Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

Here's one view of the ancestors of Adam and Eve before Noah's Flood.

"Level of technology

Antediluvian civilization must have commanded techniques of shipbuilding and naval architecture on a par with the highest technologies of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Only with such technology could one man, with his three sons, have built anything as massive, and as eminently seaworthy, as Noah's Ark. It also would have employed bronze and iron tools.[1]


Surprisingly, the level of technology of antediluvian civilization knows no limit, except the limits that physical laws set. Conventional theory states any civilization earlier than modern civilization must leave traces on the land on which it stood. But antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers. So violent was it that it surely destroyed every artifact of human kind, except one vessel, about 515 feet long, built to proportions that struck the best balance among the competing concerns of strength, stability, and sea-kindliness.

Shane Johnson, in Ice: The Greatest Truths Hide in the Deepest Shadows, developed, for this novel, a theory of how antediluvian civilization could increase in technology without practical limit and still remain undetectable. One must surely expect great advancement by remembering that men lived 900 years on average, and had at least 1,656 years (per the Masoretic Text of the Bible; see the Annals of Noah in Genesis chapter 5) to advance their technology before the Flood. Possibly the antediluvians did not have a unified civilization, and did not share many technological elements, especially those useful for making weapons.[2] Or perhaps the antediluvians organized central governments, and eventually one central government. In the Johnson version, that government fails completely, and the civilization lapses into anarchy and chaos.

Nevertheless, Johnson reminds his readers that in 1500 years (from the Fall of Rome to Project Apollo), modern humankind, limited though the human life span was, advanced from the total post-Roman desuetude to developing telecommunications and sending crews to the Moon. Given a life span of 1000 years, Johnson speculates that antediluvian civilization could easily have placed a working base on the Moon, achieved total gravity manipulation, and built a surveillance network under which no activity could escape official notice (so long as anyone was still paying attention!). He also speculated on bases on Mars and even a now-destroyed planet of which the asteroid belt would constitute the remains. That no survivors have since tried to reach Earth since then, Johnson attributes to outbreaks of mutiny and mutual murder on every one of these bases, upon the sickening realization that the Earth has suffered the ultimate destructive event. (Mr. Johnson clearly did not know about the Hydroplate Theory. Else he would never have speculated about a planet once orbiting in the space the asteroid belt now occupies. Johnson did, however, correctly predict that the dwarf planet Pluto did not exist before the Flood.)

The current development of cloud storage and streaming technology suggests a further reason why none of the literature, art, music, or cinema of the antediluvian period survives. An event as violent as the Flood surely was, would have utterly destroyed the infrastructure that supports these technologies, and every byte of information they held.

Worse than the physical destruction, were the deaths of the inventors and maintainers of the technology this civilization once commanded. Johnson illustrates that point simply. His lead character, Astronaut Gary Lucas, points to his wristwatch to show his fellow astronaut how a society can lose its technology from a violent-enough event:
After the Flood, even Noah and his sons had to begin all over again to invent things. So also did their descendants.
The legendary kingdom of Atlantis may have existed during this period."

However, as stated above, Noah and his sons had to being all over again. Thus, may not have been advanced as the civilization before them. Just examine the buried Antediluvian civilizations.
LittleNipper — Why would I want a relationship with your Father? I don’t even like you. As for Jesus, from what I’ve read he may have been a charismatic preacher, or maybe just another religious fanatic, maybe a Jewish communist trouble-maker, or a genuine prophet. I’d like to believe he was the latter. But if he’s a friend of yours ...
It isn't about me. The only reason I'm here is to tell you the truth. While, I'd like to make friends along the way, I'm not interested in friendships founded on pampering and appeasement.
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
They lived near rivers and coasts, right?
And if they did?
They did. There’s no if.

So it shouldn’t be a shock that they navigated and took advantage of that resource.
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?
I have no idea. They had boats. No one really knows what extent they had or that they limited their voyages to sight of land.

At least 10,000 years ago man wasn’t much different than modern man in physiological terms. i would expect they had the same distribution of intelligence that we have now, so I’m not going to limit what that intelligence might have produced.
The boats they had in the Mediterranean back then were incapable of crossing the Atlantic since they were mostly powered by rowers. Check out the shipwrecks that have been found.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
Here's one view of the ancestors of Adam and Eve before Noah's Flood.

"Level of technology

Antediluvian civilization must have commanded techniques of shipbuilding and naval architecture on a par with the highest technologies of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Only with such technology could one man, with his three sons, have built anything as massive, and as eminently seaworthy, as Noah's Ark. It also would have employed bronze and iron tools.[1]


Surprisingly, the level of technology of antediluvian civilization knows no limit, except the limits that physical laws set. Conventional theory states any civilization earlier than modern civilization must leave traces on the land on which it stood. But antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers. So violent was it that it surely destroyed every artifact of human kind, except one vessel, about 515 feet long, built to proportions that struck the best balance among the competing concerns of strength, stability, and sea-kindliness.

Shane Johnson, in Ice: The Greatest Truths Hide in the Deepest Shadows, developed, for this novel, a theory of how antediluvian civilization could increase in technology without practical limit and still remain undetectable. One must surely expect great advancement by remembering that men lived 900 years on average, and had at least 1,656 years (per the Masoretic Text of the Bible; see the Annals of Noah in Genesis chapter 5) to advance their technology before the Flood. Possibly the antediluvians did not have a unified civilization, and did not share many technological elements, especially those useful for making weapons.[2] Or perhaps the antediluvians organized central governments, and eventually one central government. In the Johnson version, that government fails completely, and the civilization lapses into anarchy and chaos.

Nevertheless, Johnson reminds his readers that in 1500 years (from the Fall of Rome to Project Apollo), modern humankind, limited though the human life span was, advanced from the total post-Roman desuetude to developing telecommunications and sending crews to the Moon. Given a life span of 1000 years, Johnson speculates that antediluvian civilization could easily have placed a working base on the Moon, achieved total gravity manipulation, and built a surveillance network under which no activity could escape official notice (so long as anyone was still paying attention!). He also speculated on bases on Mars and even a now-destroyed planet of which the asteroid belt would constitute the remains. That no survivors have since tried to reach Earth since then, Johnson attributes to outbreaks of mutiny and mutual murder on every one of these bases, upon the sickening realization that the Earth has suffered the ultimate destructive event. (Mr. Johnson clearly did not know about the Hydroplate Theory. Else he would never have speculated about a planet once orbiting in the space the asteroid belt now occupies. Johnson did, however, correctly predict that the dwarf planet Pluto did not exist before the Flood.)

The current development of cloud storage and streaming technology suggests a further reason why none of the literature, art, music, or cinema of the antediluvian period survives. An event as violent as the Flood surely was, would have utterly destroyed the infrastructure that supports these technologies, and every byte of information they held.

Worse than the physical destruction, were the deaths of the inventors and maintainers of the technology this civilization once commanded. Johnson illustrates that point simply. His lead character, Astronaut Gary Lucas, points to his wristwatch to show his fellow astronaut how a society can lose its technology from a violent-enough event:
After the Flood, even Noah and his sons had to begin all over again to invent things. So also did their descendants.
The legendary kingdom of Atlantis may have existed during this period."

However, as stated above, Noah and his sons had to being all over again. Thus, may not have been advanced as the civilization before them. Just examine the buried Antediluvian civilizations.

“Buried Antediluvian civilizations”, “men living for 900 years”, etc,

You don’t see the absurdity in all of this?
Here's one view of the ancestors of Adam and Eve before Noah's Flood.

"Level of technology

Antediluvian civilization must have commanded techniques of shipbuilding and naval architecture on a par with the highest technologies of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Only with such technology could one man, with his three sons, have built anything as massive, and as eminently seaworthy, as Noah's Ark. It also would have employed bronze and iron tools.[1]


Surprisingly, the level of technology of antediluvian civilization knows no limit, except the limits that physical laws set. Conventional theory states any civilization earlier than modern civilization must leave traces on the land on which it stood. But antediluvian civilization must have stood on precambrian rock, that is, deep to the entire geological column. The reason: the Great Flood laid down all the geological layers. So violent was it that it surely destroyed every artifact of human kind, except one vessel, about 515 feet long, built to proportions that struck the best balance among the competing concerns of strength, stability, and sea-kindliness.

Shane Johnson, in Ice: The Greatest Truths Hide in the Deepest Shadows, developed, for this novel, a theory of how antediluvian civilization could increase in technology without practical limit and still remain undetectable. One must surely expect great advancement by remembering that men lived 900 years on average, and had at least 1,656 years (per the Masoretic Text of the Bible; see the Annals of Noah in Genesis chapter 5) to advance their technology before the Flood. Possibly the antediluvians did not have a unified civilization, and did not share many technological elements, especially those useful for making weapons.[2] Or perhaps the antediluvians organized central governments, and eventually one central government. In the Johnson version, that government fails completely, and the civilization lapses into anarchy and chaos.

Nevertheless, Johnson reminds his readers that in 1500 years (from the Fall of Rome to Project Apollo), modern humankind, limited though the human life span was, advanced from the total post-Roman desuetude to developing telecommunications and sending crews to the Moon. Given a life span of 1000 years, Johnson speculates that antediluvian civilization could easily have placed a working base on the Moon, achieved total gravity manipulation, and built a surveillance network under which no activity could escape official notice (so long as anyone was still paying attention!). He also speculated on bases on Mars and even a now-destroyed planet of which the asteroid belt would constitute the remains. That no survivors have since tried to reach Earth since then, Johnson attributes to outbreaks of mutiny and mutual murder on every one of these bases, upon the sickening realization that the Earth has suffered the ultimate destructive event. (Mr. Johnson clearly did not know about the Hydroplate Theory. Else he would never have speculated about a planet once orbiting in the space the asteroid belt now occupies. Johnson did, however, correctly predict that the dwarf planet Pluto did not exist before the Flood.)

The current development of cloud storage and streaming technology suggests a further reason why none of the literature, art, music, or cinema of the antediluvian period survives. An event as violent as the Flood surely was, would have utterly destroyed the infrastructure that supports these technologies, and every byte of information they held.

Worse than the physical destruction, were the deaths of the inventors and maintainers of the technology this civilization once commanded. Johnson illustrates that point simply. His lead character, Astronaut Gary Lucas, points to his wristwatch to show his fellow astronaut how a society can lose its technology from a violent-enough event:
After the Flood, even Noah and his sons had to begin all over again to invent things. So also did their descendants.
The legendary kingdom of Atlantis may have existed during this period."

However, as stated above, Noah and his sons had to being all over again. Thus, may not have been advanced as the civilization before them. Just examine the buried Antediluvian civilizations.

“Buried Antediluvian civilizations”, “men living for 900 years”, etc,

You don’t see the absurdity in all of this?
To a flat-earther the gag is in pretending their bullshit is way more plausible than reality. Taking the bible as literal truth is the same kind of internet troll. Arguing with them just feeds their thirst for attention.
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
How many people survive hurricanes because of Smart Devices?
I guess we should have Puerto Rico buy Smart Devices.
Not to mention all the nations around the world that have had thousands of casualties due to mother nature.
Do you ever read the news?
No idea what your point is you're all over the place, historically and geographically.
Spoiled brats such as ourselves could not have survived 100 years ago.
You really have to do some history before assuming the heaven we’re living in now has been around that long.
Speak for yourself, I was a Boy Scout.
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

Still no explanation of how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places?

Here is one:
" The Pre-Flood home of Noah and his family was in the area of Babylonia which was some 500 miles east from Mount Ararat, in what is today modern Turkey. After the flood they migrated back to their homeland and built cities. God then caused the confusion of languages which caused them to disperse into the world."

These people could sail across the seas. Thus, you are wrong. You have the history and still wrong. Otherwise, you would've been all over me like a rash.

I can give you the details if you want.
Were you expecting me to explain how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places? I don't know how, recorded history doesn't go that far back. I only know they were there before the Flood and they were there after the Flood and it doesn't seem to have been noticed by them.

You said these people could sail across the seas. I think you're just making that up. What kind of boats did they have? Hint, archeologist have never found an ancient shipwreck capable of crossing the ocean.

I only have their Biblical history and who ended up where. I assume you have the secular one. After Noah's Flood, the continents were broken up so they would have to sail across the oceans like we do today (the continents may not have been exactly like today as they are still moving) as they had no jet planes.


I don't have who was a Tower of Babel, but afterward they didn't speak Hebrew, but different languages so they migrated across the globe as God wanted them to do. This was about 250 years after Noah's Flood, so they had boats that could make the trip. Look, your history has holes, too, as there is no explanation for the different languages.

You don't have any links, so that means I am ahead. So much for Bart Ehrman. You probably have to pay for his links.
What your picture lacks are the rowers that powered the ship, the sail was not the main propulsion. This ship likely had 20 or so rowers and certainly couldn't hold enough provisions for a ocean voyage. Ancient ships usually went into a port every night to provision.

I did provide a mechanism for the differnet languages, time.
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid too build ships when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?
Any evidence that people back then were too stupid to build smart phones when they were able to survive horrendous weather and that's why we're here?

They were just as smart as we are but there is no evidence they possessed the technology for either. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
How many people survive hurricanes because of Smart Devices?
I guess we should have Puerto Rico buy Smart Devices.
Not to mention all the nations around the world that have had thousands of casualties due to mother nature.
Do you ever read the news?
No idea what your point is you're all over the place, historically and geographically.
Spoiled brats such as ourselves could not have survived 100 years ago.
You really have to do some history before assuming the heaven we’re living in now has been around that long.
Speak for yourself, I was a Boy Scout.
Must be tough camping for a week with $3,000.00 worth of state of the art equipment.

Please spare me your macho; My co-worker goes camping in mountains with wild animals and spends half his very healthy paycheck on equipment.
Ancient man had boats since day one, they just didn't have any that could cross an ocean. So far as I know the Ark was unpowered. Great for lazily drifting, not so great for going somewhere specific.
Are you saying that the ancients knew the sky?!
Of course they did and anyone who denies it is an idiot.
Rowing wasn't for going across an ocean. It was more for maneuvering during a sea battle. Thus, the Egyptians had a navy and military boats during the time we are discussing. To go across an ocean, we all know that one would need sails. These people knew how to navigate, too. Where are you getting your information? Are you just figuring it out based on pictures you saw of Noah's ark?
Just so I can understand what you mean better what’s a genuine prophet to you?
You always raise good questions, Ding. You’ve sort of got me this time!

I guess my meaning is a bit conventional, and would include philosophers and religious leaders like the Buddha & Confucius, and Biblical prophets too. Mohammed and Moses would fit in, and even semi-mythical figures, like the Greek law-giver Solon or the blind Tiresias. I think they were a pretty varied lot in reality, with doubtless many imperfections. I guess what was in common is they were seen as prophets or moral leaders to future generations. This is more or less the Jewish and very much the official Muslim view of Jesus, by the way. I suspect many non-Christians and atheists would grant Jesus the title of moral leader and prophet, at least if they viewed him just as an historical person living in a troubled time.
I always preferred the phrase world redeemers.

But I believe Jesus didn’t give us an option to call himself that. I understand you disagree.
Taking the bible as literal truth is the same kind of internet troll.

I tell the absolute truth. The Apostles all told the truth, but were different men. They even fought with each other.

The truth with you is it doesn't matter which apostle or follower (believer) it is. You believe in Satan as your lord. You want to be like God like him. He is the "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." You believe lies because you are those which you criticize and you believe and live these lies in your heart. Reap what you sow, my man. Reap what you sow.

Can one change this path of Satan? Certainly. One must repent. Even a murderer is forgiven.

That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

Still no explanation of how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places?

Here is one:
" The Pre-Flood home of Noah and his family was in the area of Babylonia which was some 500 miles east from Mount Ararat, in what is today modern Turkey. After the flood they migrated back to their homeland and built cities. God then caused the confusion of languages which caused them to disperse into the world."

These people could sail across the seas. Thus, you are wrong. You have the history and still wrong. Otherwise, you would've been all over me like a rash.

I can give you the details if you want.
Were you expecting me to explain how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places? I don't know how, recorded history doesn't go that far back. I only know they were there before the Flood and they were there after the Flood and it doesn't seem to have been noticed by them.

You said these people could sail across the seas. I think you're just making that up. What kind of boats did they have? Hint, archeologist have never found an ancient shipwreck capable of crossing the ocean.

I only have their Biblical history and who ended up where. I assume you have the secular one. After Noah's Flood, the continents were broken up so they would have to sail across the oceans like we do today (the continents may not have been exactly like today as they are still moving) as they had no jet planes.

I don't have who was a Tower of Babel, but afterward they didn't speak Hebrew, but different languages so they migrated across the globe as God wanted them to do. This was about 250 years after Noah's Flood, so they had boats that could make the trip. Look, your history has holes, too, as there is no explanation for the different languages.

You don't have any links, so that means I am ahead. So much for Bart Ehrman. You probably have to pay for his links.
What your picture lacks are the rowers that powered the ship, the sail was not the main propulsion. This ship likely had 20 or so rowers and certainly couldn't hold enough provisions for a ocean voyage. Ancient ships usually went into a port every night to provision.

I did provide a mechanism for the differnet languages, time.


They have the bench seats and the sleeves for their oars. You can put the drummer in front of the ship (to the right in photo) while the mighty whipmaster comes up from behind to scourge their backs and asses. Of course, the sail is the main propulsion when traveling across the ocean. We've had a lone sailor do it many times. Your thinking lacks some fundamental knowledge of sailing.
That was never in dispute. The ancients didn't even cross a sea if they could avoid it, they generally sailed within sight of land. Are you trying to say they had the ships to cross the Atlantic?

Still no explanation of how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places?

Here is one:
" The Pre-Flood home of Noah and his family was in the area of Babylonia which was some 500 miles east from Mount Ararat, in what is today modern Turkey. After the flood they migrated back to their homeland and built cities. God then caused the confusion of languages which caused them to disperse into the world."

These people could sail across the seas. Thus, you are wrong. You have the history and still wrong. Otherwise, you would've been all over me like a rash.

I can give you the details if you want.
Were you expecting me to explain how Sumerians and Egyptians ended up in different places? I don't know how, recorded history doesn't go that far back. I only know they were there before the Flood and they were there after the Flood and it doesn't seem to have been noticed by them.

You said these people could sail across the seas. I think you're just making that up. What kind of boats did they have? Hint, archeologist have never found an ancient shipwreck capable of crossing the ocean.

I only have their Biblical history and who ended up where. I assume you have the secular one. After Noah's Flood, the continents were broken up so they would have to sail across the oceans like we do today (the continents may not have been exactly like today as they are still moving) as they had no jet planes.

I don't have who was a Tower of Babel, but afterward they didn't speak Hebrew, but different languages so they migrated across the globe as God wanted them to do. This was about 250 years after Noah's Flood, so they had boats that could make the trip. Look, your history has holes, too, as there is no explanation for the different languages.

You don't have any links, so that means I am ahead. So much for Bart Ehrman. You probably have to pay for his links.
What your picture lacks are the rowers that powered the ship, the sail was not the main propulsion. This ship likely had 20 or so rowers and certainly couldn't hold enough provisions for a ocean voyage. Ancient ships usually went into a port every night to provision.

I did provide a mechanism for the differnet languages, time.


They have the bench seats and the sleeves for their oars. You can put the drummer in front of the ship while the mighty whipmaster comes up from behind to scourge their backs and asses. Of course, the sail is the main propulsion when traveling across the ocean. We've had a lone sailor do it many times. Your thinking lacks some fundamental knowledge of sailing.
Atheists don’t like details.
RE: Let’s chat about the atheist religion.
⁜→ ding, et al,

BLUF: Well, this is actually the beginning of the question on the "fallibility" of the Abrahamic Deity.

Actually, GOD created a very beautiful and highly intelligent Cherubim who would later come to defy GOD and tempt Adam.

Yes, the mere fact that the Supreme Being could create an imperfect Angelic Creature that would turn against the Majesty of the Heavens means:
◈ The Supreme Being was not without failings.​
◈ The Supreme Being did not have a credible presence of unlimited power such that the authority would not be challenged by the Majesty's own creation.​
◈ The Supreme Being was not all-knowing and was not able to create a loyal Angelic Creature.​
◈ And the Supreme Being was not so all-knowing that it could predict disloyal behaviors by the Angelic Creations.​
◈ The Supreme Being was not so infallible that it needed to Rule Humanity by intimidation and coercion in order to maintain homage, induced special honors, and mandatory ritual respect shown publicly.​

The issue of free-will aside, the capacity of a deity can be measured by direct examination.


Most Respectfully,
I see lots of flaws in your conclusions.

You don’t have complete information, God does.

So you can’t see how everything works for good. God can.

You don’t know what God is seeking. God does. If God is seeking certain outcomes under certain conditions, then God using sheer force (i.e. his omnipotence) would defeat his purpose as it would negate the conditions. So in this scenario using sheer force would be a sign of weakness instead of a sign of strength. In fact, being able to accomplish ones goals via plan rather than force is the ultimate sign of power and omniscience.
Last edited:
So if God is seeking virtue is it virtuous if virtue is forced? No.

It’s only virtuous if virtue is freely chosen.
So even if God gave man an inclination for good because God is good, man still must choose to do good.
I wasn’t interested in whether they could cross the Atlantic. I’m only interested if they had boats that could navigate their waters. Is that likely?
It is certain, we've found a good number of examples. The Atlantic came up in relation to Noah's Flood myth.
Ancient man had boats since day one, they just didn't have any that could cross an ocean. So far as I know the Ark was unpowered. Great for lazily drifting, not so great for going somewhere specific.

Rowing wasn't for going across an ocean. It was more for maneuvering during a sea battle. Thus, the Egyptians had a navy and military boats during the time we are discussing. To go across an ocean, we all know that one would need sails. These people knew how to navigate, too. Where are you getting your information? Are you just figuring it out based on pictures you saw of Noah's ark?
Just wanted to be clear that after Noah's flood people walked from Turkey to the Americas. Of course they didn't just walk they populated every place along the way. According your link, there was an ice age that helped them across the Bering Sea, damned convenient and another event that was totally missed by the Egyptians and Sumerians. I guess those massive ice sheets came and went really quickly.

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