Let's be clear...trump will take his MAGA base and walk if not the 2024 nominee

All you need to do is look at the math...

And it comes down to race, in part...

Most minority voters take sides with the (D)s...

The much larger (but still finite) White Vote is split between (R)s and (D)s...

When you add-up the Minority Vote + White (D) Vote then the GOP has a problem on its hands...

The only way the (R)s win nowadays is to convince enough "Usual D(s)" [ Reagan Democrats ] and Independents to cross over and side with them...

You will NOT convince enough Independents and Reagan Democrats to take sides with you if you are arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again...


Like it or not, January 6, 2021 locked-in that guarantee, and you will not change that, no matter how many word-games or excuses you serve-up, so...

America is suffering under the idiot Dems and their idiot policies and a Sane GOP could restore some sanity to the governance of the Republic...

You have a deeper and stronger "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats do, so...

For Christ's sake... USE that bullpen... get a couple of courageous, visionary younger people to start warming-up... you're going to need them...

You don't have to "take the word" of anti-Trumpers to figure this out...

Just do the math, and use your common sense.

Don't force me... and millions upon millions of other Independents and Centrists and Reagan Democrats... to vote (D) again in 2024.

Your whole screed indicates that you don't realize that Trump isn't the disease, he's the rash it's broken out into this week.

Pretty much since Nixon, the GOP has used racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and religious fanaticism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. Trump just got rid of the dog whistles and replaced it with a bullhorn.

The problem is, that doesn't work anymore. 30% of the electorate is non-white now, and growing. And younger white kids just aren't buying into the dog whistles anymore. This is why Desantis does well playing the homophobic card with older voters in Florida (AKA Death's Waiting Room) but in the rest of the country, that just doesn't play. Gays and blacks just aren't that scary to younger voters.

So if you take out the racial, religious and sexual bullshit, all the GOP has to run on is, "We want you to work harder to make the rich richer!"

And you'd have to be a complete fucking idiot to vote for that.
I think the Republicans will try as hard as hell to prevent a third Trump run.

He lost the popular vote in 2016 and cost them every election since.

Here's the thing. They should reject Trump, even if he does take his marbles and goes third party. He'll probably get 20% of the vote for one election cycle and win no states. He'll probably tip a few reliably red states into the Democratic column like Ross Perot did in 1992.

But at the end of the day, those voters will come whimpering back to the GOP, just like they eventually did with Perot. Just like they eventually did when Teddy Roosevelt ran as a third party candidate in 1912.
Trump has ZERO allegiance to any party that rejects him...if he did not win the primary he would most certainly run independently imo, which of course would be great for the democratic party!
We will definitely find out if you are right or wrong about Trump being a sure loser.
God, I hope not. As well-intentioned as Joe is, he should be a One-Term President. He will get a second term if you run Trump.
I can't "run DeSantis." DeSantis would have to step up to the plate and announce. He hasn't done that, and he won't. Not in 2024. It would be political suicide. Why throw away his chances in 2028? He's a very young man in terms of presidential aspirations. Even if he decides not to run for president, he might want to be Senator, which would basically be a life time appointment.
Yep. Sadly true. This may be The Hour for someone else, then.
...But all that is GOP inside baseball. You never-Trumpers, be you a Democrat or Republican, need to ask yourselves how Trump managed to gather both working class whites, and idealogical conservatives to his team so easily.
He gathered (past tense) working class Whites because he's a P.T. Barnum -like showman and knows the right buzz-words to use to excite the Plebs.

One can be excited yet lack the forward vision to perceive or understand the implications of blind enthusiasm for a feckless and autocratic con-man.

What is that word that trump keeps saying? Loyalty....HE HAS NONE TO HIS PARTY OR HIS COUNTRY.
It's cute how afraid Dems are of running against Trump again.

Even cuter how they try to pretend that they really are worried about the GOP if Trump does run.
It doesn't matter who actually gets the nomination, the democrats are running against TRUMP! next year.
Trump has ZERO allegiance to any party that rejects him...if he did not win the primary he would most certainly run independently imo, which of course would be great for the democratic party!
Yeah, okay, so who will be the democrat's 2024 presidential nominee?

What is that word that trump keeps saying? Loyalty....HE HAS NONE TO HIS PARTY OR HIS COUNTRY.
You ARE aware, I presume, that Bill Clinton NEVER received the majority of the "popular vote" yet still occupied the White House for 8 years with his harridan of a wife?
‘Former President Donald Trump wouldn't commit to supporting the 2024 Republican nominee for president should he fail to secure the title, he told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday.

"It would have to depend on who the nominee was," Trump said, who added that he wouldn't commit to attending all the presidential debates.’

The coward won’t even commit to a debate.
Trump never turned down a debate of any kind.
What is that word that trump keeps saying? Loyalty....HE HAS NONE TO HIS PARTY OR HIS COUNTRY.

In other words, that is why you are trying to get him out of politics! Because if you can take him finally out of the equation of voter consideration, his base walks, kills all GOP prospects and you automatically WIN!

Gee, that took about 1/10th of a brain-cell to figure out.
You don't know much about Narcissists, do you? He cares only about trump, all the time. He could care less if the repubs are crushed in 2024. As a matter of fact, he will enjoyed seeing a blood bath.
You are describing Poopeypants and all Dims jimboliar.

What is that word that trump keeps saying? Loyalty....HE HAS NONE TO HIS PARTY OR HIS COUNTRY.

Why would President Trump have any "loyalty" to the Never Trumpers?

They didn't have any loyalty to him when he received the nomination.

BTW, this is just fine with the Republican establishment as they are embarrassed and sickened by the Trump base and wish them good riddance. They've been looking to expel them anyhow, and President Trump would be saving them the trouble by leading them out.

Associating with all of that "Poor White Trash"- even though many Trumpsters are neither poor nor white- really hurts the image the GOP elite have of themselves.
Given Trump’s endless corruption and criminality – his treasonous effort to overthrow a fair, lawful, and honest election contrary to the will of the American people, his refusal to stop the terrorist attack on the Capitol Building he was responsible for, and his attempt to enter into a criminal conspiracy with Georgia election officials to commit voter fraud – only those who hate America would vote for Trump.
What crimes has he been convicted of again Mrs Jones?
What fake virus scam will you dimwits come up with for 2024 doofus?

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