Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

My sole experiences with atheists is that they are they most arrogant people in the room.
Your comment raised a question for me (sorry if it is off topic), namely how does God operate? When I drop an apple it falls. Is it:
  • God decides to move that apple in that direction
  • God created gravity and it is gravity that moves the apple
  • Neither
  • Both

Why do you not ask the right questions? I'd love to see you live on the moon.
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
  • Funny
Reactions: cnm
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
There is no way to be sensible with persons who claim that all the genetics of life wrote itself because nothingness decided to write code
Your comment raised a question for me (sorry if it is off topic), namely how does God operate? When I drop an apple it falls. Is it:
  • God decides to move that apple in that direction
  • God created gravity and it is gravity that moves the apple
  • Neither
  • Both

God created the code that created the apple, and God created the code that led to your question. Since I am not God I do not have all the answers, it's funny how you believe you do yet you can't figure out how to pay off your loans
If you're concerned about my mortgage, thanks but it is being paid off just fine, even ahead of schedule.

If I had all the answers why would I ask the question? Like that one.

You wrote, "God created the code that created the apple", could God's code be evolution?
It’s much more than that. Intelligence is built into existence because intelligence is the source or matrix of existence. All one has to do to know this is to study the physical laws of nature. Complexification is the natural order of the material world. It’s no accident that intelligence emerged. It was literally preordained by the nature of existence itself. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
Actually the entire universe is moving toward increased entropy, the increased complexity of life on Earth is clear evidence that Gods hand is at work and that massive anti entropy molecular codes are modifying the natural world
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
Atheist religion is an oxymoron
...atheism is an oxymoron, because there is no god ..it's like a word for not believing in the Tooth Fairy/Easter Bunny/Boogie Man/Santa/ etc

The problem is while only children believe in the Tooth Fairy, whole civilizations/cultures were at one time built around theistic religions. Of course other civilizations had their own non-theistic moral and philosophical traditions, like Chinese Confucianism. I agree that organized religions are usually founded on organized superstition about God, though many who identify with them don’t really care about all the theological ritual and seek only comfort and tradition and easy answers that religions provide. Most “ideologies” also provide comfort or meaning or sense of belonging, but they are not the same.

The idea of “atheist religion” usually is used today in the West pejoratively to mean ideologies like “socialism” or “communism,“ or to imply that science or even a tolerant secular humanism is (bad) “religion.” I don’t buy that.

I think the religious beliefs of our enlightened Founding Fathers in either Deism or in “natural law” and “natural religion” fortunately represented about the highest point our own then largely Protestant society ever reached. That is why the Constitution was so advanced in its treatment of “church and state.” But of course that didn’t mean the economic and social institutions were nearly as “advanced” as today. Certainly it was a time when Enlightenment thinking freed many leading minds, so they could get past much of the old Jewish/Christian mumble-jumbo of Jesus’ own time and place. I find the OP’s “Gnostic Christianity” strange because he so much embraces that old language and tradition.

But it is certainly true that overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our control, we humans naturally have psychological needs that religion and tradition succor. There are other spiritual needs we have, like feeling joy and awe before nature, and feeling the need for human solidarity. Theistic religions often use even positive natural desires to feed off of, but usually fail to celebrate them directly for what they are.
good call..good points
..but ''atheists'' don't believe in religion---so religion is not needed to survive physically or psychologically---but it does fill the perceived need, like you state
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real or how code forms itself.

You will die not proving anything

So keep babbling
There is no way to be sensible with persons who claim that all the genetics of life wrote itself because nothingness decided to write code
Your comment raised a question for me (sorry if it is off topic), namely how does God operate? When I drop an apple it falls. Is it:
  • God decides to move that apple in that direction
  • God created gravity and it is gravity that moves the apple
  • Neither
  • Both

God created the code that created the apple, and God created the code that led to your question. Since I am not God I do not have all the answers, it's funny how you believe you do yet you can't figure out how to pay off your loans
If you're concerned about my mortgage, thanks but it is being paid off just fine, even ahead of schedule.

If I had all the answers why would I ask the question? Like that one.

You wrote, "God created the code that created the apple", could God's code be evolution?
It’s much more than that. Intelligence is built into existence because intelligence is the source or matrix of existence. All one has to do to know this is to study the physical laws of nature. Complexification is the natural order of the material world. It’s no accident that intelligence emerged. It was literally preordained by the nature of existence itself. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
Actually the entire universe is moving toward increased entropy, the increased complexity of life on Earth is clear evidence that Gods hand is at work and that massive anti entropy molecular codes are modifying the natural world
I understand that. I’m an engineer.

For every matter to energy or energy to matter exchange there is a loss of useable energy to the system. So entropy increased as life was complexifying. Yet it is nature’s tendency to complexify despite its tendency for disorder that I find so intriguing which gave me pause for investigation.
Last edited:
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Here’s the thing, I don’t care what you believe. No one does. You have the spirit of God in you and when he removes it you will then realize what you lost. He doesn’t destroy what he creates. He’ll just give you what you asked for, to be left alone.
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Here’s the thing, I don’t care what you believe. No one does. You have the spirit of God in you and when he removes it you will then realize what you lost. He doesn’t destroy what he creates. He’ll just give you what you asked for, to be left alone.
..you are babbling ......didn't I have a thread on ''having a spirit''??.....
There is no way to be sensible with persons who claim that all the genetics of life wrote itself because nothingness decided to write code
Your comment raised a question for me (sorry if it is off topic), namely how does God operate? When I drop an apple it falls. Is it:
  • God decides to move that apple in that direction
  • God created gravity and it is gravity that moves the apple
  • Neither
  • Both

God created the code that created the apple, and God created the code that led to your question. Since I am not God I do not have all the answers, it's funny how you believe you do yet you can't figure out how to pay off your loans
If you're concerned about my mortgage, thanks but it is being paid off just fine, even ahead of schedule.

If I had all the answers why would I ask the question? Like that one.

You wrote, "God created the code that created the apple", could God's code be evolution?
It’s much more than that. Intelligence is built into existence because intelligence is the source or matrix of existence. All one has to do to know this is to study the physical laws of nature. Complexification is the natural order of the material world. It’s no accident that intelligence emerged. It was literally preordained by the nature of existence itself. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
Actually the entire universe is moving toward increased entropy, the increased complexity of life on Earth is clear evidence that Gods hand is at work and that massive anti entropy molecular codes are modifying the natural world
I understand that. I’m an engineer.

For every matter to energy or energy to matter exchange there is a loss of useable energy to the system. So entropy increased as life was complexifying. Yet it is nature’s tendency to complexify despite its tendency for disorder that I find so intriguing which me pause for investigation.
If by that you mean the living world aside from the physical world then I agree. One must be distinct that the natural world exist without life however
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Here’s the thing, I don’t care what you believe. No one does. You have the spirit of God in you and when he removes it you will then realize what you lost. He doesn’t destroy what he creates. He’ll just give you what you asked for, to be left alone.
..you are babbling ......didn't I have a thread on ''having a spirit''??.....
Do I look like I care? What you do is of no concern to me. You are the one who is obsessed over what others believe.

I’m just the one telling you what your logical conclusion will be.
Last edited:
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Here’s the thing, I don’t care what you believe. No one does. You have the spirit of God in you and when he removes it you will then realize what you lost. He doesn’t destroy what he creates. He’ll just give you what you asked for, to be left alone.
..you are babbling ......didn't I have a thread on ''having a spirit''??.....
Spirit is the soul, it is the rendering created by RAM memory running in a living individual
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Here’s the thing, I don’t care what you believe. No one does. You have the spirit of God in you and when he removes it you will then realize what you lost. He doesn’t destroy what he creates. He’ll just give you what you asked for, to be left alone.
..you are babbling ......didn't I have a thread on ''having a spirit''??.....
Do I look like I care? What you do is of no concern to me. You are the one who obsessed over what others believe.

I’m just the one telling you what your logical conclusion will be.
You care or you would not have responded

psych 101
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Here’s the thing, I don’t care what you believe. No one does. You have the spirit of God in you and when he removes it you will then realize what you lost. He doesn’t destroy what he creates. He’ll just give you what you asked for, to be left alone.
..you are babbling ......didn't I have a thread on ''having a spirit''??.....
Do I look like I care? What you do is of no concern to me. You are the one who obsessed over what others believe.

I’m just the one telling you what your logical conclusion will be.
...you are not telling--you are babbling--you provide no proof......
god told me to climb a curtain--you see how that is babble crap??
my spirit gives me strength = babble crap
...YOU people claim there is a god--YOU have to prove it--not the other way around
...just like a court case---
.....anyone can claim all kinds of crap......that's why logical and smart people demand that it be proven

Logical and smart people can figure things out like God exists. For illogical and dumb people he has written that they will see after death when they are reunited with their dead bodies. Can I help it if you can't accept that?

I think that's more than fair.
hahhahahhahahhahahah--STILL that's no proof of god
You have no proof otherwise kid, so you are in a revolving argument with yourself. For 99% of the time humanity has existed there was no proof that the earth was round, so was it flat when people did not know better.

LOL you can argue this until you die, I'm gonna ride my bike 50 miles today, you are going to sit there rotting away not believing in yourself and just support your idol Satan
no-it's not revolving...as stated YOU people either have to prove it or it's crap/bullshit/babble
..just like in a court case--you either prove the crime/etc, or innocent
...here, for example:
----jesus served me breakfast on the moon --you can't prove that's not true--so I guess it's true--hahahahhahahahahahahaha
Here’s the thing, I don’t care what you believe. No one does. You have the spirit of God in you and when he removes it you will then realize what you lost. He doesn’t destroy what he creates. He’ll just give you what you asked for, to be left alone.
..you are babbling ......didn't I have a thread on ''having a spirit''??.....
Spirit is the soul, it is the rendering created by RAM memory running in a living individual
.....again, provide proof or it's nothing
There is no way to be sensible with persons who claim that all the genetics of life wrote itself because nothingness decided to write code
Your comment raised a question for me (sorry if it is off topic), namely how does God operate? When I drop an apple it falls. Is it:
  • God decides to move that apple in that direction
  • God created gravity and it is gravity that moves the apple
  • Neither
  • Both

God created the code that created the apple, and God created the code that led to your question. Since I am not God I do not have all the answers, it's funny how you believe you do yet you can't figure out how to pay off your loans
If you're concerned about my mortgage, thanks but it is being paid off just fine, even ahead of schedule.

If I had all the answers why would I ask the question? Like that one.

You wrote, "God created the code that created the apple", could God's code be evolution?
It’s much more than that. Intelligence is built into existence because intelligence is the source or matrix of existence. All one has to do to know this is to study the physical laws of nature. Complexification is the natural order of the material world. It’s no accident that intelligence emerged. It was literally preordained by the nature of existence itself. The universe is an intelligence creating machine.
Actually the entire universe is moving toward increased entropy, the increased complexity of life on Earth is clear evidence that Gods hand is at work and that massive anti entropy molecular codes are modifying the natural world
I understand that. I’m an engineer.

For every matter to energy or energy to matter exchange there is a loss of useable energy to the system. So entropy increased as life was complexifying. Yet it is nature’s tendency to complexify despite its tendency for disorder that I find so intriguing which me pause for investigation.
If by that you mean the living world aside from the physical world then I agree. One must be distinct that the natural world exist without life however
Sure, so what? Even the physical world complexified. Sub atomic particles became hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen and helium became stellar structures. Stellar structures produced the rest of the elements and chemical compounds which led to life. Simple life led to more complex life. More complex life led to consciousness. And I can’t wait to see where the next leap brings us. Space and time has continued to evolve/complexify since day one and will continue to do so despite its tendency for disorder.

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