Let's be clear, the Russian's are out of touch with humanity!

Putin is an evil man, but consider that the U.S. has destroyed far more countries than Russia has while Putin has been in power. Remember your outrage at Putin over this, so that you'll be ready to protest the next time the U.S. decides to act like Putin is now.
I'm not sure what you mean unless you've reached back to the use of the Nuclear Bombing in Japan, and the taking the land of Native American Tribes in the 19th Century.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler.
Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
I support biden’s effort so far but he could do more

such as allowing more US fossil fuel production
Biden's mind is gone Harris never had a mind. You're a weak, cowardly soy boi. Any questions?
Do you have any more stupid comments and post the same BIG LIES? Do you think. oops, believe that anyone with an IQ under 90 believes the bullshit you post?

I'm a coward? What evidence prompts you to make this claim? Clearly calling me a "soy boi" is nothing more than a cowardly insult which some would call fighting words:


"Associated with the alt-right, soyboy is an insult used online for men seen as effeminate liberals. It comes from the myth that consuming soy products lowers testerone levels in a man."​
Using fighting words and insults are what cowards do while sitting behind a keyboard. You're punk, and I've been called worse when putting punks like you in the cage.
If you want to bring up Hitler you open the door for other historical reference. The U.S. dumped tons of cancer causing herbicide in Vietnam. Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down. I'm no fan of Putin but the propaganda seems a bit excessive.

Ok, let’s compare and contrast. When in 1990, the United States military, including myself, was deployed to Saudi Arabia, was this a secret? Or did we do so while informing Saddam Hussein that we were there to prevent an invasion into Saudi?

When we went North on offensive operations, was it a surprise? Or had the United States been discussing it for weeks before? Had the US gone to the UN to get an authorization from them for the use of force? Wasn’t the debate as public as possible?

The same is true of Afghanistan, Iraq 2.0, and any other invasion the United States had conducted.

You mention Bill Clinton. I presume you mean the bombing of the Aspirin factory.

In a way, it is like the invasion of Iraq, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

We were demonized in the press. Rightly it seems. Because we bombed a legitimate factory making legitimate medicines. Almost nobody said that the bombing was a bad idea before it happened. And afterwards, as we learned the truth, we were pilloried in the press.

But the bombing was not an invasion was it? It is like comparing a man grabbing a woman’s ass and claiming it was like a gang rape. But I understand, you are grasping for examples to justify the inexcusable actions of Putin.

If you focus on the Invasion, the act of the Invasion. You have Putin repeatedly assuring the world that he wasn’t invading. Conservatives and RW types repeatedly claimed that Biden was just distracting from his horrible record with the warnings. Biden told all the American Citizens to get out because Putin would be invading, and was told he was full of shit by Putin lovers.

Then Putin invaded, and after the troops crossed the line, Putin went on TV and told the Russian People, and the world, that he was doing it. He claimed Humanitarian Reasons. To protect the Ethnic Russian People from Persecution and Genocide.

He had no proof that was happening. His claim was denounced by the international organizations that fret about just that sort of thing. Putin doubled down on the big lie, and claimed that Ukraine was Fascist. The invasion was now to DeNazify Ukraine. Which is even a dumber lie. Yes, there is a Fascist element, and by even the most Liberal Estimates, they make up less than 10% of the population. About what our own Racist Extremists make up here in the US. Should we be invaded next? I mean, we have the same ratio of Nazi’s as Ukraine does don’t we?

There was a couple days where Putin tried to explain he was doing this to save Christianity, but since he had banned Christians from speaking about their faith outside of Church in 2014, that flopped too.

Now, it’s Humanitarian, to save the Ethnic Russian people, the traditional members of Russia, the Ukrainians, from the corruption.

But Russia is far more corrupt aren’t they? How many dissidents have been murdered by the Government? How many laws have been passed to punish dissent?

It’s all a lie. And lies is what Hitler was best known for. So the question is, do we want a big war in a few years? Or a small war now? There will be a war between us. That is certain. Bet on it.

Why? That answer is simple. If Putin gets away with this, he’ll have all the justification he needs to continue. Poland borders a small stretch of Russia called Kaliningrad. This patch of “Russia” is separated from Russia by Poland and other Baltic nations like Lithuania. Putin is liable to invade Poland declaring that in the midst of the Sanctions, he must have a secure path to Kaliningrad. Then Poland will be blocked from free trade and reinforcement from Germany won’t it? Will we go to war then? Or will we give in again, because Putin just wants what is fair?

We fight. We fight now or we fight later. We will fight eventually. The longer we wait, the more expensive it becomes for us.
You tell me you are out of touch with history, and to even suggest Putin is not EVIL is only someone who lacks empathy.

Perhaps you should read up on your post cold war history?
-NATO expansion from 1995
-2014-Maidan Square
-Minsk Accords
-2019 US withdrawal for the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

Also research the term, "Gaslighting'
You lost at 'other than'. Either way, your acceptance of hypocrisy and double standards is disgusting.
Your ad hominem isn't a rebuttal, and if I needed to go another history lesson of our - or is it mine, not yours - government from Slavery to Vietnam, and equal justice today would take pages.

However, in the 21st Century you might have elaborated on the three administrations seeking to steal the land of a sovereign nation with the evil intent of genocide.

This IMO was tantamount to Putin's callousness with Hitler. Evil is Evil, and that cannot be place on the administrations of Bush II or Obama; trump of course is a narcissist and evil seems to be too strong to label him evil since he was raised as a spoiled child and had been never told no.
Your ad hominem isn't a rebuttal, and if I needed to go another history lesson of our - or is it mine, not yours - government from Slavery to Vietnam, and equal justice today would take pages.

However, in the 21st Century you might have elaborated on the three administrations seeking to steal the land of a sovereign nation with the evil intent of genocide.

This IMO was tantamount to Putin's callousness with Hitler. Evil is Evil, and that cannot be place on the administrations of Bush II or Obama; trump of course is a narcissist and evil seems to be too strong to label him evil since he was raised as a spoiled child and had been never told no.
There you go with silly drama queen nonsense. Putin is like Hitler. The fact you folks are trying so hard to paint this as pure black and white only demonstrates the weakness of your agenda. Dissent is not allowed, accept your propaganda or be canceled, there is no validity in such childish methods.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
We arent allowed to criticize Biden now because Russia went to war with Ukraine? What the fuck are you talking about bro? :laugh:
Wrong, unlike you folks who sup on hypocrisy and double standards, some people believe in consistency and applying the same standards across the board.
Please what do you mean by "sup on hypocrisy and double standards" in context.
There you go with silly drama queen nonsense. Putin is like Hitler. The fact you folks are trying so hard to paint this as pure black and white only demonstrates the weakness of your agenda. Dissent is not allowed, accept your propaganda or be canceled, there is no validity in such childish methods.
Don't write so many words to post an ad hominem. Yeah, you might not believe Hitler wasn't evil, and Putin is an angel.
They want the country to be led by an aggressive, brash, hyper-nationalist strongman.
Who WOULDN'T want their leader to be aggressive, brash, nationalistic and strong? I know! :desk: An imbecile like you! Well, you should be as happy as a kitten in katnip then because Biddum isn't aggressive enough to beat a troupe of girl scouts, he is about as brash as toe fungus, cares more about his little money-laundering family bank over in Ukraine part of the former USSR and likely part of it again than his own country making him a traitor, and needs help pulling up his Depends. That leaves Joe out.

This is why they adore Trump
Imagine that, not liking a bold leader who LOVES the country he leads doing all he can for it! Enough to give you nightmares.

it's why Trump compliments Putin
Trump was certainly able to keep all the bad actors in check unlike the presidential joke Biden-- -- -- there would be no war in Ukraine if not for the corrupt DNC rigging and stealing the 2020 election in a mad rush to grab back power.

So now we know. The question is, what can be done?
If I were you, I'd leave the country. Go somewhere else while you still can, some place that'll take you in like Communist China.
Whether you believe it or not, President Biden is doing the best he can when faced with a 21st Century Hitler. Those of you who have attacked the Democratic Party, and especially President Biden and VP Harris are both pragmatic and putting the future for generations of the world.

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely:

The Russian leader is a despotic megalomaniac, someone who Donald Trump supports and sought to not only worship but to emulate. Of course those who support him continue to do so, and this essay is posted to provide how out of touch with the future is in their BIG LIES, and the Hate of those who do not hate democracy in America.

This includes the Governors of Texas and Florida, two men who are seeking the power that is in the Constitution - the separation of powers - to be abused, as did trump as do the legislatures in the Red States who are working hard to make voting not only difficult, but nearly impossible.

The Governors of these two states are seeking power, and their words and deeds have proved that will abuse the power of Art, III of the Constitution of the U. S.
Unfuckingbelievable that you people believed all of that bullshit about Trump and Russia based on the dossier.

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