Let's be clear...trump will take his MAGA base and walk if not the 2024 nominee

If that's true then get Ron DeSantis warming-up in the bullpen... he'll smoke EITHER of them by the time 2024 rolls around...
Yea because we always take the advice from American hating lefties ... I mean you guys are always looking for what's good for America and Americans! Right ? Lolol...
Taking a quick look at the 2024 election:
1. The GOP should take the Senate back, the dems have way more seats to defend
2. The House should be a GOP gain of seats
3. The democrats have no one to run, 86-year old Biden? Stupid Kamala? ?????
4. Will the GOP House investigations uncover Biden wrong-doing?
5. Trump may NOT even be the GOP nominee.
Yea because we always take the advice from American hating lefties ... I mean you guys are always looking for what's good for America and Americans! Right ? Lolol...
All you need to do is look at the math...

And it comes down to race, in part...

Most minority voters take sides with the (D)s...

The much larger (but still finite) White Vote is split between (R)s and (D)s...

When you add-up the Minority Vote + White (D) Vote then the GOP has a problem on its hands...

The only way the (R)s win nowadays is to convince enough "Usual D(s)" [ Reagan Democrats ] and Independents to cross over and side with them...

You will NOT convince enough Independents and Reagan Democrats to take sides with you if you are arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again...


Like it or not, January 6, 2021 locked-in that guarantee, and you will not change that, no matter how many word-games or excuses you serve-up, so...

America is suffering under the idiot Dems and their idiot policies and a Sane GOP could restore some sanity to the governance of the Republic...

You have a deeper and stronger "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats do, so...

For Christ's sake... USE that bullpen... get a couple of courageous, visionary younger people to start warming-up... you're going to need them...

You don't have to "take the word" of anti-Trumpers to figure this out...

Just do the math, and use your common sense.

Don't force me... and millions upon millions of other Independents and Centrists and Reagan Democrats... to vote (D) again in 2024.
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All you need to do is look at the math...

And it comes down to race, in part...

Most minority voters take sides with the (D)s...

The much larger (but still finite) White Vote is split between (R)s and (D)s...

When you add-up the Minority Vote + White (D) Vote then the GOP has a problem on its hands...

The only way the (R)s win nowadays is to convince enough "Usual D(s)" [ Reagan Democrats ] and Independents to cross over and side with them...

You will NOT convince enough Independents and Reagan Democrats to take sides with you if you are arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again...


Like it or not, January 6, 2021 locked-in that guarantee, and you will not change that, no matter how many word-games or excuses you serve-up, so...

America is suffering under the idiot Dems and their idiot policies and a Sane GOP could restore some sanity to the governance of the Republic...

You have a deeper and stronger "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats do, so...

For Christ's sake... USE that bullpen... get a couple of courageous, visionary younger people to start warming-up... you're going to need them...

You don't have to "take the word" of anti-Trumpers to figure this out...

Just do the math, and use your common sense.

Don't force me... and millions upon millions of other Independents and Centrists and Reagan Democrats... to vote (D) again in 2024.
Are you an American or are you a Democrat? It's really that simple .
All you need to do is look at the math...

And it comes down to race, in part...

Most minority voters take sides with the (D)s...

The much larger (but still finite) White Vote is split between (R)s and (D)s...

When you add-up the Minority Vote + White (D) Vote then the GOP has a problem on its hands...

The only way the (R)s win nowadays is to convince enough "Usual D(s)" [ Reagan Democrats ] and Independents to cross over and side with them...

You will NOT convince enough Independents and Reagan Democrats to take sides with you if you are arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again...


Like it or not, January 6, 2021 locked-in that guarantee, and you will not change that, no matter how many word-games or excuses you serve-up, so...

America is suffering under the idiot Dems and their idiot policies and a Sane GOP could restore some sanity to the governance of the Republic...

You have a deeper and stronger "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats do, so...

For Christ's sake... USE that bullpen... get a couple of courageous, visionary younger people to start warming-up... you're going to need them...

You don't have to "take the word" of anti-Trumpers to figure this out...

Just do the math, and use your common sense.

Don't force me... and millions upon millions of other Independents and Centrists and Reagan Democrats... to vote (D) again in 2024.
Plus don't forget , democrats have 2 more years to fuck over America and Americans. That you can count on . It's too bad our fbi is corrupt to the core or most democrats would be in gitmo.
All you need to do is look at the math...

And it comes down to race, in part...

Most minority voters take sides with the (D)s...

The much larger (but still finite) White Vote is split between (R)s and (D)s...

When you add-up the Minority Vote + White (D) Vote then the GOP has a problem on its hands...

The only way the (R)s win nowadays is to convince enough "Usual D(s)" [ Reagan Democrats ] and Independents to cross over and side with them...

You will NOT convince enough Independents and Reagan Democrats to take sides with you if you are arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again...


Like it or not, January 6, 2021 locked-in that guarantee, and you will not change that, no matter how many word-games or excuses you serve-up, so...

America is suffering under the idiot Dems and their idiot policies and a Sane GOP could restore some sanity to the governance of the Republic...

You have a deeper and stronger "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats do, so...

For Christ's sake... USE that bullpen... get a couple of courageous, visionary younger people to start warming-up... you're going to need them...

You don't have to "take the word" of anti-Trumpers to figure this out...

Just do the math, and use your common sense.

Don't force me... and millions upon millions of other Independents and Centrists and Reagan Democrats... to vote (D) again in 2024.
And trump...and by association...MAGA is becoming so disliked....Dems and Independents will never vote for these people again.

The establishment GOP knows this...but they fear they will anger trump or his base if they walk completely away. That is a Big Problem that they need to figure out They used him and his MAGA for four years...now they need to deal with them. Too Bad!
Are you an American or are you a Democrat? It's really that simple .
No. It's not that simple. And even if you feel that way, it is in the best interests of the GOP to hide such sentiments. Unless you're trying to alienate voters.
Plus don't forget , democrats have 2 more years to fuck over America and Americans. That you can count on . It's too bad our fbi is corrupt to the core or most democrats would be in gitmo.
Doesn't matter. You have a decision to make about whom to run in 2024. Choose Trump and lose, or choose DeSantis and you've got a decent chance.
All you need to do is look at the math...

And it comes down to race, in part...

Most minority voters take sides with the (D)s...

The much larger (but still finite) White Vote is split between (R)s and (D)s...

When you add-up the Minority Vote + White (D) Vote then the GOP has a problem on its hands...

The only way the (R)s win nowadays is to convince enough "Usual D(s)" [ Reagan Democrats ] and Independents to cross over and side with them...

You will NOT convince enough Independents and Reagan Democrats to take sides with you if you are arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again...


Like it or not, January 6, 2021 locked-in that guarantee, and you will not change that, no matter how many word-games or excuses you serve-up, so...

America is suffering under the idiot Dems and their idiot policies and a Sane GOP could restore some sanity to the governance of the Republic...

You have a deeper and stronger "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats do, so...

For Christ's sake... USE that bullpen... get a couple of courageous, visionary younger people to start warming-up... you're going to need them...

You don't have to "take the word" of anti-Trumpers to figure this out...

Just do the math, and use your common sense.

Don't force me... and millions upon millions of other Independents and Centrists and Reagan Democrats... to vote (D) again in 2024.
It's cute how afraid Dems are of running against Trump again.

Even cuter how they try to pretend that they really are worried about the GOP if Trump does run.
It's cute how afraid Dems are of running against Trump again.
Go ahead and be stupid and run him again... and you'll guarantee the Dems another four years in power... and that will harm the Republic.
Even cuter how they try to pretend that they really are worried about the GOP if Trump does run.
Run DeSantis and I'll vote alongside you in 2024... be arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again and I (and millions like me) will vote against you.

January 6, 2021 has damned your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God... he will never again hold high office in the United States.

You can no longer win without Independents and Reagan Democrats crossing-over in large numbers.

You will not GET those numbers if you run Trump again.

Go ahead and be stupid and run him again... and you'll guarantee the Dems another four years in power... and that will harm the Republic.

Run DeSantis and I'll vote alongside you in 2024... be arrogant and stupid enough to run Trump again and I (and millions like me) will vote against you.

January 6, 2021 has damned your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God... he will never again hold high office in the United States.

You can no longer win without Independents and Reagan Democrats crossing-over in large numbers.

You will not GET those numbers if you run Trump again.

We will definitely find out if you are right or wrong about Trump being a sure loser.

I can't "run DeSantis." DeSantis would have to step up to the plate and announce. He hasn't done that, and he won't. Not in 2024. It would be political suicide. Why throw away his chances in 2028? He's a very young man in terms of presidential aspirations. Even if he decides not to run for president, he might want to be Senator, which would basically be a life time appointment.

Or he could throw all that away by tangling with Trump. If someone runs against the thus-far unapposed frontrunner, it would be an older congressman or senator looking to retire anyway after securing his or her seat for a chosen successor. They would only run for the fawning accolades that the media is sure to heap on anyone who tries to primary the Orange man.

But all that is GOP inside baseball. You never-Trumpers, be you a Democrat or Republican, need to ask yourselves how Trump managed to gather both working class whites, and idealogical conservatives to his team so easily.
If that's true then get Ron DeSantis warming-up in the bullpen... he'll smoke EITHER of them by the time 2024 rolls around...

Assuming Trump doesn't run as a third party candidate, what makes you think that DeSantis is going to get voters than Trump couldn't?

It is looking more and more like inflation will be tamed without a major increase in unemployment.

So what does DeSatan really have to say?

Here's the thing DeSatan is not a great speaker. He just doesn't rile up the crowds that well. He appeals very well to the homophobic racist base of the GOP, but not much beyond that.

As far as his "Win" in Florida in 2022 (the few bright spots for the GOP in a midterm they should have ran away with), he ran against a guy even Democrats weren't enthusiastic about because he used to be a Republican. Rubio did just as well spending a lot less money.
We will definitely find out if you are right or wrong about Trump being a sure loser.

I can't "run DeSantis." DeSantis would have to step up to the plate and announce. He hasn't done that, and he won't. Not in 2024. It would be political suicide. Why throw away his chances in 2028? He's a very young man in terms of presidential aspirations. Even if he decides not to run for president, he might want to be Senator, which would basically be a life time appointment.

Or he could throw all that away by tangling with Trump. If someone runs against the thus-far unapposed frontrunner, it would be an older congressman or senator looking to retire anyway after securing his or her seat for a chosen successor. They would only run for the fawning accolades that the media is sure to heap on anyone who tries to primary the Orange man.

But all that is GOP inside baseball. You never-Trumpers, be you a Democrat or Republican, need to ask yourselves how Trump managed to gather both working class whites, and idealogical conservatives to his team so easily.
Trump has never won the popular vote in the Nation. But he will cream all other Republicans in a primary imo.

You are right that DeSantis is young and has a lifetime left to run for president....

But the saying of, "Strike while the iron is hot!" might lure him in to a premature bid, to run now?
Trump has never won the popular vote in the Nation. But he will cream all other Republicans in a primary imo.

You are right that DeSantis is young and has a lifetime left to run for president....

But the saying of, "Strike while the iron is hot!" might lure him in to a premature bid, to run now?

I think the Republicans will try as hard as hell to prevent a third Trump run.

He lost the popular vote in 2016 and cost them every election since.

Here's the thing. They should reject Trump, even if he does take his marbles and goes third party. He'll probably get 20% of the vote for one election cycle and win no states. He'll probably tip a few reliably red states into the Democratic column like Ross Perot did in 1992.

But at the end of the day, those voters will come whimpering back to the GOP, just like they eventually did with Perot. Just like they eventually did when Teddy Roosevelt ran as a third party candidate in 1912.
Assuming Trump doesn't run as a third party candidate, what makes you think that DeSantis is going to get voters than Trump couldn't?

It is looking more and more like inflation will be tamed without a major increase in unemployment.

So what does DeSatan really have to say?

Here's the thing DeSatan is not a great speaker. He just doesn't rile up the crowds that well. He appeals very well to the homophobic racist base of the GOP, but not much beyond that.

As far as his "Win" in Florida in 2022 (the few bright spots for the GOP in a midterm they should have ran away with), he ran against a guy even Democrats weren't enthusiastic about because he used to be a Republican. Rubio did just as well spending a lot less money.
Also, the DNC spent NOTHING in Florida to help dem candidates, they left D candidates high and dry and spent in states they thought they could win....

Plus Four new republican congressional seats came from DeSantis gerrymandering.....

Sure, Florida wins appear grand, but they weren't as grand as they are making it out to be....they won big alright, but they won, without a fight imo.

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