were present for the creation of COVID in the lab?
I mean, COVID was particularly bad because a bunch of morons decided to not get vaccinated as means of political resistance and it cost the lives of tens or hundreds of thousands of people.

So yeah, in some ways you all are holding us back.
COVID was bad because COVID was bad. The vaccines didn't stop anyone from getting infected.

You fucking idiots still believe the vaccine was going to stop the virus? Um...LMAO!!

The people who didn't get vaxxed aren't the morons. The morons are the people that thought vaxxing and masking were going to stop the virus.

Your "leaders" fed you that bullshit and you gobbled it right on down...lol. No questions asked.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.


in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

Texas passed voting reforms to stop shitheads like you from stealing elections......what happened in the primary this week....?

More people voted in Texas than in 2020 you idiot.......

DALLAS — More people voted in the Tuesday's primary than did in the 2018 midterm, early state numbers shows.
According to numbers from the Secretary of State's Office, nearly 3 million people cast a ballot in the March 1 primary, with roughly 900,000 more Republicans showing up to vote versus Democrats.
What is especially interesting is the number of ballots cast, considering the confusion around mail-in ballot applications and the fact that thousands were sent back for errors.


GOP: 1,937,943
DEM: 1,057,637
Total: 2,995,580


GOP: 1,549,573
DEM: 1,068,463
Total: 2,618,036

Fascinating. And you were present for the creation of COVID in the lab?

So.....the check from China cleared your bank account.......you guys are still pushing the Chinese line on the release of the Chinese Flu....you must be happy selling out to the Chinese...
COVID was bad because COVID was bad. The vaccines didn't stop anyone from getting infected.

You fucking idiots still believe the vaccine was going to stop the virus? Um...LMAO!!

The people who didn't get vaxxed aren't the morons. The morons are the people that thought vaxxing and masking were going to stop the virus.

Your "leaders" fed you that bullshit and you gobbled it right on down...lol. No questions asked.
Do you think the vaccines prevented deaths from COVID?
So.....the check from China cleared your bank account.......you guys are still pushing the Chinese line on the release of the Chinese Flu....you must be happy selling out to the Chinese...
I’m pushing the science based line.


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