Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
Quote me the verse stating a Global Flood.
God states explicitly that the flood is to wipe out the human race and whatever they used to further their perversion.
Prove to me that the entire earth was inhabited by humans.
bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...

How can one who is wrong all the time know about information? You're even wrong about what evolution states.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong. They limit evolution to biological processes when in reality evolution has been going on since the beginning of time. Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There are five distinct phases or stages of evolution. Each stage built upon the previous stage. The five stages are cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

When one properly views evolution and studies the evolution of the creation of space and time from subatomic particles to beings that know and create, he cannot help but see God’s hand in creation.
On the contrary. You forgot the evolution of God and religion.
Religion, sure. God, no. There must be an uncaused first cause. You can’t get around it.
If you're speaking of a creator then fine (I'm agnostic on the point). If you're speaking of a deity that intervenes with humanity, then religion is our only source for that god so he too must be evolving if he lets his message change.
antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers.
Fantasy. To say a single flood event could lay down thousands of individual layers, many containing hundreds of feet of the skeletons of plankton, is impossible. Or supernatural. Did God try to fool scientists millenniums later?
antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers.
Fantasy. To say a single flood event could lay down thousands of individual layers, many containing hundreds of feet of the skeletons of plankton, is impossible. Or supernatural. Did God try to fool scientists millenniums later?
You just critiqued something erroneously because you never read the verses.
From where is the earth flooded?
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
Quote me the verse stating a Global Flood.
God states explicitly that the flood is to wipe out the human race and whatever they used to further their perversion.
Prove to me that the entire earth was inhabited by humans.
Humans were in the Americas and Australia by 10,000.
RE: Let’s chat about the atheist religion.
⁜→ ding, et al,

BLUF: Well, this is actually the beginning of the question on the "fallibility" of the Abrahamic Deity.

You don’t have complete information, God does.
So you can’t see how everything works for good. God can.

Omniscience = All-knowing, with perfect information.

Let's assume for the moment that the Abrahamic Deity is well-meaning, merciful, and compassionate being that acts kindly towards Humanity and the Angelic Creations (which is by no means a given truth), and with this perfect knowledge (past, present, future) the Supreme Being knows today that I (his creation) will commit (driven by my mental characteristic given by the Deity) an "immoral act or transgression against divine law" tomorrow IF the Abrahamic Deity does not act to correct the way in which I think that will lead my self-determination to commit the infraction.

Suppose I am suffering from chronic mental development with abnormal or violent social behavior. That is the condition the Deity gave me and will ultimately lead me to commit immoral acts and transgressions.

Did I have a choice in whether or not to commit immoral acts or transgressions given:

◈ I am a creation of the perfect Abrahamic Deity that is well-meaning, merciful, and compassionate being that acts kindly towards Humanity.
◈ I acted according to the chronic mental development given by the perfect Abrahamic Deity.
◈ I have no alternative but to act according to the foreknowledge of the Supreme Being that knows today that I will commit an "immoral act or transgression against divine law" tomorrow.

Can a Deity that is well-meaning, merciful, and compassionate being that acts kindly towards Humanity, punish me for "immoral act or transgression against divine law" which the Deity suborn by virtue of the flawed mental capacity given by the Deity?

This flawed mental capacity that did induce me to commit the infraction, was that a divine defect?

YOU have opened a number of lines of thought here, none of which support the notion that the Abrahamic Deity is well-meaning, merciful, compassionate and being that acts kindly towards Humanity?

You don’t know what God is seeking. God does. If God is seeking certain outcomes under certain situations, then God using the sheer force of omnipotence would defeat his purpose.

Do you know what the Deity is seeking?

"IF" (an open-ended and unknown leading to a conditional outcome) the Deity using "omnipotence would defeat his purpose" → "THEN" we have a case of a Supreme Being's failure to perform an act that is required to avoid improper action of a divine creator.

So in this scenario using sheer force would be a weakness instead. In fact, being able to accomplish ones goals via plan rather than force is the ultimate sign of power.

Do we know what the "goals via plan" is? OR Is this just a human assumption? Can YOU be punished for assuming the thought process of a Deity?

Can YOU punish ME for a transgression divinely ordained by the manufacture
(will of the Being) of my mental capacity? What can you assume about the Supreme Being?

Can we assume that the Deity is a well-meaning, merciful, and compassionate being that acts kindly towards Humanity?


Most Respectfully,
antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers.
Fantasy. To say a single flood event could lay down thousands of individual layers, many containing hundreds of feet of the skeletons of plankton, is impossible. Or supernatural. Did God try to fool scientists millenniums later?
You just critiqued something erroneously because you never read the verses.
From where is the earth flooded?
Who was in error, JB or me?
antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers.
Fantasy. To say a single flood event could lay down thousands of individual layers, many containing hundreds of feet of the skeletons of plankton, is impossible. Or supernatural. Did God try to fool scientists millenniums later?
You just critiqued something erroneously because you never read the verses.
From where is the earth flooded?
Who was in error, JB or me?
Quote the verse that states the flood was geographically global.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
And is a red herring for your belief. Allegorical accounts are not historical accounts. So all there needs to be for the allegorical account to be true is that some did survive a great and cataclysmic flood - unlike any other they had experienced before - in a vessel to lend an element of truth to the allegorical account. So I believe there was an actual flooding event that was captured and passed down which is the noteworthy historical element of the allegorical account and that it was cobbled together with moral lessons and explanations to make that knowledge easier to remember and pass down. But you keep looking at it like a fairy tale to make yourself feel superior to others and confirm your biases which you use to justify your beliefs. But I am intrigued enough to keep looking for reasonable explanations to better understand the wisdom they deemed important enough to pass down from generation to generation for thousands of years.
Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

Believers in the mainstream god religions often denigrate and discriminate against atheists, non-believers and rival religions on moral grounds. Godless mean without a moral sense to them.

I seek a solution to this problem, as the godless, statistically speaking, seem more moral, law abiding and peaceful than traditional mainstream religious believers who, ironically, claim a superior moral position, while having an inferior one. Statistics are quite clear on this.

As a Gnostic Christian, I get it from both sides. From believers who see me as an atheist and from atheists who see me as a believer. Both sides are wrong, given that Gnostic Christians are esoteric ecumenist and free-thinking naturalist, --- who hold no supernatural beliefs, --- regardless of the lies put into history by the inquisitors who decimated us, --- but never annihilated us. We are a religion of perpetual seekers of knowledge and wisdom, who raise the bar of excellence whenever we think we have the best ideological position.

This prevents the idol worshiping of the immoral gods, that the mainstream religions are prone to follow. This makes Gnostic Christianity a superior ideology. Perhaps this open-mindedness explains the hate towards us from god believers, as well as towards atheists and other non-believers that believers target.

Solutions to this endless denigration and discrimination are hard to come by, given that governments are not promoting any kind of dialog between the various religions and non-believers and allow religions to continue promoting vile homophobic and misogynous teachings.

To my way of thinking, be you following a theology and named god, a philosophy of a named philosopher, a religion that puts man above god and focuses on knowledge and wisdom like mine, a political tribe like Democrats and Republican, statism or any other thinking system, --- all groups named are following an ideology, --- and can thus be seem and described as a religion.

It is thus proper English to call atheism a religion. In fact, given the stats, atheism is a more moral religion than most. I am thinking that if all atheist proudly took on the religion label, --- as their atheist churches are doing, --- more god believing religionist would likely opt for atheism as their religion so as to improve their moral sense.

Take your deserved bow my atheist friends. You are now second only to my own Gnostic Christianity. We Gnostic Christian did what I advise here before the inquisitors got to us and that may be why we were known as the only good Christians.


I can’t say I agree with the notion of atheism as a religion. Atheism has none of the trappings of religion. There is no “Book of Atheism”, for example. Aside from the occasional oddity of an Atheist Church, there is no specific day when Atheists gather to not pray or not fill a collection plate. There are no obnoxious daily calls from loudspeakers commanding atheists to not pray. There is no organized, central authority that manages the collection of young boys for men in an atheist hierarchy.

There is no real atheist asserted philosophy, all of atheism tends to be a critique of theistic assertions. Atheism is really a philosophical rejection of the assertions of theism as undemonstrated and fallacious, nothing more.
RE: Let’s chat about the atheist religion.
⁜→ ding, et al,

BLUF: This is an argument for "free will." It essentially gives the Supreme Being a free pass for any and all manufacturers defects in humanity and angelic creatures.

So even if God gave man an inclination for good because God is good, man still must choose to do good.

IF the Supreme Being wanted all the creations to act accord to divine inspiration, THEN all the Deity has to do is "Will it." IF such a being exists THEN we act according to its WILL... IF I am evil, it is because the Supreme Being engineered the operation of my brain to drive me to evil. I can only act according to the "Algorithm of my brain" - a divine creation.


Most Respectfully,
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
Quote me the verse stating a Global Flood.
God states explicitly that the flood is to wipe out the human race and whatever they used to further their perversion.
Prove to me that the entire earth was inhabited by humans.
Humans were in the Americas and Australia by 10,000.
The Malbim would agree with this.
The earthquakes that caused the flood spilt the land into continents.
antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers.
Fantasy. To say a single flood event could lay down thousands of individual layers, many containing hundreds of feet of the skeletons of plankton, is impossible. Or supernatural. Did God try to fool scientists millenniums later?
You just critiqued something erroneously because you never read the verses.
From where is the earth flooded?
Who was in error, JB or me?
Quote the verse that states the flood was geographically global.
If man was living everywhere on the globe and the Flood killed everyone, ergo the Flood must have been _________ (you can fill in the blank)
antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers.
Fantasy. To say a single flood event could lay down thousands of individual layers, many containing hundreds of feet of the skeletons of plankton, is impossible. Or supernatural. Did God try to fool scientists millenniums later?
You just critiqued something erroneously because you never read the verses.
From where is the earth flooded?
Who was in error, JB or me?
Quote the verse that states the flood was geographically global.
If man was living everywhere on the globe and the Flood killed everyone, ergo the Flood must have been _________ (you can fill in the blank)
Caused by what the Torah states explicitly...
Massive earthquakes.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Prove it’s a myth.
There is no evidence for a global flood in the last 10,000 years.
The Hiawatha crater says otherwise. Of course that was believed to be ~12,000 years ago. And it's probably not like the global flooding that you envision but it would have created a major climate disruption that would have been felt globally.

But in my opinion, it does fit the accounts of a major flood that all ancient civilizations have allegorical accounts of.
antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers.
Fantasy. To say a single flood event could lay down thousands of individual layers, many containing hundreds of feet of the skeletons of plankton, is impossible. Or supernatural. Did God try to fool scientists millenniums later?
You just critiqued something erroneously because you never read the verses.
From where is the earth flooded?
Who was in error, JB or me?
Quote the verse that states the flood was geographically global.
If man was living everywhere on the globe and the Flood killed everyone, ergo the Flood must have been _________ (you can fill in the blank)
Again, that is you using a literal interpretation of an allegorical account. It's not a science report you know. It's how ancient man passed down important historical events, wisdom and knowledge to make it easier to remember and pass down.
bond is drunk on disinformation as a pleasurable way to pass time ...

How can one who is wrong all the time know about information? You're even wrong about what evolution states.
Too many people look at evolution all wrong. They limit evolution to biological processes when in reality evolution has been going on since the beginning of time. Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There are five distinct phases or stages of evolution. Each stage built upon the previous stage. The five stages are cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

When one properly views evolution and studies the evolution of the creation of space and time from subatomic particles to beings that know and create, he cannot help but see God’s hand in creation.
On the contrary. You forgot the evolution of God and religion.
Religion, sure. God, no. There must be an uncaused first cause. You can’t get around it.
If you're speaking of a creator then fine (I'm agnostic on the point). If you're speaking of a deity that intervenes with humanity, then religion is our only source for that god so he too must be evolving if he lets his message change.
Define convenes?

Actually we can make observations of our surroundings and of ourselves to inform our understanding using logic, reason and experience. So saying religion is our only source for that god is incorrect.

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