Let’s chat about the atheist religion.

Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed

You did not answer my really simple question on claims, and deflected to DNA.


Actually I answer to no one.....

Yawn, it's good 2 b me
Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Sure beats inquisitions and jihads.

Mind you, if face to face, they would likely resort to violence, given that they cannot do apologetics for their Hitler type of genocidal god. That is what the S.S. did for Hitler.

Hitler was allah reincarnated you know
don't believe in religion

I disagree. Evidence. Atheist churches. Atheists are slow but are recognizing more and more their duty to protect the minds of their children from the immoral mainstream religions by offering a better alternative.

Since following an ideology is a prerequisite of religion, atheism can be considered a religion, since atheists draws on philosophical ideologies to guide ideas, behaviors, and actions, like that of any religion. That is why atheist churches are called atheist churches.

...our city was extremely Catholic....now Catholic schools [ and some churches] are dropping like flies......yes, kids are not being brainwashed as much


I hope the atheists have not ignored the tribal natures in their children and have replaced those churches with their own.

The need for fellowship is deep in us and if no place is provided for atheist children to appease that need, they will end in the genocide loving mainstream religions.

Read so of this. It is an eye opener.

Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians
A new study shows how poorly we understand the beliefs of people who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular.

Americans are deeply religious people—and atheists are no exception. Western Europeans are deeply secular people—and Christians are no exception.

These twin statements are generalizations, but they capture the essence of a fascinating finding in a new study about Christian identity in Western Europe. By surveying almost 25,000 people in 15 countries in the region, and comparing the results with data previously gathered in the U.S., the Pew Research Center discovered three things.

First, researchers confirmed the widely known fact that, overall, Americans are much more religious than Western Europeans. They gauged religious commitment using standard questions, including “Do you believe in God with absolute certainty?” and “Do you pray daily?”

Second, the researchers found that American “nones”—those who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular—are more religious than European nones. The notion that religiously unaffiliated people can be religious at all may seem contradictory, but if you disaffiliate from organized religion it does not necessarily mean you’ve sworn off belief in God, say, or prayer.

The third finding reported in the study is by far the most striking. As it turns out, “American ‘nones’ are as religious as—or even more religious than—Christians in several European countries, including France, Germany, and the U.K.”

“That was a surprise,” Neha Sahgal, the lead researcher on the study, told me. “That’s the comparison that’s fascinating to me.” She highlighted the fact that whereas only 23 percent of European Christians say they believe in God with absolute certainty, 27 percent of American nones say this.

America is a country so suffused with faith that religious attributes abound even among the secular. Consider the rise of “atheist churches,” which cater to Americans who have lost faith in supernatural deities but still crave community, enjoy singing with others, and want to think deeply about morality. It’s religion, minus all the God stuff. This is a phenomenon spreading across the country, from the Seattle Atheist Church to the North Texas Church of Freethought. The Oasis Network, which brings together non-believers to sing and learn every Sunday morning, has affiliates in nine U.S. cities.

Last month, almost 1,000 people streamed into a [Atheist] church in San Francisco for an unprecedented event billed as “Beyoncé Mass.” Most were people of color and members of the LGBTQ community. Many were secular. They used Queen Bey’s songs, which are replete with religious symbolism, as the basis for a communal celebration—one that had all the trappings of a religious service. That seemed completely fitting to some, including one reverend who said, “Beyoncé is a better theologian than many of the pastors and priests in our church today.”

Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Sure beats inquisitions and jihads.

Mind you, if face to face, they would likely resort to violence, given that they cannot do apologetics for their Hitler type of genocidal god. That is what the S.S. did for Hitler.

Hitler was allah reincarnated you know
he was ok--he just went a little too far
I was raised Roman Catholic.

The one thing I learned from my religious teachings is that no one has it figured out.

I'm now happily Agnostic...

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.

unpleasant proof hahahahhahahahahh
SMITE be o great SMITER

You know, generally speaking, if you want to try to make an intelligent point, you probably shouldn't use a clip from a Jim Carrey movie to do it.

I am both comfortable and confident in my beliefs...
I was raised Roman Catholic.

The one thing I learned from my religious teachings is that no one has it figured out.

I'm now happily Agnostic...

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.

unpleasant proof hahahahhahahahahh
SMITE be o great SMITER

You know, generally speaking, if you want to try to make an intelligent point, you probably shouldn't use a clip from a Jim Carrey movie to do it.

I am both comfortable and confident in my beliefs...

hahahhahahahahah--it's supposed to be funny!! and ironic......
thank you--you said it--'''beliefs''--which are not facts
I was raised Roman Catholic.

The one thing I learned from my religious teachings is that no one has it figured out.

I'm now happily Agnostic...

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.

unpleasant proof hahahahhahahahahh
SMITE be o great SMITER

You know, generally speaking, if you want to try to make an intelligent point, you probably shouldn't use a clip from a Jim Carrey movie to do it.

I am both comfortable and confident in my beliefs...

..I'm confident in my belief that jesus served me breakfast on the moon
My sole experiences with atheists is that they are they most arrogant people in the room.
My experience is most keep their mouths shut and don’t discuss religious beliefs

I do not think that that is a good trait.

Atheists have a better ideology and are more moral and trying to have the less moral religious become more moral is the best ideology.

For the evil of religions to grow, all atheists and other moral people need do is not discuss vile religious beliefs with the immoral religionists.

I have rarely seen an atheist bring up religious beliefs in public.
They only respond when others are pushing their religious beliefs on them
They bring it up a reunions in front of a bunch of people to show how smart they are.
I will elaborate later on how I make fools of them.
Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed

You did not answer my really simple question on claims, and deflected to DNA.


Actually I answer to no one.....

Yawn, it's good 2 b me


That is the Gnostic Christian way.

We tend to give honest answers though and do not deflect or run from the issues at hand.

You are half way there. A good start.

I'm merely irreligious, I respect personal faith as long as they don't get politics all mixed up in it.
So people of faith shouldn’t vote or participate in secular society?
People of faith should leave others alone to find heaven or hell on their own terms and mind their own damned business. Religion plus politics equals authoritarianism, every time.
So that’s a yes?
Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Sure beats inquisitions and jihads.

Mind you, if face to face, they would likely resort to violence, given that they cannot do apologetics for their Hitler type of genocidal god. That is what the S.S. did for Hitler.

Hitler was allah reincarnated you know

Yahweh, Allah and most fantasy gods are fascist. Why the religious choose to adore such vile gods has never been explained to me by the moral cowards in those religions.

I ask, they run away, after a gratuitous insult of course.

I do a bit of traveling through Europe every year. For a photographer, it's a target rich environment, especially when it comes to houses of worship. In Rome, for example, are the most ornate structures I have ever stepped foot in.

One thing I'll never quite wrap my head around is the lengths to which man will go to show his devotion to his chosen god...
I do a bit of traveling through Europe every year. For a photographer, it's a target rich environment, especially when it comes to houses of worship. In Rome, for example, are the most ornate structures I have ever stepped foot in.

One thing I'll never quite wrap my head around is the lengths to which man will go to show his devotion to his chosen god...


Inquisition and jihads are their greatest achievements.

That and showing how a genocidal tyrant is a good god.

Oh wait, they do not do that last, hence their inquisitions and jihads.

I do a bit of traveling through Europe every year. For a photographer, it's a target rich environment, especially when it comes to houses of worship. In Rome, for example, are the most ornate structures I have ever stepped foot in.

One thing I'll never quite wrap my head around is the lengths to which man will go to show his devotion to his chosen god...


Inquisition and jihads are their greatest achievements.

That and showing how a genocidal tyrant is a good god.

Oh wait, they do not do that last, hence their inquisitions and jihads.


Well, I was addressing it more from the perspective of the churches they build. Incredibly ornate structures, and for what purpose?
I was raised Roman Catholic.

The one thing I learned from my religious teachings is that no one has it figured out.

I'm now happily Agnostic...

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.

unpleasant proof hahahahhahahahahh
SMITE be o great SMITER

You know, generally speaking, if you want to try to make an intelligent point, you probably shouldn't use a clip from a Jim Carrey movie to do it.

I am both comfortable and confident in my beliefs...

..that's like saying I am confident and comfortable in believing:
aliens have landed
Disney fairy tales
The phenomenon of religion in Europe is one that most Americans have no knowledge of, or could not comprehend if they had that knowledge.

In Germany, for example, a low-single-digit percentage of the population are regular church-goers. If you go to a Sunday service, you will see an empty church, populated sparsely with mostly foreigners, a smattering of OLD German folks, and maybe a mother and child or two. The mother and child are probably not German, ethnically.

And yet, Germans willingly pay a significant percentage of their income - by payroll deduction - to support their Church. To a man, they are humanist-agnostic, simply not caring about the issues that clutter the minds of Believers. They look on their Churches as monuments to a glorious past of art and architecture, worthy of maintenance as quasi-museums. The God-thing? Not so much.
I was raised Roman Catholic.

The one thing I learned from my religious teachings is that no one has it figured out.

I'm now happily Agnostic...

Your proof is coming soon. I don't know why someone would want it that badly. There are many ways and some are unpleasant.

unpleasant proof hahahahhahahahahh
SMITE be o great SMITER

You know, generally speaking, if you want to try to make an intelligent point, you probably shouldn't use a clip from a Jim Carrey movie to do it.

I am both comfortable and confident in my beliefs...

..that's like saying I am confident and comfortable in believing:
aliens have landed
Disney fairy tales

To be completely honest with you, I've seen more to support the theory that aliens have landed than I have the theory that God is real.

I'm always up for a good debate, though. So, why would I believe that God is real?
Godless mean without a moral sense to them.
Well, that is technically wrong. Generally speaking, a religious, god-fearing person believes is a personal aspect of superior moral authority (over man), ie, a conscious, sentient being. Likewise, a "godless" atheist, really believes in an IMPERSONAL superior moral authority. Both have morality of their own type except that the atheist's "religion" of morality or ideology does not involve a conscience, sentient being. But the important point is that all people subscribe to some form of "religion" or ideology or another.
as the godless, statistically speaking, seem more moral, law abiding and peaceful than traditional mainstream religious believers who, ironically, claim a superior moral position, while having an inferior one.
That is rubbish. In the strictest sense, Faith or religion is the fount of morality. In absolute terms, morality is handed down to man from some higher source or authority, so how can the religious have an inferior morality? I guess your keyword here is "mainstream" religion, implying that because much conflict has over the years been due to differences in faith, their morality suffers. I would accept that up to the point to where it is understood that all of this comes from the idea that each religion can only be right if all others are wrong.
Yawn you still can't prove that God is not real

Is it not to the one making the claim to prove he is not lying?

Demonstrate how dna writes itself from nothing

Idiots like you have been trying since DNA was discovered

All have failed
I've asked you to prove there is a god--you have provided:
NOTHING----except insults

Sure beats inquisitions and jihads.

Mind you, if face to face, they would likely resort to violence, given that they cannot do apologetics for their Hitler type of genocidal god. That is what the S.S. did for Hitler.

Hitler was allah reincarnated you know

Yahweh, Allah and most fantasy gods are fascist. Why the religious choose to adore such vile gods has never been explained to me by the moral cowards in those religions.

I ask, they run away, after a gratuitous insult of course.

God is unnamed, he is the science that created life
And yet, Germans willingly pay a significant percentage of their income - by payroll deduction - to support their Church. To a man, they are humanist-agnostic, simply not caring about the issues that clutter the minds of Believers. They look on their Churches as monuments to a glorious past of art and architecture, worthy of maintenance as quasi-museums. The God-thing? Not so much.

These are some photos I took in Europe last year which illustrate my point. Some, like St. Peter's, certainly have a museum quality to them. But these churches are all houses of worship first.

This church was in Rome, Italy:


This church was in Amalfi, Italy:


This is Rosslyn Chapel (seen in "The DaVinci Code") in Roslin, Scotland (looks much bigger than it actually is):


This church is in Dublin, Ireland:


But, of course, nothing beats St. Peter's Basilica in The Vatican for over-the-top ornateness:


What I found was that churches in the UK tended to be less ornate than those in Italy, where even a church in a small village could be a feast for the eyes:


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