Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

don't believe in religion

I disagree. Evidence. Atheist churches. Atheists are slow but are recognizing more and more their duty to protect the minds of their children from the immoral mainstream religions by offering a better alternative.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.

There is no way to be sensible with persons who claim that all the genetics of life wrote itself because nothingness decided to write code
Your comment raised a question for me (sorry if it is off topic), namely how does God operate? When I drop an apple it falls. Is it:
  • God decides to move that apple in that direction
  • God created gravity and it is gravity that moves the apple
  • Neither
  • Both

God created the code that created the apple, and God created the code that led to your question. Since I am not God I do not have all the answers, it's funny how you believe you do yet you can't figure out how to pay off your loans
If you're concerned about my mortgage, thanks but it is being paid off just fine, even ahead of schedule.

If I had all the answers why would I ask the question? Like that one.

You wrote, "God created the code that created the apple", could God's code be evolution?
Yup. Gods code improves itself and adapts excellently to new environments. So when humans enter a ship to take a voyage of millennia the life on the ship will adapt, then re adapt to the new planet and all begins again.

But not you as you are darwins pond scum

Thank the gods for their coronavirus adapting excellently to new environments.
The coronovirus was here before humanity. More people were killed by the flu in 2018. You are a fool wearing a mask because a communist told you too
don't believe in religion

I disagree. Evidence. Atheist churches. Atheists are slow but are recognizing more and more their duty to protect the minds of their children from the immoral mainstream religions by offering a better alternative.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.

There are no atheist, just schizzos in denial
don't believe in religion

I disagree. Evidence. Atheist churches. Atheists are slow but are recognizing more and more their duty to protect the minds of their children from the immoral mainstream religions by offering a better alternative.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.

...our city was extremely Catholic....now Catholic schools [ and some churches] are dropping like flies......yes, kids are not being brainwashed as much
don't believe in religion

I disagree. Evidence. Atheist churches. Atheists are slow but are recognizing more and more their duty to protect the minds of their children from the immoral mainstream religions by offering a better alternative.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.

Can you Google “Atheist Church” and give me an address of one?
don't believe in religion

I disagree. Evidence. Atheist churches. Atheists are slow but are recognizing more and more their duty to protect the minds of their children from the immoral mainstream religions by offering a better alternative.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.

Can you Google “Atheist Church” and give me an address of one?

You really should do your own research as there are many. I will be your bitch this once though to start you up.

Why don't you answer the questions I do ask instead of ordaining which should have been asked? I'd love to see me living on the moon too, thanks.

You ask such silly questions that I kinda go lol what? And there's even an internet term for it -- lolwut.

Sorry, I missed your question that you were serious about.

I think one of the ways God operates is one reaps what the sow. God works through people. He also works through nature. Sometimes it's through the supernatural; He works in mysterious ways.
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.
I was raised Roman Catholic.

The one thing I learned from my religious teachings is that no one has it figured out.

I'm now happily Agnostic...

I like your reply but think that some have figured it out.

All the gods are constructs that people, immoral people mostly, have thought up and created in their own minds.

I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.

Fear tactics in debate is for pitiable people who have been abused by fear tactics from religions.

Time to heal yourself.

I was raised Roman Catholic.

The one thing I learned from my religious teachings is that no one has it figured out.

I'm now happily Agnostic...

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.
unpleasant proof hahahahhahahahahh
SMITE be o great SMITER
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.

Fear tactics in debate is for pitiable people who have been abused by fear tactics from religions.

Time to heal yourself.

hitler used fear tactics also..so did a lot of dictators
Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Sure beats inquisitions and jihads.

Mind you, if face to face, they would likely resort to violence, given that they cannot do apologetics for their Hitler type of genocidal god. That is what the S.S. did for Hitler.

Picaro wrote some criticisms of “Deism” and I guess me in comment #60 . Here I try to answer:

I’m not sure why you are so rude, or if you think you are polemicizing against me. I did not say “our Founding Fathers“ were atheists, or all Deists, and indeed spoke of their “religious beliefs” and the predominant religious beliefs of the culture then — which was broadly Protestant (though certainly often “unorthodox”). Deism is frequently wrongly viewed as atheist by religious, narrow minded, or merely ignorant Christians, but in fact Deists believed in God ... “God the Creator” whose universe worked by “natural laws.”

Of course Deism was also a product of diverse enlightenment philosophical trends as well, and mostly adopted by more educated people. In that revolutionary era even most common people were interested in questions of Liberty from Church & Crown despotism, in “Common Sense,” rather than in Biblical mumbo-jumbo. Of course for many half-literate folk the Bible was still the first or only book they ever read. Deists made references to beloved Biblical stories even as they refuted its internal contradictions and superstitious belief in miracles.

Even Thomas Paine, who paid a price later in life for his vigorous Deism, for his criticism of organized priesthoods and religious superstition — he too used Bible stories and moral lessons even as he refuted its claim to be “the word of God.” He was a man of his times. Unlike many others who grew more “conservative” with time and wealth and power, Paine held firm to Deism, but he always believed in One God — the creator of the natural world.
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Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Ha ha I have ask you to prove there is no god but you cant

Lol just insults

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